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Wednesday, October 14, 2020
October is the Month of "The Queen of Heaven"
By Anna Von Reitz
She has been known and worshiped
under many names: Ishtar, Ashtar, Astarte, Isis, Cybele, Sybil, Ashtoreth,
Semiramis, and yes, Columbia, as in District of Columbia. Athena, the patron
goddess of Athens, was a slightly modified version of The Queen of Heaven --- a
more intellectual and academic interpretation of "Her Holiness".
From stone reliefs in the Middle East
we can confirm that she has been worshiped for about 8,000 years. Always, she is
depicted the same way: a beautiful woman with rays of light forming a corona
around her head--- a halo, in other words.
Most often she is also portrayed
holding a lantern, lamp, or torch. She is often accompanied by her totem bird, a
small owl, symbolic of her role as the purveyor of wisdom.
Hmmm. Where have we seen a beautiful
woman clad in Grecian robes, holding a torch, complete with rays of light
bursting from her head? Oh, yes, the Statue of Liberty, standing in the New York
City Harbor. How could we miss the point?
And who or what is responsible for
this apparition of an ancient pagan goddess standing on our doorstep? Ah, yes,
the Freemasons of the Grand Lodge of Paris "donated" it to us. Although this
fact is glossed over today, and Wikipedia will tell you that it was "a gift from
the people of France to the people of the United States" --- when we follow the
money, we see that this is not true.
The "people of France" are not
Freemasons and they don't worship "The Queen of Heaven" and they didn't
contribute a single sou to the design, construction, or delivery of this ancient
idol to our shores, just as the vast majority of Americans are not Freemasons,
don't worship "The Queen of Heaven", and would not be likely to welcome such a
Unfortunately, the Liars Guild sold
the idea of "The Statue of Liberty" and made it seem like a grand patriotic
emblem--- instead of being what it is -- a giant pagan idol honoring "The Queen
of Heaven".
About now, a great many Catholics
reading this are shifting in their seats. They are very familiar with the phrase
"Queen of Heaven" being applied to the Virgin Mary, and also with the halo of
light often depicted encircling her head or even around her whole body. An
entire large community within the Catholic Church, the Marians, are devoted to
her worship, and are celebrating her "reign of the Heavens" this October, as
they do every year.
Is the "Reign of the Heavens Society"
making more sense now? See where this is all coming from?
About now, those same Catholics are
glancing sidelong at each other, wondering --- which "Queen of Heaven" is
everyone else here praying to? Are we Christian devotees honoring the Virgin
Mary, or cult members worshiping an ancient pagan goddess?
Could be either one, couldn't it?
What a juicy circumstance for The Father of All Lies. To be able to have his
followers openly worshiping "The Queen of Heaven" in Christian Cathedrals and a
giant idol of "Her Holiness" being passed off as "The Statue of Liberty", too.
The pagan goddess known as "The Queen
of Heaven" is famous for quite a few things, none of which are good: (1) the
invention of idolatry, and especially the invention of money, which is a form of
idol; (2) use of hallucinatory drugs, including non-lethal doses of snake venom,
to get high and experience "heaven", (3) cannibalism, including drinking the
blood of babies, young children, and virgins to prevent aging; (4) infanticide
as a worship practice, especially burning babies alive; (5) tree worship,
especially when practiced in "sacred groves"; (6) temple prostitution -- you
have sex with a temple prostitute and pay her or him to be forgiven of your sins
(sins against Satan, that is).
Her priests in ancient times wore
black robes and white wigs just like British Barristers do to this day, and they
were employed by the Roman Caesars (translates as "Destroyers") as tax
collectors and by the Roman Church as inquisitors ---- just as they still are
Is all this beginning to resonate for
you? Do you see its ugly outlines hidden just under the surface of things? Is
this enough of an "apocalypse" -- a drawing back of the curtain or veil --- for
When you first see it and begin to
see the emblems of this ancient religion all around you, it's like standing on
the back of a breaching whale and not knowing which way to jump.
Suddenly, you see the "All Seeing
Eye" on the "dollar" bills and the CBS logo, and pyramids everywhere. You hear
about the Bohemian Grove, as in tree worship and sacred groves. Swastikas and
faggots-- that is, bundles of sticks tied together ready for burning-- carved
into the facades of public buildings. Owls everywhere. Keys everywhere.
Obelisks--- phallus symbols--- everywhere you look.
You will never look at a crucifix the
same way again.
While sincere Catholics contemplate
the crucifix to remind themselves of the price that was paid, the pagan
"Catholics" use the crucifix to gloat over Satan's moment of triumph--- they
celebrate the death of Yeshuah.
The worship of Satan and his consort,
"The Queen of Heaven", is alive and well and right in your faces all year long.
It's effects, the distortion of reality it causes, and its destruction of life
and of the quality of life, are set before you.
October is the month when devotees of
"The Queen of Heaven" have their High Holidays, which culminate on the nights of
October 31st and November 1 each year. This year will be no different.
Using Samhain, the ancient harvest
festival of the Celts, and the Roman Catholic Church's observation of "The Day
of the Dead" as a cover, the followers of The Queen of Heaven will indulge
themselves in murder and drugs, they'll drink innocent blood and eat human
flesh, and get away with it right under our noses.
If it is anything less than being
caught red-handed with a plate of roast baby a la cart, they will pass
themselves off as devout Catholics venerating the Virgin Mary.
They will indoctrinate new
generations to accept their "tradition" of wearing masks and worshiping war and
death, all hidden in plain view.
What do you think all these senseless
"mask mandates" are actually all about? They serve no public health purpose, so
what --or who-- else do you think is being served?
New York City, Washington, London,
and Rome will be ablaze with their celebrations. Mexico City will, too. And
Quebec. Wherever the Roman Catholic Church has gone, the Pagans have followed
along like fleas on a dog.
When the Pope suddenly "retires" and
yet, retains the "ministerial" office--- ask yourselves--- what office does the
new Pope occupy? The sacred office is already occupied. All that is left for
Francis is to act as the Roman Pontiff, operating the secular and profane pagan
office--- and as a Jesuit, he remains bound to do whatever Benedict XVI tells
him to do.
Yet another deceit. A round of "Good
Pope"/ "Bad Pope" at everyone else's expense.
What both these men need to know is
that we see what they are doing and all the games they are playing, and we know
who is responsible for the ills of this world. We hold them both accountable.
If our people and our country are not
to enjoy the peace and the plenty that we have earned, and which our Employees
certainly owe us, then they needn't think that they will continue to play their
game and pass off the blame to scapegoats.
They will pay the price that they
have forced on everyone else. By their own deeds they will be judged and by the
punishments they decree for others will they be afflicted.
Pope Francis is obligated to
liquidate any incorporated entity that indulges in "unlawful" activities,
beginning with his own Municipal corporations, virtually all of which are
established on our shores in violation of their service contract: The
Constitution of the United States. It's also his responsibility, via the Queen,
to liquidate offending Territorial corporations.
If he doesn't do it peacefully and
with goodwill toward the victims of these usurpations and crimes, then both he
and Benedict XVI are uniquely to blame for anything bad that happens. They are
the owners and operators and creators of all these corporations, and together
with the Roman Curia, they are uniquely responsible when these "legal fictions"
run amok like runaway trains.
And no masks or storefronts will save
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