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Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Answer to "Virgo Triad"

By Anna Von Reitz

I have had several people contact me all excited and upset because some woman calling herself "Virgo Triad" is all over the internet saying I am a fake.
Fine. Here is an object lesson in what I am trying to teach.
1. Why would you trust a nameless, faceless "voice" on YouTube and give them any credibility at all? I listened to one of her broadcasts and she was just blithering rumors and gossip like "Katie Courier" before her.
2. And why trust a nameless, faceless person calling herself "Virgo Triad"? Virgo star constellation? Triad -- name of Oriental gangs? Hello?
The Virgo star constellation is the home of the "Doctrine of Scarcity". If you want to continue to suffer and go without things you need, that's where you want to go. All Masochists please form a line.... and Triads? You listen to Japanese and/or Chinese gangs as regular news sources? But she doesn't sound Oriental. She sounds like a confused Midwestern housewife in over her head.
3. And if I am a fake and impersonating a judge, openly, flagrantly, for four years running now --- why is it that I am still here, still running my court?
The obvious answer is that I do know what I am talking about, my interpretation of jurisdictional issues is correct, and what I am teaching you all is correct, too. If I wasn't exactly who I am and doing what I say I am, I'd be in jail like a great many others who have visited federal "correctional facilities" before me.

Answer to Status Change for Naturalized U.S. Citizens --- Again.

By Anna Von Reitz

The process for all first generation immigrants to become state nationals is the same now as it was for our great-grandparents.
You have to be over the age of 21, law-abiding, and self-supporting. You have to establish your home in the state where you want to live and maintain a steady address there for a year and a day.
In practical terms this means that you have to establish a record of stability and decent character. Minor squabbles and misdemeanors don't count, but felony level convictions that show "moral turpitude" will bar you from becoming a state national for a period of ten years.
Exactly how felony convictions can be separated into those expressing moral turpitude and those not expressing moral turpitude is a special question, but it basically involves elements such as premeditation of crime, indecency, cruelty, disregard for life, and similar topics that have to be assessed in each case. You could, for example, have a conviction for a felony involving involuntary manslaughter and still be allowed state national status.
You additionally have to become a land owner (after becoming a state national) in order to participate in public elections. That is, you can be a state national and secure all the guarantees owed to state nationals without being eligible to elect state officials.

Answer to Hiring Attorneys

By Anna Von Reitz

Never hire a Bar Attorney. Ever. He is an Officer of the Court and his first duty and loyalty is to profit the Court. And how is that going to happen except by--- in one way or another--- disserving and defrauding you?

This is a big part of the reason that these "Courts" enjoy a 97% conviction rate. People hire attorneys thinking that these men are going to work for them and for their good, but in fact, they are financing their own destruction.

If any Court addresses you, you need to present a certified copy of your recorded Mandatory FSIA Notice and ask them pointedly ---who gave you permission to address me?

Follow Up on Marshals Services and Piracy

By Anna Von Reitz

Please be aware that the current "US Marshals Service" is being run by Interpol on a contractual basis and that both Steven T. Mnuchin and Jeff Sessions are Interpol Officers.  They take their instructions out of Berne, Switzerland.  They are still under obligation to obey our laws and fulfill our contracts, or they are subject to arrest and prosecution. 

This places them in an odd No Man's Land.  To become Interpol Officers, they forswear and give up their citizenship, so that they no longer can be considered either Americans (gave up or were swindled out of their birthright and then confirmed it by going to work and staying employed by the Territorial United States) or as "US Citizens".  

Answers to Questions About Our Authority and Organization

By Anna Von Reitz

I have described this situation to the Popes repeatedly since 1998.  How is it possible that Cardinal XXXXXXXXX remains unaware?   

The Holy See has been acting as our Global Trustee since the Civil War and selling us all into bondage almost at birth to profit itself.  We have the proof, and in all the discussions that have gone on with the Holy See, the facts of the matter have never been in dispute.  

Our Supreme Government is located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where it has always been since 1776.  It never moved.  

The members of the United States Congress acting  as representatives of the "States of States"  (business entities literally belonging to our land jurisdiction States) operating in the international jurisdiction of the sea --- in all three levels created by the nasty "Constitution" process: National, Territorial, and Municipal --- moved to a fancy new capitol, Washington, DC, to better expedite their functions.   Our land jurisdiction headquarters and the Continental Congress have remained in Philadelphia

There have always been two kinds of Congress --- United States Congress (sea) and Continental Congress (land).  

The Who, How and Why of the JFK Assassination – and Why It Still Matters
As Francis Conolly narrates in the excellent film JFK to 911 – Everything Is A Rich Man’s Trick:
“[The spy agents of the US Government] function essentially as a goon squad of mercenaries and murderers, hardly any different to Hitler’s gestapo, and are used a private intelligence service and as personal hit men for America’s richest families – their only role being to cover up the dirty tricks which the rich people are playing on their fellow countrymen, every day.”
The question remains: will the majority of Americans and people worldwide raise their awareness of these dark events, reclaim their power and get these criminals out of power? As sad and tragic as the Kennedy assassination was, at least if we use it as a catalyst to rise up and take back our power, it will not have happened in vain.

JFK: thank you for your bravery and commitment to peace and justice. We’ll always remember it.

Here is the video that goes with this article.

Just the Facts, Ma'am 2.0

By Anna Von Reitz

The United States of America (Unincorporated) is the only international-level government still standing in behalf of this country.  All the others have been overcome by legal chicanery or reduced to incompetency in  bankruptcy.

The United States of America (Unincorporated) is the first and the last union of the Sovereign States, the source of all delegated powers ever recorded--and we are still here, the Priority Creditors, Holders in Due Course, and Lawful Entitlement Holders of every asset of this country.

Our international claims are well-established and cured on the public record.

We are still here, still conducting our business.  We have reclaimed our delegated powers and administered them to maintain the integrity of our constitutions.

The National-level government owed this country has been moth-balled via fraud and deceit and breach of trust since the 1860's, but we are still here.

The Territorial-level government is in Chapter 11 and receivership to bankruptcy trustees appointed by Secondary Creditors. But we are still here.

The Municipal-level government is in Chapter 7 liquidation. But we are still here.

And here we are, the Original Issuers, the Presumed Donors, the only lawful and actual government of this country still standing, ready to kick ass.