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Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Trademarks, Trade Marks, Copyrights, and Patents

 By Anna Von Reitz

Apparently, some people are following a practice of putting a Trademark Notice, that is, a small superscript "TM" after their signatures.  This should not be done unless for some reason that person is actually using their name as a trademark in the context of whatever they are signing. 

As an aside, Please Note that in the international jurisdiction of the sea while conducting international trade, it's called a "trademark" and when conducting international trade on the land, it's called a "trade mark".  

There are two international jurisdictions of the sea --- Admiralty and Maritime (Commerce) -- and both use the word "trademark". 

It wasn't always like this.  Prior to 1881, there was no provision for incorporated businesses operating as commercial corporations to use trademarks.  That legislation allowing commercial corporations (involved in commerce not "trade") to use "trademarks" muddied the water, so that you can no longer tell if a "trademark" is being used in international trade or in commerce.  

It also creates the problem of "granting assumption" that when you show a "trademark" notice, you might be operating in EITHER trade or commerce, and that can give the attorneys a hook to misidentify you and deliberately misinterpret what you are trying to accomplish.  

A trademark is used as a unique sign or symbol associated with a business.  Logos are trademarks.  Brands are trademarks.  Unique signage can be used as a trademark.  And yes, it is possible to use a name as a symbol and therefore, as a trademark --- both as a commercial (public) trademark and as a private trademark. 

Example of a signature being used as a public (commercial) trademark --- the familiar "Eddie Bauer" signature that appears on all "Eddie Bauer" products. 

Example of a signature being used as a private (international trade) trademark -- my husband's uniquely styled "Artist Signature" which is nothing like his day-to-day signature serves as a private trademark on all his work.  

Back in 1881 when this conundrum of using "trademarks" in commerce began, a stylistic convention was adopted to sort things out.  The same convention applies to copyrights as well. 

If you are acting in a private business capacity and you handwrite the copyright notice (the small letter "c" in a circle) or the trademark notice (the small "TM" superscript) it is evidence that you are operating in international trade. 

If you use a machine printed copyright notice or trademark notice the result is ambiguous and subject to interpretation, but the use of a machine (typewriter/computer keyboard) to create the image gives weight to the presumption that you are operating in a commercial capacity. 

So, if you are going to use a copyright notice as a living American serving notice of your property interest in your autograph or signature, it's advisable to handwrite it.  

And if for some reason (artists and designers commonly do this) you have a special signature that you use as an identifying mark for your products, go ahead and handwrite the superscript "TM" after your handwritten copyright notice--- otherwise, if you are not using your "trademark signature" as an actual trademark, don't issue a trademark notice.  

You can get in trouble doing so, and you can also provide the ravening wolves an excuse to presume that you are operating in commerce as a Municipal THING, unless you are careful about the context and know the law well enough to clarify your use of a "special signature" as part of your "trade".  

Trademarks give you "defensible rights" --- meaning that you have to assert and defend your ownership of that particular trademark by being able to show that it is special and unique, and that you have been using it more than seven (7) years in international trade, or, if you actually are operating in commerce, have registered it in commerce. 

I have a special circumstance in that I inherited a name as a perfected "trade mark" that was recorded and also registered as a  "trademark" in 1855, prior to all the confusion.  Nobody should pattern their use of a trademarked name after me, because different laws and assumptions apply to my rather unique situation.  

Patents in this country have been "reissued" as "registered patents" and are always numbered; when they come from the Land Patent records they come as properties registered by the British Crown and held in trust.  This is obviously not where any American wants their land acquisitions to remain.  You can obtain the registered patent record and/or number and publish your interest in it and then record your interest in that patent, which returns it to the land jurisdiction and makes you, not the British Monarch, the owner.  

Ron Gibson has developed a complete, exhaustive, and correct --- and in my opinion -- an unassailable process, for people to reclaim and properly reinstate their patent rights, so long as you are recognizable as an American to begin with.  

Strange but true, only Americans claiming their birthright political status, can actually own land in this country --- but you cannot just assume that your patent rights will be honored. You have to take action and inform the authorities and publish your actual interest in the property, or the King's men continue to interpret everything in favor of the King and under the King's Law. 


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Why Utah?

 By Anna Von Reitz

The unofficial report is that the "war" between the military and certain commercial elements has escalated with 259 dead in Utah; the unverified report claims that it was a clash between Blackwater and Delta Force.  

This comes on the heels of another unofficial report that Marine General Berger was abducted by CIA operatives and tortured, but was recently rescued by Marines from a remote CIA Safe House. 

Today, the numb people in Utah are asking, "Why Utah?"

I can give you an educated guess, based on Utah's history, the LDS Church, and legal actions presently underway in Utah.  And I can remind everyone that when General Berger was rescued, I warned that the clash between the military and the CIA and other alphabet soup "Agencies" would not be long in coming. 

For the perverts leading the globalist drive toward Corporate Feudalism to win, they have to subvert the values and morals of the Christian, Islamic, and Jewish populations in this country.  Their "war" is against religion in general, not just the Roman Catholic Church, which has taken the brunt so far and had a great deal of dirty laundry, both real and imagined, aired for everyone to see.

Now the Vermin are turning their attention to The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-day Saints, otherwise known as the Mormons. 

The LDS Churches have built a tight-knit family-values based religious community that has very firm and positive family and community values --- but also its share of corruption.  And it is all headquartered in Utah, where the LDS Church is the dominant social and religious organization throughout the entire State, and where they have, in effect, a theocracy --- a church-based government that serves members of their Church.  

The LDS Church has their own medical insurance companies and their own agribusiness regulation organizations, their own manufacturing facilities, their own historical archives, their own courts, their own colleges and educational curriculums, their own scientific research organizations, their own police --- LDS is a complete society within the framework of a State. 

Other than the Roman Catholic Municipal Government it is the largest, best organized church theocracy in this country, and now that the Catholics are waking up and cleaning house, the next target is The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-day Saints and the "battleground" is Utah. 

It is essential for the Vermin to discredit and overwhelm all the churches and religions but their own Canaanite idolatry. 

When we first organized The Utah Assembly to restore the traditional State Assembly in Utah (not in competition with the LDS's private services for members, but to bulwark the State Government that guarantees religious freedom for all) we ran into immediate trouble surrounding the activities of Child Protective Services in Utah.  

Our first volunteer Coordinator organizing The Utah Assembly was viciously targeted and attacked for her efforts to address the child-snatching, abuse,  and racketeering going on in Utah.  It got so bad we had to relieve her of duty as Coordinator --- out of fear for her and the other Assembly members.  

The FBI came in during the middle of the night and installed a bunker full of guns and other armaments on a remote corner of her farm, then violently attacked and arrested her.  It was a terrible experience for all concerned, and it was all because she was delving into CPS and child disappearances in Utah. 

This has been a major problem in Utah with many children going missing and others being institutionally abducted.  

Like most places in America, many members of the LDS Church have accepted civil as well as religious marriage, with the result that they have unknowingly entered into undisclosed Third Party Contracts with the State of Utah, which claims an "ownership" interest in the "products" of their marital "Joint Business Venture" ---- the children. This is how the State of Utah has been able to seize custody of children who naturally belong to their biological parents. 

This rampage of child-snatching and missing children in Utah has become a national scandal with far-reaching cultural, religious, and legal consequences. It has also, obviously, become Big Business, with Utah supplying children for organ harvesting, paid adoption, and sex trafficking, right under the nose of the LDS and sometimes with the cooperation of compromised Church officials. 

To quote one news local news source, the Community Support Foundation: 

"In Salt Lake and Utah Counties in the State of Utah, the Department of Child and Family Services (DCFS) in conjunction with the courts have appeared to be relentless in an over-reach to violate parental rights and placing children in harmful situations and/or physically removing children from their parents and homes. Long time professional has commented that “they have never seen this type of behavior in their 40+ year careers.” One individual who spoke with me said that DCFS appears to be desperate in their attempts to generate a source of income."

This is exactly the kind of behavior that was already developing in 2019. 

It is more important than ever for the LDS to wake up and for the people of Utah to stand up and take back their "reversionary trust interest" in their birthright political status and their State of the Union.  There is strength in numbers and true political power that comes from undertaking the task of self-governance that our Forefathers bequeathed to us.  

Marriage licenses don't apply to the people of Utah and neither do the various forms of insurance used to bait people into accepting civil marriage--- which is how the State of Utah, Inc., has insinuated itself into the most sacred of our most private relationships as an undisclosed Business Partner. 

If they can dictate the custody of your children because you gave them permission by applying for a "Marriage License" they can also "legally" dictate the death of your children, because, after all, your children are just "property assets" (slaves) belonging to the almighty Territorial State of Utah, Inc. 

If the State of Utah, Inc., is tough up for money, why wouldn't they dictate the application of a bioweapon to kill your children and collect on the life insurance policies the State of Utah, Inc. took out on them?   You, parents --- and not only in Utah -- unwittingly gave away an ownership interest in your kids, which allowed the State of Utah, Inc. to buy life insurance policies on each and every one of them.  

So now they "require" a phony "vaccination" knowing that 14% of all children receiving this injected bioweapon will die immediately, and knowing with malice aforethought that the seven year survival rate is 1 in 40,000.  

You think these people wouldn't stoop to kidnapping children and selling them for production of adrenochrome and organ harvesting?  To them, you are sheep and so are your kids.  Barnyard rules apply.  

This has only been possible, because you have been asleep, because you haven't known what these cretins have been doing and saying behind your backs.  Did you know that "Marriage Licenses" only exist, because they were imposed on black people after the so-called Civil War as a means to cut down on "black proliferation"?  

Here's another reason that it is coming to a head in Utah: The criminal prosecution of the Corporate Vermin is coming down in Utah.  

Go to: and learn how your freedoms and your birthrights and your children have all been stolen by public employees working for foreign corporations --- people that owe you and your children  "good faith service".  

Learn how you have been forced to finance the demise of your own freedom and wealth by the District of Columbia Liar's Club and the Committee of 300, the UN CORP, and the 4,000 corporate members of the "World Economic Forum".  

Learn how millions of American children have been brutalized, stolen, and ultimately murdered by commercial corporations engaging in criminal medical fraud and racketeering, and all  operating under color of law.. 


See this article and over 3900 others on Anna's website here:

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