By Anna Von Reitz
It began with the Tower of Babel, in the homeland where all the fraud and idolatry began--- Babylon. This is where Abraham the Patriarch lived, and at that time, things in Babylon were so bad that he took his whole family and fled out into the wilderness.
And what is the lesson of the Tower of Babel?
That language can be ---and has been--- used as a weapon, proven effective in creating diversion, division, and paralysis of action for several thousand years. (Almost six thousand years, if we believe the Hebrew calendar)
Now, call me stupid, but the Story of the Tower of Babel is widely known, and has been known for almost six thousand years --- so why do I get funny looks when I talk about weaponizing language?
The "El" talking about spreading confusion and putting an end to Mankind's aspirations (symbolized by the tower) were petty "El" worried about Mankind competing with them.
Would God the Father worry about his children competing with him? No. Would Jesus worry about his siblings competing with him? No. So who are these petty, worried, selfish little "El" gods, if not the Fallen Angels?
Yes, language has been weaponized --- for a long, long time.
Yes, it has been weaponized in the Jurisdiction of the Air.
Yes, it remains weaponized, and there have been plenty of add-ons since the Tower of Babel.
Yes, it has been weaponized by distinct entities that we know as Fallen Angels, those acting in rebellion against the Creator and Nature.
The first implementation of this "confusion technology" separated the telepathic root language into spoken words so that people couldn't reliably communicate with each other. We lost our ability to telepathically transfer thought-images and had to rely on spoken words instead.
Modern research suggests that some people still broadcast thought-images, and some people still receive thought-images, but the section of the brain that does this naturally has largely atrophied in the general population -- perhaps through disuse, perhaps by genetic modification.
I have often wished that I could connect a lightning cable to my brain and simply download the information to someone else, so they would have it and understand it as I do. That isn't possible in the current situation, but, once-upon-a-time, all we had to do was direct our thoughts in order to fully share them. No cable required. Telepathy was the norm.
The more we became aware of ourselves as separate beings, the more afraid we became about ourselves and about issues like privacy and safety---- the more we isolated ourselves. We stopped broadcasting and hid our thoughts from others. Over time we forgot how to share our thoughts telepathically, even when we want or need to do so.
Now we have to rely on the crude machinery of the animals and bark at each other as best we can, using spoken words and hand signals or pixels representing ink.
So, we were crippled in Babylon, and the weapon used was, most likely, ego (self-awareness) and fear (stemming from feeling separated) resulting in people self-limiting their natural communication abilities and using spoken words as a crude but secure backup system.
How's that for a divide and conquer scheme?
From there, there have been many "add-ons" to the same basic scheme of weaponizing language, pretty much prompted by the same factors and concerns --- self-isolation and security.
The original spoken language naturally evolved into many spoken languages and the ability to communicate was further eroded so that we can only communicate with a shared language.
From there, language was further limited and restricted by "coding" it.
It isn't bad enough that we have to learn all these different languages in order to be able to communicate between nations, now we have to contend with "coded" language.
This can mean literal code like computer code or coded messaging such as that provided by the Enigma cipher machine, or just a pre-agreed upon code like, "When I drop my napkin, you've got ten minutes before we have to leave the party."
This use of coded messaging has developed into "coded languages within normal languages" --- Legalese is a good example. It appears to be English, but it's not, because the attorneys have developed their own code and attached their own special definitions until it is impossible for a non-attorney to reliably know what these "initiates" are saying.
Another example vying to make things even worse, is PARSE SYNTAX. Russell Gould copyrighted a new version of an earlier language fraud called DOG LATIN developed by the Emperor Justinian. DOG LATIN and PARSE SYNTAX are both written in the form of LATIN, but using English ( or French or Greek or.....) words.
This results in gibberish and creates a separate weirdly amalgamated language intended to defraud the uneducated masses.
Weaponized coded language confusion was the purpose of DOG LATIN 1,500 years ago, and that remains the purpose of PARSE SYNTAX today ---- with a mercenary twist.
Because Russell Gould copyrighted his version of DOG LATIN and changed a few elements to create a unique version of it to patent it, too, anyone who uses actual PARSE SYNTAX to communicate owes a debt -- literally -- to Russell Gould for the use of his privately copyrighted and patented language.
These kinds of weaponized language gambits have appeared repeatedly ever since we gave up our ability to communicate telepathically, and along with the confusion and division that this has caused, we have also become victims of the ability to deliberately confuse and lie to others.
Telepathy instantly transfers the total meaning of our thoughts. You can't lie using telepathy because you can't lie to yourself. You may still be confused, you may still be deluded, but you cannot lie using telepathy.
As you can see, not only does the use of the spoken word open up the possibility of lying, it serves as a means to lie for fun and profit. People have not only learned to lie by deliberate deceit and misrepresentation, but by omission.
It is by this "fruit" of the crippling of our natural communication ability that we know for sure that it came from Satan, the Father of All Lies, and from the "El" Fallen Angels.
And it is from an examination of why we gave up telepathy -- awareness of our Self as a singular being, fear for the well-being of the Self, and "security concerns" of the Self, leading us to hide our thoughts from others and seeking privacy (and creating more isolation) that we can retrace our steps and find our way home again.
When we open up the door to telepathy, we open up the door to sharing the truth as we know it. That can be a very humbling and scary thing. It exposes our fears and our ignorance. It also exposes what we love and hold most dear. We have no reason to want to do this in a world dominated by Fallen Angels and no way to know who we can trust, if we communicate without words.
So we hide and we separate ourselves into ever increasingly isolated layers of alienation, until we feel ourselves alone in the Universe instead of being part of the Universe. And we are not even consciously aware of this "devolution" and the reasons for it.
What caused this? Awareness of Self followed by Fear followed by trying to Protect the Self by further Isolating Self from others and Creation. This is what we have been misled to do, to self-cripple, and lose the strength of our natural connection to each other and to the rest of Creation. We are, in effect, being misled to disconnect from our Source and wither away in self-imposed isolation.
Now that we know this Fatal Flaw, we can make other choices and learn to be Fearless and, so much as we are able, Truthful in our communications. By doing this, the Father of All Lies is defeated and the only weapon in our language is the Sword of Truth.
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