By Anna Von Reitz
Remember how I told you that half of the research
process (at least) is based on negative results? The search for things that
should be there, but aren't?
Like a formal Declaration of War from the Congress
at the start of the so-called American Civil War?
Like a formal Peace Treaty ending the same?
Well, this same principle applies throughout all
investigative work, and in the case of so-called "Covid 19" there's the telltale
fact that no such virus has been isolated and identified.
What the....?
I am not even sure who I am quoting here, but it
was such a perfect stream of questions applied to this fact, I can't resist
re-posting and thank both Cathy C. and Kari Stevens in
"Health Canada thanks to the Freedom of Information
Act (Kari Stevens): COVID-19 and it’s testing is officially a complete fraud.
Health Canada response file: A-2020-000208 / BH under the Access to Information
Act R.S.C. says that Health Canada has no record describing the isolation of any
Covid-19 virus.
This means that 'COVID-19 has not been isolated' -
which means that all COVID-19 response is fraudulent, Covid-19 testing is fraud,
media hype is just propaganda and the daily press briefings by the Health
Officers is fraudulent.
If the virus has not been isolated then what are
they testing for?
What are they pretending to diagnose?
What are they pretending to cure?
What are they making a vaccine for?
What are they pretending to prevent through
mandatory masks?
Anyone still trying to say its a ‘conspiracy
theory’ here is the original letter pdf for download to scrutinize:
End quote.
Isn't that absolutely beautiful?
See this article and over 2600 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com
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