By Anna Von Reitz
It often amazes me how young people miss the point. This past week has seen a number of these near-misses, so I am replying to you directly. The recent article wasn't about Elon Musk. It was about Elon Musk's cat, and what cats teach us.
Frankly, I don't know how you missed that important distinction, but it's apparent that you did.
Maybe the name "Elon Musk" triggers you the way that the name "Donald Trump" triggers others? I don't know why the big emotional response comes forward, nor, for that matter, do I know why you assume that Musk is a "Satanist".
The assumption seems to be that anyone who amassed a billion dollars MUST be in The Club, but that isn't necessarily true. I know at least fifty billionaires who never drank the Kool-Aid, and never attended any sex-with-kids parties, either.
And yes, I am "sure" of that.
Often, in its zeal to demonize its enemies, the Armed Forces Cotillion has gone completely overboard and spun outrageous tales that nobody in their right mind should believe --- and that comes from someone who has had to deal with some taboo subjects that aren't popular and may be "unbelievable" to those who have been asleep for most of their lives.
During WWII, the Japanese were portrayed as cannibals. After WWII, the Germans were portrayed as genocidal monsters.
This came from men who were grinding up corpse-meat and calling it "SPAM" -- Special Provisioned American Meat, and who used photographs of German Prisoners of War starving to death and dying in the Rhineland Meadows to flesh out their tale of the great Nazi Holocaust.
Suffice it to say, our military, and especially the media campaigns attached to our military, fall far short of historical accuracy on many, many topics.
Demonizing people, including groups of people, is just an extreme example of objectification -- the evils of which I discussed at some length yesterday. It's convenient. Thanks to our basically gullible mindset, it's relatively easy to get a group mindset going and "give people something to hate".
You should step back and look at what they are teaching us to hate:
(1) Anyone with any large amount of personal fortune. All billionaires and most Hollywood actors, and now, many Sports Stars and Music Industry figures, are being painted with the Satanist brush.
(2) All Medical Doctors are under deep suspicion because of their undisclosed role as "Uniformed Officers" during the so-called Pandemic, which has undermined public respect for and trust in the medical profession and left it bottomed out to new all-time lows.
(3) All Academics, especially Scientists --- people like Anthony Fauci arouse fear and loathing, and they should. They have sold out any shred of professionalism and decency for profit ---and done this while purportedly standing as beacons of rationality and truth. They have sold and told the public outrageous and dangerous lies about the "safety and efficacy" of experimental drugs, human-caused global warming, and have generated a belief in overpopulation in the face of a population collapse throughout the western world since WWII.
(4) To a lesser extent, elected politicians. We are just now beginning to hear the juicer bits about recent politicians, like Mike Pence, but this will crank up as the need to use these politicians for other purposes wanes.
(5) CEOs of "Ugly Industries" --- like oil, booze, drugs, etc. Certainly the producers of modern day Patent Medicine have been painted with the pandemic fiasco and now have large targets on their backs; Big Oil has never been popular despite spending billions on philanthropic programs and community booster activities. The Drug Cartels, even though they work for the governments nowadays, can expect increasing pressure.
(6) Religious leaders of all kinds, stripes, shapes, and dogmas.
How is this any different from any typical Communist Purge? The CCP which has gained control of the apparatus of the old US Municipal Government has staged this to create popular support for a traditional Communist Purge of capitalists, professionals, teachers, scientists, politicians, and religious leaders.
This is always Step One -- to discredit, demonize, and remove these groups of people who the Communists see as leadership competitors.
We are, undeniably, facing a Big Move by Communists who have already gained major footholds in the country. The Purge taking place at Gitmo and elsewhere is not wholly what it seems.
Yes, a lot of scum is being flushed down the drain and many traitors to our country, but don't forget, this is taking place at the hands of other traitors who have promoted their democracy over our republican form of government and who have usurped against the people of this country using "lawfare" for 160-plus years.
As an American, it is a dismal prospect either way. There has never been a more opportune time to get organized nor a more urgent cause. Even if President Trump is a good man, even if he loves this country in fact, he is very heavily influenced by Zionists and Zionists are Fascists.
Six of one, half a dozen of the other.
I will give you answers, to the best of my knowledge:
Are all billionaires Satanists? No.
Are there extraterrestrial beings? Yes.
Do some of these beings walk among us undetected? Yes.
Can these aliens help us save the planet? Yes.
Will they help us do so? Yes.
Does "bioconvergence" exist? Yes.
Should it exist? No.
Will there be consequences for its development? Yes.
Will those responsible be condemned? Yes, already are.
Can the damage be reversed? Yes.
Do we routinely hypnotize ourselves? Yes.
Is this ability used against us? Yes.
Should we be afraid? Only if we lose our own minds.
Can we communicate telepathically? Yes.
Do we each have a unique electromagnetic signature? Yes.
Is there a magnetic recording of everything that happens? Yes.
So the Truth can never really be lost or altered? Correct.
So there is no benefit in lying? Correct, again.
Are our emotions our own? Can be stimulated by external thoughts.
What's an external thought? A thought we pick up that isn't ours.
Does our DNA hold our family history? Yes.
Is DNA like computer hardware? Yes.
Is the Epigenetic Code like software? Yes.
Do we live in the past? We "remember" back 22 generations.
Can we view the past like a movie? Yes.
Does time exist? Not as we think of it.
Can we live forever? In theory.
Does bioconvergence threaten Creation? Yes.
Interspecies hybridization, too? Yes.
Why are people doing this? Hubris and profit.
How can it be stopped? The Creator is here; it will be stopped.
Should we even believe in a Creator? Yes, definitely.
Is our body important? Only temporarily.
Do we die? No.
Nobody ever dies? Correct.
Do our lives and choices matter? Yes, very much so.
Is this like a school? Yes -- to learn about Good and Evil.
Is it wrong to connect to the dead? We do so all the time.
Are we really alive? We are ordered energy, so yes.
Is the Earth alive? Yes.
Is the Universe alive? Yes.
There is really nothing but life? Correct.
So why do we have to choose life? We have freewill.
What's the alternative? The Abyss.
What's the Abyss? Separation from the Creation.
How is that possible? There is what is, and what is not.
Are we Creators? Yes.
Literally, Children of God? Yes.
All of us? Yes.
Is this a prison planet? Students often view schools as prisons.
Did we come here on purpose? Yes.
Does time dilate? In a manner of speaking.
Who are you? A Battle-class Seraph from the Age of Storms.
How do you know this stuff? I remember it.
Have you incarnated before? Many times.
Do you love us? Yes.
Why? Because you are worth loving --- ultimately.
Do we all reincarnate? Yes, we have done so.
Will we continue to do so? Perhaps some will.
What about the rest of us? We will become.
What does that mean? We will stop becoming and simply be.
There's an end destination? Yes.
But we don't die? Correct.
What's the destination? Our unique perfection.
The Creator's vision for us? Yes.
Will we lose ourselves in this process? Nothing is lost.
Do animals have souls? Yes.
Will they come with us? Yes.
Why do we have animals? To teach us.
Why do we have the poor and the sick? To teach us.
So it is all designed to teach us? Yes.
Are you loyal to God? The Creator, yes.
Are you afraid? No.
Not even afraid of Satan? He has no real power.
Is money a form of idolatry? Yes.
Should we use money? No.
Why not? It promotes delusions.
Explain? It transfers value from what is fact to what is fiction.
So money is a lie? Yes, basically, a fraud.
But you set up a bank? Yes, to help transition away from money.
Seems anti-intuitive, doesn't it? Ever heard of training wheels?
What will replace money? Love.
Love? Yes, love is the currency of the Universe.
Love is what created you and what sustains you. It's the most valuable thing there is.
Jeremy, as for your specific questions, I think that the most important information that I can give you about the danger of bioconvergence is that it can be reversed and will be.
As for why I don't talk about this topic --- people can't do anything about what has already been done. Worrying doesn't help.
Giving our attention to it en masse doesn't help.
The cure is beyond our ability to envision, so no amount of fear or money or effort on our part will help. Focusing on the issue of bioconvergence will just cause hysteria and "herd" behavior -- and that certainly won't help.
What will help is appealing to the Higher Powers for assistance and being very clear about what we want: a healthy pristine Earth in harmony with the rest of Creation, a happy, peaceful, joyous race of Creators, abundance and love.
Put your attention on visualizing that and feeling that, not on the horrors that men like Fauci have created for themselves.
The Wheel of Karma may be stopped, but Karma itself continues to operate. When you plant carrots you still get carrots. Men like Bill Gates III will get what they deserve, so there is no sense in worrying ourselves overly much about vengeance, either.
The best vengeance is imagining a world without evil, where the illusions and delusions and distortions of Satan have no power, and where joy, abundance, and peace are our common birthright.
We need to give all our thought, energy, and emotion to that vision, instead.
Bioconvergence and similar subjects are like cow pies that you can step in -- or not; or, like wrestling with a skunk -- you can wrestle, but nothing good can come out of doing so.
There is a reason why the Bible assures us that "vengeance is mine, says the Lord", and why we are told that he, himself, will fight and win the battle for us. It's because it has to be this way. We have stumbled our way into a pit that we can't get out of by ourselves.
So, call on the Good Lord and wait; the answer won't be long in coming.
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