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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own. If you have an opinion on a particular article, please comment by clicking the title of the article and scrolling to the box at the bottom on that page. Please keep the discussion about the issues, and keep it civil. The administrator reserves the right to remove any comment for any reason by anyone. Use the golden rule; "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Additionally we do not allow comments with advertising links in them for your products. When you post a comment, it is in the public domain. You have no copyright that can be enforced against any other individual who comments here! Do not attempt to copyright your comments. If that is not to your liking please do not comment. Any attempt to copyright a comment will be deleted. Copyright is a legal term that means the creator of original content. This does not include ideas. You are not an author of articles on this blog. Your comments are deemed donated to the public domain. They will be considered "fair use" on this blog. People donate to this blog because of what Anna writes and what Paul writes, not what the people commenting write. We are not using your comments. You are putting them in the public domain when you comment. What you write in the comments is your opinion only. This comment section is not a court of law. Do not attempt to publish any kind of "affidavit" in the comments. Any such attempt will also be summarily deleted. Comments containing foul language will be deleted no matter what is said in the comment.

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Rumors of "The Republic" -- What It Means, Actually.

By Anna Von Reitz

Regarding the "Republic" and its "return to a gold standard" and other rumors ----this is all "internal domestic" reshuffling of the "United States" and its corporations.  Strictly speaking has nothing to do with us or with our states of the Union. 

Think of it this way--- you hire a lawn care company to take care of your grass and hedges and tree trimming, etc.,  They incorporate (1868) ---- no big deal so far as you are concerned.  They spud off some subsidiaries (municipal governments, 1878)---- and again, no big deal in your view.  Who cares how the lawn care company decides to organize itself, so long as the work gets done at a price you can afford?  Right? 

What is the UN? --- Probably Not What You Think

By Anna Von Reitz

Here is your Test Question for today:  What is the UN? 

All those who answered, "Why, the United Nations, of course." --- get an "F" and go to the back of the line.  

The "UN" is a corporation founded in France several years before the United Nations Charter was ever created.  And here, for your edification, are the Principal Parties of Interest driving the "UN Agenda"-----

Reply to Bundy Stand-Off : A Century of Abuse

By Anna Von Reitz

Doctor Coffman  forgot or doesn't know one particularly vitally important fact:  Andrew Jackson paid off the debt that western state land originally secured back in 1804.  

There has been no valid debt against our land since 1804 in the western states or any other state.  This is an unforeseen affect of the fraud.  Though the perps have tried their best to harm us and palm off their debts, they can't have it both ways at the same time.  

Can George down the street make you liable for his debts?  For example, can he go to the garage and have his car repaired in your name?  No? 


Rev. Fr. Leonard Goffine's
The Church's Year

Because of the joyous Resurrection of Christ, and the graces flowing to us on account of it, the Church sings at the Introit of the Mass:
INTROIT The earth is full of the mercy of the Lord, alleluia; by the word of the Lord the heavens were established, alleluia, alleluia. Rejoice in the Lord, ye just: praise becometh the upright. (Ps. XXII.) Glory be to the Father, &c.
COLLECT O God, who in the humility of Thy Son hast raised up a fallen world; grant to Thy faithful a perpetual joyfulness; that whereas Thou bast rescued them from the perils of eternal death, Thou mayest bring them to the fruition of everlasting joy. Through &c.
EPISTLE (I Pet II. 21‑25.) Dearly beloved, Christ suffered for us, leaving you an example that you should follow his steps. Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth. Who, when he was reviled, did not revile; when he suffered, he threatened not; but delivered himself to him that judged him unjustly; who his own self bore our sins in his body upon the tree, that we being dead to sins, should live to justice: by whose stripes you were healed. For you were as sheep going astray: but you are now converted to the shepherd and bishop of your souls.
EXPLANATION St. Peter teaches the Christians patience in misery and afflictions, even in unjust persecution, and for this purpose places before them the example of Christ who, though most innocent, suffered most terribly and most patiently. Are we true sheep of the good Shepherd if at the smallest cross, at every word, we become angry and impatient?

Friday, April 28, 2017


From Sharon Holmes

I know you may be sick and tired of that name, because I keep harping in it, And for the moment the first group of defendants on trial in the Federal Court in Las Vegas, are just back in jail awaiting that fair and speedy trial you thought was your right, The only defendant who was found guilty of threatening anyone, was Greg Burleson, a known FBI informant sent in by the government.  And yes,  President Trump and his administration are trying to roll back many of the federal abuses of past administrations that sought to steal land from states as well as from citizens.  But that is not the whole story.  I wish I had known about this article by Doctor Coffman a long time ago, because it really does put all of us in the crosshairs of the federal government, and explain how we got here..

Thursday, April 27, 2017

MAINSTREAM Part 1 - "Moving Images"

This is the first half of Part 1 of "MAINSTREAM - How Hollywood Movies and the New York Media Are Promoting the Globalist Agenda." 

The name of Part 1 is "Moving Images" and its approximate running time will be about 1 hour when completed through donations we need now. 

"Moving Images" will be the first part of a 4-part mini series on the Mainstream Media. The Mini Series will eventually be packaged in a 2-DVD set.

1,223 of you have watched this but only 7 of you have donated so far. Thanks for the overwhelming kudos, but is everyone out of money or what? Even a donation of 25 will help. 100 if you want a screen credit. Let's get this film done. The material this film will cover is NOT generally known by the Freedom Movement, i.e., the government does NOT run the Media. 

If you can't donate right now, at least give us your email and we'll keep you up to date on the progress of this production as well as its US premiere. Maybe you will win a lottery.

Please help us complete this important documentary by donating. Producer and Production Associate screen credits to acknowledge your donations are available. See sample screen credits in the MAIN and END titles. 

To donate, go to:

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Your Help Is Needed

By Anna Von Reitz

To make sure that this business is carried forward properly and that the claims of the living people are honored requires a great deal of diligence, skill, and not a small amount of money tied up in the cost of correspondence, recording fees, claims, establishment of liens, and other work that I and other members of the Living Law Firm have to do ---free gratis except for donations--- for every state and every American.
It isn't cheap nor is it easy.

What Was Done For You --- 2.0

By Anna Von Reitz

It is apparent that many of you didn't quite grasp the importance of our announcement in the article titled "What Was Done For You", so let me expand upon it for a moment in words you all can grasp.
According to the Roman Catholic Church, Jesus died for your sins (another word for "sins" is "debts") 2000 years ago and he purchased the entire Earth and all that exists on Earth with his body and his blood.
This is the basis of the Roman Catholic Church's establishment of the Unum Sanctum Trust dba E Pluribus Unum, and their claim to be the Trustees of the whole planet----air, land, and sea.
According to them, Jesus paid for absolutely everything and everyone, from the fish in the sea to the stars in the sky, and as his appointed (through Peter) Stewards, they, the Pope and the priests, are responsible for caring for, monitoring, and husbanding everything until his return.

That's their entire schtick.
So, if Jesus paid all the debts why are we still paying them?

Pass the Word to Mr. Trump

By Anna Von Reitz

All evidence suggests that Donald Trump is being fed a line of absolutely unconscionable nonsense.  He is being told that the "government of the United States" is insolvent--- and that much is---artificially-- true; what he isn't being told is that all the money he needs is in fact at his command and that the entire insolvency, National Debt, etc., is only an appearance being created by dishonest bookkeeping. 

What he also isn't being told is that he has no need for Israeli debt or Rothschild credit, because these banks are only middlemen.  He can go straight to the source and dispense with all the negotiations and demands and offers of these Third Party interlopers. 

Let's Settle This Hash......

By Anna Von Reitz

The de jure government of this country is called The United States of America (Unincorporated). It has to be unincorporated to serve as a sovereign government, because if it held a corporate charter granted by some other government, it would be subservient to that government.
Okay? Everyone got that?

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

The Fruits of Endless War --- How Insurance Fraud Funds "Your" Government(s)

By Anna Von Reitz

Let me say it again for the benefit of all those still asleep: there is (1) the actual United States composed of fifty (50) independent sovereign nation-states which are geographically defined, (2) the Territorial United States which only exists on paper composed of (57) fifty-seven incorporated "States of States" such as the State of Washington, and (3) the Municipal United States which also exists only on paper composed of (57) fifty-seven incorporated "STATES OF STATES" such as the "STATE OF OHIO". 

Unfortunately, the perpetrators of this grand fraud were allowed to create these shadow "states" via the loophole provided by Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17 giving the Congress the plenary right to govern the District of Columbia.  So they have. They set up shop for themselves in 1864 and have been operating as a crime syndicate ever since. They have played no end of semantic deceits and made false claims against you and your assets  (a process called "hypothecating debt") and have indulged in constructive fraud and kidnapping and racketeering and inland piracy at your expense. 

Monday, April 24, 2017

Trojan Horse Alert!

By Anna Von Reitz

Trojan Horse
Everybody--- listen up! You need to back out of this General Post Office giddy up and do not support their "Continental Army" --- it is a Trojan Horse operation.
The claims made by Keith Livingway that he bought the office of the United States Postmaster General -- basically at an estate sale--- should make you roll your eyes. That would be like me claiming to be a German Princess a hundred years after the German Monarchy died. Offices have no meaning and neither do titles once the organizations giving rise to them are defunct.
The "office" he claims to hold was created by The United States of America, (Incorporated) which went bankrupt in 1907.

How to Correct Your Political Status and Why

By Anna Von Reitz

Chances are you aren't obligated to be considered any form of federal Municipal CITIZEN nor as a federal Territorial Citizen, but you have been entrapped in a profit-making scheme that pretends that you have knowingly and willingly agreed to act as a volunteer federal employee--- specifically, as a "Withholding Agent" -- a Warrant Officer in the Merchant Marine Service, and that you have purposefully and knowingly enrolled in the Social Security program which is only available to federal employees in order to receive benefits from the Public Charitable Trust (PCT) which was organized in the wake of the Civil War for welfare relief of former plantation slaves.

What? You never worked a day for the federal government? You were never told that "Social Security" is only for federal employees and dependents? You aren't a former plantation slave? You never got any benefits?

Well, then, you have to stop calling yourself any kind of "US citizen" --- because citizens all work for the government. They have a duty and obligation to obey every statute, code, and whim of the government as a result, and they are also liable to pay federal income taxes. You also have to stop voting in any "US elections" including "State of State" elections, because the States of States are just local franchises of the federal corporation(s) defined at 28 USC 3002 (15).

So, Step One--- withdraw and rescind any and all applications and enrollments as a "registered voter". You have no natural interest in the elections of a foreign corporation that you don't work for, right?

A Very Important Announcement--- The Nature of the Battle

By Anna Von Reitz

This morning it comes across my desk that the foreign organization calling itself "General Post Office" is assembling an "army" to invade the Continental United States. 

Let me point out that no such foreign entity has any right to be on our soil ---and that includes the forces of the UN Corp and NATO and the US ARMY. 

We are not allowing any additional illegal commercial mercenary actions to take place on our soil and we don't care who is trying to do it or under whatever name or NAMES they are seeking to accomplish these venal ends.  You can call yourselves God, Mother, and Apple Pie for all I care and the answer is still the same.  You have no right to be here causing trouble on our soil.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Another Declaration of Independence --- Everyone Take Note, Share, Go Viral!

By Anna Von Reitz

Yesterday a Reader sent me a link to an important historical find--- another parchment copy of The Declaration of Independence has turned up --- in England, Chichester in Sussex, to be exact.

Why is this important? 

Because up until now there has been exactly one such original in existence, and that one has been crumbling to dust in the National Archives without corroboration except for 26 printed copies prepared for members of Congress at the time. Read that--- this is an "original copy"--- handwritten in wet-ink and signed with wet-ink signatures by the Founders. 

It is in a whole different league of rare documents and is a true Primary Source document. 

The discovery has also thrown light on a long forgotten debate--- whether the authority for the Declaration derived from the people acting as a unitary nation in support of the Declaration or from the federation of states representing them in international jurisdiction?


Rev. Fr. Leonard Goffine's
The Church's Year

Why is this Sunday called Dominica in Albis or White Sunday?
Because on this day the neophytes laid aside the white dress which, as emblem of their innocence, they received on Holy Saturday, and put on their necks an Agnus Dei, made of white wax, and blessed by the pope, to remind them always of the innocence for which they were given, and of the meekness of the Lamb Jesus. For which reason the Church sings at the Introit:
INTROIT As newborn babes, alleluia: desire the rational milk without guile. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. (I Pet II. 2.) Rejoice to God our helper: sing aloud to the God of Jacob. (Ps. LXXX.) Glory, &c.
COLLECT Grant, we beseech Thee, Almighty God, that we, who have completed the paschal solemnities may, through Thy merciful bounty, ever retain them in our life and conversation. Through.
EPISTLE (I John V. 4-100.) Dearly Beloved, Whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world; and this is the victory which overcometh the world, our faith. Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God? This is he that came by water and blood, Jesus Christ: not by water only, but by water and blood. And it is the spirit which testifieth that Christ is the truth. And there are three who give testimony in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. And there are three that give testi­mony on earth: the spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three are one. If we receive the testimony of men, the testimony of God is greater: for this is the testimony of God, which is greater, because he hath testified of his Son. He that believeth in the Son of God, hath the testimony of God in himself.
INSTRUCTION As in his gospel, so in his epistles, and especially in this, St. John proves the divinity of Christ which had been denied by some heretics. He says that Christ had come to purify all men from sin by water and blood, that is, by. His blood shed on the cross for our rec­onciliation, and by the water of baptism to which He has given the power, the divine effect of His blood, and has thus proved Himself the divine Redeemer. This His divine dignity is attested by the Holy Ghost who lived in Christ and worked through Him with His fulness, and when sent by Him after our Lord's Ascension, produced most won­derful effect in the apostles and the faithful. As now on earth three, the Spirit, water, and blood, give testimony of Christ's divinity and agree in it, so also in heaven three, the Father, who calls Him His beloved Son, (Matt, III. 17.) the Word, or the Son Himself, who wrought so many miracles, the Holy Ghost, when He descended upon Him at the baptism in the Jordan, (Luke III. 22.) give testimony of His divinity, and these also agree with one another in their testimony. If Christ is truly God, then we must believe in Him, and this faith must be a living one, that is, it must prove fertile in good works, and this faith conquers the world by teaching us to love God above all, to despise the world with its pleasures, and to overcome it by indif­ference. Let us strive to have such faith, and we shal overcome all temptations and gain the eternal crown.
ASPIRATION O Lord Jesus! strengthen me by a lively faith in Thy divinity, so that I may not suc­cumb in the spiritual combat against the world, the flesh, and the devil, and be eternally lost.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

The Doctrine of Scarcity -- Calling Out Pope Francis

By Anna Von Reitz

For many generations the Doctrine of Scarcity has been enshrined in the politics of the Roman Catholic Church. It has been a core teaching of the Church that the poor are blessed and that there is something precious and noble about the suffering of poverty, starvation and deprivation of all kinds.
Being poor was thought to be a virtue, indeed, a necessity of virtue.

Everything related to a healthy human life-- the need to eat and drink and have sex and even wash our bodies--- has been denied in the name of the Doctrine of Scarcity.
You have said that you want a "poor Church". That's fine. Divest it of its riches, its pomp, its self-adoring and venal glories. Make of it what it was meant to be, a simple fellowship bound together by the Holy Spirit and the teachings of Jesus. Let all the Orders stand in awe of the Franciscans and the other Mendicants, who have placed their faith so utterly beyond the grasp of Mammon.
Indeed, Francis, if there is any virtue in poverty it is simply this---that by being poor, the poor give us the opportunity to grow beyond our own selfishness.

Seeking the Truth as a Way of Life

By Anna Von Reitz

Seeking the Truth is often uncomfortable business.  You have to give up your own opinions on the way, and often let go of things you have been taught since childhood. Those losses of what we always believed make us feel lost, as if the firm and settled boundaries of our lives are suddenly as fluid and uncertain as waves on water.  Sometimes--often-- things you dearly cherish, things that add to your sense of security and value, get mashed along the way.  

Although I most often hammer away on the Truth about our government, what has happened to it and so on--the search for Truth is amazingly open ended.  Once you start seeking the Truth about one thing, you start seeking the Truth about all things.  

Let's Send Them a Bill, Shall We?

By Anna Von Reitz

I have just been told a most amazing thing.
Nobody has sent the Queen of England a bill for anything the British Government has cost us
since 1756. There have been no end of bills addressed to us, for services they claim to have rendered---- but not a single one in return.
There has been no billing for American lives lost, American natural resources expended,
American labor invested in all the bloody wars and mercenary conflicts that the British Monarchs and the British Crown and the Popes have foisted off on us for two-hundred plus years in Breach of Trust and Commercial Contract.
What do you say that we total it all up and send our bill to the Pope and the Queen and the Lord
Mayor of London?
There's just one problem.
How much is the life of a man worth?

Why Civil Rights Are the Key to National Solidarity

By Anna Von Reitz

Civil rights are not--- strictly speaking--- rights, but are instead privileges conferred on
Territorial and Municipal citizens by the US Congress.
Citizens by definition serve the government, whereas Nationals are served by the government.

Therein lies the rub.A citizen lays down a greater or lesser portion of their natural sovereignty when they become a citizen. This is a natural consequence of their duty to serve the government.
In the wake of the so-called American Civil War black Americans were re-enslaved, not by
private slave owners, but by the Territorial Government of the United States which arbitrarily conscripted them as citizens---public servants.They went directly from being chattel owned by individual private owners to being
considered public chattel owned via citizenship obligations to the federal government. Thus, they acquired civil rights--- basically, whatever rights the Congress wanted to give them---and lost their claim to the free exercise of all their natural and unalienable rights.

Friday, April 21, 2017

Repost from The Rebel Madman Blog

Quite often I receive posts that merit both thought and reading.  Here's one for all my readers to take to heart. We have indeed been the victims of failures by our military leaders to protect and defend our interests, as well as the victims of politicians and international bankers.  Exactly how and why this is, is not difficult to perceive once one overcomes indoctrinated assumptions--- such as the assumption that our government is moral and exists to protect us. 

In fact, the government protects itself first and foremost and only later stops to consider the people and resources that are its bread and butter.  

Our relationship with the government must be that of a Master to a vicious guard dog. We may never sleep upon our obligation to impose limits on the government for our own sakes and for the sake of the entire rest of the world.  

For too long we have failed to listen to and hear the warnings that have come to us from our Forefathers and from our contemporaries and immediate forebears, including Generals Dwight D. Eisenhower and Smedley Butler, and honest political leaders including JFK and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., both of whom were murdered by the criminal interests that still stalk us today. 

Anna Von Reitz

American National Mortgage Foreclosure Moratorium

By Anna Von Reitz

Foreign bankruptcy trustees operating unlawfully on American soil have fronted false claims and have been generating invalid mortgages in this country since 1909.
As a result of this venerable, widespread and pernicious fraud found throughout the mortgage industry and throughout the administrative functions of the UNITED STATES, INC. and the USA, INC. seeking to mischaracterize millions of Americans as federal Territorial and/or federal Municipal citizens, we are calling for an American National Mortgage Foreclosure Moratorium.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Letter to the Hague Prosecutor's Office

By Anna Von Reitz

18th of April
Information and Evidence Unit
Office of the Prosecutor
P.O. Box 19519
2500 CM The Hague
The Netherlands

Dear Sirs:
We are facing a crisis in the long process to restore lawful government to the actual United States and continue to suffer false claims and insupportable, outlawed practices which the so-called Territorial United States and Municipal United States corporations have been attempting to foist off on the actual states and people. 
On May 1, 2017, they propose to set up a deliberate fraud scheme to attack and defraud millions upon millions of innocent people utilizing the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico as a base of operations.   This has been done before as part of the fraudulent 1930’s bankruptcy of the United States of America, Inc., and is apparently being done in preparation for a similar fraud scheme related to the bankruptcy of the UNITED STATES, INC.  The scheme has been prepared for by the Obama Administration and is apparently being carried through by the Trump Administration. 

Business Letter to U.S. Attorney Jeffrey Sessions

By Anna Von Reitz

April 18, 2017

Mr. Jeffrey Sessions, U.S. Attorney General
U.S. Department of Justice
 950 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
 Washington, DC 20530-0001

Dear Mr. Sessions:

I am writing this afternoon ---the 242nd  Anniversary of the “Shot heard round the world”---regarding three areas of immediate and urgent concern: (1) the continued forced, fraudulent and inadequately disclosed enrollment of American state nationals in Social Security programs intended exclusively for Territorial United States and Municipal United States citizens and (2) failure of the Territorial and Municipal United States to come to an agreement with the actual land jurisdiction United States regarding proper identification of American state nationals and American State Citizens v. United States Citizens v. citizens of the United States on passports and other international and interstate IDs and (3) the pending bankruptcy of the Puerto Rican Electrical Utility and the fraudulent creation of millions of purported “franchise” public transmitting utilities operated under ACCOUNTS that are deceptively similar in appearance to the names of Americans.

The pretense that people are knowingly volunteering to serve as Withholding Agents, that is, Warrant Officers in the Merchant Marine Service, to help win WWII ran out of steam in September 1945.

Red Alert! Another Bankruptcy Fraud in Progress! Please Post Notice!

By Anna Von Reitz

Americans----- another Territorial United States "National" bankruptcy FRAUD is in progress and coming at you!

On May 1, 2017, an international day of Communist celebrations and also a Satanic festival, it is the stated intention of the "THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" (INC.) to declare bankruptcy and turn over its Puerto Rican Electrical Utility to international bankruptcy courts and bank-appointed trustees.  There is just one little problem.  Mr. Obummer created and named millions of public transmitting utility franchises of this bankrupt Puerto Rican Electrical Utility to stand as sureties for its debts.  And they are all named, nominally, after living Americans. 

Remember how the vermin mischaracterized your estates as ESTATES named after you, so that "John Allen Dunn" became "JOHN ALLEN DUNN"?  

Well, now the limey cretins are trying another trick.  They are trying to redefine and rename JOHN ALLEN DUNN as JOHN A. DUNN --- a purported franchise standing as surety for their bankrupt Puerto Rican Transmitting Utility. 

Please note that "JOHN A. DUNN" isn't even a legal name.  It is no name at all for lack of specificity.  Is that "JOHN ALLEN DUNN"?  Or "JOHN AMBROSE DUNN"? Or "JOHN ALLISON DUNN"?  Or, or, or.....?

Monday, April 17, 2017

Website Statistics for this blog and Anna's website

Today we received the following from StatCounter for this last week.

A total of 17028 pages were downloaded around the world in this one week.
The two websites received 7673 first time visits in the same week.

Weekly Stats Report: 10 Apr - 16 Apr 2017
Project: Paul Stramer Blog


  Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun Total Avg
Pageloads 1,504 1,390 1,312 2,356 1,382 929 996 9,869 1,410
Unique Visits 923 790 671 1,330 772 720 758 5,964 852
First Time Visits 474 436 358 761 501 463 442 3,435 491
Returning Visits 449 354 313 569 271 257 316 2,529 361

Weekly Stats Report: 10 Apr - 16 Apr 2017


  Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun Total Avg
Pageloads 773 774 943 772 1,085 1,842 970 7,159 1,023
Unique Visits 652 614 677 621 987 1,749 857 6,157 880
First Time Visits 382 356 405 372 706 1,426 591 4,238 605
Returning Visits 270 258 272 249 281 323 266 1,919 274
I believe the paid advertising is partly responsible, but much of this is because people are spreading the word to others they know and care about. Keep up the good work, and thanks.

As of this morning we have 2285 people that have subscribed to our automated email system that announces each new article from Anna Von Reitz.  Many of these people have lists, and continue to send out the announcement around the world.  If you look at the map on Anna's website the red dots represent the locations of people who have visited the site, and the white dots are the locations of people currently on the website in real time. You see that the red dots virtually cover the map in both the USA and Europe. 
If it ain't broke don't fix it, just do more of the same. 

If you would like to help, send the addresses to the two websites to your friends.

Or if you want to contribute just click the PayPal Donate button on this page, or click this link:

Saturday, April 15, 2017


Rev. Fr. Leonard Goffine's
The Church's Year

What is the festival of Easter?
Easter, in Latin Pascha, signifies passing over, and has the following historical origin: Under Pharaoh, King of Egypt, the Jews in that country groaned under intolerable bondage. God had mercy on His people, and the hour of deliverance came. By His com­mand the first-born of all the Egyptians was killed by an angel. The Jews had been ordered by God to be ready for emigration, but first to kill a lamb, eat it in their houses in common, and sprinkle the door­posts with its blood. And the angel of death, by order of God, passed the doors sprinkled with the blood of the lamb, and did no harm to any child of the Israelites, whilst he slew all the first-born sons of the Egyptians. In grateful memory of this passing their doors, the Jews observed the festival of Easter, the Pasch, or Passover. After the death of Jesus, the apostles introduced the same festival into the Church in grateful remembrance of the day on which Jesus, the true Easter Lamb, took away our sins by His blood, freed us from the angel of eternal death, and passed us over to the freedom of the children of God.
Where, during this time, was Christ's holy soul?
In Limbo, that is, the place where the souls of the just who died before Christ, and were yet in original sin, were awaiting their redemption.
What have we to expect from the resurrection of Christ?

Public Notice Provided to All Federal Employees and Agency Personnel Including IRS/Internal Revenue Service and Treasury Personnel:

Social Security Numbers can only be issued to federal "employees" / "citizens" for use only in the performance of their official duties.  See 20 CFR §422.104.  SSN’s used as TIN’s apply to the same Persons/PERSONS.

That is, only federal Persons (Territorials) or PERSONS (Municipals) can be issued Social Security Account Numbers/TIN’s and that is the way it has always been, except…….

FDR and the Federal WWII Era Congress got around this and included millions of patriotic Americans by conscripting “volunteers” who agreed to pay federal income taxes as a “Victory Tax”. They did this by arbitrarily defining such voluntary taxpayers as Withholding Agents--- Warrant Officers in the Merchant Marines.

The Victory Tax was supposed to sunset upon the “cessation of hostilities”, however, in September of 1945, Congress conveniently forgot to put a specific end date on this arrangement and the Internal Revenue Service continued to collect –thus changing this from a voluntary arrangement to help win the war-- to an international extortion racket. 

This is your reminder that the Second World War hostilities ended in September of 1945.


Rev. Fr. Leonard Goffine's
The Church's Year

Why is this day called Holy Saturday?
Because on this day Jesus, the Holy of holies, rested in the sepulchre, and because the Church today blesses the new fire, the Easter candle, and the baptismal water.
Why is fire struck anew, blessed, and the lamps and candles in the Church lighted from it?
In ancient times it was customary to strike a new fire every day, bless it, and light the candles from it, and later this was done every Saturday; in the eleventh century this ceremony was restricted to Holy Saturday. The fire is struck from a stone to indicate, that Christ is the light of the world, and the Stone which the Jews rejected has now become the Corner stone of His Church; (Ps. CXVII. 22.) that the divine Son, the light of the world, was apparently extinguished at His death, but at His resurrection shone anew; that all those who witness this ceremony today be spiritually enlightened hereafter. This fire is blessed, because the Church blesses every thing that is used for divine service, and because the light and fire represent Christ, who brought the fire of love upon earth with which to enkindle our hearts. Luke XII. 49.)
What is represented by the triple candle?

Friday, April 14, 2017

Good Friday and the Kingdom of Heaven

By Anna Von Reitz

This post is for the Christians in the group, a rumination on where we have gone wrong for so long.  All my other friends may wish to read and think about these things also, for the Christian faith is not the only one subject to corruption.... 

So here's what I am thinking this Good Friday: 

Jesus, a Nazorean, paid for all sins with one horrendous sacrifice to end all sacrifices.  We remember Him and that supreme act of unselfish love for all of us and for the world and for the Earth and for all of Creation--- on this day.  

For a Christian, this is the most solemn, most thought-provoking, most painful day in the entire year.  We once again confront our sins in the shadow cast by His cross and must ask ourselves---- could I pick up my cross and follow Him?


Rev. Fr. Leonard Goffine's
The Church's Year

This day was formerly for the Jewish people a day of preparation for Easter, and was called by them the Parasceve; for us Christians it is the anniversary of the death and burial of our Lord who on this day, being Himself both High-Priest and Victim, offered Himself upon the cross for the salvation of the world.
Why do Catholics hold this day in such veneration?
Because it is one of the greatest days from the beginning of the world to its end. On this day the designs which God had from all eternity were perfected, as Jesus Himself expressed when He said, All is consummated; for on this day He was given up to the Gentiles by the Jews, was scourged, crowned with thorns, loaded with the cross, dragged to Calvary amid taunts and sneers, there nailed to the cross between two thieves, and by His painful death finished the great work of redemption.
Why did Christ suffer so much to, redeem, us?
To show us what an immense evil sin is, on account of which He underwent such cruel sufferings that He might satisfy divine justice. His love for us was so great that He gave the last drop of His blood to save us. He rendered satisfaction for all men without exception, that none might be lost, that every one might possess eternal life. Look up today, and every day of thy life, to Christ on the cross, and see how God punishes sin, since He did not even spare His only-begotten Son, who took upon Himself our sins, and for them died this cruel death. What death is due to thee, if thou dost not despise and flee from sin?
Why does the Church celebrate the commemoration of the passion of Christ in such solemn quietness?

Thursday, April 13, 2017


Rev. Fr. Leonard Goffine's
The Church's Year

What festival does the Church celebrate today?
The Catholic Church commemorates today the institution, by our Saviour, of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, and the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. This commemoration she has celebrated from the first ages of Christianity.
What remarkable things did Christ perform on this day?
He ate with His apostles the Paschal lamb which was a type of Himself; it was eaten with bitter herbs and unleavened bread; they ate it standing with clothes girded, and staff in hand, in remembrance of the hurried escape of the Jews from Egypt. (Exod. XII.) After having eaten the Paschal lamb our Lord with profound humility washed the feet of His apostles, exhorting them to practise the same humility and charity; afterwards, He gave them His Flesh and Blood under the appearance of bread and wine, for spiritual food and drink, thus instituting the Must Holy Sacrament of the Altar, the Sacrifice of the Mass, and the priesthood; for when He said to the apostles: Do this in commemoration of me, he ordained them priests. After this He held His last discourse in which He particularly recommended brotherly love; said that beautiful, high-priestly prayer, in which He implored His Heavenly Father particularly for the unity of His Church. He then went as usual to Mount Olivet, where He commenced His passion with prayer and resignation to the will of His Father, suffering intense, deathlike agony, which was so great that He sweat blood. Here Judas betrayed Him into the hands of the Jews, by a treacherous kiss. They bound Him and led Him to the high-priests, Annas and Caiphas, where He was sentenced to death by the council, and denied by Peter.
The Introit of the Mass reads thus: We ought to glory in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ: in whom is our salvation, life, and resurrection: by whom we have been saved and delivered. (Gal. VI. I4.) May God have mercy on us, and bless us: may He cause the light of His countenance to shine upon us, and may He have mercy on us. (PS. LXVI. 2.)
COLLECT  O God! from whom Judas received the punishment of his sin, and the thief the reward of his confession: grant us the effects of Thy mercy; that as our Lord Jesus Christ at the time of His passion bestowed on each a different recompense of his merits, so having destroyed the old man in us, He may give us the grace of His Resurrection. Who liveth, & c.
What ceremonies are observed in this day's Mass?

Public Notice to the United States/UNITED STATES

By Anna Von Reitz

We, the American states and people, are not dead, not slaves, and not donating our estates, our names, our copyrights, our land, or anything else to you and your corporations.  We are not standing as sureties for the debts of the United States (Territorial United States) nor the UNITED STATES (Municipal United States) and we are giving full, fair, and public Notice of the facts. 

We are disgusted by and estranged from the Territorial United States and the Municipal United States and the members of Congress representing these foreign entities which have encroached and usurped upon us by means of fraud, hypothecation of debt, and unlawful conversion of assets. 

With respect to us and as commercial corporations the Territorial United States and Municipal United States have no sovereignty, no immunity, no delegated authorization to seize upon the American states nor the American people nor any asset rightfully belonging to us.  

Just When You Thought It Couldn't Get Any Worse

By Anna Von Reitz

Did you get baptized in an incorporated church?

If so, you received a Baptismal Certificate --- just like you received a Birth Certificate,

And just like the Birth Certificate, your Baptismal Certificate was monetized and sold to investors.

Read that as: your new soul--- which was created the moment you rose up from the water of your baptism--- is being bought and sold by the "church" corporation that baptized you and interpreted your baptism as a commercial contract,

Obviously, they had a different "Father, Son, and Holy Ghost" in mind than you did. Theirs was the Marduk, Satan, and Lucifer trinity.  They just didn't bother to tell you that.  

So, here we are, it's 2017 and your soul is literally being bought and sold by the bastards responsible for this.  And who are they?  

Our Faithful Cartoonist

By Anna Von Reitz

Those of you who have read and profited from our book, "You Know Something Is Wrong When....." are familiar with the wonderful cartoon illustrations that enliven and illustrate the fine points of the the large print text.  

Paul Snover is the cartoon genius behind all that.  He stepped forward to help when the call came --- and we couldn't pay what it was worth then or now--- but he did it all anyhow.  

If I have any grace, let it go this month to Paul.  

He and his family are caught in a particularly tricky foreclosure action --- one that the Living Law Firm doesn't have an answer for as yet.  He needs cold hard cash and he needs it now to save his farm and buy him and his family time to complete a sale agreement.  

If you would help me, help him.  

Send donations directly to my PayPal account: or send to me in care of P.O. Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652 marked "For Paul".  I will send it straight through without any deductions or or administrative fees or none of that bushwah.  

Very soon this nonsense will be ended.  Until then, good people are suffering. 

The Truth About Larry Becraft and the "Federal Income Tax"

By Anna Von Reitz

During my seventeen year fight with the IRS, I had cause to know a great many tax justice activists. One of them was Larry Becraft. 

Let me share the content of an internal memo that all DISTRICT DIRECTORS of the IRS received from Roscoe L. Egger, Jr., Commissioner of Internal Revenue, on April 4, 1985 --- just over 32 years ago---and I quote:

"On March 5, 1985, a charge of tax evasion was filed in U.S. District Court in Indianapolis, Indiana, by U.S. Attorney George Duncan.  The charges were dismissed! The defense attorney, Lowell ["Larry"] Becraft of Huntsville, Alabama, presented irrefutable evidence that the 16th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was never properly ratified. 

Exactly Why the Trump Administration Needs to Cooperate

By Anna Von Reitz

Frankly, everyone hates the United States. A lot of people claim to hate "America" but what they are talking about is always the United States, instead. This is a misunderstanding that needs to be cleared up.
"America" and the "United States" are two completely different things.

They are foreign with respect to each other and always have been. America is the fifty republican states of the Union: Oregon, Idaho, Florida.... The United States/UNITED STATES is fifty-seven "States of States"--- corporate franchises of foreign Territorial and Municipal corporations: State of Idaho and STATE OF IDAHO, for instance.

The Big Job --- Reply to Arnie Rosner

By Anna Von Reitz

I have told you----and everyone else---- the circumstance and the mechanism.  So now the question is: what do we do about it?

They are occupying a foreign jurisdiction with respect to us, and that protects them in the same way that a national boundary would---say, the boundary between Canada and the states. 

If we cross that boundary and attack them, it can be interpreted as: (1) trespass; (2) insurrection; or (3) an act of war.   None of those options serves our best interest nor our ultimate purposes. 

It makes us into the wrong-doers and the bad guys instead of bringing the actual perpetrators to justice. 

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Foxes in the Hen House

By Anna Von Reitz

When I was very young I lived on an old-fashioned farm with a barn and a hay loft and a chicken coop and a pig pen and cows and horses and all sorts of critters.  Then as now I had to figure things out, so I was constantly bothering my poor parents with oddball questions--- for example, "What do angels do when their wings molt?"

My Dad made a sound like he was stifling a sneeze.  His eyes watered as he gazed up toward the ceiling of the hayloft.  I thought it was the dust getting to him, but on later reflection, maybe not. 

"They walk," he finally answered, sober as a judge. 

Well, okay.... you can see what he was up against. 

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Why Would Catholic Bishops Pray for the Death of America?

By Anna Von Reitz

Today, it has been reported that Catholic Bishops are "praying for the death of America"---- and I have been asked why?

To put it bluntly and succinctly, they would pray for the death of America because they have been cheating, bilking, enslaving, and robbing Americans for 150 years-----and they got caught. 

Their own concessions, corporations merely calling themselves the "United States" and the "United States of America", are the guilty parties. 

We have the records, we have the mechanisms, we have the documentation.  We have the proof that the Roman Pontiffs and the British Monarchs have conspired against us in Breach of Trust and commercial contract since 1822. 

Letter to President Trump on April 11, 2017

By Anna Von Reitz

For forty years we have kept the land jurisdiction states of America alive, and for the past eight years, we have played a desperate international role in preventing the Obama Administration from ---quite literally--- killing off the fifty republican states of the Union and liquidating our assets to pay foreign corporate debts.

 We've had quite enough of our servants secretively waging illegal commercial mercenary "wars" against us while taking their paychecks from our pockets. You are now in charge of the same nest of Territorial and Municipal corporations that are responsible for these gross international commercial crimes against the American states and people, so let's have a truce and discuss this ugly circumstance.

No Great Mystery of "Judicial Tyranny"

By Anna Von Reitz

There is no "great mystery of judicial tyranny".  There is only a great deal of fustian ignorance and assumption abounding.

The Constitution exists to set up the Federal Government and the Federal Government is responsible for nineteen delegated "powers" --- duties to perform services in common for the subscribing states of the union---- all of which, with the limited exception of the Interstate Commerce Clause--- take place in the international jurisdiction of the sea.  

As a result the only courts created under The Constitution are Admiralty, Maritime, and Administrative Courts related to the Federal Government and its duties. 

Monday, April 10, 2017

There Are No Secrets

By Anna Von Reitz

At a deep level you already know that everything that I have told you is true. This is not because of all the proofs and citations and its not because you understood it all, either. It's because you can sense truth. You know it in your soul---whether you want to or not.

The Truth exists just beyond the layer of conscious thought.
And in the Truth, there are no secrets.

Just beyond the level where your mind normally operates is a level wherein everything is revealed and known --- and not just the facts of what happened or what was said or who said it, but what motivated people, what they believed, what they felt.

FBI Informers, the Bundys, and Watering Horses

By Anna Von Reitz

Ask yourself this question: if there are any “FBI Informants” operating in the take-down of the Colorado Grand Juries and State Justices— where are they?

Chances are they are in jail with the rest of the folks, so that they can continue to spy on and manipulate them from a position of trust.

They are certainly not standing here as I have been for yea, so many weeks, giving warning and instruction to people so that they might correct their ways and avoid arrest.

I hear that my name and that of Bella Haywood have been taken in vain and certain parties who are in fact to blame for this debacle have been accusing us of being traitors and informers and so on.

The Fifty States Claim -- Update

By Anna Von Reitz

It has come to my attention that there are still a lot of people left out in the dark regarding the Fifty States Claim and even some who woke up in alarm and thought that we'd missed the boat.
When all the crappola of the Civil War came down, there were people in America who were aware of the fraud and who objected to it.

In order to make their own actions "legal" but not "lawful" the renegade Rump Congress agreed to "grandfather in" those who were already in this country, if they expatriated back to their original native state jurisdiction. Anyone who didn't would be presumed to be a "citizen of the United States".
That's how it came down in July of 1868 and that's the way it remains to this day.

So as the vermin were busy liquidating their most recent fabricated government services corporation and bankrupting others in 2015, the American states (together with the people living in those states) were presented as sureties backing all this nonsense and the actual states--- our land jurisdiction states--- were up for grabs. Unless the Priority Creditors showed up and claimed the states back, the Secondary Creditors would be allowed to come in and seize everything in sight.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17 --- Reply to Arnie Rosner

By Anna Von Reitz

Stop putting words in my mouth!  I never said there was no Constitution.  The original one is still in effect---so long as there are any actual American nationals and State Citizens willing to hold the rats accountable. 

Read Article I, Section 8, Clause 17.    It grants Congress the plenary government of the District of Columbia.  So they created the Territorial Government of the United States, and following the Insular Tariff Cases of 1900-1904, they created the Territorial States of States. 

Within the District of Columbia also exists the Municipality of Washington, DC---- which the Congress also enjoys plenary control of.  So they created the Municipal Government of the United States, too. 

And each of these has "citizens"---- Territorial Citizens and Municipal citizens. 

We are not naturally citizens of anything.

Turkey Farming in Colorado

By Anna Von Reitz

I told the Colorado Grand Juries not to do these things which have resulted in their members being arrested---and I thought they understood the reasons why--- but turn your back for five minutes.....

So, here they are facing a lot of unnecessary unpleasantness and giving those of us who are proceeding lawfully a bad name. 

To explain the situation by analogy: a bunch of Irish nationals got confused and thought that Spanish courts and Spanish elected officials were doing something wrong because they were not obeying Irish law. 

The sane person asks--- why should Spanish people be obeying Irish law?  What are these nutcase Irishmen doing crossing over the border and threatening Spanish judges and elected officials for? 

Friday, April 7, 2017

Your Mission, Jim, If You Decide to Accept It.....

By Anna Von Reitz

Everyone --every American-- needs to stop a moment and focus on this one true thought: that thing that you have thought of all your life as your government, isn't your government.  

Say it over and over and over.  Write it down if you need to.  Really, truly, think about this fact and what it means: its not your government.  

Your government has been dormant, left on a shelf for 150 years. 

Repeat as many times as necessary.    

This circumstance was accomplished via fraud and deceit and illegal usurpation; as a result, you have a chance to restore your lawful and actual government. 

Thursday, April 6, 2017


By Anna Von Reitz

Everything has a logic.  Rain falls down, not up.  Fire can warm your house or burn it down.

In this country, we have two kinds of government.  We have the de facto government --- Federal/Territorial/Municipal ---- that is hired to provide stipulated services.  We have the de jure government which, if we have a brain in our heads, we serve and cherish as our means to direct and control the de facto.  That’s the way it is and the only other option is insurrection.

Some time ago I separated myself and my Living Law team from Bruce Doucette and Michael R. Hamilton and “Judge Micky” and various others who started out with the goal of restoring the lawful de jure government, but then, went off track. 

This is not my first rodeo and not the first time I have had to do this.  Patriot leaders and the groups they establish regularly become convinced that rain falls up and fire doesn’t burn.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Collapsing the Fraud -- April 15th is a National Holiday

By Anna Von Reitz

Collapsing the Fraud -- April 15th is a National Holiday

If someone stole your identity, would you have any trouble reporting it to the bank and whoever else was impacted by the swindle? Would it take more than a nanosecond for you to object to paying someone else's bills? Accepting the blame for someone else's crimes? 
Well, come on, now, that is what has happened here. 
The criminals in Congress swindled your grandparents and parents, stole our national identity, grabbed our credit cards, set up millions of phony escrow ACCOUNTS benefiting themselves and have spent their ill-gotten gains and time in the District of Columbia cobbling up another gigantic swindle they are attempting to unleash on you and your kids right now.

It's time to wake up and pull the plug on this. 

No Democracy, Not Now, Not Ever

By Anna Von Reitz

"....Democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of Government. It can only exist until the voters discover they can vote themselves largess out of the public treasury. From that moment on the majority always votes for the candidate promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that Democracy always collapses over a loose fiscal policy, always to be followed by a Dictatorship."

(Written by Professor Alexander Fraser Tytler, nearly two centuries ago while our thirteen original states were still colonies of Great Britain. At the time he was writing of the decline and fall of the Athenian Republic over two thousand years before.)

A friend recently sent me this quote and it is a timely reminder that I share with all of you.  I have read it many times over the years and the truth resonates across centuries and down to this current moment. 

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Global Collateral Accounts -- What's the Hold Up?

By Anna Von Reitz

Today, I got an email from a group of Greek bankers asking me if the "Global Collateral Accounts" are real and why they can't seem to get action releasing those funds even after allocations have been made and published?

Well, yes, there are Global Collateral Accounts that do contain assets that belonged to people long dead and whose specific heirs are not known, and as a result those assets belong to the world-at-large and there is really no reason to leave them sitting around in bank deposit boxes and tranche flats doing no earthly good.

Fair enough.  So some years ago a great housecleaning effort began in the Swiss vaults and has continued from there.

The Truth About Contracts, Parse Syntax, and Us

By Anna Von Reitz

I don't believe that people or their institutions have any ability to contract.  It's simply not within our temporal nature and skill set. We can't guarantee that we will live another minute.  We can't know what time it is in any absolute sense.  We can't even describe where we are, physically, without arbitrary references.  

For mortals who don't know where they are and don't know what time it is to make contracts obligating themselves to do things in the future----is obvious madness.  We are incompetent and fundamentally unable to do any such thing, so all contracts are void ab initio, for intrinsic fraud. 

We are like mice trying to dictate the life cycle of horses.  Making contracts is simply not something we can do, so we ought to stop pretending otherwise.