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Wednesday, May 29, 2019

State Assemblies and Jural Assemblies

By Anna Von Reitz

We are forming State Assemblies and Jural Assemblies are part of State Assemblies.  Our right to assemble and to execute the Jural duties as well as all other duties of self-governance are based on The Declaration of Independence and agreed upon and confirmed by all three Federal Constitutions. 

And that's an end to that. 

There is a group of unnamed people going around like Chicken Little claiming that we do not have the right to form our own courts and execute justice in our own country and that Jural Assemblies are dangerous. 

My response is that this is only true if those founding and operating Jural Assemblies are doing so without the proper standing and knowledge-- which is like everything else, a challenge to us all to rebuild and restore.

This ill-informed and quite possibly self-interested rumor (consider the likely sources) is very easily disproven by the fact that we Americans had our own independent courts and form of Common Law for two centuries prior to the adoption of any Federal Constitution and have remained fully competent at all times prior and since. 

There is also considerable confusion about the difference between "Jural Assemblies" which give rise to Land Jurisdiction Courts and Jural Societies which give rise to Sea Jurisdiction Courts.  

Obviously, our States as sovereign entities can form either kind of Jural Body, but the Constitutional Agreements limit our Sea Jurisdiction Courts to address only those powers that were not Delegated and which are covered by Amendment X. 

Thus the actual States have limited use for Jural Societies and have traditionally focused on Jural Assemblies that support the Land Jurisdiction Courts as organizations that derive from the State Assembly for the special purpose of organizing our court system in the same way that the militia of each State is formed as an adjunct organization operating under the State Assembly as a whole. 

There is no mystery about this, no cause for alarm or misgivings or fear-mongering about anything The American States Assembly is doing and anyone who says otherwise is either (a) misinformed or (b) deliberately trying to mislead people and cause trouble. 


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