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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Monday, December 7, 2020

Hot and Smoking

Dr. James Lyon-Weiler on fire --- gives the most extensive and scientifically correct critique of the upcoming vaccine and the process that led to it, that I have heard yet.
A few highlights to whet your stone:
HSS is the Defendant in the Vaccine Court. And they determine which vaccine injuries are "real".
Here is the link to Dr. Lyon-Weiler's comments at the Pennsylvania Medical Freedom Press Conference, though I don't expect it to survive for long---copy, promulgate, and share, share, share:
As Dr. Lyon-Weiler notes, 21% of those who participated in the first vaccine test study suffered serious adverse events.
As he also notes, clear, simple, inexpensive, and readily available treatment for Covid-19 has now been developed.
See the fact that China isn't on lockdown and isn't suffering any pandemic. Neither is Italy.
Why? Because they started using effective treatment.
This is good news, so why aren't you hearing it?

As he also notes, no Terrorist could be as effective in harming this country with a bomb as our Press Corps. The constant, inaccurate reporting of deaths and fear-mongering has already cost us far more.


See this article and over 2800 others on Anna's website here:

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The Progression of Lies -- Why There Has to Be War in This System

 By Anna Von Reitz

Please note that since the nineteenth century there has been talk about evolution and evolution has been the rallying cry of Progressives. The existence of Progressives implies the existence of a Progression--- evolution, in some sense. Progression implies movement, from one place or status or circumstance or condition to another.
According to the Progressives, Cro-Magnon becomes Homo Sapien becomes Homo sapien sapien....
So who are these "Progressives" and what are they trying to "Progress" to?
Thus far, "man" has been converted to a "male" and then, to a "Corporation".
That is, the man becomes defined as a human and then becomes a thing, in a progression leading to his ultimate destruction. "People" have been converted to "Persons" and then, to THINGS-- Corporations.
"Man" has become "Human" and, if we don't wake up, will soon be an "Artificial Intelligence" next, via conversion of our natural DNA to something altered and patented by the Vermin.
What this amounts to is a deliberate and evil process of "dehumanization" and unlawful conversion being pursued by criminals. Why?
To avoid accountability under the Public Law.
Each "person" operates in a different jurisdiction and venue of law, so by "progressively" converting a man to a male to a corporate THING, they avoid the penalties that accrue for their activities.
They deliberately and with malice traffick you out of the realm of the Public Law into the venal snake-pits of their private corporate "laws", "codes", and "statutes".
There is no law against raping, pillaging, enslaving or murdering a corporation.
And if you allow yourselves to be "interpreted" as a corporation, guess what?
This Unlawful Conversion, which is progressive and sequential and which leads inexorably to the worst kind of disrespect for life and Nature, is what these vermin have been up to for six generations.
A man naturally operates as a Lawful Person on the land.
A male (animal) naturally operates as a Legal Person on the sea.
A corporation (thing) operates as a LEGAL PERSON, in the airy fairy jurisdiction of the air ---- most of it, hot air.
And at each step, unalienable and inalienable rights are stripped away by changing labels and definitions. When we resist this process, the "Progressives" claim that we are at "war" with them, when in fact, we were never operating in their jurisdiction at all.
Lies and Legal Fictions are always "at war" with the Truth.
And that, in a nutshell, is why we live in a world full of constant "war". It's why our country has been at war for 90% of its existence.
In order to expedite their Grand Plan, the Masters of Deceit latched onto us via a secretive, non-consensual, unconscionable contract when they "registered" our birth and claimed that we were British Territorial U.S. Citizens.
Then, to further expedite their evil intent and enhance their ability to plunder under color of law, they also "registered" our NAMES as Municipal Corporation franchises of various kinds, which allowed them to abuse us as much as they liked under more False Legal Presumptions.
This is called a "double-ended impersonation scheme" by which you are deliberately misidentified twice, first as a Territorial Person and second as a Municipal PERSON.
There is no "Red" and "Blue", no "North" and "South", no "Black" and "White".
Those are just labels designed to give you the idea that there are two sides and something to fight against, when in fact, there are only two huge commercial corporations, the US, INC. and the USA, Inc., and both of them are ultimately owned and operated by the Pope.
So there aren't really two sides. There's just one predator with two arms and hands ready to grab anything of value that you possess, including your lives. Those are insured for over a million dollars each, so it is easy to see why these criminals have a motive to instigate a shooting war on our streets.
Please take this information in and internalize it fully.
What we are dealing with are two groups of the Pope's flunkies ---one operating the Government of Westminster, trying to move everything to "safe harbor" in China (Joe Biden), and then, more of the Pope's flunkies trying to set up a basis to claim that you are a Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) by vaccinating you like cattle with their patented mRNA---(Bill Gates et alia) and using this as a rationale to claim that they literally own you as a GMO Product.
Answer their "offer" of sterility and abject servitude by going to, and by declaring your correct political status as a birthright American, and by joining your lawful State Assembly.
Get ready to shove it all the way to China.


See this article and over 2800 others on Anna's website here:

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