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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

To Everyone in All Our Assemblies

 By Anna Von Reitz

The depth and duration of The Great Fraud is being uncovered on an almost daily basis, and if you are following the International Public Notices, you are being kept in the loop and following the general outlines of this discovery phase and the various issues and arguments that are current. 

No doubt many people are astonished to learn that the British System is just as messed up, fraudulent, corrupt, and criminal as our own, and that it has been so for approximately twice as long. 

And no doubt there is a lot of dismay and confusion and even fear in some quarters as many are contemplating the immensity of the fraud and the implications of the fraud for the first time. 

What does this mean for our government?  

Our actual government isn't involved. 

Our foreign subcontractors are the ones up to their necks in it. 

Another aspect of this which has to be taken in, is that their National Debt is our National Credit. 

As a result, Donald Trump is pulling the long face and talking about a Great Depression predicted to fall upon Federal Citizens, Janet Yellen is pulling every dollar of cash out of the system possible,  and the Federal Reserve is rolling up like a carpet.  

But in tandem with this gloom and doom, we are preparing for a very different future.  

Their "National Debt" is our "National Credit".  

Say that as often as necessary until it sinks in.  

On top of that, we are the legitimate inheritors not only of our own form of government and contracts and treaties, but all the cashiered wealth --- the land held in trust, the gold and silver, the cash, the beneficial bonds and stock certificates.  

Even if we forgive all the British Territorial and Municipal Debt, which we can easily do, the American people and living people worldwide, will be relieved of phony debts and mortgages and taxes and stand to inherit the assets and credit they have been owed for six generations. 

We, the living people, are not looking at any Great Depression. 

We are looking at the opposite side of the ledger --- the positive side. 

In trade and commerce, there is always an equitable exchange envisioned, but in our case, thanks to the Great Fraud and our public employees purloining and using our assets without our knowledge or consent, their corporate debt has been palmed off onto the living men and women, who have already paid for everything with actual goods and services. 

So we are doubly the creditors of all the corporations and trusts and public bonds that have been issued--- for six generations back.  

The transfer of wealth that has to occur to "balance the books" will radically rewrite not only the economic and financial world, but the infrastructure of the government subcontractors and bureaucracy associated with them. 

It's all okay. 

Nobody has to suffer, except for those who went mad with power, and knowingly committed criminal acts under color of law.  

Your wealth is coming home.  Your banks and prosperity centers are opening.  Your American Federation Treasury is open. Everything necessary is being prepared for you.  

So, be comforted. The world we have known in the past is fading away and that's a good thing.  The world of the future is being built on a firm foundation and it is right on time and on track to rescue the living people, the animals, and the Earth.  

Let all those of goodwill join with us in affirming our fair and peaceable solution to the problems that have been visited upon us and join together to share the true abundance that is naturally ours. 

Spread the word and the safety net.  

Remember that I told you that this is a rescue operation?  It is.  
The more people you can reach, the more people you can rescue. 
Each one who is rescued becomes an anchoring point to rescue others, and so, the work of restoration and compassion grows. 

Get ready.  There's rough water ahead, but our Old Boat has weathered many storms and the hand of Divine Providence has carried us through and brought us to the present moment. 

May all the living people and innocent souls be blessed.  May Nature's God be with us and all good things come to us in the New Year. 



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International Public Notice: Besides the Fraud, There's the Murder

 By Anna Von Reitz

In one of our most recent Notices to the International Public, we noted that "Britain" as a country does not exist, does not possess sovereignty, and never did.  

England is a sovereign nation-state.  Scotland is a sovereign nation-state.  Ireland is a sovereign nation-state.  Wales is a sovereign nation-state.  

There is or was a King of England at one time, but the historical record indicates that the office has been deliberately left vacant since the early 1700s, with the result that the only actual representative of England's sovereignty has been the hereditary Lord High Steward. 

This circumstance in England was reprised here in America, where the same gang of criminal miscreants finagled to claim that the actual sovereign People of this country had disappeared "over the sea" and similarly leaving only the hereditary Head of State as a placeholder. 

Now these False Representatives are attempting to overturn the sovereignty of many nation-states based on the corporations they have used to provide "government services" in the meantime. 

None of these cozy arrangements were ever approved by any of the actual populations of any of these countries; this constructive and coercive fraud has been carried out under conditions of non-disclosure, deceit, and color of law.  

Everyone knowingly involved in this gargantuan multi-generational fraud against the public interest is guilty of fraud, treason, and a great many other crimes.  They have no granted authority to do any of the things they've done. 

The Office of "King of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales" is a joke, a hoax, a literal impossibility, as sovereignty is indivisible. 
Like other oxymorons these con men use, such as "civilian military" and "sovereign citizen", this deceptive Title has been used to bilk the public and create the assumption that an individual sat as King and functioned as the Sovereign of all these countries, when in fact no such thing occurred. 

The exact opposite occurred.  

All these land and soil jurisdiction offices were vacated by the purported Kings and Queens who evaded their duties and the Public Law by operating entirely in the jurisdiction of the Sea and depending on Public Ignorance to accept the assumption that a British Monarch was the equivalent of an English King.  

On the basis of this facile deception the government of "Great Britain" --- which is Company, not a country --- has been functioning under conditions of fraud and evasion of their Constitutional Limitations for over three hundred years. 

This hidden adjournment from the land and soil and its law, to the watery jurisdiction of the sea and its law, is being attempted again, as "King" Charles III is attempting to do a similar maneuver now, and adjourn from the jurisdiction of the sea to the jurisdiction of the air, and pass this all off by giving away sovereignty that he neither embodies nor possesses. 

Just as the actual office of "King" or "Queen" was secretly vacated in favor of standing as a "British Monarch" they are now attempting to vacate the jurisdiction of the sea in favor of the Office "Imperial Majesty" in the jurisdiction of the air. 

And it is all deliberate fraud upon the people.  It is all treason. This is true in England and true in The United States as well. 

Our research indicates that this same scam based on jurisdictional manipulation has impacted the entire former Commonwealth, the seventeen Western European countries occupied by the Allies after World War II, Japan, South Korea, Iraq, Libya.... and every other country that has suffered either occupation or "administration" by this Crime Syndicate. 

This would all be bad enough, but there is a lengthy history of murder-for-profit, insurance fraud, inland piracy and other violent crimes attached to these fraudulent "governments", which are all actually commercial or municipal corporations in the business of providing "essential government services" under contract.  

The current "Excess Death Toll" caused by their latest war profiteering stands at 31 million and is increasing each day; they have knowingly polluted the human genome to deliberately cause death, chronic disease, and sterility. 

This was avoidable and the potential for it was known thirty years ago.  Anthony Fauci's bad character and lack of credibility as a scientist has been known for three decades; the NIH's complicity in his lunacy has also been known, and no responsible action was taken, no investigation conducted by the bought-and-paid-for media: 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

December 31st 2024


See this article and over 5100 others on Anna's website here:

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International Public Notice: A Short Reply to "King Charles III"

 By Anna Von Reitz

An examination of history reveals that the Throne of England was acquired as a property interest by the German Hanoverian Dynasty shortly after the English Civil War.  

There followed the ugly interlude known as The War of the Spanish Succession, with the result that German Queen Anne ascended the English Throne.  She was the last Sovereign of any stripe to sit on it. 
That was over 300 years ago.  

Queen Anne --- probably unknowingly --- vacated the land and soil of England and became a "Queen" in name only of a Company calling itself "Great Britain".  Deft deceits, then, and now, have served to hide these facts from the public. 

As an example, people have been deluded by the appearance of a "combined monarchy" --- "Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth the Second, Queen of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales" gives the impression that Elizabeth II was the Queen of all four countries, but in fact, this was a deceitfully named foreign office operated under this distinct, separate name.  

She never actually sat on the Throne of England despite the complex and extravagant Coronation Ruse, as the records of the High Court admit.  Nor did she sit on the  actual Thrones of any of the other countries.  

Good sense should tell anyone who thinks about it for five seconds, that a Sovereign Office is not divisible.  

But we should hardly be surprised that Elizabeth II never sat on the land and soil of England as Queen: 250 years-worth of her Predecessors never did, either.  

And neither is her Son, Charles III, sitting on the Throne of England. 

So who has actually been operating the vacated land and soil jurisdictions of these countries for the past 300 years?  In the case of England, the hereditary Lord High Steward has held the land and soil of England "for" the absent Kings and Queens.  

Please notice that this was exactly the same playbook and narrative that was used by these criminals and con artists to usurp against the American Government.  As with the English Civil War, an illegal mercenary conflict was disguised as an actual war.  The English Civil War was supposed to be about religion and the American Civil War was purportedly about slavery, but neither one of these events were actual wars and they weren't about religion or slavery, either one. 

They were about money and debt and Continental business interests, especially German banks.  

So the tangled web takes another gyration.  

Not only did the Windsors inherit a foreign office as the Pope's Overseer of Church lands  (and were given a crown by him as such), but they had no natural tie to England or English soil at all, and were actually German Interlopers and not English Sovereigns at all.  

So here we are, fast-forward 300 years, and here is "King" Charles III, signing a "Treaty" with the corporations that are members of the World Economic Forum and declaring that "national sovereignty must end".   

Spoken like a true Piker, considering that he couldn't sign an actual Treaty if his life depended on it (actual Treaties bind countries and nations, euphemistic "Sea Treaties" like this one bind business interests) and also as he never was a Sovereign of England, Scotland, Ireland or Wales.  

From his standpoint as a Business Manager for the Pope and various German / Austria-Hungarian interests, he has no "national sovereignty" to offer and his opinion, like his signature, has no authority outside the narrow interests of certain criminal corporations and their business concerns.  

In our opinion, the farcical nature of these Pretensions and attempts to delude and defraud the people of many nations of their own natural national sovereignty deserves a swift arrest not only of "King" Charles III, but the members of the Privy Council and Parliament that went along with and profited from this multi-generational fraud scheme.  

When someone calls himself the "King of England" and presents himself as the "King of England", he'd better jolly well be the King of England, and not a German Knock Off or Undeclared Agent of the Holy Roman Empire.

Arrest them.  Arrest them all. 

Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals.  Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

December 31st 2024


See this article and over 5100 others on Anna's website here:

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Ground Zero North Carolina

International Public Notice: No Cold War

 By Anna Von Reitz

Like everything else in this country, information about the economy and the world economy is surprisingly difficult for the general populace to access and analyze.  Part of this is a compartmentalization of information by the academics.  Part of this is ignorance and therefore, disinterest on the part of the public.  Part of this is merely the press-ganged nature of life in "the states" -- whichever states may be referred to.  

People are kept too busy responding to every misguided alarm sponsored by the Mainstream Media, too strained to make enough money to live at peace, and too busy trying to find a life with the few hours left of their days to worry about economic issues. It's only when they wake up and realize that the price of nearly every food and drug item has doubled or tripled that they nudge grudgingly toward interest in the economy. 

The attitude has been--- we work night and day to hire experts to take care of all that economic stuff for us.  We're not economists, right? Our employees should be taking care of all that for us.  That's the job of the Federal Reserve, the Securities and Exchange Commission, the New York Stock Exchange, the Comptroller of the Currency, the Secretary of the Treasury, the..... 

Unfortunately, all these institutions and offices are politicized and corrupt and largely incompetent, seduced by the post-World War II occupation accommodations in Europe and Japan, and the creation of the Federal Reserve Note as the "reserve currency" of the world, the establishment of the Economic Security Fund, and other measures, into thinking that the US Empire would last forever. 

As Richard Wolff points out in this video (below), such an expectation was never rational, and yet, the politicians and institutions of this country seem stuck in the past, unable to correctly analyze either the present or the future.  This has resulted in economic and policy blunders of epic magnitude, which, strangely enough to the uninitiated, are not American at all. 

They are the result of the myopic, elitist, bully boy politics of the British Parliament and British Crown, which continue to use and abuse American military muscle and economic resources for their own agendas --- thinly disguised as "American" initiatives. 

As Wolff observes, there were already 149 countries out of 196 opposed to Israel's aggression against the Palestinians and in favor of a Palestinian homeland BEFORE the most recent genocide in Gaza, and invasions of Lebanon and Syria began.  The atrocities committed by Israel have led to Norway, Spain, and Ireland withdrawing their support and joining the countries in support of a Palestinian homeland. 

This is largely political reality, because the people have seen and heard enough of what Israel is doing to take a stand against it, while in this country the bought-and-paid-for Zionist controlled media, like the media in Britain, covers up the truth and feeds us a constant narrative about the noble Israelis and their endless struggle against Anti-Semitism. 

Maybe if they would stop wholesale murdering their neighbors we would feel more warm and fuzzy toward them.  

That makes it 152 out of 196 countries standing against Israeli violence and aggression. The only major power acting in Israel's pocket is The United States, and The United States is being worked like a sock puppet by Britain --- the Company --- that caused the whole Mess in the Middle East in the first place. 

Please spend the brief amount of time that it will require for you to understand the economics. the insanity of the current situation, and the history of tariffs --- just in time for Donald Trump to start threatening everyone in sight with tariffs. 

This threatens to further isolate the American economy and damage our position worldwide, but like all the other moves that USA, Inc., and NATO have made, the abusive use of tariffs will reliably fuel inflation, shortages, loss of buying power and a faster and more violent demise of America as a world leader. 

This is not coming at the hands of Russia or China.  This is the result of population growth, earlier boneheaded economic sanctions that shoved the BRICs nations together, and lack of a realistic plan to adjust and coexist and maybe even respect and support each other as peaceable and responsible neighbors. 

Please listen to Richard Wolff's practical, sensible, easy-to-grasp explanation of the economics and the politics of the present situation. Realize that this is not the Cold War and that China and Russia have moved on, along with India and Brazil and the other member nations of BRICs.  

Notice also that Britain has joined BRICs and left us to suffer on our own little pity potty, yet another example of Britain's malicious and self-interested chiseling, seeking benefit from both sides of every situation that their agents have created.  

Isolating America and making us their scapegoat with one hand, and cozying up to and securing a place for themselves at the BRICs table with the other, Britain continues to play a deceitful two-handed and fork-tongued game of misdirection, malfeasance, and abuse, and continues to ignore the will of the British People, regarding BREXIT and nearly everything else. 

We have to ask --- in what sense is this Company calling itself "Great Britain" a nation or a country?  And by what right does it continually meddle with and occupy other countries using deceit, color of law, and other tactics reeking of secretive criminality?  

The one thing that Richard Wolff doesn't cover is the fact that the United Nations has stood by and profited from the illegal British Territorial military occupation of the British Homelands, the former Commonwealth, seventeen European countries, Japan, Iraq, Libya, and numerous other sovereign countries which have been usurped against in breach of trust and violation of international law by this same Company calling itself "Great Britain".  

When you add this to Richard Wolff's brilliant and brief summation of world economic history and current conditions, it is apparent why the United Nations has failed its mission and why it and all its Municipal Corporation franchises, including WHO, Inc.,  should be dissolved. 

Beginning now, we should all stop and consider the fact that Companies and Corporations are not now, and never were, the governments of countries.  All this rot has been brought to us by criminal corporate interests and corrupt corporate bureaucrats seeking to defraud their own employers. 

Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

December 31st 2024


See this article and over 5100 others on Anna's website here:

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