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Saturday, May 21, 2022

UN CORP -- A Message for Davos

 By Anna Von Reitz

This message is especially important for the Vatican Chancery Court and the United Nations as a whole, but it is directed to all the billionaire business elite tycoons gathered in Davos, Switzerland.
The UN CORP chartered in Vichy France in 1943, during World War II, founded by French and Belgian Nazis --- is a real problem for you, the United Nations Organization.
First, the WHO side of the World Health Organization is caught bilking the World Bank on Pandemic Bonds and contributing to the false pandemic narrative in exchange for kickbacks from the vaccine manufacturers.
Second, NATO is caught with its member's hands in the Ukraine putsch and later, the development of all sorts of illegal bioweapon research and production facilities in Ukraine.
Third, we have discovered all sorts of adrenochrome "factories" operating on mothballed DOD properties scattered throughout The United States --- complete with manifests for the "missing" children.
WHO, NATO, DOD --- three Bad Actors and all connected to the UN CORP.
It is now clear exactly who and what the "enemy" of all mankind is.
And, to everyone's surprise, it's the very people who should be happiest, the ones who sit at the top of the pyramid, who have nothing in the world to worry about or wish for, who are causing all this turmoil, criminality, and grief.
The US, INC. is not only being deliberately mismanaged, but so are all the commercial BANKS.
We have evidence that all the other UN CORP franchises and affiliates are similarly being "weaponized" and mismanaged in a desperate bid to both garner last minute profits and "pull the plug".
Many of the UN CORP's most corrupt franchises, the SEC, the FEDERAL RESERVE, and GOLDMAN-SACHS are already on the run to China, where they hope to parasitize the Chinese people just as they have done to us, exactly like Tapeworms moving on to a new host.
You, the Corporatists gathered in Davos, have profited yourselves from this filthy and criminal "System" you built, and so now you are adding to your sins by destroying the communication and medical and financial systems and everything else you can pervert, maim, or destroy.
But the UN CORP and its franchises didn't actually rebuild the world after World War II. We did. It was our private trust fund money that was commandeered by the military and the banks with barely a nod or a thank you to us --- that rebuilt everything after WWII.
We rebuilt in another way, too, as individual people weighing in, doing the work, contributing the skills.
Right now, you are in Davos trying to figure out how to keep on bilking the Public that you are ultimately dependent upon, while maintaining your claims of Odious Debt, and continuing to shuffle off your own corporate tax burdens onto future generations of living people.
I have never heard such a lot of tripe in my life. Sooner or later, the snake has to eat its own tail.
Let's observe, Geniuses, that you are dependent on the Public, and your corporations only exist by virtue of Public tolerance.
Let's also observe that without the Public you have no customers, no products, no basis for your industries, no sources of income, no purpose, no profits, and it becomes clear that you and your Pals in Government are the Useless Eaters around here.
Your brand of medicine does not promote health, your brand of law does not promote justice, and your use of communications is purely to manipulate. Your banks are crooked as a dog's hind legs. Your Armed Forces are all illegal mercenary forces that you pay peanuts and disparage and blame for your own war profiteering.
Your drugs are dangerous, addictive, and over-priced. Your "fertilizers" ruin the soil. Your vaccines cause diseases instead of preventing them. Your food provides little or no nutrition. Your water supplies are all tainted with heavy metals and poisonous metallic salts. The police services we pay for serve only to protect you and your cronies and your investments. Your so-called money is paper promises to pay someday.
Exactly what is your "system" good for? Inefficient tax accounting?
It's a given that government produces nothing and is dependent in nature, but what excuse do you have for producing bad products, and then expecting everyone else to pay for them?
I count that as being worse than useless.
All members of the United Nations Organization better wake up and realize that they are being used, individually and collectively, as a storefront for the UN CORPORATION, and the UN CORPORATION is functioning in a completely reckless and lawless manner, as well as being completely worthless in terms of producing any products or services that we need.
If this situation offends you and if you are -- quite rightly, afraid that you will be blamed for the UN CORPORATION's actions, it's time to liquidate it as a criminal entity.
And never let those involved in this vicious boondoggle have the privilege of incorporating another business anywhere ever again.

Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America

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Sources of Authority

 By Anna Von Reitz

From ancient times, religion has been used as the excuse for Monarchs lording it over other men.
The Monarchs or the priests tell the people that "God appointed me to be King over the rest of you." and in the Western World, the Pope or the Archbishop of Canterbury or the Patriarch of the Eastern Orthodox or Russian Orthodox Church signs off on it, and there you are. Saul is anointed with oil and the entire system of a Monarchy is born.
It has been this way for thousands of years, long before the Egyptians and the Canaanites, who taught the bad habit to the Hebrews.
After the Monarchy is established, of course, it continues in an arbitrary way based on inheritance and familial relationship to the former Monarch.
The countries of the Eastern Hemisphere have tended to be more honest. They just have a warlord who declares himself "God" by force, instead of someone who pretends to be appointed by God.
So, God and Raw Force and Inheritance are three of the ways that Monarchies justify their existence, and none are very convincing, especially as those participating in this system of things benefit themselves and their cronies at the expense of everyone else.
And that is not why people tolerate governments. People tolerate governments in the hope that those governments will do their actual job --- to protect the people and their assets, instead of preying upon and pillaging them.
Are there any other traditional sources of authority underpinning government?
There are elections, honest or not. These de facto "elected monarchies" claim their authority from the "vote of the electors". There are also corporation elections that similarly claim their authority from the "vote of the shareholders".
There are obvious problems with this, too. First and foremost, it is difficult to maintain honest elections of this kind. Stuffing of ballot boxes dates back at least 1500 years, and coerced voting at the muzzle of a gun or point of a knife is always popular with despots, as is voting "contaminated" by self-interest.
Second, those elected typically have astonishingly short memories regarding their campaign promises and seldom even try to carry through on what they promised to the people who elected them.
Third, a large percentage of the eligible population doesn't vote, because they feel it is (1) pointless or (2) they don't know enough to make a good decision. This Great Silent Majority chugs along being silent --- with the result that only about a third of the eligible voters "speak" in any given election.
Fourth, elections tend to devolve into popularity contests of a vapid kind, and hinge on how physically appealing the candidate is and how nice they sound and what kind of focus they have in terms of spending on people's pet projects and bottom lines.
So that's it, the excuses given for "government authority" in a nutshell are: God, Force, Inheritance, and Election (by people, not God).
In however many thousands of years ----we can't come up with any better system of organizing ourselves than this? Really?
Please note that the results of all such claims of authority are bound to be arbitrary, unstable, and eventually disastrous, depending more on chance than good sense.
The premises and processes by which we choose and elevate leaders are akin to the same premises and processes by which we bet on horse races. If we sat down and thought about this for even ten minutes out of a lifetime, does this make sense?
No, it does not.
On top of all of this, there is a backstory to the process of "delegating authority" --- and that is what this whole unwieldy and unrealistic process does to the men and women who are the "lucky" winners.
King Saul went insane,, and history is full of examples of kings and queens bowed down and destroyed by the burdens and fears and miseries of the Royal Office. Many young princes and princesses have been left distraught by the pressures and sacrifices involved in exchange for the fancy digs and clothes.
Being King, or President, or Head of State, is far from what its cracked up to be, for anyone concerned.
Given all these facts, why do we persist in promoting, practicing, and enforcing these claims of authority based on chance and hokum as the basis of our government?
Couldn't we just as well have a friendly game of Poker?
Of course, none of these claims of authority really make sense in any constructive way. Rule by force enshrines thugs and bullies and it rewards and motivates them.
Rule by Divine Right is hokum because God doesn't speak to us about such things, and in any case, other than as a cruel joke and object lesson, why would he? He's the King. One is reminded of a Father letting his son wear his shoes, to demonstrate how heavy those shoes are and how inadequate the child's abilities to wear them are.
Rule by Inheritance is a flip of the coin. You might get a great King, but you might just as well get someone who imagines he is a deadly germ or a tampon.
Rule by Election is the best of the lot in terms of practicality and having at least some theoretical control over who stands over you and waves the magic wand --- but for all the reasons cited above Rule by Election falls short of being an honest process leading to reliable results. And it only gets worse with the introduction of Political Parties into the mix; inevitably, such systems devolve into a Selection-Election process, where the Parties only offer candidates of THEIR choosing to the Electorate.
There is one most venerable and most sensible source of authority which is honest, trustworthy, and reliable -- and that is the Council of Elders.
Every country and nation on Earth is blessed with leaders who actually do deserve our respect, not because of any narrative, but because of what they have lived through, what they have learned, and the choices they have made in life that identify them as being honest, good, and wise people.
Placing our destiny in the hands of our Creator, and leaving the Little Stuff to a Council of Elders who have proven their mettle, makes sense.
Elders of good character have lived full lives. They are known by what they have done, not by what they have said. Money is not the object, when you have accumulated all that you need. It's apparent, too, how precious life is, from the standpoint of eighty versus seventeen. And as you age, you gather courage, and it's not because you have less to lose. It's because courage is the foundation of every good and moral choice.
Through time, those cultures who cherish their Elders and listen to them have survived when others have failed and fallen. The love that our Elders have given to us must be reflected back to them, and with every passing season, the words they give us deserve more consideration -- not less.
These should be our authorities and the values they have kept and cherished and personified throughout their lives should be the basis of their authority, for knowledge, experience, kindness, unselfish service, wisdom, success, courage, and moral fortitude are the foundations of true authority.
True authority is not an accident. It's not inherited. It isn't won in Primaries. It can't be bought in a payola swap. It is earned.


See this article and over 3600 others on Anna's website here:

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