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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

All This Stupid Talk....

By Anna Von Reitz

All day I have been listening to prattle about the "meaning" of "the Fed Take Over" by the Treasury Department. All these people are running around spinning all sorts of "interpretations" about this.  

One group is sure it's the work of the "evil New York Wall Street Jews"..... 

Another group is lauding and praising Trump as if he accomplished a miracle.... 

Still more groups are evenly split with some saying its the End of the World and the rest saying its the Beginning of a New World.

Listen to what your Grandma is telling you.  

The FED can't buy anything that isn't guaranteed by "the government".  

The "government" that was pretending to be the civilian government of this country (and never really was) was organized as a commercial corporation that violated its charter.  It is in Chapter 7 Involuntary Bankruptcy Liquidation as a result. 

Okay?  So, what can the FED buy, if there is no "government" guaranteeing them anything, and their charter forbids them to buy anything that isn't guaranteed by a government?  

Think, Grasshoppers.  You all have brains and I am giving you the facts.  

The FED was all dressed up with nowhere to go.  

Doing this little "rearrangement" with the bogus "US Treasury" ---- aka, IMF ---- 
which has no such noisome restrictions on what it can buy, lets the IMF take the risks and do the deals while the FED washes its pretty hands of responsibility for impersonating and mis-characterizing and defrauding millions of Americans--- all those "SPV's" you are hearing about --- and invest in NEW "SPVs". 

Oh, yeah?    

Now the "US Treasury" ---- IMF ---- will take the rap for that, and the FED will just provide the grease to create a whole new generation of "Special Purpose Vehicles" ---- new styles of names for me and you, used to defraud and racketeer against Americans.  

When Obummer changed the "Special Purpose Vehicles" from names styled like this: JOHN MICHAEL DOE to new "Special Purpose Vehicles" with names styled like this: JOHN M DOE, the banks got the TARP bailout for free, all funded on your backs and your Public Utility assets. 

So now what do you think the vermin are doing?  

They are trying to buy up your land estates and mineral resources at fire sale prices based on the (false) idea that you "abandoned" your natural birthright estate as an American ---- and they are using your own assets to do it.  

Yep, that's right.  They are using your credit secured by your assets to buy themselves a First Position Priority Creditor interest in your estate. 

At your expense.  

And the only ones out here on the field carrying your torch and standing up for you?   

The United States of America.  The members of your State Assembly, which you stupidly haven't joined. Heck, you haven't even recorded your proper political status, have you?  You haven't done one thing to protect yourselves and your families from being utterly, totally ripped off, have you?  

You are all just standing there with your mouths gaping open, thinking, this is our government.  They wouldn't do anything bad to us.....  despite DECADES of abuses like this, despite DECADES of proof otherwise.  

There are no heroes, no red, no blue.  There's just a whole lot of sanctimonious liars and crooks that you have failed to shut down and deal with.  The FED is the bank for the Territorial pigs and the IMF is the bank for the Municipal pigs, and you, folks, are playing the part of the trough in all of this. 

Can anyone shout, "Fraud!  Bank crime in progress!  Fraud in progress!  Red alert!  More fraud incoming!  American States and People protest FED and IMF collusion in conspiracy against the Constitutions and the people of this country!" 

Can anyone hit these stupid Generals upside the head and recall their "duty" for them?  

And how about "Q"--- time to squash all that Hope Porn like a bug?  

Trump is cleaning the Swamp, all right.  Problem is, he's only cleaning half of it.  


See this article and over 2300 others on Anna's website here:

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Truth Bomb, are you listening?

The Governors are committing treason and crimes against humanity with their illegal lockdowns and subversion of our freedoms and constitutional rights given their draconian measures on a virus that does not measure up against the common flu. In 2017, the flu infected 44 M Americans with 61,000 deaths with no shutdowns and business as usual. Yet with only 1000 recorded deaths with this virus the US is going insane. This is a concerted conspiracy by the MSM and Blue State Governors to stage a coup on a duly elected President. Trump did not mandate a US lockdown and left it up to the Governors who colluded with the MSM and perhaps China to bring down the economy as well as Trump. The state of MD has 4 deaths yet the state is locked down. Absurd! I live in PA with a commie Obama ass kissing Gov who shut down counties with ZERO deaths! Fake news, fake numbers, fake tests. These Governors must be arrested for a treason against the American people!

Grandma Gives It to You Straight

By Anna Von Reitz

There are DOZENS of strains of Common Cold Virus and always have been.  This is all just a ridiculous smokescreen to hide the Municipal Bankruptcy and Territorial attempts to "buy" back the Municipal Corporations (which belong to us) using our credit and assets to do it.  

Imagine this --- a pickpocket steals all the cash out of your left pocket, and then, he uses this stolen cash to buy the jewel in your right pocket.  

Have you got the schtick now?  It's a shell game.  

The Municipal Government is owned and operated by the Pope directly (theft of the cash in your left pocket).  The Territorial Government is also owned by the Pope, but it's operated "for" him by the British Queen --- who is busy trying to use your own assets and credit to buy your Municipal holdings (offer to buy the jewel in your right pocket).   

You are funding the whole shooting match, and they are trying to foist this off on you by doing what?  

Offering you "relief" payments --- also known as "benefits" ---- which they are free to define and misconstrue however they like, if you accept without doing some re-defining of your own.  

Left to themselves, the rats who are "giving" you a whole $300 billion out of the $6.2 trillion they are attempting to charge against your assets and credit ---- would happily claim that you "voluntarily" agreed to settle your claims against the Municipal UNITED STATES, INC., and that you accepted a token "equitable consideration" and donated the rest to them.  

So, we have acted in our official capacity and issued a Second Decree Over Mandate which you should take time to read --- and officially "accepted" these "relief payments" as "gifts" from the Pope and Queen ----- and back-charged their accounts for it, not ours.  

The "Unknown Country" has nothing to do with Kim or Tank or this country or the price of beans in China.  The "Unknown Country" is also known as the "Divine Province" --- the realm beyond death.  They set that trust up and renamed it to benefit themselves.  They acted as "self-interested donors".   A trust can be set up so that the Donors are also the Beneficiaries, and that is what they did.  

"Store up your riches in Heaven where thieves do not break in and moths do not decay......"  

But Benedict XVI also ordered them to open the Storehouses of the Lord ---- other trusts and accounts that are supposed to provide food and support for people in the End Times.  Part of that included the Romanus Pontifex  --- the City of Rome Trust, also known as the Urban Trust and the UBS Trust that Jamie Dimon stole and railroaded.  

Kim doesn't know jack shit about any of this.  Marduk hated mankind and never intended for her to know or be able to do diddly.  And just look at the situation.  Do you see any actual assets being deployed, or just more BS?   

Let me answer --- more BS. 

More "Money of Account" that is being charged to you and used to benefit the bankers and middlemen.  

Goddamn stupid, crooked military officers can't figure this out to save themselves or don't have the "honor" to do anything about it.  


See this article and over 2300 others on Anna's website here:

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EXCLUSIVE: Top Doctor EXPOSES EVERYTHING The Deep State Is Trying To Hide About CV | Dr. Shiva

Found Here:

Is COVID 19 a manufactured bio weapon?

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If the first video wasn't enough proof to suit you try this article.

Get It Right Or Stop Talking

By Anna Von Reitz

England is not owned by the Pope because of any agreement between King John and Pope Innocent III in 1213 or at any other time.  That is a total misreading of what went on there.  

“King” John was a King in France but not in England.  In England neither he nor his immediate forebears had any land, which is a requirement of sovereignty. He had no special rank over the Norman Barons who were set free and made sovereigns in their own right as part of the Norman Settlement.  That’s why they were able to force the issue of the Magna Carta and lawfully make it stick for a thousand years. 

Americans need to learn their own history before they go stumbling around trying to interpret British history—- as this present example shows.  

What happened between John and the Pope was a role reversal.  Prior to that the Church managed the Commonwealth land for the King. After that, the King managed the Commonwealth land for them.  

And what is “Commonwealth” land? 

Originally is was scrub and wasteland and gravel and swamp that the kings donated to the Church and which the church utilized for the support of the sick and poor and indigent. 

After 1213 King John became the Church’s steward and to this day, Elizabeth II acts in that same capacity with respect to the Commonwealth.  

If we are talking about Commonwealth property, she works for the Pope and gets paid by the Pope to administer it.  

This, it turns out, is very important to know, because in America, our Territorial Government is a British Commonwealth (belongs to the Pope, but administered by the Queen), and the Municipal United States Government is directly operated by the Church.  Thus both the remaining Federal Government Subcontractors belong to the Pope—- which precludes any notion of any Civil War developing here on our shores  The Pope can’t fight against himself and maintain any logic or credibility. 

Another often repeated American Know It All mistake is the idea that the Act of 1871 seeking to create a Municipal Corporation for the District of Columbia was “the” cause of all the evil we have seen since that time. 

The Act of 1871 was repealed in 1874.

The Act of 1871 was repealed in 1874. 

The Act of 1871 was repealed in 1874....

Repeat as often as necessary! 

Part of the intent of the original Act was implemented in 1878, and in itself, this was no big whoop in that it was a change in business structure for the foreign Federal District Government and should not have had any effect on us at all. 

Shouldn’t have. 

In reality, the corporation this created and authorized became a vehicle for improper hypothecation of debt and bankruptcy fraud.  It didn’t have to be that way, but crooked men in government offices and positions of public trust abused the new corporation to function in ways never contemplated by the framers of our actual factual government.  

So the Act of 1871 was repealed. 

And the Act of 1878 that partially reinstated it didn’t have to be anything bad or wrong.  It was the members of Congress that bent and twisted it and used it for evil purposes and to the detriment of the Public Good. 

Now please spread the word— England is not owned by the Pope because of any deal with King John in 1213. And the Act of 1871 was repealed and the replacement Act of 1878 was no big deal in and of itself. 

Everyone got that? 

The real problem arises out of the Birth Registration Act and all the other oppression coming from that. 


See this article and over 2300 others on Anna's website here:

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