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Thursday, January 30, 2025

For All Catholics to Know and Consider

 By Anna Von Reitz

Former Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano was tossed out like dirty laundry from a Church he has faithfully served all his life, left without support, and accused of "Schism" --- which is actually defined as a "division" within the Church.  

Who actually caused a "division" within the Church?  Did Vigano cause a "Schism" or was he merely observing and bearing witness to a Schism in the Church caused by radical leadership?  

Recent leaders have attempted to rebrand, redefine, and commandeer the Church with no scriptural basis, no reasoned theology, only the brutal exercise of traditional hierarchical power. 

It isn't as if new archeological evidence or divine revelation came to light to support the many changes imposed upon the doctrine and liturgy, much less the spectacle of a Catholic Pope blessing a South American Pachamama idol, or enigmatically saying that God is Lucifer.  

How is anyone, much less a sincere Catholic, to reconcile these things and continue to support a Church and a Church leadership which seems totally out of touch with traditional Catholicism --- so much so, that the leadership appears to be adopting Luciferianism and simply continuing to call it Catholicism. 

Now comes another high-ranking champion of the original faith, Cardinal Sarah, who is also in danger of being accused of "Schism" or some other anathema, calling out the leadership for its divisive failure to defend the traditional liturgy, which has stood the test for over a thousand years. 

Are Catholics worldwide supposed to believe that what is eternally true has been changed by the opinions of men? Or act upon the idea that the Mass has become "relative" and disposable? 

For all the Catholics in our ranks, the current upheavals that are so painfully apparent in the Church are a constant and additional source of  distress above and beyond the effort to restore a complete and lawful national government in this country.  

We extend our individual sympathy and encourage the members of the Roman Catholic Church to cherish and defend all that is good and stable and right in their Church.  With more than a billion Catholics worldwide, the fate of the Church impacts more than the Church --- it impacts all mankind. 


See this article and over 5200 others on Anna's website here:

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