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Sunday, April 3, 2022

Pardon Me, Mr. Guterres -- Who Owns The Marshall Plan?

 By Anna Von Reitz

Really, Sir, I must protest.
The Marshall Plan was named after General George Marshall who had the temerity to suggest that we, meaning America and Americans, should make money and resources available to 17 western and eastern European nations after World War II, to help them restore their infrastructure and rebuild.
On April 3, 1948, Harry S.Truman signed The Marshall Plan into existence. Billions upon billions of dollars were deployed over the next three years and the European Economic Recovery Plan then took up the reins and continued the same basic program under a different name and administration.
This was touted as an "investment" program, specifically, "an investment in Democracy". Or in plain language, payola to make sure that various European countries didn't fall under Communist influence --- and stayed under our influence, instead.
Apparently, the idea that all countries should stay under their own influence was foreign and beyond the contextual matrix of those sitting at the table.
The end result is that those countries owe us a lot of money and interest, and it came directly out of the American people --- our labor, our gold, our resources --- even though the British Territorial United States made the loan "for" us.
As a result, Mr. Secretary-General of the United Nations, aka, secretary-general of the UN, The Marshall Plan and the investments and the interest and everything else rolling off of it all these years afterward, belongs to us. We paid for it.
The American people suffered and went without to make those investments possible, and it is to our credit that we made this effort and made The Marshall Plan and the European Economic Recovery Plan a reality.
Imagine my consternation to find "TVM" also known as Alex Tallano, that old fraudster, swaggering around and claiming to be a "Seven Star General" and the "Secretary Governor General of the United Nations" and using United Nations stationery, too.
He has about as much to do with The Marshall Plan and funding it as dogs have to do with dinner. Alex Tallano is not Tiburcio Villamor Marcos, and even if he were, he would still not have any credit coming for The Marshall Plan and our investments in Europe.
As for the rest of Alex Tallano"s claims:
I have a book that shows all the details --- as the Irish say, "the All of It" since 960 A.D. And I can go back if I need to, to the founding of Rome in 753 BC, but there is really no need to do so. I have the Spanish Grant of the Code FLAT Accounts -- the original -- and it doesn't say a word about anyone named Marcos. I also have the Central Bank of the Philippines Certificate of Depositor -- original, not copy, where Marcos appears as the Attorney of TVM-LSM--666, which is Severino Sta Romano's account code system. It has nothing to do with Tiburcio Villamor Marcos.
Let me ask the Genius Generals --- if someone named Annabelle Victoria Rasmussen (AVR) and someone named Anna Von Reitz (AVR) happen to have the same initials, does that imply that they are one and the same woman, having the same property, owning the same interests?
No, it resoundingly doesn't even begin to imply that at all. So, can we all look at the bald fact of where the money for The Marshall Plan actually came from and who actually paid for it, or do I have to attend yet another meeting and (figuratively) slap people silly?

3 April 2022 by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America


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Nanny State or Granny State? Chapter 6

 By Anna Von Reitz

I recently used the phrase "keeping your mind" and numerous people were bemused over it, but "keeping your mind" is the flipside of "losing your mind" and if you want to survive, you must learn to keep your own mind against all the opposing forces.
There are many opposing forces, because those in power would rather use your mind "for" you and would rather that you lose your own mind and adopt theirs instead.
Interfering with your ability to keep your own mind is a trillion dollar business. That's what all the TV and Radio and Computer and Media Cartels are all about --- wresting your mind and your attention away from your control.
The only people truly empowered on this entire planet are those who still have their own minds, and those who go back to some point in the past, realize that they were snookered, and retrieve the power of their own minds.
I will tell you right now that self-governance of the kind that our Forefathers envisioned is not possible if you don't have and keep your own mind, because your mind is your control center. It's where decisions are made. Your mind is where you "live" intellectually ----and what you think and believe is what drives the actions that you take.
So, can you be self-governing if you lose your mind to someone or something else's direction?
No, you can't. And that sorry condition of the individual also sounds the death-knell for America, too. If enough of us lay down our minds and roll over, accepting the BBC Dictum: "Listen and Obey", there can be no America and no American Government, either.
All that can exist under those conditions is an increasingly helpless, useless, and dependent population of ---ahem! --- "useless eaters". And those who spent so much labor and money to reduce the general population to this condition won't bat an eyelash or accept any of the responsibility for this circumstance.
When we are young, we are herded together into mental pens called "grades" in "Grade School". We are all more or less the same age in each grade and all more or less supposed to have the same level of skills --- even though that is manifestly untrue. Forced into this unnatural and judgmental environment, pecking orders quickly develop, with some being the winner and some being the losers.
We learn very early the power of Group Opinion, whether it is right or wrong --- and many of us become so terrified of being on the wrong side of Group Opinion that we never recover.
We learn to bow, scrape, make ourselves invisible, tie our tongues to the roofs of our mouths, and just try to squeak by through this hellish indoctrination camp, because that is largely what schools have become.
Schools unleash the full fury of "Peer Review" which is led, of course, by the Teacher and by older students who have already learned the lessons of indoctrination. These schools teach us to accept the authority of others, but never our own. They teach us to remember and regurgitate orders, but never think for ourselves. We are taught to follow, not lead.
So, if you want to get to the Granny State and leave the Nanny State behind, it is necessary to reprogram yourself and take charge of your own mind --- a process of stepping back and looking at yourself and your own past and your own thinking patterns as an outside observer.
Once you do this, you will have many, many "Aha!" moments and moments when you shake your head and wonder, "Wow, why did I think that? " or "Why did I do that?" or "Why did I believe that?"
And the answer is that you didn't really think that or intentionally do that or ever believe that; you were manipulated into thinking, doing, and believing.
When you take charge of your own mind again and learn to "keep it" and learn to direct your attention to the things you care about, you will feel an immediate sense of relief. It's not natural to have other people in charge of your mind, even if you have been conditioned to accept this intrusion all your life.
When you come out of "the Blurr", or as some people call it, "the Matrix", there are some common symptoms of awakening.
One day you are the prey of an unseen force goading you first one way and then another, ceaselessly running you ragged, and then, all of a sudden ---- peace. You can hear the birds sing. You can feel your own emotions again.
I wish it were entirely happy, but overall, most people experience pain and anger and disillusionment when they realize how they have been mistreated, lied to, and manipulated. There is a grieving process to be endured: shock, anger, pain, denial, acceptance, resolve --- and in many cases, commitment to change things.

This is the process I went through and I would expect it to be similar for many of you, but be comforted: at the end of this process, you will find yourself again, and you will be renewed. You will be a stronger, better version of yourself, sure of where you stand and why you stand there.


See this article and over 3600 others on Anna's website here:

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The Delivery System Delivers "Whatever"

 By Anna Von Reitz

Just so that you all know, I have examined the patents underlying the whole pandemic operation and the development of the vaccines.  I have heard the sworn depositions of eminent scientists with first-hand knowledge.  There can be no doubt what we are dealing with. 

The retrovirus is a delivery system, like a train.  You load it up with different payloads and whatever you load the retrovirus with, is what the recipient gets.  

Another familiar way to think about this is those little clear gelatin capsules that you can buy and fill up with herbs or medicines.  The retrovirus is like that gelatin capsule -- whatever you fill it up with, is what you get. 

So, if you load up the viral delivery system with HIV, the victim gets infected with HIV. 

If you load it up with graphene, the victim gets that poison dumped in their bloodstream. 

Want Avian Flu?  Want to suppress your natural Cancer Suppression gene?  How about blood clotting factor disease?  Morgellons, anyone?  Nano-antennas?  Nano-transmitters?  As long as it is small enough to fit in the cargo bay of the retrovirus, it can be delivered directly to your cells. 

You have also heard a lot about "spike proteins".  To understand that, you need to understand how the mRNA "vaccines" work, and how GMOs work. 

For example, by altering the DNA of corn, they can make the corn plant cells produce insecticides "in house".  So, the madmen programmed human cells to produce spike proteins, instead of corn cells to produce insecticides. 

Instead of killing bugs and polluting the corn so that we wind up eating insecticides (and can't just wash them off) they have found a way to force human cells to produce a destructive protein that causes inflammation throughout the body forever afterward.  

So, take your pick among the inflammatory diseases: fibromyalgia, arthritis, ALS, MS, cardio-vascular disease.... or just plain old wear out your immune system trying to get rid of the unnatural protein in your blood, and develop another version of AIDS that is not caused by HIV, but has the same result. 

As you can see, there is potentially no end to the destructive power of this research and the retrovirus delivery systems these morons have developed-- and now used--  to make sure that billions of people die and billions more are afflicted with incurable chronic diseases that the "medical" industry will profit from.  

I think it is obvious what needs to be done, and we all need to figure out how best to do it.  If we wait for the military tribunals to be effective it will take 300 years and everyone will be dead.  Some of us who invested in medical stocks will be fabulously wealthy and just as dead.  

Declaring your status as an American and joining your State Assembly is one way to make a good start toward organizing the power of the people and gathering together the skills needed to answer this onslaught.  Go to:


See this article and over 3500 others on Anna's website here:

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A Vital Explanation concerning the injections and the nature of the problems resulting will soon be available on my website.

 By Anna Von Reitz

Put it on your list to go to: in a couple days and read, "The Delivery System Delivers "Whatever"" --- if you have any questions about the current medical mayhem and insanity.
This will give you a Grandma-sized-up view of the situation, but Facehook would have a meltdown and diarrhea for two weeks afterward, so we can't disturb their delicate little "community" sensitivities, which are tied directly to their shrinking bottom line as millions of us exit and vote against censorship by finding other places to talk to each other.
It's a process like curing hemorrhoids.
Soon, you will have your own such networks and you won't owe Mark Uckerberg or CNN or any of them a dime, because it will be your internet, your computer language, and your own public system on public airwaves worldwide.

And isn't that a nice thought? Keep smiling. Its the one thing THEY hate the most --- to see you happy.