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Tuesday, February 25, 2020


By Anna Von Reitz

There are three (3) Constitutions, one Unanimous Declaration of Independence, and no treaties signed in 1866 have any validity or weight, beyond being private corporate business agreements, because they were not signed by the actual government of this country.

From 1776 to 1790, The United States functioned for business purposes as "the" United States.  After 1790, The United States functioned as The United States and still does.  The business name "the" United States was passed on to the Municipal Government upon the passage of The Constitution of the United States. 

From 1776 to 1789, The United States of America functioned for business purposes as "the" United States of America.  After 1789, The United States of America functioned as The United States of America and still does.   The business name "the" United States of America was passed on to the Territorial Government upon the passage of The Constitution of the United States of America. 

From 1781 to 1787, the united States of America (Confederation formed under the Articles of Confederation) functioned for business purposes as "the" united States of America.  The business name "the" united States of America was passed on to the Federal Government (American Subcontractor) upon the passage of The Constitution for the united States of America in 1787.  This portion of the intended Federal Government ceased functioning in 1861 and has yet to be "reconstructed" by the States of the Union, that is, the member States of the unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United States of America.

This is confusing due to the transfer of business names and similarity of names involved, and the use of the same names by different entities at different times during and after The War of Independence, but you can see it graphically presented as it currently sits by going to and looking up our One Pager of the American Government Structure to see where the gaping hole is. 

What has resulted is that instead of African Americans being set free, everyone was enslaved on paper.  They did this by abolishing slavery EXCEPT in the case of criminals, and then, defining all Municipal citizens of the United States as criminals. 

This travesty has to end and the Pope has to stop playing war with himself.  In essence, what happened is that the British Monarch in charge for running the Territorial Commonwealth for the Pope declared "war" on the Municipal United States Government which is also run by the Pope.
So you see that the Pope indirectly owns/controls the Territorial Commonwealth and directly owns/controls the Municipal United States Government, so that any "war" between them is phony.  The Pope owns/controls both would-be combatants. 

What they have done is to collude together to keep a bogus "civil war" going on our shores as an excuse to accidentally-on-purpose misidentify and attack their Employers, the American State Citizens, who are civilian non-combatants who never fought in the so-called Civil War, and who are innocent Third Parties with respect to all this guile.

The Pope needs to be called out for all this and it needs to stop.  The British Queen needs to be called out for her part in this, too. She knows that there is a difference between citizens of the Commonwealth who are residing here and the Americans who live here.  There is no excuse for either the Pope or the Queen concerning this ugly circumstance.  They both need to make amends and provide remedy. 


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Religion Has Failed Us -- And So Has Science

By Anna Von Reitz

I was watching video clips of a meeting at which leaders of the current Municipal Regime were discussing how they could use the trust of employees in their corporate CEO's and the trust people place in their religious leaders as a means to enforce our compliance with their Regime and submit ourselves to whatever often deadly experiments and manipulations they want to foist off on us, including self-sterilization by "voluntary" vaccination.

These Monsters know that we no longer trust them or take anything the government corporations say for granted.  They know we no longer trust the Lame Stream Media.  They can clock that via the abysmal readership and viewer statistics.

They know that our trust in science is now at an all-time ebb, since the whole carbon dioxide, carbon credit, and "Greenhouse Gases" furor has been shown up as an obvious Big Lie that is easily debunked with just a couple salient facts (like the fact that CO2 makes up a whopping .035 of one percent of our atmosphere) and the knowledge that The Greenhouse Gas Theory was proposed 196 years ago and rejected because it violates The Second Law of Thermodynamics -- yet, all these scientists piled on board for the money, and lied their rumps off in public in support of this nonsense.

Shame on them, but after all, science is really just another religion that is supposed to follow rules of honesty and logic ----and which was perverted by the jingle of university tenure, department chairmanships, prestigious institutional appointments, and money, money, money. 

The whole idea of carbon dioxide being a threat has been overturned, the Paris Accords have been debunked along with the Carbon Tax Scheme, the panicking housewives and ignorant teenagers have been put to rest.  But, oh, what a global embarrassment!  All these supposedly educated people and respectable scientists with their pants down around their knees!

So, Plan B,  they are actively, consciously figuring out who and what we still trust, so that they can pervert those avenues of information and use them to continue to secretively promote their own agendas using the CEO's at our workplaces and the religious leaders of our synagogues, mosques, and churches to mislead us. 

Well, let me point out that the leaders of the world scientific community are just the most recent religious leaders to betray their trust.

Judaism, Islam, and Christianity all share scripture in common.  That scripture forbids idolatry, usury, and personage --- yet all three major western religions have ignored their shared scripture and just shoved that part of it under the proverbial rug, shrugged, and said, "Nothing to see here, folks, just move along...." And all three have condoned, used, tacitly supported, and certainly failed to condemn or demand changes in the world monetary systems. 

If they wanted a cause, a reason for a jihad, or a crusade, the scriptural basis has been there in front of all their faces (and ours) for thousands of years, silently crying out and being ignored.

My husband sent a letter to the King of Spain detailing the Great Fraud and how people have been redefined as "persons" and securitized as assets and traded like commodities by these usurping "governmental services corporations" --- and he also gave the Most Catholic King of Spain the scriptural basis forbidding such personage, on the page, in black and white, tenet by tenet. 

We received back the Return Receipt confirming that the letter was delivered, but no reply.  It seems that the King of Spain doesn't really care about the scripture, despite being Most Catholic. 

And neither do the rabbis, priest, or mullahs, because the scriptural instruction about all these evils -- idolatry (which includes money), usury, and personage -- is very clear. 

By ignoring this part of the scripture these religions have led all men astray and allowed the promotion and proliferation of the profane and venal "religion" of false idols to gain control of much of the world again, and once again, we are all suffering the results. 

So, unavoidably, factually, yes, religion has failed us and so has the "religion" of science fallen short.  Be forewarned that these Vermin intend to use the CEO's of the companies you work for to force you to accept vaccination intended to either kill or sterilize you and be forewarned that they intend to use the leaders of your various congregations to shame and coerce you to the same ends. 

It's time for everyone to learn a lesson from Donald Trump's old TV Show and practice saying, "You're fired!"  and "No!"  to all the pundits that have been telling us what to believe and what to do with our lives.

The best comeback yet was from Dana Ashlie --- "My body, my choice."


See this article and over 2300 others on Anna's website here:

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