By Anna Von Reitz
Some parties who are just waking up and making false assumptions are spreading the idea that Lincoln put "America" under the Lieber Code and that all "Marshals" are military police. WRONG.
Lincoln had no ability to place "America" under Martial Law or put us under the Lieber Code. What he did was place the British Territorial United States government under martial law and the Lieber Code which has since morphed into the various Hague Conventions.
None of that has anything to do with us. The Territorial United States Government is a foreign government working under contract to provide governmental services for our states of the Union--- The United States of America (unincorporated). We are Third Parties with respect to them and we control the land and soil jurisdiction of this entire country.
So learn the jurisdictions and the nomenclature attached to those jurisdictions and stop spreading misinformation.