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Saturday, December 10, 2022

Answer to "Satan" About Mr. Lincoln and the Results

 By Anna Von Reitz

Lincoln, being misrepresented as The President of The United States while acting as President of the United States, was the lie and so are you, The Lie, personified, by your own admission.  You have called yourself Satan and so it is. 

You deal consistently in half-truths, from Eden to now. 

It's true that the Southern States-of-States didn't engender the illegal Mercenary Conflict by walking out on the last meeting of the Confederation and leaving the original Confederation without a quorum.  That was no act of war, but a business decision and, in view of the deceitfulness of Lincoln and his cohorts, a moral decision as well.  

It's true that Lincoln, acting as "the President" of "the" United States of America, Incorporated, issued an illegal "declaration" and ordered his Mercenaries to attack Fort Sumter. 

But then, virtually everything Lincoln did, from his election as the "president" of a privately owned foreign British Territorial corporation calling itself, "the United States of America, Incorporated", to his deceitful declaration of "war", to his "emancipation proclamation" emancipating Southern slave owners and his issuance of General Order 100 --- was all done in fraud and deceit and Gross Breach of Trust. 

Everyone then and everyone now has cause to know that Mr. Lincoln had no power to declare war, and yet, he issued his personal declaration which appeared to do so. And trusting folk, thinking that he was their President, obeyed him. 

This demonstrates the value of knowing your Constitution and holding anyone appearing to be a public official accountable. 

But his deceits then do not excuse yours now. 

The Confederation, which was an instrumentality of the sovereign States -- North and South --  operating in Martimine Jurisdiction as the States of America under The Articles of Confederation implemented March 1, 1781, owned and operated the Federal Republic instituted as the American Federal Subcontractor in receipt of the enumerated Delegated Powers under The Constitution for the united States of America, as a further instrumentality, and both were destroyed by the rift that started in 1860.  Their "perpetual Union" was broken and has never been reconstructed by the States of the Union. 

Those are the facts and no matter how you try to twist the Truth, they remain. 

When Jefferson Davis and his compatriots formed the new organization known as The Confederate States of America they combined the assets of the Southern State-of-State organizations doing business as The State of Georgia, The State of Virginia, etc., they created their own new "Confederation" as is made obvious from the name change: it was no longer our original Confederation "the States of America" which included both North and South, it was "The Confederate States of America" to which only Southern members belonged.  The North, meantime, formed its own "Union Confederation" and then, in common parlance, started calling itself "the Union" to promote confusing it with our actual Union of States. 

Jefferson Davis was fully aware of all this and often commented in his books and public speeches and appearances after the armed hostilities ended that there would be a reckoning.  So if you are trying to promote yourself as a friend of Jefferson Davis and the Southern Cause you should be pleased that I am paying the Liars out --- but you're not.  Instead, you are a Liar  trying to chisel an advantage out of the misery of our Forefathers. 

The creation of the original Confederation in 1781 self-evidently did not replace either the United States (original Union formed in 1776, and operated as "the United States" from 1776 to 1851, when the name changed to The United States) or The United State of America, our unincorporated Federation of States.  Both the United States (The United States after 1851) and The United States of America were in full operation before, during, and after the so-called Civil War. 

Anyone with a brain should know that sovereign entities and direct Agents of sovereign entities CANNOT be incorporated by foreign governments and ARE NOT eligible for bankruptcy protections, and yet, you are trying to convince your Followers otherwise, trying to confuse them and claim that the Federation is or was a "Federal Subcontractor", which it never has been and could not be, because the Federation and its member States are the Principals on the paying end of the Federal Constitutions. 

We're the Employers. not the Employees. 


See this article and over 3900 others on Anna's website here:

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Second Comment on “Bank” Panic

 By Anna Von Reitz

Nobody has come forward with any actual evidence of wrong doing on the part of Hunter Aki and I do not respond well to gossip.  Remember? Facts and Law? Innocent until proven guilty? 

I have talked to Hunter and he’s disappointed with the people involved but not worried about returning their money.  This makes sense because all that happened was a change in what the “digits” mean—- from meaning “fiat money” to meaning “lawful money” in the overall accounts registry.

And now I want to address some other facts. 

These people creating this  — as it turns out, Credit Union panic, not Bank Panic— committed themselves voluntarily to the premise of banking built on sharing and love, what the South Africans call “Ubuntu”.  This concept has been explained by Hunter and by Michael Tellinger and can be viewed at length on YouTube. It is part of a worldwide movement.

But the moment that a clever professional banker with a conflict of interest appears and starts dropping crumbs of doubt, they clump together like sheep and stampede away in fear—— which is precisely what the conventional banker wants them to do. 

They don’t even have sense enough to know where he is coming from and why he would want to undermine their efforts. 

Those raising all these “concerns” created and joined a Credit Union sponsored by Global as a separate project. 

We have posted the Universal Bank Charter so everyone can see what it says — and doesn’t say—- for yourselves, and I trust everyone knows the difference between a credit union and a bank? 

They are talking up their “concerns” about a Credit Union THEY created and they are deliberately misleading people to think that we somehow chartered their Credit Union as a “bank”. 

Do the words “Credit Union” appear anywhere in the Universal Bank Charter? 

Is my signature or the signature of any Federation Officer on a single piece of paper related to this Credit Union?  


So the perpetrators of this hysteria are trying to bad-mouth Hunter, and by association bad-mouth me, when (1) they have shown no evidence of any wrong or harm to date; (2) they are complaining about a Credit Union THEY built and which the Federation did NOT charter, and (3) demanding that I conduct a “forensic audit” on a Credit Union that they created. 

I’m sorry, but the law makes them responsible for what they create.  It does not make me responsible for what they create. 

The Federation has created a new banking system. Every bank in that system works the same way and is obligated to function as stipulated in the Universal Bank Charter. They are also required to agree to the stipulations of the one page Bank Treaty in order to be part of this new bilateral banking system. 

These are old-fashioned banks of the kind our great-grandfathers used.  Any bank acting in violation of their charter and treaty  is also by definition acting in opposition to the Public Law — not the “private law” of the corporations. 

If you are scared, don’t be.  The great King Rat Franklin Delano Roosevelt said something I happen to agree with —- “There is nothing to fear, but fear itself.”  If you are going to spend your lives in fear, how much is life worth living? 

Joe Biden has already announced his plan going forward. 

He has hired 87,000 new IRS Agents to fleece the Public, signed an “Executive Order” allowing the use of “digital currency” —-that is,  keystrokes entered into a computer ledger backed by the “good faith” of a foreign Congress with a bad track record, and admitted that the inflation of the Federal Reserve Notes will get much, much worse. 

Inflation is just another kind of tax being levied on you. 

So Joe’s entire plan — as already announced—-is to spend the fiat currency into oblivion and tax you and tax the “Federal currency” for his spending. 

What this means, folks, is that the legal tender you have been forced to use “as” money is losing all value as you stand there in wonderment looking at ten dollar loaves of bread and fifty dollar chickens. 

And the man masquerading as “your” President is not only doing nothing about it, he is assisting this process and preparing to use armed force to seize your assets including the increasingly useless fiat scrip. 

You can’t beat them. It’s their “legal tender”. They can destroy it if they want to. And that is what Joe Boy has announced that they are going to do.

What you can do is to: (1) raise your voice against this criminality, (2) create a public record of your actual political status as an American — not any kind of Federal citizen; (3) join your lawful State Assembly and get organized, (4) buy extra food, water, fuel, medications, and trade goods you may need; (5) sock away lawful money — gold, silver, gems, etc. (6) support your actual American Government, our Federation of States, working in international jurisdiction at this time.

Hunter has been working around the clock and so have many others in other corners of the world, trying to give you an exit from this nightmare.  It’s up to you if you have wisdom or fear in your kit bag going forward. 

I have been working around the clock to focus public attention of the theft of private assets, including those private assets — the Global Collateral Accounts — that underwrite the banking system worldwide. 

We are the Donors.

We, acting as the Donors, have issued a direct order to the Trustees of the Department of Federal Treasury within the Bank of International Settlements, seeking to straighten this Mess up, because we are the only ones who can straighten it out. 

The alternative is having Joe Biden and Thugs whipping and beating you and stealing everything that’s yours, to pay debts you don’t owe. 

Throughout this long process — and it has taken two decades — we have seen many self-serving, diabolical, and compromised people come past our doors.  They have sat down at our tables, threatened us, tempted us, spun us many tales. 

Always we stick to the truth. 

No gossip, no lies, no self-service. 

Not about banking and not about anything else. 

We have clung to the proposition that life and love are the only true values and that the only true job of a government is to protect the living people and their assets. 

If you agree, then don’t turn back from the work set before each one of us. As John Adams said, —the only man worth a damn, is a man who has commitment. 

Our Assemblies have been correctly and lawfully constructed to stand on a firm foundation. Our people (and everyone else) are being educated about their true history and returned to their true political identity, to stand as the living population of their State of the Union. 

As a result, the rats are scrambling hard, trying to confuse issues (Public Banks v private Credit Unions, District “Assemblies” v State Assemblies, American State Nationals v US “State” Nationals, and so on). 

They are also lying about everything and everyone on a 24/7 basis. 

I will give you the message of the True God, the message of the whole Angelic Host that stands as Gideon’s Army:  “Fear not!” 

Guard yourselves against being used by Evil to promote evil.  Spreading unsubstantiated gossip is one of the ways that good people are ensnared. Pride, greed, fear, and misplaced values are the enemies of us all. 

As things stand, the “dollars” in your pockets are worth less than two cents each in 1913 dollars. Over the course of the next two months— unless we can get control of the runaway train—- the prices of everything you can think of will double and a great many things will be unavailable. 

There will be all sorts of unsubstantiated bills addressed to your ACCOUNT that you will not be able to pay. The amount of these purported IRS bills will astonish you—- millions, even billions of dollars of purported debt alleged against your NAME.  

And after that, they have planned to send armed mercenaries to your door to collect on these debts that you don’t owe. 

This is the truth about the situation. 

Pray, therefore, that we succeed and the Law, not merely the “Rule of Law”, is honored by Mankind. 

Pray that men like Joe Biden and George Soros and Bill Gates are exposed for what they are. Pray that the shadowy “Trustees” of the Department of the Federal Treasury hidden inside the Bank of International Settlements are compelled —one way or another— to do what is right. 

Pray for our brother, Hunter, who has suffered this assault against his character from people who should have known better. Pray for me and for Julius and the eighteen Trust owners who stand against this evil.  Pray for our unincorporated Federation of States and pray for peace among the nations. 

Indeed, there is no reason for anyone to fight or go without all that they need.  We can have the end of taxation and enslavement and many other evils, if we just wake up and commit ourselves to right action, no matter what. 

For those who are confused by all the similar names deceits, please go to Youtube and watch the first one hour installment of Granna’s Bites, which explains the structure of the American Government and its relationship to the US Federal Government . 


See this article and over 3900 others on Anna's website here:

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Guest Post from one of our readers -Paul Stephen Schaffrin

 Paul. Please if possible and only if you feel my comment appropriate and of benefit would you post it for me. I have been recovering from a near fatal condition and my mind is still not back from what it once was. Thank you. I thought the first part of this, might make for a 'this is where I come from' but edit it for better readability. I can only imagine how busy you must be, so only if you think it worth while. Thank you.

I have followed this site for five or six years,  During this time I have only posted 2 innocuous comments offering sincere appreciation and support to Anna and her team for having the courage, dedication, and skill but mostly the love for the people living on the land and soil of our union of states. I once possessed a smaller portion of her talents as I might offer evidence of when in high school I came home and opened a rejection letter from Georgetown. Entirely without arrogance, simply motivated by an un-jaded history of youthful accomplishment, I asked my mother an AA employee, for a non-rev ticket to DC because I needed to immediately inform the University president of the mistake that they had made. Armed with a flight pass and the thus far unblemished confidence of my youth I was on my way to Georgetown to fulfill my mission. By 8:30 the next morning I was sitting in the crimson adorned offices of Fr.Timothy S. Healy, President of Georgetown University.  

After an exciting and successful meeting being told that I was definitely "IN" , Fr. Healy called in the President of the Alumni Association to take me to lunch and a personal tour of the town. The first place we stopped  was a very old brick hall type building with a long flight of matching brick stairs to climb, and my escort became very serious. As we entered the foyer I was instructed to stand straight, smile, and limit any answers to a single word before he then opened the foyer door to the hall and to a small group of ancient looking men, and announced that  Fr. Healy had instructed him to introduce me to them as a future senator from the great state of Oklahoma. 

Upon hearing that introduction I fell into a state of shock and don't remember anything else of the day. 

I have lived an interesting life becoming acquainted with top business men and politicians from my state, until before the 2000 election when everything seemed to be presented on a platter, and it appeared to be "My Time". I could do no wrong. Opportunity was everywhere. The political arena was luring me. But then it happened and I thank God for gifting me with solid integrity and strong critical thinking skills. 

Something didn't feel right. Soon everything didn't feel right. Every opportunity came with a hidden cost. Most with the cost of a compromise  Very few were really significant but as a whole it appeared as if it was designed to make me a different person than who I was, and to make me generally disregard the principles I believed in. 

I rapidly began  to see with opened eyes the control and corruption of governments and the world around me  I maintained an open mind and I am blessed with the ability to see things from multiple perspectives.  I also have the habit of treating everyone, even those with whom I disagree, with respect. But the stress took its toll on my body. I withdrew and observed. 

On Christmas 2013 I was taken by  ambulance to the hospital.   I was in septic shock, and they were going to amputate both legs to the upper thigh. It was determined that the infections were too far gone and I would not survive the operations. I was given three to ten days to live and pumped full of pain killers.  The stress had essentially destroyed all of my adrenals and my whole body was filled with strep and MRSA. My body was being consumed with osteomyelitis. I would have died. All of the doctors and nurses look at me in amazement. Instead of laying on my death bed filled with hate, anger, resentment, fear, envy, jealousy and so many of the other destructive vibrational frequencies, I am still here. The main thoughts that occupied my mind were deep gratitude and appreciation for the gifts and talents I had been given, and the wish that I had put them to better use in my life, along with acknowledgment of God's love for me.  My body began to vibrate literally vibrate with incredible healing power.  I can walk again,
I can breath without an O2 tank.  My jagged bones no longer cut though my skin. My mind is improving every day. I know I will live a long life to make up for what I almost lost. I say all of this to introduce myself and share my hope that we can make this world a paradise if we can come together with respect for each other and realize we are not enemies of each other. The real enemy seeks to divide us and to separate us. Even on this site people say some truly horrible things about Anna . So far I am not aware of any one working harder, and giving more of themselves, than Anna. She has a plan. It makes more sense than any other and even in my long struggle to regain my health I am preparing myself for the new year to offer all the support I can.  I hope everyone here will as well, and stop any more trolling or condemnation. If any feel they have an objection then fine, do something better, but don't  attempt to destroy what is being built.  Jesus came to unite the Church not divide it. Let's follow that example.  We can disagree respectfully but we must do it in love for one another.

The Tool of Tools


December 10, 2022