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Friday, December 17, 2021


 By Anna Von Reitz

Some years ago I was lucky enough to be introduced to Kirlian Photography and the information obtainable from it. One of the most fascinating and impressive uses was to explain the difference between organic food and food produced by typical agribusiness operations.
My mentor took a Kirlian photo of an organic Granny Smith apple and a Kirlian photo of a "normal" supermarket apple, and thanks to the camera, I could literally see the difference in terms of energy.
The organic apple had a nice, even, steady halo of living energy surrounding it. The supermarket apple had a misshapen, faded, off-color, halo.
That was it. No additional questions needed. I've bought organic food, and farm fresh whenever possible, ever since.
In order to live, and be nourished from our food, we have to eat living food --- not dead food, which just adds toxicity to our system and costs more energy and nutrients to dispose of the waste.
Unfortunately, a greater and greater percentage of everything we eat has been damaged energetically and nutritionally by modern agribusiness and food processing , And damaged food sources means damage to our bodies, too.
It's really simple, folks. There is only one life and we all share it. If the apple we eat is sick and full of toxins, guess what? That sickness and toxicity passes on to us.
Pesticides and herbicides have long been recognized as sources of food pollution, and, unknown to most Americans, there is little in place to protect us from these, despite billions of dollars paid out as damages to victims and victims' families. The regulatory agencies we used to depend on as our "food police" have all been largely defunded, underfunded, repurposed, or shut down, so that the guilty corporations can make more money at the cost of our health.
Looking at the problem of obesity in America, an Austrian nurse just shook her head and said, "These people are fat because they are starving." And she was right. There is an economic component to obesity which proves it neatly --- poor people are more than five times more likely to be obese than rich people. Why?
It's not because they are lazy or endemically less active than the rest of us. It's because the cheap food they eat is nutritionally bankrupt. As a result, their bodies keep sending hunger signals trying to get the needed nutrients, and the victims keep eating more and more and more ultra-processed, bleached, polluted "food" trying to make up for the lack of real nutrition.
Thus, the poor in America become obese and spend an inordinate percentage of their meager incomes on food that gives them little or no nutrition. Government food welfare programs add to the problem, as they buy their supplies from the agribusiness corporations that the government corporations own and these are often the worst chemical pollution offenders.
There's even evidence of the "government corporations" deliberately causing food shortages in order to sell their warehouse surplus at exorbitant prices and tweak the commodities markets.
A very rich man, fond of wine, once observed the same phenomenon with respect to wine.
"Rich men never become drunks," he told me, "if we drink good wine. This is because a good wine is satisfying, like a full meal. It's the cheap wine that leaves you thirsty for more."
Given that little hint, it is easy to see why a larger percentage of poor people suffer from alcoholism, too.
Billions upon billions of dollars are spent each year on health problems and diet programs caused by polluted "dead" food sources, to say nothing of the social costs of obesity and alcoholism ----and there is little or nothing to protect consumers who daily face deceptive, unaccountable labeling, falsified contents, and even fake food on the shelves.
Yes, fake food. Literally. To catch the drift --- please watch this short video sent by one of my readers:
Note--- to check whether or not your rice is made out of plastic, throw a few grains in a frying pan. Fake rice melts.
The Consumer Protection agencies are dead or dying; the FDA has been taken over by Crony Corporatists, interested in padding the bottom lines of the "affiliated" corporations they own and equally, interested in suppressing competitors; food labels are deceptive and unreliable and meaningless -- for example, "100% natural beef" --- a hundred percent of what? Since when is beef "unnatural"? Even the "beef" part is questionable. Are we just talking about beef and buying horse meat?
And, at last report, Ralph Nader is 87 and living in Connecticut.
Again, and I know I sound like a broken record, we have to get up off our duffs and fend for ourselves.

Go to: and get started.


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Remember What I Told You About Use of Disclaimers?

 By Anna Von Reitz

Here is an excellent take off on the same theme, using the Public Duty and Public Law for authority:
In case the link doesn't work, it shows a sign posted in a New York Restaurant simply saying, hey, we are a Constitutionally Compliant Business..... we don't tread on anyone's unalienable rights. We don't follow the Governor's, or Mayor's, or...... restrictions. You are responsible for your own health.....
Which is basically the same kind of disclaimer making you liable for your decision to eat there. And for your health in general.
Businesses need to use Disclaimers like this to protect themselves from lawsuits on both sides of this issue and be up to speed in the event of any more gross over-reaches by the government service corporations.
Disclaimers combined with the Public Duty obligation is especially powerful. I believe that I told everyone on more than one occasion, that you cannot be arrested or even verbally accosted for performing your Public Duty to uphold the Constitutional Guarantees.
The moment that Disclaimer goes up on your wall and the words "Public Duty" come out of your mouth, your business ---- even if it is incorporated --- is bullet-proof against any interference. You are free.
It would be appropriate to note that like people, restaurants and other businesses can operate in international trade or international commerce, depending on whether they are unincorporated or incorporated.
Businesses that operate as unincorporated entities have the weight of the evidence in their favor that they are engaged in international trade and are not functioning as "voluntary" Transactors in Commerce --- but at the first sign of any trouble from bureaucrats, it pays to serve notice to the United States Attorney General and make that explicit, and bring forward any complaints you may have.
Incorporated businesses are generally expected to bend the knee, but remember, they have been chartered via the exercise of our delegated power and ultimately belong to us, therefore they do carry a Public Duty to obey the Public Law, and they can use this Public Duty as their authority to not comply with illegal demands and mandates from politicians.
So, welcome to the Wonderful World of Defensive Disclaimers --- so called because they are pre-emptive measures that establish roles and responsibilities that may otherwise be implied or misconstrued. And also, embrace the beauties of your Public Duty; upholding the Constitution is more than a pretty phrase. Your Public Duty to peacefully uphold and enforce the Constitutional Guarantees is as sacrosanct as the Guarantees themselves.

Use the tools at your command and bullet-proof your business and your country from over-reaching bureaucrats. The rest of us will thank you.


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Legislation Applies to Persons -- Not People

 By Anna Von Reitz

Are you employed by the Federal Government or by one of their State-of-State Business Organizations? Do you receive unearned welfare payments from these government entities? Do you need political asylum? Are you voluntarily operating as a Municipal commercial corporation?
If your answer to all these questions is a nice, flat, unequivocal "No!" --- then, I have a surprise for you. Legislation of all kinds does not apply to you.
That's right.
All 80 million (and growing) statutes, codes, regulations, mandates, public policies, and other corporate mumbo-jumbo does not apply to you.
You need to know that, and be able to speak truth to the matter, or your own employees will happily impersonate you and misidentify you as one of them. They will then hold you accountable to the same statutes, codes, regulations, mandates, and public policies that govern their lives as public employees.
I have often used this analogy.....
You are Ollie Anderson, standing on a street corner minding your own business, when someone you don't know walks up to you, grabs you by the shoulder, and says, "What are you doing out of uniform, Jim? You're supposed to be on shift since 7 this morning!"
He jerks his finger toward a nearby Wendy's Hamburger joint, and you are left standing there gaping at him, thinking, I'm not "Jim" and I don't work at Wendy's.
This is what happens when you are traveling from your house to Aunt Minnie's place, and a Highway Patrolman stops you and says, "Uh, Ma'am, you have a broken tail light and were driving five miles over the speed limit....."
He's holding you responsible for driving a "motor vehicle" instead of a car, and enforcing regulations that don't apply to your activities, as if you were a public employee obligated to follow these "legislated" rules as a condition of employment.
In effect, he's saying, "Jim! Why aren't you flipping burgers? Where's your uniform?"
And the fact is, so long as they aren't paying you spit, you don't owe them any.
Now, these gangs of deluded public employees will happily railroad you into their private corporate tribunals and try to fleece you silly for committing infractions against their rules, but if you know who you are (the Employer) and you know who they are (the Employees), you can adequately defend yourself without studying their law for forty years.
You just say in effect, "I'm not "Jim" (the DEFENDANT) and I am not a public employee or dependent, and I don't work for Wendy's. Who do you think I am, and more to the point, who do you think you are? In case this escaped your attention, I am your Employer and you are misaddressing me."
You don't have to go into a lot of detail. You never have to mention their codes.
Just stand there on your little flat feet, certain in your knowledge of who you are. And that none of their legislation applies to you.
If you really want to burst their bubbles, you look them right in the eye and say, "I am not a voluntary Transactor in interstate commerce."
Double oops.
I have brought you this good news before, and I am bringing it to you again. The 80 million codes, rules, regulations, statutes and other kinds of legislation don't apply to you. Their legislation doesn't apply to you or your property, so long as you know who you are and stand solid in the truth.

It's no more complex than having the good sense to reply --- I'm not Jim, I don't work for Wendy's, and who the hell are you?


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So, You Don't Believe That We Are in a Spiritual War.....

 By Anna Von Reitz

Today, I ran into a man, an Apologist for Joe Biden, who was making outlandish claims about the "successes" of the Biden Administration, and as I listened to him, it occurred to me that he had lost his mind. Literally.
He was, for example, touting the fact that unemployment claims are at their lowest ebb in fifty years.
He didn't even hear me when I pointed out that massive job losses and layoffs for more than a year prior means that Unemployment insurance payments are exhausted and the long-term unemployed are simply dropping off the edge of the table, disappearing into the Abyss of uncertainty, homelessness, and misery beyond ---- no longer a part of a population that can be tracked by the statisticians.
He was looking ahead at some grand and glorious economy spurred on by Uncle Joe, smiling broadly and vacantly, as he continued to make these off-the-wall suppositions about reality. He was a Class Clown guy, so happy and vacuous that he reminded me of his idol and gave me the same uneasy feeling that the lights were on, but.....
Maybe he'd fall asleep in an easy chair, or morph into an ax murderer. One can never tell....
I was, meanwhile, staring at a modern day Great Depression with millions of jobs lost, millions of homes lost, millions of people displaced, food scarcity, soaring actual unemployment, runaway inflation, record loss of industry, education scores in the tank, suicides at all-time highs, chronic disease afflicting 60% or more of the population, and my restless mind wandered on....
It's clear that I was looking at a completely different scene and drawing profoundly different conclusions from the same base data. I kicked back from my desk, leaned back in my chair.
Just like "Joe's Employment Miracle" that doesn't exist, and the Unicorn Virus, people are losing their ability to sort fact from fiction. The BBC's motto, "Listen and obey." echoed in my mind....
There's some of you out there who don't believe that we are in a spiritual war, a war that aims to tear the very fabric of our minds asunder and reduce us to an infantile docility and fake "happiness" based on telling us lies we no longer have brains enough to discern--- but look around at the Joyous Zombies skipping happily to their next appointment, and think about what you are seeing.
People lined up around the block to take "vaccines" that admittedly don't prevent any disease, don't prevent spread of any disease, but do cause heart disease, blood clots, organ failure, immuno-suppression, and a host of other known nasty side-effects, including death. And they think this is okay. They walk right into the propeller blades.
Yes, they think everything is hunky-dory. Never better.
And the delusion and the denial grows day by day.
This is what happened within the Jewish Community in Germany right before the cattle cars. When "unthinkable" things appear, people discount them, refuse to believe in them, fail to take action, and then..... history tells us what happens.
The tragic baseline of this story is that when something doesn't make sense, our minds skip over it and try to fill in the blanks, try to avoid the cognitive dissonance, and also try to evade any unpleasant conclusions. We have a built-in bias in favor of continuity, whatever we experienced in the past, we unconsciously project into the future. And we rationalize things constantly, trying to make sense of insanity.
What happens when the unthinkable happens? This. This is what happens. People go spinning off into Unreality, because what is obviously happening can't be happening. But it is.
And what makes it worse, is that the Rats we watch more closely each December, have been telling everyone who they are and what they believe and what they are going to do for at least forty years that I know of ----- and almost nobody believed them.
In 1980, they erected the Georgia Guidestones, and proposed reducing the human population to 500 Million ---- about 15 of us would have to die for every 1 that lived.
Here's Prince Philip telling you back in 1988: "In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, to contribute something to solving overpopulation."
Here, they told you all about spike proteins in 1992 at the Barcelona Olympics:
Twenty years later, in 2012, they told you all about dead babies and Satanic rituals at the London Olympics:
This is what comes from having a social and political elite that is scientifically and mathematically illiterate.
This entire insanity took root in their ranks because of a 1968 book called The Population Bomb, written by Paul R. Ehrlich, a Stanford Professor, who couldn't do math to save himself; Ehrlich predicted that by the late 1980's we'd all be eating dirt as a result of overpopulation, and it was the fear engendered by this execrable book that became the driving force behind the legalization of abortion, the "One Child" program in China, and many other actions that in retrospect led to moral decay and decay of the family.
As I write, only 18% of households in America have married parents bringing up children.
No actual scientists took The Population Bomb seriously, but the social and political elite did --- and this resulted in the "politicization of science" --- and the downfall of scientific integrity.
Science became a religion, with Darwin and the Law of the Jungle leading the way to lawlessness and brutality and a thoroughly debased view of Mankind; the new religion of science, like the old religion it mocks, is full of ignorant but popular beliefs, and it has become the favorite whore and money-maker of the politicians
Medicine, because of its profitability, and it's connection to both blood and drugs, has suffered most of all.
Together with Richard M. Nixon's 1971 action converting our benign non-profit medical sector into a fire-breathing profit-driven behemoth selling drugs and sickcare instead of healthcare---- this has resulted in the current wholesale destruction of reason, common sense, and decency at all levels of world government and academia, too.
You can no longer trust scientists any more than you can trust priests, but you can turn your Shinola Sensor on "High" and smell the reek of Washington, DC, from fifty miles away.
When asked what Washington, DC, now smells like, a horrified visitor said, "It smells like rotten meat. The whole city smells like a slaughterhouse."

And to date, not a single news source --- or scientist --- has asked why.


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Public Notice: Anthony Fauci is Not Qualified to Function as Head of State

 By Anna Von Reitz

This may come as some surprise to our European compatriots, but Anthony Fauci is not qualified to function as Head of State for this country or any presumed to exist Federal Subcontractor, Trust, or Administrative capacity.
As we pointed out a couple days ago, upon failure to perform for any reason, including bankruptcy, all delegated powers return to the Delegating Party and in this case, the Delegating Party is our unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United States of America.
As I also pointed out, this happens automatically by Operation of Law.
No Successor to Contract can be presumed in the absence of our acceptance, which we have denied and continue to deny in public and in private. We are fed up with the service being provided by these bilkers and nobody should have any questions why.
Finally, no trust formed under false presumptions of death or abandonment can be maintained in the face of clear and present evidence that the "long lost" American Government and People are still here and still self-governing, as they have been, since this entire fraud scheme began.
These principles of law are so universal and well-known as to command immediate and unarguable agreement.
Any and all "United States Trust" properties, claims, and interests including statutory trusts containing the assets of the Federal Republic, must be immediately dissolved in favor of the American Government, our States, and our People.
This means that the Corporation Trust Company and the Corporation Trust Company, Incorporated, must similarly be collapsed and returned to the actual owners, or the Perpetrators must be recognized as pirates guilty of capital crimes.
Dr. Fauci, which translates in Sicilian as Dr. Scythe, is obviously the one in charge of the hostile incorporation, take-over. and unlawful conversion of the Corporation Trust Company and the merger of all those corporations as Municipal corporations being sold off to Chinese interests (Bank of Shanghai/HSBC) to expedite the parasite's disappearance behind the Chinese Curtain.
Just like the disappearance of the Templars. Just like the disappearance of the Dutch East India Company.
This time we have a slow motion video camera and are watching the sleight of hand.
Anyway, Dr. Fauci and his colleagues have passed themselves off as "private citizens" --- but this is just another oxymoron. No such thing as a "private citizen" exists, and neither do "national associations" of such citizens. As a corporate Officer of a defunct government and an equally defunct corporation, Dr. Fauci has no standing at all. He is stateless and incompetent to stand as a Head of State in any venue associated with us or our country.
So, it's time for this sideshow and all the False Presumptions underpinning it to collapse, and for the perpetrators to be brought to justice. All laws, all property claims, and all loans arranged by these scoundrels are fraudulent, null, and void.
The Public and the High Courts are hereby served Public Notice of the Facts and the Law; Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals, Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents

Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America


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Operation Extermination--the Plan to Decimate the Human Immune System with a Lab-Generated Pathogen

The rush to patent, control, profit from the coronavirus dates back to 1999, implicates the CDC, Dr. Fauci