By Anna Von Reitz
Illogical Claims on Abandonment and Crimes Against Humanity
For the last several days we have presented information to The International Court of Justice concerning the criminal negligence and misadministration of federal subcontractors on our soil by Treaty Principals including the Holy See and the Pope, the Queen, Westminster, and the Lord Mayor of London.
It is well-known and celebrated throughout the world that our government is a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. Such a government cannot simply disappear. It may not be in Session, but it is entirely and always present in the form of the people who populate it and give it form.
As we have seen, our foreign federal subcontractors created instrumentalities in the form of Municipal parent corporations in the business of providing essential governmental services; from there these same interests usurped upon their employers and have been running two separate de facto governments, one Municipal, one Territorial, on our soil since 1860, and have been acting in collusion against their employers since 1937.
The clear purpose of these omissions as well as these actions has been to evade the constitutional obligations that the Principals owe the American States and People by introducing an unauthorized and unaccountable Third Party to provide the services under contract created by both The Constitution of the United States and The Constitution of the United States of America.
The service contracts are specific and enumerated, but over the course of time, both the Principals and their incorporated instrumentalities have been emboldened and now propose that they can enslave people and serve them at the same time, as well as plead innocence for the actions of Third Party sub-subcontractors who were never entrusted with any role whatsoever by the American States and People.
An example of this is the proliferation of so-called Federal Agencies under the aegis of the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Administration. These agencies work as adjuncts hired by our federal subcontractors, who assigned duties to these Third Parties and enabled them to promulgate Administrative Codes and enforce these regulatory codes against members of the General Public. Thus we have the specter of unelected, unaccountable, unauthorized subcontractors of subcontractors creating and enforcing "administrative law" on our civilian populace.
Precisely when did any American agree to this, as a condition of employment or for any other reason?
These so-called Federal Agencies have been used as the Bag Men for the Municipal Corporations and the Principals responsible for this deplorable situation; in particular, the so-called Department of Justice which was created by the Scottish Interloper operating as The United States of America --- Incorporated, from 1868 to 1907, has been used to promote and protect this institutionalized fraud scheme. It has been assisted in its unlawful duty by the DOJ, which is merely the duplication of this Agency by the Municipal Government, as part of the overall redundancy and double-dipping operations of both the Municipal and Territorial corporations.
None of these so-called Federal Agencies were ever authorized by any agreement signed by the American States and People, but the entire cost of their operations has been charged off against our accounts. This is only one example of the ways in which we have been misrepresented, imposed upon, and charged for services we never requested. This has been done by our foreign Subcontractors acting in Breach of Trust, and is a bare indication of just how far they have trespassed against us by a foreign process of contract by assumption, by silencing protest, and by maintaining a rigid policy of secrecy and silence apart from the barest minimum form of Public Notice required to legalize their operations.
These foreign Principals and their municipal corporation employees failed to meet any reasonable standard of disclosure to the American General Public as they embarked upon their rampage of creating and pillaging public trusts, commandeering and abusing assets that did not belong to them, and otherwise terrorizing their employers and the rest of the planet via an endless stream of mercenary "wars".
In effect, our British and Papist Employees deliberately kept this country in a state of perpetual undeclared "war" for a century and a half and claimed emergency powers for themselves which were never granted by the actual government, and which properly speaking do not exist.
Our definition of defending our country perforce extends to protecting the borders of our physically defined States and the people living within our borders; we have never extended or changed that definition to include foreign adventurism or foreign wars for profit as defense of our nation or country, yet these usurpers have liberally interpreted their contract to allow this activity despite our well-defined intent, and have helped themselves to our credit in support of these activities---- with devastating impact upon our country and our people, both in terms of lives lost and destruction of our asset base.
This is all the more flagrantly criminal when one observes that both of these governmental services corporations are, at the end of the day, owned and operated by the Holy See, and both have always owed reasonable duty to their employers to fully inform and assist their employers in reconstructing the missing parts of the Federal Government after the so-called American Civil War.
By acting as and through the instrumentality of municipal corporations the foreign Principals responsible for this 150 year-long war for profit scheme devolved, and lost any state immunity, as they instead inherited the form and limitations of commercial corporations everywhere. This is fully admitted by the Territorial United States Federal Title 5 and Federal Title 22.
The apparent motive for the Principals to operate as Municipal corporations was to institute and implement what can only be called a national level identity theft and credit hacking scheme, supplemented by criminal accounting practices and false bankruptcy proceedings by which they offloaded their own indebtedness onto the backs of their victims.
While it is permissible for the actual Federal Congress to apportion and charge fees for the services of the Federal Subcontractors against the credit of the States, even a summary examination of the charges proves that our erstwhile employees have charged for services never ordered and allowed themselves extravagant and unreasonable purchasing power applied to unauthorized purchases and activities.
They have, in effect, been buying and selling and trading upon assets that never belonged to them, and have employed a dishonest bookkeeping system to expedite bankruptcy fraud. Beginning in 1946, the undeclared Foreign Agents, adopted a system of double accrual accounting, otherwise known as keeping two sets of books.
This allowed them to split income streams into budgeted and non-budgeted income streams and to build up additional huge Slush Funds (in addition to improperly collecting Social Security taxes and Federal Income Taxes, issuing fraudulent foreign titles to land assets in this country, and establishing equally fraudulent mortgages against American assets--- and all without the General Public even being aware of these accruals.
Evidence suggests that the funds thus embezzled and siphoned off outside of any public cognizance were used to buy large stocks of foreign currencies for the purpose of commodity rigging, and to acquire share interests in corporations on the world stock exchanges for purposes of commodity rigging and control of manufacturing capacity.
A centerpiece of this dishonest accounting system was to credit the so-called missing Americans for acceptance of debt notes issued by the Municipal corporations involved in this scheme, and then simply never applying the credit and claiming that it belonged to unknown foreign grantors.
In this way, a zero-sum economic system which should have been self-regulating (every debt creates an answering credit) was manipulated to create insurmountable debt for the offending Municipal corporations, which then took refuge in bankruptcy protection--- and left the unwitting American populace to pay off their debts.
Imagine an accounting system that counts the debts, but never applies any credits within an entire economic system for decades. It builds up an insupportable amount of debt for the offending corporations, which then declare bankruptcy, and shuffle off their indebtedness onto the General Public--- all without ever crediting the same General Public and balancing the books.
This is intentional accounting fraud and bankruptcy fraud, purposefully used to transfer debt to people and persons who are in fact owed not only an equal amount of credit, but all the interest and income generated from that purloined and sequestered credit, as well as all the other Slush Funds accrued by misidentifying Americans and improperly collecting: (1) property taxes -- on land and soil that these same Americans own; (2) mortgages -- on homes that belong outright to these same Americans; (3) Federal Income Taxes assessed against Americans who have no federal income; (4) Social Security Taxes assessed against Americans who are not Federal employees and not federal dependents and who were never actually eligible to participate in a foreign private corporation's retirement program; (5) utility bills collected against the owners and operators of public utilities and the actual Right of Way owners; (6) tariffs and transfer fees owed by corporations, but improperly charged against living Americans who are not knowingly or voluntarily operating as incorporated entities; (7) asset forfeitures and confiscations pursued against living people under scourge of misapplied statutory law; (8) asset forfeitures and confiscations pursued against living people under scourge of misapplied commercial law; (9) duplication of services; (10) private investment activities pursued by the foreign federal subcontractors and their franchises and affiliates using funds purloined from the same Americans they are supposed to be providing "essential government services" to; (11) leases, tolls, purchase agreements, fees and other collections and interest accruals that have been charged for the use of American assets and infrastructure --- and never returned to the Americans.
We've already covered some of the means used to entrap and mischaracterize Americans so as to falsify records and obtain false evidence supporting the presumption that Americans are voluntarily choosing to adopt both forms of foreign federal citizenship obligations --false registration as British Territorial U.S. Citizens via a birth certification process, followed by creation of the legal presumption of Municipal citizenship via forced enrollment in the Social Security pension program, Selective Service, and similar "federal programs" without full disclosure.
These actions have served a joint aim of mischaracterizing Americans and denying their true nationality, in violation of both the Hague Conventions and the Geneva Conventions, and have resulted in the equally false claim that our government no longer exists and that the entire country has magically been abandoned by the actual owners, who have gratuitously been determined to be missing and lost at sea.
How is it, then, that we are talking to you, today? Who is sending this correspondence? How is it that when called to assemble, Americans have declared their birthright political status, recorded their rightful political status internationally, and assembled their State Assemblies in all fifty (50) States of the Union? How is it that these same State Assemblies have conducted Roll Call Votes to formally enroll our western states as States of the Union? And taken action against the most recent and deplorable scheme to enslave the living to serve the dead by injecting patented mRNA into the intended victims, and thereby claiming that they are Genetically Modified Organisms, belonging as slaves and chattel to the patent holders?
Our State Assemblies just passed a law prohibiting any such claims and providing for the punishment of all offending corporations and corporation officers involved in such a scheme, or any other scheme imposing upon living people.
We quote the International Criminal Code, Articles 7 (select sections)Article 7 Crimes against Humanity which pertain to the enjoined Principals and their Municipal corporation instrumentalities:
1. For the purpose of this Statute, "crime against humanity" means any of the following acts when committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population, with knowledge of the attack:
(k) Other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health.
(h) Persecution against any identifiable group or collectivity on political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious, gender as defined in paragraph 3, or other grounds that are universally recognized as impermissible under international law, in connection with any act referred to in this paragraph or any crime within the jurisdiction of the Court.
We are currently in the midst of another commercial corporation boondoggle steeped in lies and disinformation and self-serving criminality, sponsored by the same Municipal corporations, Principals, and Players acting under color of law and masquerading as our government and as our delegated representatives.
The mRNA so-called "vaccines" are not vaccines, and their deployment is at best experimental---- a vast guinea pig experiment applied under color of law and for no better reason than an attempt to profit from a loophole in current US Patent Law, that would allow the Perpetrators to claim that everyone who receives said patented mRNA fragments, is a Genetically Modified Organism at a cellular level, and is owned as chattel property by the patent holders.
This surreptitious abuse of living people in disregard of their safety and well-being, imposed under color of law, for no better reason than promotion of a program of commercial enslavement is beyond the pale and cannot be endured by a sentient populace.
Let it stand upon the Public Record of The International Court of Justice that no verifiable and responsible testing of vaccines has taken place in this country for thirty years, and to date, the entire Germ Theory with respect to viral agents, has never been proven.
Let it also stand that all current activities imposing mask mandates, lockdowns, curfews, and similar activities in the name of Public Health have no basis in our Public Law or jurisprudence. Our health is not an issue within the purview of our law, nor anything delegated to the speculation of our Employees.
We have addressed and fully informed all three responsible international and global jurisdiction High Courts of these pernicious activities and false claims: The International Court of Justice, the Vatican Chancery Court, and the Court of the Lord High Steward.
It is past time for this madness to end, and for the False Debts and the False Legal Presumptions, and the equally False Claims of Trusteeship on the part of these malfunctioning Municipal corporations to be swept aside.
The offending Principals may not be permitted to continue these practices nor to advance these Legal Presumptions against their victims, nor should they be allowed to continue their parasitic practices and allowed to migrate to China, where they would simply begin the same process against the Chinese people.
Banks and currencies are meant to serve the living, not the dead; stock exchanges and securities brokerages are likewise allowed to exist as a service to expedite trade among living people, and were never instituted as anything other than a service to the living.
The unregulated growth and lack of proper oversight of commercial corporations in the past century has led to this deplorable state of anarchy, unaccountability, and depravity---and to the clear and present danger of a form of Corporate Feudalism replacing known constitutional governments and traditional monarchies with faceless, nameless, perpetual commercial corporations operating with the protection of hired and armed bands of thugs and private security personnel masquerading as armies and public safety organizations.
It is a well-known principle of international law that securitization of living flesh is illegal, and yet, such undisclosed and self-interested securitization has been practiced by the offending municipal corporations acting together under force and color of law against our General Public, and all in violation of their treaty obligations and the fine words of their Principals in support of the United Nations' Mission Statement.
These Gross Offenders have simply pretended that American babies were abandoned and left as wards of their commercial operations on our shores, and then, they have seized upon the given names of these babies and copyrighted as property owned by the British Crown, and bought and sold their identities, similar to what is currently going on with the illicit collection and sale of individual market data secretively collected by Facebook, Google, and other Big Tech corporations.
The British Crown has then also created franchises for itself in the names of these same babies and manipulated and subjected the victims of these criminal activities to their foreign law; the Holy See has aided and abetted this repugnant activity by exacerbating it, and holding the "Birth Certificates" and further embroidering on the non-existent British Territorial Persons by creating non-existent Municipal PERSONS operated in the names of the victims, too.
All of this identity theft and credit hacking and asset confiscation activity has been processed through the DTCC and its internalized parental company, Cede and Company, and similarly constructed brokerages and bonding agencies such as the American Corporations Company, which have issued bonds against the value of American babies and engaged in identity theft, credit theft, speculative trading, child labor contracts, embezzlement, and counterfeiting, as well as impersonation and barratry employed against these victims in non-judicial "courts" ----that is, private corporate tribunals--- that they have operated on our soil under color of law.
These venal and repugnant activities and the wealth derived from them must be considered crimes and the results of unjust enrichment, respectively.
The crimes must be brought to a stop and the loot returned to the victims, or there is no law on Earth, and supra-normal courts must be invoked.
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America