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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

International Public Notice: No More "Bait and Switch"

 By Anna Von Reitz

Bait and Switch is one of the oldest con games in the world.  You offer one product, and substitute another.  

This is what the British Territorial U.S. Government has been doing to the American People for over 160 years.  

Abraham Lincoln was the "President" of a foreign corporation merely calling itself "the United States of America, Incorporated" --- not the President of our unincorporated American Federation of States, not even the President of our Federal Republic. 

Donald Trump is playing the same game. 

Lincoln unlawfully converted our American Armed Forces into British Crown Territorial Mercenaries without a word to the troops or to us. 

There is no evidence in the record that they were ever lawfully converted back to the status of honorable soldiers after that.  

This explains why SERCO, a British Crown Corporation, is their Paymaster.  It explains why such characters as George H.W.Bush and General Norman Schwarzkopf were knighted by QEII.  

They are not our Presidents and not our Armed Forces --- until and unless they lawfully convert back to their birthright American status and cease functioning as "U.S. Citizens".  

U.S. Citizens are not Americans.  They are British Territorials, like the people of Puerto Rico and Guam. 

They may serve under the Constitution of 1789, but they are not Parties to them and do not receive the Guarantees or have the authority to enforce these venerable contracts on the other Principals. We do. 

This situation also mandates the Funky Monkey political party straw poll elections that have been substituted for our Public Elections. These events are fraudulently deceptive in that they are designed to make the American people believe that: (1) they are voting for a President occupying their own Public Office; and (2) that their vote for a foreign corporation's  "President" counts, when in fact, it's just an opinion poll.  

The "President" of the foreign British Territorial corporation involved is elected by the shareholders of that corporation, who are represented by "Electors" --- who are members of the Electoral College. 

This same foreign corporation doing business as "the United States of America, Inc." and its Successors and affiliates have engaged in another fraudulent practice --- registering American babies and using their names to create franchises for their own benefit, without disclosure.  

They have the Usufructuary Duty to hold all Americans affected by this practice harmless and exempt from any charges, harm, or consequence resulting from the existence of these fictional --- and unconscionable U.S. Territorial franchises --- but they conveniently "forget" and routinely charge Americans for debts and charges owed by their "similarly named" franchises----especially tax debts and mortgages.  

Their courts are all cesspits engaged in accidentally-on-purpose committing crimes of personage and barratry against Americans, under the known pretense that those Americans are U.S. Territorial Citizen Franchises or Federal Municipal Corporation franchises deemed to be "citizens of the United States", instead. 

They have tried to dignify all this as something occurring under The Law of War, from 1861 to today, but no actual War ever existed.  No Congress competent to declare war ever declared anything about the so-called "American Civil War". 

Nor has our Congress of States ever declared anything about any "war" since then.  

This means that all actions undertaken since 1860 by Lincoln and by the unlawfully converted American Military Forces have been Mercenary Conflicts.  There has been no basis for Martial Law, District Courts, or any of the other harms offered against us, their Employers, who were always owed "good faith" and "due diligence".

These aforementioned fraud schemes have all been crimes carried out in gross self-interest by commercial and municipal mercenaries that are supposed to be working for us, not the British Crown, and not the Holy Roman Empire. 

The entire circumstance is all criminal and it is all fraud and it is not covered under The Law of War and it never has been. 

Now, the "Bait and Switch" artists who switched their President for our President, our Armed Forces for their Mercenaries, and who accessed our credit under conditions of similar identity theft and deceit, have "offered" to occupy our American Federal Republic or to substitute their British Territorial Corporation's version of "a" Federal Republic for ours.  

We have declined the offer and draw the world's attention to the "Bait and Switch" that these same corporate criminals are attempting now.  

The banks, including the Bank for International Settlements and its members, and the Global Federal Reserve and its members, and the members of the BRICS Alliance, are hereby served Notice of the Facts: 

These corporations don't "represent" us and are operating in Gross Breach of Trust and Violation of their Service Contracts. Our funds are not to be expended or provided to them for any purpose beyond defending our country from invasion or attack.  

All Treaties need to be reviewed in terms of authority to contract; these corporations have never had any authority to contract for us or to dispose of our assets--- this includes land and soil assets and assets in American Admiralty jurisdiction. 

We have heard that these corporations have invited demons into our world and have even signed a Peace Treaty under duress with these same demons.  

They may be under duress, but we are not.  They may believe in "Star Princesses" and 3,000 year old Chinese Elders, but we do not.  

They have no ability to sign any actual treaty affecting the land and soil or any land and soil assets rightfully belonging to us.  And never did. 

We are not federal Subjects and we are owed their Usufructuary Duty with respect to all and any franchises of theirs that they have named after us.

From the Treaty of Manila Bay to the G23PO Treaty and beyond, these corporations may be great pirates and excellent con artists, but they do not have any authority to establish treaties for us, nor, as corporations, do they have any right to exist, except for lawful purposes they have violated. 

This means that they are not our Trustees; they are only the Trustees of their own bankrupt, civilly dead, and to us, unconscionable franchises, they have named after us --- empty shelf corporations domiciled in Puerto Rico and derived Municipal Corporations domiciled in the Municipality of Washington, DC. 

Any and all beneficial interest in the assets cashiered in these trusts and any stocks, bonds, titles or other assets and property interests vested "in the name" of Americans are owed back to those Americans as "gift franchises" and private property. 

As these "gift franchises" were unconscionable to us as babies and also to our parents who were never given disclosure, those responsible for these swindles are attempting to avoid their responsibility to return the purloined assets to the victims of this outrageous scam and are attempting to continue their impersonation of Americans as British Territorial Citizens and/or HRE Municipal Corporations deemed to be "citizens of the United States". 

We are full up to the top with all this corporate bull crap. 

Mr. Trump is specifically forbidden to enter our American Federal Republic or to misrepresent us by promoting any British Territorial or Incorporated Substitute for our American Federal Republic. He must Cease and Desist from any Bait and Switch activity whatsoever. 

There is no "war" and any Pretense of War or action under color of law is served just rebuttal. 
These corporations are supposed to be serving our lawful civilian government, not preying upon our people and stealing us blind. 

We did not create and are not responsible for the existence or expenses or charges against any of these foreign franchise corporations named after us or after Americans in general.  

The American Federation of States doing business as The United States of America --- Unincorporated, delegated all powers ever held by the dormant American Federal Republic, and all other Federal Subcontractors, including "the United States of America, Inc."  

We are certainly competent to exercise powers that we delegated in good faith to them, upon their failure to perform. 

The actions that this particular foreign Subcontractor, the United States of America, Incorporated, has taken "in our names" while pretending to "represent" us, have all been undertaken in fraud, from the moment Abraham Lincoln confused his corporate "presidency" with the Public Office we are owed. 

Their "President" is not our "President" and all the "excess" monies and assets of ours they have purloined, and all credit based on our assets, that they have accessed using this fraud scheme, are no different than monies paid to any other Executor de Son Tort or Credit Card Hacker. 

The American Federation of States doing business as The United States of America --- Unincorporated  --- is serving International Public Notice of all these facts: Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents.

Conduct your business accordingly.   

The Joint Chiefs are invited to contact our Fiduciary directly for assistance.  

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

July 31st 2024


See this article and over 4900 others on Anna's website here:

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International Public Notice: Hahahaha!

 By Anna Von Reitz

Be gone, Satan, you have no jurisdiction here! Surely, we rebuke you.  

So, we've been told that we've been "disqualified" because we made some "mis-steps" in their matrix system-- let us reply: 

Nobody has any authority to nullify or disqualify the Children of God.  And there are no mis-steps possible in a fraudulent, fictional system.  It's bunk from first to last. A joke. 

Frauds do not have rules.  Fiction does not have form. 

We were certainly never part of the fraud nor the fraudulent matrix. No phoney legal fictions here. No delusions. 

We are back in Kansas.  Maybe you didn't quite get that part. 

The CIA and MI6 and Federal Reserve have copies of all the records and can fake them.  It's the DNA that counts.

This is yours: Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents: there are only two kinds of people and two kinds of energy in this paradigm.  

We stand for the paradigm of love.  Love is our fundamental resonance frequency. Our home base. 

We did not come here alone.  

Anyone who stands apart from love stands for and in the paradigm of discord.  

Which one you stand for or with, is determined by the choices that you make. 

The Learned Elders of Zion knew that I would come; they foretold their own destruction.  The Hindu people have called my name in the depths of their misery and their pain: Durga!  Durga! Durga! 

And here I am.  

The Occultists know my name. 

And all the Liars in infinite worlds cannot prevail against what lives inside me.  

So the best pathway is to submit to love; accept the Mother in me.  Be nurtured. Live. Thrive. Be fully alive. Let the breath of the Living God burn within you, so that you can never die. Let Justia minister to you and heal your hurts.  

But if you will not submit to love and allow others to do the same, if you will not forsake your wars and wordy gibberish and lies, then there is only one place left for you: the Abyss. 

And the Abyss it will be, for all those who cling to evil and harden their hearts; I have spoken it. That is your destination. 

These demons that you have invited from other spheres who eat your children, are a form of slime mold. They need to be sprayed with bleach, not worshiped. 

Plain laundry bleach. 

Technology they have, but not love or sense. In the same billions of years they have remained the same: appetites that have never grown beyond gluttony, intellects fixed on unworthy things.   

I have made them.  I am their woe.  

The record of their DNA does not lie. 
Until such time as I will not remember them. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

July 30th 2024


See this article and over 4900 others on Anna's website here:

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International Public Notice: In the Absence of Other Evidence

 By Anna Von Reitz

We described the dual crimes of impersonating an office in our IPN yesterday; in the absence of credible evidence that the American Armed Forces are acting as Americans and not U.S. Citizens, we must conclude that they are still acting as British Crown Mercenaries and are still impersonating American Armed Forces. 

This is because we know how they were unlawfully converted into mercenary status but there is nothing to suggest when, if, or how they were ever lawfully converted back into an honorable national military.  

The fact that Lincoln substituted himself, the "President" of the United States of America, Incorporated, for the President of The United States of America, Unincorporated, speaks for itself. 

Having found no evidence that the American Armed Forces as a whole were ever returned to lawful status, we must assume that Donald Trump is also acting as a British Territorial U.S. President of the same offending corporation, and that he is engaged in the same Substitution Fraud as Lincoln --- that is, substituting a private corporation's "President" for our unlawfully converted Public Office. 

This unlawful conversion and carefully undisclosed substitution fraud means that yes, they have acted in Gross Breach of Trust and Violation of their Service Contracts.  

Since Lincoln, they've committed vast crimes "in our names" and ruled over us like the Raj in India, but that does not mean that they have any right or authority to do so.  

Remember, there is no Law of War or Law of Conquest for them to take advantage of. 

There was no war--- just a long string of Mercenary Conflicts. 

What they have done is simply criminal, but the vast majority of those who have served didn't even know they were serving as mercenaries.  

That's why they deserve amnesty.  

As such, Trump may be the Commander in Chief of a British Crown Mercenary Force, but he isn't our American Commander in Chief.   

We understand that Mr. Trump made a solemn personal declaration affirming the Unanimous Declaration of Independence on one of his trips to Philadelphia.  

If so, we are left wondering what this could possibly mean?  

A bunch of British Territorial U.S. Citizens are declaring their independence from what? The British Crown? The "King"? 

That is, the people who are acting as their paymasters? 

Just for the record, when we, Americans, declared our independence, it was independence from the King of England, all his works and all his ways, his corrupt bureaucracy included. 

They, the U.S. Citizens, have been taking their pay from the King and British Crown. 

They've been swearing their allegiance to the King and Crown and a flag "representing" our vanished Republic, and yet, stabbing the Federation of States that gave all these federal Subcontractors their delegated powers-- in the back.  

They have subjected themselves to British law. Some of them have even been knighted by the Queen.  

Are the British Territorials declaring their independence, too?  More than 200 years after the rest of us boiled our shoes at Valley Forge? 

If so, that's just fine. Better late than never.   

But don't forget there were other soldiers and sailors long before this, and their sons and daughters are still here.  

All those who have fought for America should enjoy their place in the sun and their children should run free and be joyous.  That includes all the sons and daughters of the Revolution and all their progeny and families forever. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

July 30th 2024


See this article and over 4900 others on Anna's website here:

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Monday, July 29, 2024

A Little Reminder

 By Anna Von Reitz

The "Secret Service" is an Agency Subcontractor; it's British.  

The totally aberrant instructions given to the security personnel guarding Trump at the Butler, Pennsylvania, campaign rally by Kimberly Cheatle require no other explanation. 

Just as Cheatle obviously departed from sanity and safety protocols that have stood as standard operating procedures since 1901, and obviously did this in order to leave Donald Trump wide open for shooters, the same Secret Service inexplicably didn't show up for work on a certain November day in 1963 in Dallas, Texas.  

They were nowhere to be seen when JFK was gunned down. 

The Secret Service has a finely honed ability to be absent, a way of looking away, being distracted, having a training session, walking away at the critical moment,  laying down behind the podium, stepping behind a rose bush, not scanning any rooftops, taking a potty break or sliding down a storm cellar----just like their famous General Montgomery, in World War II.  

Somehow, they are never present during the fighting, but first in line for the victory party.  

The Bank of England is now refusing to accept USD (Petrodollars) ever since the 50-year sole source crude oil contract with Saudi Arabia expired. Canada and Australia are not allowing purchases of Postal Money Orders using USD and not using USD for international money transfers. 

When Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy.  

All this "virtue signaling" and appearance of fear on the part of the Bank of England, silently suggesting that even the American Petrodollar is questionable and not to be trusted, is the backside of the attack on Trump.  

Bank of England knows that if Trump gets back into office, he will rev up the economy and drill, baby, drill.  They also know that we've got a petroleum basin of light sweet crude oil that dwarfs the Saudi Arabian resources, This immense oil source is tucked along the Eastern side of the Rockies.  Trump won't need an XL pipeline from Canada nor ten years to build it. He can just stick a straw in the Eastern Rockies Reserve and all our oil and energy needs will be taken care of for hundreds of years. 

God is good. 

This cheerful and immediate energy independence is not what England wants for us, especially when they are planning to feed their own people drivel about scarce energy resources--- in order to justify horrific high costs for fuel actually caused by taxes and inflation resulting from sovereign debt that hasn't been paid down in over a century, and which the Brits had intended to foist off on us.  With interest. 

Bank of England is not happy with us, but then, we are not happy with them.  They have grossly betrayed the trust of their business affiliates and depositors and happily robbed the families of dead soldiers.  Heck, they've been happy to rob entire countries. 

So what's a little acrimony between "friends"?  

By the time all the British Bunko left over from the 19th century gets straightened out, my great-grandchildren will have grandchildren; by the time their infamous schemes throughout the 20th century are put to bed,  the Sahara Desert will be blooming again.  

We strongly suspect that a substantial portion of the billions of metric tons of gold that the Bank of England and its affiliates have salted away, including a portion of that gold left on deposit by Czar Nicholas for the people of Russia and Prussia, will prove to be gold that was stolen from India during the occupation of the British Raj.  

We look forward to seeing the quote  "little brown people" unquote happily having their gold returned to them. 


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Spiritual White Boy

 By Anna Von Reitz

People keep wondering why nothing ever cuts loose.  They hear all this "intel" about "Great Resets" and NESARA and God only knows what. 

And nothing ever happens.  

It's all supposed to happen tomorrow or next week or next month, and it never does.  

All that actually happens in the real world is that inflation increases and the stock market wobbles around in a bizarre manner. 

Everything else seems to be oddly paralyzed and in permanent stasis, while the "government service providers" peck away at people trying to steal as much as they can via mortgage foreclosures and traffic fines and whatever else they can racketeer. 

The effect is akin to listening to fingernails being scraped across a blackboard very, very, very slowly.  Severe damage is being done to the economy worldwide, but it is being done slowly and without fanfare, so that even the excitable commentators like Bravo run out of steam and wind up just sitting, looking at the video screen. 

Those who are paying attention to traditional economic indicators are convinced that, in the immortal words of Scotty, the Chief Engineer of the U.S.S. Enterprise, "She's gonna blow, Captain, and there's not a blessed thing I can do about it." 

The Federal Reserve is completely shut down except for the New York Fed.  The IMF is under investigation and not saying a word --- a far cry from all the arrogant nasty World Economic Forum drivel coming out of their mouths a year ago.  All the major insurance companies are shaking in their boots. 

Last time I looked, the SEC Hive was scrambling around like roaches with confused looks on their faces.  The Treasury Secretary is nowhere to be found, and the Secretary of the Treasury is on vacation, too.  Even Jerome Powell, my favorite non-entity in the mix, has not been heard from and probably won't be until the annual Bank Holiday in England is over. 

Don't be fooled.  Real bankers don't have holidays.  Ever.  Once a year they go to the mattresses with their brethren and hatch plans, do secret handshakes, indulge in a few quick orgies, and then it is back to work again.  Whatever opening salvo they can come up with this year ---- only God can say. 

There is an eerie stillness. like the quiet before the storm. 

USDs are not being accepted by the Bank of England and can't be used for money transfers and Postal Money Orders in Canada and Australia.  This is probably predicated on the idea that the Petrodollar is worthless now that the Saudi's 50-year sole source contract hasn't been renewed.  Or on the certain knowledge that Free Energy technologies are about to be released, so crude oil supplies are not an issue anymore.  

Imagine the Whaling Fleets sailing over the horizon into the sunset. 

For Americans who don't know, the rumor that our money was "worthless" and wasn't "asset-backed" was about Federal Reserve Notes, not the Petrodollar, which was, obviously, asset-backed by refined oil products that are definitely hard assets and commodities having value.  

The Caution Flag being thrown might be as simple as wondering if the Americans will develop their own staggering crude oil supplies and bring them to market, or not, but something has to be resolved during this Bank Holiday, to put the USD on a solid, known footing.  There's a lot of nervous scratching as people wonder what that new asset-backing might be.  

Either way, it's a cold day in the Privy Council when the Bank of England battens down.  Their counterparts at the Vatican are already snug and hunkered, waiting.  

Meanwhile, back at the Farm with Auntie Em and I, another day is almost gone.  

The mammoth Global Collateral Asset Accounts remain locked down and inaccessible.  All that the gifted programmers and engineers who designed the tracking system for the Global Collateral Asset Accounts can do is sit, like cats, in front of a fish bowl. 

The codes to unlock the system's Grey Screens were spirited away years ago by a black man, a brilliant programmer code named "White Spiritual Boy" --- after the massive trust carrying the same name. 

"Spiritual White Boy" got sick of being abused  and knowing the Bad Character of the people left in charge, one day, he just disappeared with the Access Codes.  

He locked everything down so that the account managers and other techies could see but not touch, and so it has remained.  The situation has gone on so long that it is an open question whether or not these assets are actually usable for anything.  They can't be accessed. 

Kim Goguen, Marduk's protege, claimed that she had the codes.  She didn't.  Like all the others, all she could do was watch and stop transactions, not open the accounts.

It must be embarrassing to admit that they lost the keys to one of the most advanced computer tracking systems ever built. 

The Global Collateral Asset Accounts are presently still locked up tighter than a drum, and we are left to contemplate the pathos of the scene.  

A little kindness and respect, a little time off, and no threats against his family, and the Spiritual White Boy would probably still be working and the assets needed to fund a new world economy would already be here. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

July 28th 2024


See this article and over 4900 others on Anna's website here:

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Sunday, July 28, 2024

International Public Notice: Impersonation of an Officer

 By Anna Von Reitz

Some members of the public and members of the present mercenary forces posing as our military, are having trouble choking down the truth.  

We have even been contacted by various governments around the world trying to maintain the idea that conflicts fought by corporations are subject to the The Law of War. 

They are not.  

Mercenary Conflicts are lawless.  That's why they are illegal. 

If you stop a moment and observe, anything that is legal has to rest upon a Law.  There is no  Maxim of Law condoning savage thuggery in the name of unjust enrichment, so "warfare" of this kind is --- and has always been --- illegal as well as unlawful. 

When mercenaries wear the uniform of an honorable military service in the employ of a lawful government, it just makes the crime worse, because then, these commercial and/or municipal mercenaries are impersonating military officers on top of it.  

Imagine that it is 1928.  An employee of a French manufacturing firm working as an armed mercenary, knocks a German officer in the Wehrmacht unconscious, takes his identification papers, and puts on his uniform.  

What have you got?  A French mercenary wearing a German Officer's uniform, in possession of a German Military ID.  

Is the French mercenary transformed into a legitimate German soldier by putting on the uniform?  


Is he now magically a German because he possesses the other man's ID? 


He is a French mercenary pretending to be a German soldier. 

The Frenchman is committing a crime known as impersonating an officer.  

He is deliberately hiding his nationality and his civilian status.  

He is deliberately securing an appearance of authority (at least in the German military) that he doesn't in fact possess.  

We assume that this French mercenary is unlawfully converting the German Officer's identity and authority for his own use. 

Why else would he knock a German officer over the head and put on his uniform, except to impersonate him and abuse his rank, his credit, and his identity?   

Exactly the same kind of impersonation and unlawful conversion happened here in this country, only it happened to our entire military. 

Nobody but Abraham Lincoln and a handful of Generals were the wiser. 

Our Armed Forces were unlawfully converted in April of 1861.  

They wore the same uniforms, but suddenly, they were redefined and redirected and working as British Crown mercenaries, and so, they were also, by definition, impersonating American Military Officers. 

Just like our French civilian in a German's military uniform, these men were unlawfully converted to the status of British Territorial Mercenaries, literally while they were standing there, wearing their American Military uniforms.

It was the perfect cover for this deception.  No need to change uniforms, emblems, or commanders.  

Lincoln gave the order so everyone thought they were doing the right thing, but literally, in an instant, these new British Territorial Mercenaries began unwittingly impersonating the American Army Officers they had been. 

They assumed the character and appearance of the American Military without a ripple, and perfectly impersonated our Officers, too, but they were no longer operating as our military and no longer working for our government. 

Our military was secretly and unlawfully converted into a civilian mercenary force in the employment of a foreign commercial corporation doing business as the United States of America, Inc., 

That was 163 years ago.  The Americans were never told.  Our soldiers and sailors were never told. 

It had to be kept secret -- for obvious reasons.  

The American people would be unlikely to join, pay for, or support the activities of a foreign commercial corporation engaged in illegal war-for-profit. 

Speaking of profit,  this all goes to the shareholders of the United States of America, Incorporated ---- the same British-owned entity that went bankrupt in the 1750's and caused The Seven Years War, aka, French and Indian War.  

This is the same incorporated entity that was created by and owned by British Investors who split off from the original unincorporated American version, The United States of America (Trading Company), founded in Kentucky before the Revolutionary War.  

During The War of Independence, this humble unincorporated American Trading Company from Kentucky was restructured as a Holding Company and Trust doing business as a collective instrumentality of the several sovereign states ---- The United States
of America, (Unincorporated), is the doing-business-as-name of our Federation of States.  

These British Bunko Artists have been deliberately confusing their incorporated British Crown version, the United States of America, Incorporated, with our unincorporated American version, The United States of America, ever since. 

They and their Undeclared Foreign Agents --- the Bar Attorneys especially --- Abraham Lincoln among them, engineered this substitution fraud and the unlawful conversion of our honorable American Military, entrapping them under conditions of non-disclosure, deceit, and color of law, to unknowingly serve as British Crown Mercenaries, instead.  

The Pikers are still trying to get away with this.

These crimes of fraud, unlawful conversion, and impersonation of our officers have resulted in Gross Breach of Trust and violation of their Service Contract ---- all acts willfully committed by the Principals, shareholders, officials, officers, board members, and personnel employed by the United States of America, Incorporated.  

This Gross Breach of Trust and the Violations of their Service Contract have resulted in an endless proliferation of wars for profit -- mercenary conflicts deliberately mislabeled as "wars", genocides, and most recently, the preposterous and monstrous pandemic.  

This one criminally-inclined corporation under the influence of evil and deluded men, has done all this damage to the world, and it has been allowed to get away with it for almost two hundred years. 

This "United States of America, Incorporated" was never an American corporation to begin with and it still isn't. 

This British Crown Corporation calling itself "the United States of America, Inc." does not profit us, it preys upon us; and, and it defrauds us and racketeers against us and misrepresents us every chance it gets. 

This thing calling itself "the United States of America, Incorporated" is not American.  It's a British Territorial entity.  It's staffed by "U.S. Citizens" not Americans.  

This foreign corporation is supposed to be here acting as a Federal Subcontractor and providing "essential government services" under The Constitution of the United States of America.

Self-evidently, this corporation is not doing its job, and has undertaken many direct and indirect measures to evade the duty owed to us, all while secretly and unlawfully converting our military to their mercenary service. 

These "service members" who have been used and abused as cheap mercenaries are in need of amnesty.  They have committed many crimes and usurped many authorities without knowing their true status and role, and without being told any of this. 

Now that it has been brought forcefully to their attention, and to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, they no longer have any plausible deniability.  

They have to convert their status back to serving as a lawful military service of our American civilian government,  and accept amnesty, or be recognized worldwide as criminals willfully engaged in war for profit.  Crime, in other words. 

As for the offending British Territorial Corporation dba "the United States of America, Incorporated", it needs to be lawfully converted and all the unjust enrichment under its control needs to be returned to the living people and lawful owners that the assets belong to. 

We can hear the howling in Fleetstreet and Westminster from several thousands miles away, but we are not inclined to care; they acted as criminals and betrayed our country and our trusting countrymen for their own unjust enrichment.  

They set things up to use us as the Fall Guys and scapegoats, deliberately making it look like "the Americans" were the aggressors and encouraging people to blame us, even as we were being victimized ourselves.  

The BBC never misses a chance to blame everything on "the Americans" when it's actually British Territorial U.S. Citizens acting as the aggressors---- and being misdirected by Whitehall and Westminster to do so.  

As for us, we are done with evil in all its forms and we passed over that Rubicon a long time ago. 

The Perpetrators have always known that the lies, self-interest, betrayals, word games, impersonation, and scapegoating would have to stop someday.  

Today is that day.  

It's time for the Americans to come home and for the "Royals" and Westminster and all their corporations to pay the Piper.  

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

July 28th 2024


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