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Wednesday, August 11, 2021

A Blunt Message for the Alliance

 By Anna Von Reitz

It has come to my ears that you plan to "pull an FDR" and go around at gunpoint collecting privately held gold and silver. I have news for you.
It was illegal military confiscation of gold and silver in 1934 --- otherwise known as grand felony theft under color of law and in breach of trust, and it will be the same theft now, should you attempt any such thing.
Furthermore, all the legal presumptions that have legalized such thefts and impositions in the past have been overturned.
Our State Assemblies, which are the only organizations with standing to address this matter, have declared and issued a peace treaty, ending the American Civil War.
You can no longer rely on the presumption of war and emergency as a cover for your actions, and neither can any other group.
So the entire playing field has changed. It's peacetime. This is no longer a battlefield and you are no longer free to wage war "in our names".
Having imposed upon Mr. P to hand over the account codes, you are amazed that you still can't access the accounts. There is a simple reason for that. Those accounts belong to us, the Americans, your Employers. You don't have and can never access the rest of the information required.
We can access those accounts, and we can pay you in "gold and silver coin", but frankly, you aren't (yet) behaving in a way that would encourage that commitment on our part.
First, talk to us, the only ones with standing to act as your Employers. That is a requirement of the job.
Second, come to us when you need money for your operations. That's another part of the quid pro quo of doing work and getting paid for it. Don't even think about trying to rob the populace under color of law.
It might have worked in the 1930's. It's not going to work now.
Third, pay attention to what your job really is --- and that is, to protect the American people and their assets. Period.
At the present moment, approximately half of the population has received an injection of graphene oxide-polyethylene glycol, which is the same substance used to violently suppress the immune systems of organ transplant recipients.
As a result, the victims will be extraordinarily susceptible to infections of all kinds and many will die.
We have already (and long ago) pointed out that the Enemies of all Mankind make their money by borrowing a lot of money, and when it comes time to pay off, they kill their Priority Creditors.
This is simply the means by which they hope to kill off their creditors and blame it on an invisible germ that is merely presumed to exist.
And now, they are demanding that the United States Armed Forces all submit to this "voluntary" protocol.
It has, as we say, come push to shove. The Armed Forces have stood silent with their hands in our pockets and their thumbs up their rumps while the people of this country have been victimized, but now, it's your turn. You have become targets, too.
If you don't want your immune systems compromised and the Armed Forces of this country laid waste without firing a shot, it's time you got your heads screwed on and come talk to us.

We are the only ones left minding the store, so we are the only ones with the keys. Go figure.


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Johnny Come Lately

 By Anna Von Reitz

Many of you have asked about the "$500 Trillion Lawsuit" and wanted me to comment.
The people bringing these charges don't have standing.
The things they are objecting to are certainly true, but if you don't have standing to bring charges, you don't have standing, so, it's useless.
Standing is a matter of jurisdiction and capacity, and none of these clueless people have bothered to correct their political status.
So, at best, they will be ignored, or at worst, misidentified as insurrectionists.
All their "Orders" will fall on deaf ears, because they don't have standing.
They haven't got a clue what it takes to establish standing, either, and won't learn or listen.
We have done everything that is necessary, have raised all the complaints and charges, acquired all the liens, etc;, etc., etc., and they don't have a clue.
So, that's the sorry state of affairs revealed by Scott Workman's diatribe.
For starters, he states, "Due Process has now been served upon you." ---- that's not "Due Process".
Due Process is what I did for years --- three Notices with proper curing time and service at each and every step.
The organizers of this law suit are correct that this situation is an "ongoing criminal enterprise", but they have no clue whatsoever what they are up against or what is necessary.
They are not even in "our" jurisdiction, and they are pushing this crap as a "Declaration of Restoration" as "a citizen of the United States". This is nonsense.
These people are so clueless, that they don't recognize that "a citizen of the United States" is a Municipal citizen of the district United States ---- not an American, not anyone with any right or claim to anything related to the original Declaration, not anyone with standing to pursue such claims.
It is pathetic that these Wannabes are here spouting all this, wasting all their words and money, and courting arrest as insurrectionists, when they think that they are in charge.
It doesn't work like that.
You have to take the time and make the effort and learn the ropes and gain the standing to bring charges and give orders. They haven't done any of the homework required.
I am sorry for Scott Workman, because he clearly recognizes what is wrong, but he hasn't put in the time and effort and analysis to address it. All he is going to do is give the rats an excuse to clamp down and otherwise cause trouble out of ignorance.
He is also making promises that he has no authority to guarantee. In fact, he has no indemnity at all.
Like many other Americans, he has awakened like a hibernating bear and made insupportable assumptions about his own condition and the world around him, assumptions that are foolhardy and incorrect.
Do not be misled.
Stay in your lane and hold the line. Support your State Assembly and do not be lured with promises of pay-offs, especially tiny pay-offs in comparison to what you are truly owed.

I can only assume that Scott Workman and his group are unaware of the actual recoupment figures, but in any event, this "500 Trillion Lawsuit" is not something you want to be involved in. Similar to Phil Hudok's solution, these people are not getting the status or jurisdiction right and that will result in their failure.


See this article and over 3200 others on Anna's website here:

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