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Friday, August 23, 2024

International Public Notice: Impersonation

 By Anna Von Reitz

The crime of impersonation is a curious white collar crime and we typically think of it in terms of a criminal pretending to be a police officer or other official, but since the 1860's that is not all or only what it means.  

The 37th Territorial U.S. Congress, Second Session, Chapter 49, Section 68, declared that for purposes of their administration, the word "person" shall mean "corporation".   

So, when you incorporate the name of a living man or woman, you literally "impersonate" them and begin representing them as if they were a corporation and subject to the forms of law that govern corporate entities.  

A little baby born on June 6th 1956 was given the public name "Anna Maria Riezinger" on that day.  Anna Maria Riezinger was a Lawful Person with a birthright estate in Wisconsin, one of the fifty American States, but less than three weeks later, on June 24th 1956, her unincorporated and Lawful Person was seized upon by the British Territorial State of Wisconsin, Inc.,  and "enfranchised" as a British Territorial Legal Person ---- Anna Maria Riezinger, Incorporated.  

This process of inheriting a lawful estate and then being impersonated as a legal person yields two sides of a coin: 

At the same time that the Lawful Person, Anna Maria Riezinger, Unincorporated, is "waived" together with her lawful estate, an "infant decedent estate" is created, and in this case, rolled into the Wisconsin State Trust.  

Next, the British Territorial Legal Person, Anna Maria Riezinger, Incorporated, is "born" --- that is, created on paper.  This Legal Person is a British Territorial franchise of the United States of America, Incorporated, and its State of Wisconsin, Incorporated, franchise. 

In this way, the identity of a living American baby born on June 6th is secretly, without her knowledge and without her parent's knowledge, unlawfully converted into a "person" --- and a new identity as a British Territorial corporation franchise is palmed off on her. Her nature and identity as an American is papered over and unlawfully converted.   

This new "Person", Anna Maria Riezinger, Incorporated, is a British Territorial Franchise Corporation that is considered a British Territorial Subject domiciled in Puerto Rico, one of those millions of Puerto Rican shelf corporations referenced earlier in our series of International Public Notices. 

Anna Maria Riezinger, Incorporated, has citizenship obligations as a British Territorial U.S. Citizen.  "She" has to pay the Queen's Sovereign Debt as a direct private tax levied by the Dutch Bullion Bankers of Amsterdam and their descendants.  This is extracted by the British Territorial Internal Revenue Service.  

Anna Maria Riezinger, Incorporated,  is conveniently presumed to act -- voluntarily -- as a British Warrant Officer in the Merchant Marine Service known as a "Taxpayer", who has the duty of collecting taxes and tariffs for the British Monarch and returning the loot to the King or Queen's Coffers and correctly accounting for them, too.  Receipts collected are due each year on April 15th by the Internal Revenue Service, Inc., a private bill collector.  

Of course, the American known as Anna Maria Riezinger, an Unincorporated Lawful Person, has no such duty to the Queen, but "she" has been cashiered away in the Wisconsin State Trust, and her affairs are administered as a Public Trust by the members of the Bar Association --- Officers of the Queen (or King)who have expedited and benefited from this entire deplorable identity theft and impersonation scheme.  Their courts, and through the back door, their Court Officers, receive a commission on everything they illegally and immorally confiscate from the victims. 

Eventually, as the larger scheme plays out, the parent corporation doing business as the United States of America, Incorporated, or the USA, Inc., or whatever name suits the reprobates responsible, reaches the end of its credit limits, and is forced to go bankrupt by its creditors.  All its franchise corporations, including Anna Maria Riezinger, Incorporated, are bankrupted, too, to pay the debts of the parent corporation.  

Meanwhile, the lawful estate of Anna Maria Riezinger, Unincorporated, is cashiered in the Wisconsin State Trust, clicking along.  Her assets are being invested and profits rolled into an account under her name -- which the actual Anna never sees -- and all this wealth is being used as a giant Slush Fund for the Queen and her Government's benefit.  

The victim of all this crap, the little baby, gets nothing and knows nothing about it.  

By the time the baby grows up enough to be cognizant, the British Territorial franchise corporation named after her, Anna Maria Riezinger, Incorporated, will be bankrupt and "civilly dead".  

At this point, "her" estate --- the one held in the Wisconsin State Trust --- is now "abandoned property".  Nobody knows who her Heirs are, because, of course, she "died" intestate. 

So another public corporation, owned and operated by the Holy Roman Empire, comes in and creates another Public Trust, a Cestui Que Vie Trust operated under the name styled as: ANNA MARIA RIEZINGER.  This federal municipal estate trust is created under Washington, DC, Statute: Vital Statistics, Chapter 2, Section 7-201, paragraph 10 (1995).  

This Roman Inferior Trust (a public interest trust as opposed to a private trust) is created by order of the Secretary of the Treasury of Puerto Rico, the Bankruptcy Trustee who is in charge of the bankruptcy of both the British Territorial parent corporation doing business as "the United States of America, Incorporated" and its franchises in Puerto Rico, like "Anna Maria Riezinger, Incorporated". 

What does this have to do with an American baby living in Wisconsin?  

Absolutely nothing.  

She, her Good Name and identity, is being illegally and unlawfully trafficked and impersonated by foreign employees acting in Gross Breach of Trust and Violation of their Service Contracts. Her life-estate is being secretly latched upon and unlawfully converted into a legal estate belonging to a foreign British Territorial "Person" --- "Anna Maria Riezinger, Inc." -- a legal fiction entity that has no valid reason or right to exist. 

And once "Anna Maria Riezinger, Inc." is bankrupted and declared civilly dead, a second Birth Certificate announcing the creation of a Roman Cestui Que Vie TRUST is issued.  

This new Legal Fiction Entity, ANNA MARIA RIEZINGER, INC., is a franchise of the UNITED STATES, INC., and again, this "US Corporation" has citizenship obligations--- this time, as a "citizen of the United States", what is known as a "Fourteenth Amendment citizen".  "SHE" is responsible for paying the sovereign debts of the Roman Pontiff and City of Rome, via a private direct tax imposed by the Dutch Bullion Bankers and their descendants, administered by the IRS and DOJ and collected by their Agents on April 15th each year. 

Peter's Pence is still being forcibly collected under force of the Law of the Spanish Inquisition which is still on the books in Puerto Rico. 

We could not possibly make this up.  

It's all self-interested, deliberate, malicious, constructive fraud, front to back and first to last, against American Employers owed "good faith service".  

All False Claims, Legal Presumptions, and Suppositions related to "Anna Maria Riezinger" must be released and all foreign public trust interests must be dissolved in my favor, both as a unique living individual and as a Wisconsinite and as an American.  

I have recorded and published an Irrevocable Will concerning my estate(s) and those other estates belonging to those who have hands and feet and in whom the flesh lives and blood flows, that I have claimed as a living Fiduciary of my country, my countrymen, and the world-at-large.  I cannot be termed "intestate".  My Will and my intention has been a matter of public record for many years.    

Similarly, no scrap of any material interest owed to any living man or woman on this planet, public or private, can be deemed "abandoned".  Acting as their Fiduciary and Relative, I have claimed all of it for the living people of this planet --- not just Americans, but for everyone everywhere who has been harmed by this criminal malfeasance and Gross Breach of Trust.  

It's theirs, and it must be returned to them without exception.  

Everyone who steps forward and claims their birthright nationality and political status must be honored and must receive their estates back, unharmed, whole, unencumbered, in their control and possession, under their lawful sovereignty.    

Any and all assumptions and legal presumptions pertaining to or resulting from this grotesque identity theft and impersonation swindle carried out on a one-to-one basis against  babies in their cradles, must be repudiated, and the criminal hidden public "trust system" must be liquidated in the favor of the victims.  

Just as William of Orange consolidated the Dutch and British Commercial and Naval Fleets under one flag --- the Union Jack --- and placed these operations under the administration of the Lords of the Admiralty, William's Successors have pulled this swindle on the whole world and placed the administration of it on land under the "Inspector Generals".  

These Inspector Generals and their Inspector General Council have recently been identified as criminals engaged in the promotion and enforcement and administration of the Impersonation, Identity Theft, and Human Trafficking Scheme described herein, and we have issued extra-territorial international arrest warrants for their arrest and prosecution.  

The Lords of the Admiralty can be assumed to be involved in the trafficking and should be regarded as accomplices. along with members of the Puerto Rican Government, the Government of Westminster, the British Monarchy and its Government, the Mayor of the Inner City of London and his Administration, the Government of Ghent, officers and shareholders of the Bank of England and its Board of Governors, officers and shareholders of the Bank of Scotland and its Board of Governors,  high ranking members of the Bar Associations, leaders of the World Economic Forum, officers and shareholders of the International Monetary Fund, aka, IMF, and its Board of Governors, officers and shareholders of the Global Federal Reserve System and their Board of Governors, compromised members of the British Parliament and Privy Council, compromised members of the U.S. Congress and compromised members of the Roman Curia, Committee of 300, Order of the Garter, high ranking officers of the incorporated Eastern Orthodox branch of World Catholicism, high ranking members of the Israeli Government (who can be identified because they have legally changed their names and assumed "more Jewish sounding" noms de guerre), certain high-ranking members of the USAF, US NAVY, US ARMY, DARPA, and DOD (DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE), compromised members of the German, Japanese, Chinese, and Indonesian Governments, compromised members of the Government of the Philippines, compromised members of the Vatican and Vatican City Administration, compromised members of the Universal Postal Union, compromised members of the United States National Security Council, DHS, NHS, CIA, FBI, DOJ, BATF, IRS, FEMA, USPTO, compromised members of the Swiss Government and Dutch Government, along with various and sundry Chief Executive Officers of Commercial Corporations including the pharmaceutical corporations and government agencies involved in the Covid 19 debacle.  

These crimes against humanity, both the white collar impersonation, identity theft, and international trafficking we have described herein, and the much more active aggression of polluting the human genome in an attempt to advance ownership claims over the recipients of these fraudulently misrepresented injections by the patent holders, must be addressed. 

All men and women of goodwill and all forces private and public that stand on the side of truth and justice must align to face this virulent and criminal conspiracy which has been funded by the descendants of the Dutch Bullion Bankers who founded the Bank of England, the Bank of Scotland, and the so-called Federal Reserve --- using the assets and credit of the victims themselves. 

The Conspirators responsible must be identified and stopped and prevented from promoting more crimes, and also prevented from further spreading around the Unjust Enrichment from their activities as payola.  

Mr. Trump and the awakening members of the United States mercenary forces need to face the fact that the defrauded and denigrated American People who have suffered all this as a result of their own dereliction of duty and breach of trust and contract,  have always been the ones paying their bills, the ones filling their ranks, supporting them in the field, and we, the American People (the State Citizens who gave them their service contracts -- the Federal Constitutions) have always been those owed all service and loyalty in return.  

SERCO and the Queen's Government have only been self-serving middlemen, misdirecting our largely clueless sons and daughters and using them as cheap mercenaries "in our names" in endless wars for profit.  

We are calling our sons and daughters home to do the work we hired them to do -- to defend this country and its borders.  We are calling on Mr. Trump to Cease and Desist the political sideshows and nonsense of a private corporate election being passed off as a substitute for our lawful public elections.  

It's time to put an end to the lies and the substitutions and impersonations and legal chicanery and pretenses of "war" and face up to what those in positions of power and public trust have done. 

As the Priority and Preferential Creditors, the actual owners and majority shareholders, we are calling on the banks worldwide to correct their operations and accounting systems, to stem the flow of payola and "government sanctioned" money laundering, end the heinous practice of securitizing living flesh, and voluntarily align with our Global Family bilateral banking system.  We stand ready to connect via air, land, and sea RMA-API, bank to bank.  

Better to take a stand for honest banking than continue knowing participation in a system based on criminality and constructive fraud, identity theft, money laundering, and war for profit. 

The Government of Puerto Rico is receiving this International Public Notice and is fully advised of its liability for continuing to participate in any part of this venal fraud scheme: Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents; Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals. 

Those responsible for concocting this "system" of impersonation and lies, unlawful conversions and illegal confiscations, should be reviled in our memory; those who profited from it should hang their heads in shame; and those who continue to promote and defend it, having been made aware of it,  it should be hanged, full stop.   

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

August 23rd 2024


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