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Monday, August 8, 2022

Two Ancient Forms of Law Causing Modern Havoc

 By Anna Von Reitz

Recently I found myself writing an apologetic letter to a young woman who was confused about why she, a single Mother (and doing just fine, thank you!) should have to find a "Pater Familis" to act as Paternal Guardian for her children? 

I explained about the Roman Civil Law adopted by the Municipal United States Government.  

This is literally the law of Rome, more than two thousand years old, all scribed in Latin.  

Under Roman Civil Law, a woman can own property (such as her own children) only so long as there is a male head of household willing to claim those children as his responsibility.  Otherwise, the Municipal Government views her children as very valuable unclaimed property --- presumed to be unwanted bastards --- slaves, in other words.  

And they will claim the children of unprotected women as WARDS OF THE STATE.  

As a result, divorced women, actual unwed mothers, and widows with children all need to find trustworthy men to stand in the place of Pater Familis with respect to their children. This Paternal Guardian can be and if possible should be the Grandfather, Uncle, Brother, or other relative who is a man of good character and of age and otherwise able to support a family. 

In a pinch, a Godfather can serve, or even a family friend, but someone has to fill those empty shoes or the children are at risk under Municipal Law. 

It is this same antique form of law that allows slavery and peonage to exist in the modern world. 

For these and other reasons, Roman Civil Law should not exist in the modern world, but it does and it is still one of the most common forms of law on a planetary basis.  Go figure --- and deal with this information.  

You are being mistaken and impersonated as a Municipal citizen of the United States, subject to Roman Civil Law.  

Yes, we can accuse the perpetrators of fraud and hope to prove it, but under Roman Civil Law, you are guilty until proven innocent ---- and they get to set the standard of proof.  

So.... it's best to know what you are up against and have your ducks in order to establish your standing and ownership interest in your property assets, and it is also best if you realize that under this ancient form of law, your children are property assets belonging to their parents until they reach the age of majority. 

Under Roman Civil Law, people can still be owned as property.  Minor children are property by definition -- either of their parents/family --- or the STATE. 

Slavery is wrong, we all know it's wrong, and it has been outlawed worldwide since 1926, but nonetheless, under Roman Civil Law it persists locally and hasn't been eradicated.  Until it is, and until other forms of law replace it, the Roman Civil Law poses a threat to anyone who can be ensnared. 

We are certainly not condoning any of this and don't advocate it or naturally stand under Roman Civil Law at all ---- nonetheless, it is the law of one of our Federal Subcontractors, and we have to be aware of it and ready to defend against it --- first by denying their assumption that we are citizens of their version of "United States" and second, by being prepared to rebut their ownership claims under their own law. 

Having someone on the record to stand as Pater Familis is wise, as it discourages the Vermin from attacking you and your children in the first place.  They can't assume that your children are "fatherless" and without support, the most common excuse they use to claim them and send their "agents" ---- "Child Protective Services" --- to seize upon your kids.  

This advice applies to people who have "married" under a civil marriage license as much as it does to actual unwed mothers and divorcees and widows ---- get a separate claim, a Baby Record (sometimes called a Baby Deed) on the Public Record, with both a Father or Paternal Guardian and Mother on the record.  Such "civil marriages" do not establish official paternity and don't have the lawful and legal standing of wedlock.  That is, you can be married and your husband is still not legally presumed to be the father of your children until he steps up and says so.  You also need to clearly establish the birthright political status of your child as an American State National for their sake.  

Don't let anyone assume anything about your political status --- declare it, and don't let your children go undeclared, either. 

Admiralty Law is another ancient form of law that is legendarily prone to corruption, which is what led to the Admiralty Courts in Great Britain being dismembered and restricted in the mid-1700's.  Only four subjects were left to the Admiralty Courts after this great restructuring --- seaman's wages, hypothecation of debt, maritime salvage claims, and bottomry bonds. 

Out of this meager remaining authority, the Admiralty Courts have managed to spread worldwide corruption on an unprecedented scale, by attaching "Special Admiralty Rules" to the Roman Civil Law already discussed and misapplying Admiralty Law on shore.  

The Perpetrators have "supposed" that, as we haven't declared our own political status in public, they can use their own "discretion" to determine our identity and political status for us, and proceed however they please, using whatever form of law suits their purpose --- which is to collect war reparations for the British King. 

From their perspective, we are "ships" --- thanks to a presumed British Territorial "Citizenship" that accrues to British Territorial Persons at birth --- and as such, we are subject to maritime (commercial) salvage as bankrupt franchises of prior government corporations.  So they seize upon our good names and estates and make false claims and false presumptions about us and our government, and there is nothing to prevent this headlong self-interested spate of lying, because we have been left completely in the dark and unable to object as a result. 

The entire British Territorial Internal Revenue Service scam rests upon their undisclosed use of the word "Taxpayer" as a legal term defined as a Warrant Officer in the British Merchant Marine Service ---- thus bringing the subject matter of the Admiralty Courts --- seaman's wages --- to bear.  

They also speculate that the bankrupt franchise "Persons" that they operate "in our names" are subject to salvage and hypothecation of debt against the "wreck" --- that is, the bankrupted British Territorial Person -- and the Owners of that wreck, who are presumed to be the Americans these British Territorial franchise corporations are named after.  

Imagine that someone named an actual ship after you, the jolly HMS John Doe American?  
And then proceeded to wreck and bankrupt and salvage this ship?  Imagine that they have charged you for all this "service" they've done salvaging the wreck that they created?  Plus, they have seized upon the cargo this "ship" was carrying?  

Now you have an idea of what these criminals have been pulling on the clueless American General Public in their Admiralty Courts.  Technically, they have been addressing their own bankrupt corporate franchises, not addressing the similarly-named Americans at all.  And obviously, bankrupt British Territorial corporate franchises have no guarantees under The Constitution of the United States of America, so they have evaded their constitutional obligations to the Americans, too.  

This is why the Admiralty Courts were destroyed in the 1750's, but unfortunately, the Brits saw an advantage in preserving this nasty little court concession for precisely these and similar fraud schemes ---- and so these frauds of impersonation and unlawful conversion have continued and flourished even though they have been officially outlawed since 1702, and the British Government has deliberately continued to profit from these fraud and personage schemes with malice aforethought, as we see in the Naval Agency and Distributions Act of 1864. 

Both of these ancient forms of "Law" --- the Roman Civil Law and the Admiralty Law --- need to be torn asunder and  reformed on a worldwide basis, as both are being manipulated to promote criminal mischief and injustice on a worldwide scale. 

We should not be limited in this reform or coerced to substitute other repugnant forms of law such as Administrative Law intended to manage the internal affairs of corporations, or Sharia Law which is a codification enforcing Muslim religious mandates, or Noahide Law which is a simpler and even more Draconian form of Admiralty Law or Rules of Law which are intended to govern the courts.  

We need new law forms that are simple, easy to understand, and easy to obey for the common good.  There is no reason to entertain the insanity of over 80 million codes, regulations, and statutes, which nobody can rightly interpret, know, obey, enforce, or pay for. 

We, as a planetary community, must address the havoc and injustice that the application and misapplication of these ancient forms of law have caused.  We must additionally address the results of these misuses and abuses of law and make new choices and develop new forms of law to promote justice and honest administration of local government and business functions. 

I have stared this Beast in the face and thought long and hard about it, and can find no better standards than the most ancient of all laws on Earth --- to honor our Creator, to honor freewill, to cause no harm, and to treat others as we would like to be treated ourselves. 

Avoiding harm to others would become profitable. Respecting the privacy and property rights of others would be normal.  And you wouldn't need entire huge libraries to define and prove what is simply right or simply wrong.  All you would need is a jury of twelve people without profit motives and their heads screwed on.


See this article and over 3700 others on Anna's website here:

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Robb Ryder, Our Paul Revere

 By Anna Von Reitz

There are no qualified Electors --- except for the State Citizens who are members of their State Assemblies --- in this country.  

There are no certified registered Electors of any County Election Precinct/District without swearing in before a County Clerk and as Robb points out, since when have "Registered Voters" sworn any oath before a County Clerk? 

Voters are not Electors.  How long have I been telling you this?   

None of the purported officials have taken an Oath of Office as required by Article VI of the Federal Constitutions, either. 

So, all these people are impersonating public officials --- pretending to occupy public offices, while in fact acting as officers of foreign commercial corporations. 

Robb suggests that local sheriffs issue declarations of a local state of emergency at the county level.  Bypass the Governor, who is a phony official like the rest of them, and go direct. 

Hey, there's a problem in Macon County.... we have judges and sheriffs who aren't judges and sheriffs. They are acting under color of law, not taking their oaths of office, not being elected by certified Electors. 

This is what I have been telling you for many years now. It's comforting to hear Robb Ryder echoing the same information in his own unique way.  If you are having trouble understanding me, listen to Robb Ryder, the Voice of Michigan, Our Paul Revere. 

Robb doesn't get all of the jurisdictional distinctions straight, and his focus tends to be on Michigan, but if you listen to him it will be obvious that I am not blowing any smoke.  

Robb gets down and cites all their own rules and regulations and statutes that they are violating right and left, to prove beyond any reasonable doubt --- they are impersonating public officials. 
And that's an emergency.  It's also an act of terrorism when people are subjected to foreign law  and denied their constitutional guarantees and the protection of the Public Law. 

Robb Ryder and I both believe that Lincoln suspended the right of Habeas Corpus in 1863 and that it has never been restored.   

Robb Ryder believes that we are in the presence of an ongoing crime -- the only difference between us is that I believe that crime has been ongoing since 1860, and Robb hasn't quite (yet) nailed down the ultimate source of the problem.  

If you read Lincoln's General Order 100 (the first "Executive Order" ever) you will see that he also suspended the Constitution and created a military dictatorship functioning under the Lieber Code. 

Did Lincoln have any authority to suspend the right of Habeas Corpus owed to Americans?  No. 

Did Lincoln have any authority to establish a separate military government operating under the Lieber Code?   No. 

Did Lincoln have authority to set aside or suspend any part of any Constitution?  No.  

This is all history that we have, conveniently, never been taught.  

The excuse for not teaching us this history is that this is not American History, it's British Territorial U.S. History. 

Lincoln's Lieber Code is only supposed to apply to U.S. Citizens, but in effect and in application has been misapplied to all of us. We haven't been given the information that would enable us to discern that fact, so we haven't been able to defend against it, either. 

We've been left in the wreckage of our own government staring at the chaos engendered as our foreign Subcontractors, mere purveyors of "essential government services",  have commandeered this country and its resources for the benefit of foreign powers. 

Via the misuse and misapplication of Admiralty Law, these foreign Subcontractors have operated a vast personation fraud against the people of this country, and have hypothecated unauthorized debt against us and against our assets in Breach of Trust and in violation of their commercial service contracts --- that is, the Federal Constitutions. 

This was planned and done with malice aforethought, as demonstrated by the Naval Agency and Distributions Act of 1864.  

At the present time, the same actors are using their "Uniformed Officers" --- licensed and therefore, conscripted, doctors, nurses, and dentists --- (see Federal Code Titles 37 and 11) as military forces to unleash genocide against the unsuspecting General Public worldwide. 

The important take home message that both Robb Ryder and I have faithfully delivered is that the Subcontractors based out of the District of Columbia ---and their local State of State franchises---- are wildly out of control and I, at least, have further identified for you that both the British Territorial U.S. Government and the Roman Municipal United States Government, are foreign corporations run amok on our shores. 

These are commercial corporations in the business of providing certain enumerated government services in the same way that General Motors is in the business of building and selling cars.  

And like GM or EXXON or any other commercial corporation, these foreign Subcontractors are are in business to make a profit.  

They have made a tremendous profit for themselves by impersonating you, hacking your credit, using your military forces as cheap mercenaries --- largely without their knowledge or consent, misapplying Admiralty Law on shore, and alternately stripping or "conserving" your natural resources to best benefit themselves and their cronies.  

To get a taste of just how out of whack things really are, go listen to a few of Robb Ryder's videos on YouTube.   

I don't happen to agree with Robb's conclusions in this particular video --- he is rather naively advocating that we should all start calling upon "Emergency Management" for help by declaring "local emergencies" caused by personage crimes and deprivation of rights under color of law in violation of 18 USC 241. 

The problem with that solution is that the people we would be calling upon for help are the same people who created this mess in the first place.  We'd be asking them to clean up their own criminal mischief, and the most expeditious way for them to do that is always to vilify and arrest the victims of these crimes, dismiss them as "tin hats" and as "sovereign citizens", arrest them for insurrection against the corruption (while pretending the corruption is right) and kick dust over the whole smoking pile. 

So I don't advise anyone to invite "emergency management" into their county for any reason, but I certainly suggest that you listen to Robb Ryder's 

You will shortly realize how these interlopers have usurped upon and counterfeited our government and how that has led to the current situation.  You will also see in example after example how they have violated their own published "laws" and Public Policies to coerce and deprive Americans of their rights and property under color of law. 


See this article and over 3700 others on Anna's website here:

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Juan O' Savin: Dropping Hydrogen Bombs of Truth