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Friday, July 16, 2021

For All Coordinators - The American Way

 By Anna Von Reitz

It is becoming apparent that the influx of new people isn't being handled well-enough in terms of "sorting and shunting" ---- we've been trying to save everyone, but some people just don't want to take up the burdens of self-governance. They want a corporate structure and a top-down government that tells them what to do and how to do it, and which nursemaids them 24/7.
They want a King or a Manager or a Director or a Coordinator sitting up on top dictating and taking responsibility for their every move --- and that just isn't the American Way.
We need to get serious about talking to new recruits and giving them The Three Choices up front, so that they know what their options are and can sort out for themselves where they need to be.
Here are The Three Choices:
Choice One: Join your American State Assembly. Stand up as an American and declare and record your political status as someone who is self-governing and owed all the Constitutional Guarantees and all proper exemptions, build up your State Assembly, and enjoy the protection of the Public Law. Be responsible for your American Government and its proper functioning. Live up to being worthy of independence.
Choice Two: Join the local District Assembly. Accept the status of a British Subject and agree to give up your land and other material possessions to the Queen to use as chattel property, relinquish your Constitutional Guarantees, agree to be counted as a British Territorial U.S. Citizen, and live under foreign Statutory Law, either as a Ward of the State or as an Indentured Servant. Give up responsibility for your government and do whatever you are told to do.
Choice Three: Join the local Municipal District Assembly. Accept the status of a Papist Municipal citizen of the United States, give all natural rights, titles and interests you have to the Pope, and agree to act as a slave belonging to the Roman Municipal Government. Be liable for all the debts of the US, Inc. and be subject to all Municipal laws, codes, and statutes, both written and unwritten. Give up all Constitutional Guarantees and all responsibility for governing yourself and do whatever you are told to do.
Next, we need to give them the straight up news that our Assemblies don't function like corporations. There is no "Chief Executive Officer", no strict compartmentalization, no rising through the ranks. We do things in terms of functions and everyone works together.
They need to firmly understand this and understand that we conduct our business through committees, that our Chairmen are Spokespersons--not CEO's, and we each take responsibility for getting the Assembly set up and working.
If they are going to act as Americans they should not expect or demand endless hand-holding. The information is there for them in "You Know Something Is Wrong When....." and many, many searchable articles and other books. As Americans, they will be expected to show initiative and learn about their own history and government --- and to teach others.
Gossiping, power-mongering, deceit, malfeasance, scamming, stealing, obstructing, causing conflict, in-fighting, suggesting or planning violence of any kind, commandeering meetings, disrupting the smooth flow of business, verbally or physically threatening or otherwise abusing other people in the Assembly --- are all causes for disciplinary action, removal from public meetings, and loss of attendance for a period of time,
We are trying to get away from the violence and competitiveness of the corporations and build a family and community centered government based on the principles expressed by The Declaration of Independence.
Suggest that newcomers take the time to sit down and read The Declaration of Independence so that they have a renewed vision of what their government is about and the evils it is intended to prevent.
Please explain that assembling an Assembly has six principle goals: (1) educate, educate, educate; (2) declare and record political status; (3) participate in the General Assembly and discuss in-State issues; (4) if eligible to act as a State Citizen at this time, participate in the International Business Assembly to decide interstate and foreign issues; (5) build up and staff your Public Court System, serve as Jurors; (6) build up and staff your Assembly Militia.
This effort begins first, last, and always with educating more and more Americans about their history, the law, and government --- so they can restore the government they are owed and operate it responsibly.
If they are whining and fearful and overwhelmed and not willing to take on the challenges of reconstruction, show them The Three Choices again, and if they don't think it's their cup of tea, by all means, encourage them to go down the street and join the District Assembly or the Municipal Assembly instead.

Better that than to welcome them in and have to fight with their Corporate Indoctrination and Dependency Syndrome for the next ten years. We offer them back their inheritance along with the responsibility that goes with it. We have to expect that some people like or need the comfortable slavery of the Nanny State and are unwilling to accept the challenges of self-governance.


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The Great Fraud: Officers and Elected Officials

 By Anna Von Reitz

There's another confusion that needs to be addressed and appreciated by everyone involved.
You know how we call policemen "Law Enforcement Officers"? There's a reason for that. "Officers" are not elected. And the LEO's are not elected, either. They are guns for hire, private security personnel, hired by corporations under the Pinkerton Laws that first allowed such "foreign services" to operate in this country.
Smack dab in the middle of the Civil War, the Union Pacific Railroad and the Central Pacific Railroad began a big push to construct the first-ever Transcontinental Railroad running clear across this country. They finished the project in 1869. This "Overland Route" was promoted as the primary passenger rail service to the West and as sections of it were completed, it was pressed into service, first from Council Bluffs, Iowa, to Chicago, and then, lap by lap until they reached San Francisco.
Passengers weren't the only cargo the Transcontinental Railroad carried. It carried gold payroll shipments for mining companies, government offices, and military operations in the western states. It carried government mail and bonds. It carried passenger valuables including cash and jewelry in separate small vaults. It's easy to understand why outlaws considered these trains to be "rolling banks" --- and the same gangs that became famous for robbing banks also robbed trains on a regular basis.
While County Sheriffs and local deputized civilian Deputies struggled to defeat the outlaws on the land and soil, the Railroad Barons argued -- successfully -- that a different kind of professional protective force was needed to ride the rails and prevent robbery on the railroads, because railroads by definition exist in interstate jurisdiction, and their easements are International in nature.
The Robber Barons convinced members of Congress that they needed protection for the railroads and the passengers, that international officers were needed, and the London-based Pinkerton Agency was subsequently hired as a private, international security "agency" ---- one of the first times we see the use of the word "agency" related to government affairs --- to thwart train robbers.
By 1893, the use of the Pinkerton Agency hirelings for other purposes had spread to commercial venues, and in particular, Pinkerton Agents were being used as private, mercenary forces to promote Strike Breaking at coal mines and steel mills. After the infamous Homestead Strike and its violent suppression of American workers, Congress passed the Anti-Pinkerton Act, 5 U.S.C. 3108, as part of the "Sundry Civil Appropriations Act of 1893".
This Act limited the United States Government's ability to hire private investigators or mercenaries, but this restriction was evaded, most especially by Franklin Delano Roosevelt's Administration, by the simple legal farce of "enclosing" such private agencies as incorporated public agencies --- that is, the government acting as a private corporation could hire mercenaries to perform public services, just as the Railroad Barons hired them to perform private services. This is detailed in Title 5 U.S.C.A. and Title 22 U.S.C.A.
It was this "privatization" (actually foreign incorporation of government functions) that allowed the Federal Government (both Territorial District and Municipal Subcontractors) to to hire unlimited private agencies and mercenaries "as" public employees, and which has served to create the unlawful proliferation of Agencies and the hiring of the Undeclared Foreign Agents.
This is how the American Raj was created ---- a vast bloated network of unelected, politically appointed, and unaccountable private agencies under contract to provide public services, but with nobody left representing the Public Interest.
The elected officials are all acting in private capacities as officers of foreign corporations, and they then hire foreign agencies to perform public functions "as if" they were actual Public Employees. Without any oversight or actual public accountability, cronyism, political self-interest, graft, embezzlement, and extortion have been rampant.
So, our Subcontractors have hired Subcontractors who have hired Subcontractors, who have hired Subcontractors, and we are paying for it all, and nobody is accountable to us, except the original Subcontracting Principals--- the Pope, the Queen, and the Lord Mayor.
This also explains the odd confusion between "public and private".
Which brings us back to the actual topic of this article --- there are two kinds of government employees commonly in evidence: elected officials and commissioned or appointed officers, all operating on a mercenary-for-hire basis.
These elected officials are elected, but by whom, and in what capacity?
Currently, they are being elected by people who are merely presumed to be Shareholders in a bankrupt foreign corporation, people who are unknowingly giving away their proxy to elected "Representatives" and who, in turn, let their victims think that they are actual Public Officials, when they are not.
At least, not our "Public".
The government agents, aka, "Officers" are also hired, but again ---by whom, by which government, and in what capacity?
If you always thought that you were dealing with just one American Government, or wondering why they call it a "US Government", you are in for a big awakening.
These fellows swaggering around in fancy uniforms with belts and nightsticks and shiny badges and squad cars aren't actual commissioned officers, because they are not acting under the direct authority of any actual Government.
They are "private police forces" instead, subcontractors hired for the protection of the erring foreign corporations.
As just one example, the Scottish Interloper styling itself as "The United States of America, Incorporated" created the Department of Justice, Inc., as a Subcontractor, and paid it out of the public purse to defend their own interests.
Not only were we pillaged and plundered into near-oblivion, but we paid for the cost of the legal defense of the criminals doing it to us.
Among all the agencies that need to be dispensed with the ironically named "Department of Justice" stands first on the list.
A diligent researcher can quickly establish that virtually none of those persons presenting themselves as elected Public Officials nor as Public Employees have the natural capacity to act as either one, and they are in fact operating as foreign mercenaries evading The Anti-Pinkerton Act by redefining the nature of the government itself.
This is part of the Great Fraud --- fooling us into thinking that we are voting for actual Public Officials to fill Public Offices, when in fact we've ourselves been "mistaken" for shareholders holding shares in bankrupt foreign commercial corporations, voting for Proxy-holders enabled to dispose of our interests.
And the corollary fraud has been to make us think that "agents" --- like the "Officers" employed by the State of Ohio, Incorporated, are valid members of a Public Police Force when in fact, they are Pinkertons---- private security personnel hired by foreign corporation franchises.
No wonder that they have been smirking on their way to the bank, and talking about their "discretion" to uphold the Public Law --- or not. And no wonder that "police abuses" have proliferated.
Even though their services are being paid for with public money, these men and women are being misdirected by corrupt foreign commercial corporations, like The Department of Justice, Inc. and the IRS, Inc., and they are wandering about, armed to the teeth, under color of law, protecting the interests, property, and personnel of these foreign corporations to the detriment of their actual Employers.
Too many of them are knowingly acting as privateers against the very people they are supposed to be protecting and serving.
So, where, you may wonder, is Matt Dillon when you need him?
Right where he always was, standing on terra firma, in Dodge City.
The actual Americans have returned home, and repopulated the land and soil jurisdiction of this country. They have also taken up their purportedly "vacated" offices. We now have Assembly Sheriffs who are bound to enforce the Public Law, including the Constitutional Guarantees. These men are enabled to deputize as many people as they need to get the job done.
Assembly Sheriffs are elected by Americans operating in their proper political capacity. They are the highest elected peacekeeping officials in the country. Yes, they can take out their six-shooters and dispense justice the old fashioned way, and that scares some people --- mainly those responsible for all this theft, corruption, and violence.
We also have legitimately commissioned Federation-level Continental Marshals to ride the range in international and global jurisdictions. Think of the old U.S. Marshals Service and Rooster Cogburn, but coming from even higher up the totem pole---from the Federation level of our American Government.
Yes, Virginia, there are actual, factual, lawful American elected officials occupying our Public Offices and upholding our Public Law. They are still few and far between compared to the foreign corporation Look-Alikes, but they are back and they are growing in numbers and relearning their authorities. There are also lawful Deputies and Continental Marshals and lawful State Assembly Militias.
Notice that word, "lawful"?
Actual Law doesn't have a thing to do with statutes or codes or anything legal at all. It has nothing to do with any legislatures, including any foreign congresses or foreign courts operating illegally and unlawfully on our shores.

We are baaaaaack. And despite all attempts to undermine, demoralize, confuse, or obstruct our progress, we are coming on like a house on fire.


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BREAKING: First Major Call For Biden Electors to be Recalled in Arizona, Demand for New Election

The Right to Peaceably Assemble

 By Anna Von Reitz

Please note the word "peaceably". This is part of our long list of Constitutional Guarantees, provided that we are adopting our birthright political status as Americans and are owed constitutional guarantees to begin with.
Recent events in Michigan and Texas have revealed weak spots in people's understanding of the Constitutions and the process of assembling in our individual State Assemblies --- bearing in mind that this is the first time this has been done in 160 years, so we are doing this without the benefit of anyone left to guide us.
We know that there are three (3) Summoning Authorities possible.
The President of The United States of America can call the States into Session, and he is meant to be assisted in this by the pre-existing State Assemblies and by the officers of the Federal Republic, but we haven't elected a President of The United States of America in 160 years, and the Federal Republic has been dormant almost as long, and all the members of the old State Assemblies have passed on. This was the method used in times of emergency, but as the office hasn't been filled and the Federal Republic is dormant, it's not available to us now.
The States can call themselves into Session with a quorum of nine (9) member States, but this presents a chicken-or-egg scenario. You have to have active State Assemblies in at least nine States to do it, and all the original State Assemblies, except for Texas, had ceased to operate. This was the method used when there was business to be done, and the States roused themselves to do it. That option was also foreclosed.
Finally, the Head of State, the owner and keeper of The Great Seals, can call the States into Session. This option was never used until now, and was left as a fail-safe should the more normal processes fail. As the Head of State is hereditary, it was hoped that if elected offices failed, there would still be someone to call the States into Session.
Please note that in two of three options, the Summoning Authorities are Federation Officers---- not "Federal" Officers.
The Office of the President of The United States of America is a Federation Office that isn't part of the "Federal Government". He can call upon the Federal Republic administration to assist him, when the Federal Republic is operational, but it is a Federation responsibility.
Ditto when the Head of State calls for the action--- he is acting as a Federation Officer, and isn't part of the "Federal Government".
The most normal course once the State Assemblies are organized and fully seated is for them to conduct business by quorum and for them to call themselves back into Session as needed.
The Summoning Authority bears the responsibility for the action, and must do their level best to make sure that each State Assembly is composed of properly declared and qualified individuals, that each State Assembly is properly structured and functioning with a General Assembly, International Business Assembly, Public Courts, and Militia, and that everyone is made aware of their rights, duties, and responsibilities---- whereupon the State Assembly is deemed to be fully seated.
This we are endeavoring to accomplish, and as it hasn't happened in 160 years, we have started from scratch.
One of the most important points to take in, is that absent active State Assemblies competent to raise a quorum, the responsibility to call the States into Session lies with that portion of the American Government known as "the Federation".
The Federal Government is named after the Federation.
The Federation is a private and unincorporated American Holding Company devoted to Public Service. It's precious cargo, what it "holds", are all the Mutually-Held Powers of the combined States in international and global jurisdictions. This has always been the role of the Federation since 1776.
Eleven years later, some of the Mutually-Held Powers were delegated to three (3) Federal Subcontractors and the familiar Federal Constitutions came into play, allowing the Federal Subcontractors to do specific work for the Federation.
The Federation is thus the Delegator of all Delegated Powers of the Federal Government, the Principal holding those Powers, and the actual Employer of the Federal Subcontractors that make up the Federal Government.
The Federal Constitutions are thus power-sharing agreements between the Federation and the Federal Subcontractors. When any of the Federal Subcontractors are unable to perform or cease to function, the Delegated Powers they exercised revert automatically to the Delegator of those Powers.
Now that you know what the Federation is, you can see why it is central to the effort to enforce the Constitutions, why it has the authority and responsibility to bring the States into Session to conduct business related to this effort, and why the "assembling" process is being done under the oversight of the Federation.
One of the other Major Points that has come into sharp focus is that our States are guaranteed the right to assemble --- but they must do so in a "peaceable" manner. It has to be understood that our States are being assembled for lawful and peaceful purposes, or the guarantee disappears.
If you attack the Federal Subcontractors and their citizenry, they are free to attack you in return, but so long as you stay the course and enforce upon them in a lawful manner, they have no recourse but to obey their contracts and honor their Employers' wishes.
Recently, attempts were made to use our "peaceable" Assemblies as store fronts to promote the establishment of an illegal armed force. This would have destroyed our guarantee to assemble and would have left everyone involved open to attack.
There have also been attempts to commandeer our Assemblies and redefine them as corporate structures with executive powers and familiar corporate hierarchical structures --- but this is not the form of the American Government.
Assembly Chairmen are not CEO's brandishing executive power. Chairmen are Spokespersons.
Similarly, Recorders are not "Officers" of an Assembly. They are employees of their Assembly, paid or not.
We understand that people are familiar with corporations and have lived their lives with corporations running their businesses and schools and other institutions, but the plain fact is that our American Government is not a corporation, doesn't function as a corporation, and doesn't harbor the same kind of organizational structure, compartmentalization, or hierarchy.
Our Assemblies are supposed to be organized by committee. That's why Assemblymen are called "Committeemen" in many early documents. The General Assembly is a Standing Committee of the Whole. The International Business Assembly and Jural Assembly are both Special Standing Committees. The State Assembly Militia is a Special Purpose Committee.
Our State Assemblies can establish lots of other committees in addition to these four to get business done, but aside from the subject matter that each committee is responsible for, they have no special authority, one over the other.
The State General Assembly is responsible for addressing questions that arise within the borders of the State. The International Business Assembly is responsible for questions involving interstate business and diplomacy. The Jural Assembly addresses issues related to the Public Courts. The State Assembly Militia deals with issues of defense and to an extent, apprehension of criminals, and natural disaster response within the borders of the State.
There have been unscrupulous attempts to misdirect our State Militias and to create a "unified" and "national" armed force using State Militias to do it; this cannot be permitted.
Any such action would violate the principle of peaceable assembly, extend militia powers beyond state borders, and provide an excuse for Federal Agencies to attack our people, claim that we are insurrectionists, deny our right to assemble, and collapse our initiative to enforce the Constitutions.
The same people who have used the Roman Catholic Church and the United Nations as storefronts for their own evil agendas, have tried to use our State Assemblies in a similar manner.
We have the absolute right to assemble and conduct our own business, so long as we do it as Americans and act in an above-board, peaceable, and lawful manner. We must stand vigilant against being misled by people acting with guile to paint us as insurrectionists, and equally stand guard against people acting in ignorance.
There is too much at stake to do otherwise.
****A Note to Assembly Coordinators -- if you find individuals who are abnormally resistant to operating in a committee-based organization and who persist in demanding and seeking a corporate-style structure even after this difference has been explained to them, please give them the following choices:
(1) You can stay and change your assumptions and learn to work within the committee structure of your State Assembly and be recognized as an American with all the rights and responsibilities you are heir to;
(2) You can join the local District Assembly, adopt Territorial U.S. Citizenship, and act as an indentured servant and Subject of the Queen, responsible for obeying several million statutory laws and all that that entails;
(3) You can join the nearest Municipal District Assembly, be recognized as a Municipal citizens of the United States, and adopt the status of a slave owned by the Roman Pontiff, responsible for all the debts of the United States, Inc., and obligated to obey all the Municipal Codes and regulations.

If they want a hierarchy to stand above them and micro-manage everything for them and tell them what to do every moment of everyday, then clearly, the challenge of self-government is not for them. They can have a comfortingly familiar Nanny State with take-charge corporate officials in place --- at the price of admitting that they are British Subjects or Papist Subjects, knowingly and willingly giving up their more challenging American birthright. ****


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Arizona State Senate Hearing on 2020 Election Audit in Maricopa County