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Sunday, November 13, 2022

Weaponizing Language

 By Anna Von Reitz

It began with the Tower of Babel, in the homeland where all the fraud and idolatry began--- Babylon.  This is where Abraham the Patriarch lived, and at that time, things in Babylon were so bad that he took his whole family and fled out into the wilderness.  

And what is the lesson of the Tower of Babel?  

That language can be ---and has been--- used as a weapon, proven effective in creating diversion, division, and paralysis of action for several thousand years.  (Almost six thousand years, if we believe the Hebrew calendar) 

Now, call me stupid, but the Story of the Tower of Babel is widely known, and has been known for almost six thousand years --- so why do I get funny looks when I talk about weaponizing language? 

The "El" talking about spreading confusion and putting an end to Mankind's aspirations (symbolized by the tower) were petty "El" worried about Mankind competing with them. 

Would God the Father worry about his children competing with him?  No.  Would Jesus worry about his siblings competing with him?  No.  So who are these petty, worried, selfish little "El" gods, if not the Fallen Angels?  

Yes, language has been weaponized --- for a long, long time. 

Yes, it has been weaponized in the Jurisdiction of the Air.  

Yes, it remains weaponized, and there have been plenty of add-ons since the Tower of Babel.  

Yes, it has been weaponized by distinct entities that we know as Fallen Angels, those acting in rebellion against the Creator and Nature. 

The first implementation of this "confusion technology" separated the telepathic root language into spoken words so that people couldn't reliably communicate with each other.  We lost our ability to telepathically transfer thought-images and had to rely on spoken words instead. 

Modern research suggests that some people still broadcast thought-images, and some people still receive thought-images, but the section of the brain that does this naturally has largely atrophied in the general population -- perhaps through disuse, perhaps by genetic modification. 

I have often wished that I could connect a lightning cable to my brain and simply download the information to someone else, so they would have it and understand it as I do.  That isn't possible in the current situation, but, once-upon-a-time, all we had to do was direct our thoughts in order to fully share them.  No cable required. Telepathy was the norm. 

The more we became aware of ourselves as separate beings, the more afraid we became about ourselves and about issues like privacy and safety---- the more we isolated ourselves. We stopped broadcasting and hid our thoughts from others. Over time we forgot how to share our thoughts telepathically, even when we want or need to do so.  

Now we have to rely on the crude machinery of the animals and bark at each other as best we can, using spoken words and hand signals or pixels representing ink. 

So, we were crippled in Babylon, and the weapon used was, most likely, ego (self-awareness) and fear (stemming from feeling separated) resulting in people self-limiting their natural communication abilities and using spoken words as a crude but secure backup system. 

How's that for a divide and conquer scheme? 

From there, there have been many "add-ons" to the same basic scheme of weaponizing language, pretty much prompted by the same factors and concerns --- self-isolation and security.  

The original spoken language naturally evolved into many spoken languages and the ability to communicate was further eroded so that we can only communicate with a shared language. 

From there, language was further limited and restricted by "coding" it. 

It isn't bad enough that we have to learn all these different languages in order to be able to communicate between nations, now we have to contend with "coded" language.  

This can mean literal code like computer code or coded messaging such as that provided by the Enigma cipher machine, or just a pre-agreed upon code like, "When I drop my napkin, you've got ten minutes before we have to leave the party." 

This use of coded messaging has developed into "coded languages within normal languages" --- Legalese is a good example.  It appears to be English, but it's not, because the attorneys have developed their own code and attached their own special definitions until it is impossible for a non-attorney to reliably know what these "initiates" are saying. 

Another example vying to make things even worse, is PARSE SYNTAX.  Russell Gould copyrighted a new version of an earlier language fraud called DOG LATIN developed by the Emperor Justinian.  DOG LATIN and PARSE SYNTAX are both written in the form of LATIN, but using English ( or French or Greek or.....) words. 

This results in gibberish and creates a separate weirdly amalgamated language intended to defraud the uneducated masses.

Weaponized coded language confusion was the purpose of DOG LATIN 1,500 years ago, and that remains the purpose of PARSE SYNTAX today ---- with a mercenary twist.  

Because Russell Gould copyrighted his version of DOG LATIN and changed a few elements to create a unique version of it to patent it, too, anyone who uses actual PARSE SYNTAX to communicate owes a debt -- literally -- to Russell Gould for the use of his privately copyrighted and patented language. 

These kinds of weaponized language gambits have appeared repeatedly ever since we gave up our ability to communicate telepathically, and along with the confusion and division that this has caused, we have also become victims of the ability to deliberately confuse and lie to others. 

Telepathy instantly transfers the total meaning of our thoughts. You can't lie using telepathy because you can't lie to yourself.  You may still be confused, you may still be deluded, but you cannot lie using telepathy.  

As you can see, not only does the use of the spoken word open up the possibility of lying, it serves as a means to lie for fun and profit. People have not only learned to lie by deliberate deceit and misrepresentation, but by omission.  

It is by this "fruit" of the crippling of our natural communication ability that we know for sure that it came from Satan, the Father of All Lies, and from the "El" Fallen Angels. 

And it is from an examination of why we gave up telepathy -- awareness of our Self as a singular being, fear for the well-being of the Self, and "security concerns" of the Self, leading us to hide our thoughts from others and seeking privacy (and creating more isolation) that we can retrace our steps and find our way home again. 

When we open up the door to telepathy, we open up the door to sharing the truth as we know it.  That can be a very humbling and scary thing.  It exposes our fears and our ignorance.  It also exposes what we love and hold most dear.  We have no reason to want to do this in a world dominated by Fallen Angels and no way to know who we can trust, if we communicate without words.  

So we hide and we separate ourselves into ever increasingly isolated layers of alienation, until we feel ourselves alone in the Universe instead of being part of the Universe.  And we are not even consciously aware of this "devolution" and the reasons for it.  

What caused this?  Awareness of Self followed by Fear followed by trying to Protect the Self by further Isolating Self from others and Creation.  This is what we have been misled to do, to self-cripple, and lose the strength of our natural connection to each other and to the rest of Creation.  We are, in effect, being misled to disconnect from our Source and wither away in self-imposed isolation.  

Now that we know this Fatal Flaw, we can make other choices and learn to be Fearless and, so much as we are able, Truthful in our communications.  By doing this, the Father of All Lies is defeated and the only weapon in our language is the Sword of Truth. 


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The Fiduciary Comment on FTX and Other Imaginary Investments

 By Anna Von Reitz

Many people are waking up this week with a big pain in their now non-existent crypto wallets.  FTX is no more.  It's only the first to fail. 

Here is an example of the real function of FTX and all similar operations: 

1. "Foreign Aid" goes to Ukraine (or some other country reduced to  Hell Hole status by the Vermin), 

2. Instead of using the aid to help the people in Ukraine, the Ukrainian Puppet Government invests in FTX. (I am just using Ukraine and FTX as a current example.) 

3. FTX "invests" in the Clinton Foundation, the DNC, etc., etc., etc., 
And the end result would be the same if they donated to the Bush Foundation, the RNC..... 

This form of money laundering is how 98% of all Foreign Aid appropriated by the "Congress" gets siphoned off and right back into the pockets of the Vermin.  Along the way, there is considerable payola lavished on the middlemen and other corporations owned by cronies, but, in the main, this is how it works.  

The actual people, the refugees, the homeless, the sick --- they never get the Foreign Aid.  The DC Fat Cats and Friends pocket it and smile; well, they are foreigners aren't they?  

They just aided themselves. 

It's "Foreign Aid" alright. 

And as usual, nobody told the American Public.  Not a whisper from the FBI or the DHS or any Banking Commission -- though we have dozens of them, at both the State-of-State and "National" level. 

I told everyone a long time ago that I don't believe in or trust crypto currencies. A cyber wallet?  Really?  Call me a skeptic, even a cynic. My wallet is made of cowhide. 

Even those crypto operations that actually do sell "coins" as a product and don't just leverage debt, are prone to being abused for money laundering purposes. 

As I explained yesterday, the DOJ has been running proxy wars all over the place since 2001, and they have to have ways of funding all those proxies and "Security Cooperation Authorities" --- otherwise known as puppet governments and Terrorists. Cryptos offer an avenue for that. 

So, the small fry attempting to capture a small part of the money commodity market and keep banking private for their customers, are given a bad name and shut down by bigger corporations that are actually their main competitors. 

It's a dog eat gerbil world. 

This is what you get when you privatize money and the reason that money needs to be issued directly by the Public for the Public. It's not perfect, but if the Public issues the money it is not subject to usury, it's physical, it's standardized, and it doesn't just go "Poof!" in the night. 

It's also much harder to use for illicit purposes, like money laundering. 
And siphoning off Foreign Aid. And funding proxy wars. And buying political traction. 

For all these reasons and more, I caution my friends who have rushed willy-nilly into cyber-coinage and crypto-currencies to think more deeply about what they are doing, and what, in my opinion, they should be doing instead. 

There are plenty of good options that lead to peace and, if i may say so, relative security.  You can't go wrong buying silver with inflated fiat dollars.  If nothing else, silver has a thousand industrial uses, and it is the asset of exchange accumulating all the value that the fiat currency is losing to inflation. 

If you are a betting man (or woman) daily twenty to one odds are pretty good and getting better. 

That said, you know that Grandma doesn't go to the race track.

As the Fiduciary for this great country, I have to meet "The Prudent Man Standard" so I can't get sidetracked into this or that surefire scheme or new whiz-bang product adventure.  As a result, I don't hold any cryptocurrencies. No Prudent Man ever would. 

My condolences to all the people who held FTX investments. 

If you want additional insight into the leverage swindle employed by FTX,  this is the best (and shortest at 99 seconds) explanation I've found:

There will be more collapses like this to come.

In the meantime, remember --- just because it's private doesn't mean that it's a quality "financial product" and anything that can be used to launder money for politicians and mercenary conflicts will be used for that purpose. 

If you aren't into financing political parties and proxy wars with your retirement nest egg, get out of cryptos and into something solid. Preferably something you can hold in your hand. 

And while we are on that subject, remember -- corporations sell shares. Even controlling shares don't "control" in a liquidation. 

So if you invest your money in a corporation by buying shares of ownership interest in the corporation and its assets, what happens when that corporation goes bankrupt or liquidates by other means? 

I'll tell you.  One of my Grandfathers made the mistake of investing in an incorporated Creamery during the 1920's.  He held quite a few shares and for the first five years or so, everything went very well. The Creamery was state of the art and there were a lot of dairy farms needing its services.  Then the Depression hit. Dozens of farmers went under. They had to sell off their farms and their cows.  The Creamery was in trouble as a result of losing all those customers and all that milk. 

Finally, the Creamery couldn't pay the bank for the money it still owed for equipment purchases, and the Creamery also went under.  The bank came in, the bankruptcy Trustees sold off everything they could sell for pennies on a dollar, and there was nothing left for the shareholders but the pretty engraved stock certificates.  We still have those as a momento. 

And a warning. 

My Grandfather was relieved to lose his 20% investment in the Creamery so long as he didn't have to carry its debts, but I look at the 1924 value printed on those certificates and think --- what if he had invested in almost anything else? Something other than "shares" in a corporation?  

Then the story for him and for our whole family would have been very different from then until now. 

If you are in the stock market, or like my Grandfather, a direct shareholder, remember that corporations are made of paper. Literally. 

We have all become so brain-washed and inured to the presence of corporations, that we forget that they are imaginary. We see the product, "Pepsi" for example, and we see the big corporate headquarters, and we think that Pepsico is real, right?

Always remember that corporations only exist on paper and in the form of the men and women who team together to make a product or sell a service, with or without additional equipment and facilities used to make a dime. 

My Grandmother called corporations "ships made of paper", because they sail on the "seas" of international trade and commerce, and because they lack substance.  

Corporations are created by paper --- charters and patents, etc., and financed by paper --- shares, stocks, bonds, notes, etc.,  and they die by paper, too --- bankruptcy, liquidation, merger.  

There is a reason that the Wicked Witch of the West gets liquidated in The Wizard of Oz.  Neither she nor the corporations she represents are real.  They are all subject to liquidation. As creatures of our minds, no less than Flying Monkeys, they come and go almost with the speed of thought. 

I can create and register a corporation online in less than an hour.  All I need are two accomplices, a name, an address,  and some lawful purpose. 

That's how, when the UNITED STATES, INC. goes bankrupt, Joe Biden and a couple of buddies can create the WHITE HOUSE OFFICE, INC. and he can be "President" of this new corporation and go right on sailing. 

The harm in all this is that we have forgotten what's real.  We've forgotten Kansas. If you want to keep your shirt in the disaster the banks have planned for us, remember what's real. 

It could be gold or silver or coffee beans, it could be livestock or flower bulbs, it could be car parts. Whatever you invest in, let it be something that is physical and that you control. 


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Trump's History of supporting the Second Amendment


Public and International Notice: I'm the Underwriter

 By Anna Von Reitz

No, not Lloyd's.  Not Barclays. Me, in the plaid shirt and sneakers, Grandma, down on the farm.  

I am the Fiduciary for The United States of America, our unincorporated Federation of States.  We, our States and our People, underwrite and hold the Public Interest  in all business enterprises and public infrastructure and public bonds associated with this country. We hold the ultimate right of redemption. Consider it exercised. 

I am also, by default, the Fiduciary for all the people in this country and the Holder in Due Course of their reclaimed estates and reversionary trust interests.  I am uniquely empowered and pre-eminent in both space and time to act as the Priority Preferential Creditor and that means I am the Underwriter and Undertaker for the Kingdom of the Dead. 

Nothing much more needs to be said.  If it's American in source or provenance, if it belongs to anyone claiming American nationality, then I own and safe-keep and underwrite it all until the lawful living owners appear and  reclaim their assets and resume the lawful administration of their own affairs. 

My position as Fiduciary is Custodial and Cooperative. I am empowered to direct the flow of actual capital assets underwriting the banks of this country and throughout the world, and have recently relieved the Australian debt crisis and ordered the production of gold Eagle coinage from the United States Mint. These are both actions that were long delayed without any valid reason by persons standing in conflict of interest.

Various incorporated entities claiming to be "The United States of America, Incorporated" ---- all of which ultimately owe their underwriting to me, have sought to interfere and intercede and push themselves forward as our purported "representatives" but as everyone can now see, we are  competent and have the standing necessary to present ourselves. 

As Fiduciary I exercise the bonds and act as the Entitlement Holder in Due Course and own a preponderant share of all bank stock and actual assets.  The United States of America --- Unincorporated --- has held its preeminent position on the international jurisdiction of the land granted to this country since 1778, and it continues to be present and accounted for to the current hour. 

In response to the various Claims on Abandonment presented by the Guilty Parties, we ask -----what possible benefit would we realize from being defrauded by our own Employees and Subcontractors? How would that "motive" compare to the benefit yielded to the banks and other Foreign Principals, who would gain the benefit of our property and assets?  And our credit derived from those assets? 

There can be no credible objection to our Claim on Abatement, our Disbursement of the National Debts, our Majority Stockholder Position, our Administration of our own Assets, or our Intent to return to a traditional and transparent -- howbeit it, technologically updated banking system that resolves any fraudulent pretense of enmity between the realms of Commerce and International Trade. 

Having discovered the Gross Fraud and Breach of Trust practiced against us and against our beloved country, we have served more than sufficient Notice of Avoidance and completed and cured Due Process to vitiate all claims and proposals coming from any incorporated entity whatsoever.  

There will be no "tokenizing" of the Earth and its resources by men who didn't create it, don't own it, and have shown no talent or interest in preserving it.  The resources of this planet belong to the people who live here, and not to any incorporated Legal Fiction at all. 

As the actual majority Underwriter and Fiduciary I object to any plan or banking system that would do any of the following: (1) serve to track unique individuals and their purchases; (2) serve to control, restrict or direct the ability of unique individuals to buy and sell; (3) reduce any transaction of assets or credit to immaterial digital keystrokes or digits absent sufficient physical cash assets directly controlled by the living people; (4) the use of any banking system to discipline, control, inhibit, or deprive anyone of their fundamental right to engage in free and open international trade; (5) the implementation of any banking system that is used to politically coerce, collect private government debts, or serve other nefarious interests in violation of privacy and private property interests; (6) any banking system that allows securitization of living flesh as a collateral asset. 

We notice that the three banks referenced above are attempting to gain access to the uncut United States gold-backed currency that has been sitting in warehouses and stockpiled in dockyards and Free Trade Zones ever since the 1960's. President Kennedy negotiated the printing of the uncut currency using our gold in the Philippines as the backing (that is, underwriting) for the release of this currency. Now that we have returned to Session,  we are in position to fully validate President Kennedy's action. We retain the right to exercise our own signature authority, good judgment, and control of the issue. None of the three banks in question have secured our approval to receive and distribute and cut these instruments drawn against our assets.  That does appear to us to be a rational and reasonable requirement to validate the issuance of the currency, and we notice that it was the lack of such actual underwriting authority that was used to block release of this currency for all these years. 

 Although we support President Kennedy's vision for the world, it is long past time for the Kingdom of the Dead to come to heel and honor their underwriters --- the living people.  

Whereupon, I am requesting and requiring settlement in favor of the living people of this country, and our unincorporated Federation of States, crediting our Treasury Accounts, and allowing the release of the uncut gold-backed currency as President Kennedy intended; there will be additional and ongoing issuance of gold-backed currency and coinage under our direction sufficient to meet demand for the foreseeable future. 

This should not, in and of itself, be regarded as any standing approval of such issuance of currency and does not signal any permission for Treasury Officers to represent us in these matters without our direct participation and explicit written approval.  

Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary

The United States of America


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A Right Versus a Privilege -- the Trap of Incorporation

 By Anna Von Reitz

Many people are having a hard time recognizing the difference between a right and a privilege, and many corporations are having this same problem, because they abuse their "privileges" as employers to such an outrageous and criminal extent.  

The roots of the problem go back to the foreign, for-profit, governmental services corporations that the Brits and the Roman Catholic Church have been running on our shores for so long that many people have mistaken these Subcontractors for our lawful government. 

These foreign Principals and their corporations -- both British Crown and Municipal --  that owe us "good faith and service" have contrived to turn the tables not only around, but upside down.  

First, they had their Undeclared Foreign Agents, the Bar Attorneys, advise everyone to incorporate everything.  I don't care if you were running a dog grooming business able to groom two dogs per day, their advice was always the same: incorporate, incorporate, incorporate. This was a purposeful, self-interested campaign. 

These same Undeclared Foreign Agents explained the benefits of bankruptcy protection at public expense, they just forgot to explain that you were the "public" that would be paying for it.  And that you probably didn't need bankruptcy protection because you were already indemnified. 

You were already underwriting them and all their businesses, so why would you need them to underwrite you?  Think about it.  

And they forgot to explain that by registering your business as a corporation your business was being "enfranchised" and you were voluntarily giving up your business assets and ownership control, for free, to these undisclosed foreign parent corporations. 

 All the rights that an independent unincorporated business enjoys were sacrificed "in the bargain" these Flim Flam Men offered, and those rights were unlawfully converted into privileges. 

This is how they propose to take over and run every aspect of your life using corporation franchises.  If they can't claim that you are incorporated yourself, they will claim the existence of a corporation named after you that is incorporated as one of their franchises. 

If that fails, they will target any incorporated employer or "servicer" to do their Dirty Work --- "withhold" your earnings (otherwise called theft on possession), turn over your bank accounts (they aren't yours so far as they are concerned), and tax you for foreign taxes you don't owe. 

Note the Federal Income Tax Laws as an example.  Who is the actual target?  The Employer.  They make the Employers responsible for collecting the tax for them (peonage) and because the Employers are all presumed to be corporations in their scheme, they have unbridled regulatory power over their franchises.  

They can fine and tax and harass and liquidate "their" franchises to wring money out of them, and that is exactly what they do.  They can jail the unfortunate (former owner) for not doing whatever they demand.

Millions of independent American businesses have unwittingly lost control of their own destiny and fundamental rights and have subjected themselves to foreign regulatory powers --- sold the farm --- and didn't even realize they were selling it. 

They did the same thing with "Civil Rights" which are privileges.  Not rights. 

Yes, they pulled a fast one on the whole Civil Rights Movement, because "equal Civil Rights" are in fact privileges and they can never be equal to Natural and Unalienable Rights, because civil rights can be taken away upon the whim of the government granting such "rights".  All the Federal Citizens and Municipal citizens of the United States are suffering the loss of their "equal" Civil Rights right now.  Trump took them away and Biden hasn't restored them. 

So as it stands, millions of people have had their basic rights "suspended" by the captains of ships made of paper.  And the whole thing is bunko from Day One.  
How else does a man like Joe Biden gain the authority to "suspend the Constitution" or steal 30% of your earnings, or deny habeas corpus, or "suspend civil rights"?  How else does he get to charge off his corporation's debts to you as "mortgages" held against your home and your land and your businesses? 

The Perpetrators will stand there and claim that you gave them permission to do this.  These Fascists will steal your farm via non-disclosed contracts and leave you to bleed, work you to death and tax away all the profits you earn, until you are in your grave still wondering what went wrong?  And they will say that they didn't force you to incorporate your business.  You did that all on your own.  It was your decision.  

Ask yourself --- how could you make a good decision in your own self-interest, when the pertinent information about the pros and cons of incorporation were not disclosed to you, and the professionals you relied on (and paid) to help you, had a secret undisclosed agenda to entrap you and steal an inequitable "free" ownership interest in your business?  

Ever wonder why Territorial Income Taxes are described as Gift and Estate Taxes?  Because according to them, you voluntarily waived your birthright estate and donated it as a gift to them.  They've been profiting handsomely off your estate, but you haven't seen a dime of it. And you never knew that you "gifted" it to them, either. 

Ever wonder why Municipal Income Tax is collected as a Capital Gains Tax on corporate income, when you don't have or operate a corporation?  Much less a foreign corporation?  

You were cheated. You have been the victim of lies by omission. And chances are, even if you asked point-blank about the downsides of incorporating your unincorporated business, you never got an answer.  I have gone into the offices of numerous attorneys and inquired about this exact subject, and never gotten a straight answer from any of them.  Just a lot of worried looks. 

They should be worried, because what they have done is highly unethical and insupportable inducement.  They've encouraged millions of Americans to take an action that was (and is) directly detrimental to the victims' interests and beneficial for the attorneys and their bosses.
This is more than a passive conflict of interest.  This is a raw, brazen, in-your-face undeclared direct conflict of interest.

Your "agreement" to incorporate your business, like your "agreement" to waive your birthright estate, and your "agreement" to pay Federal Income Tax even though you probably don't have a dollars-worth of Federal Income, and your "agreement" to pay property taxes and accept their "title" to your land (which they ginned up by driving past your house and assigning a name and street number to it) --- it's all  self-interested bunko on their parts, and the benefit they claim is all predicated on adhesion contracts.  

Adhesion contracts are both unlawful and illegal, but they have the force of law until and unless they are exposed for what they are.

At this point, you are probably wondering -- object to whom?  Who is left to object to?  All the Authorities are in on the scheme. Even the U.S. Military is dirty as a pig.  It's like saying no to the Dukes of Hazzard. Or so it seems. 

Say no just the same.  Say it often, with gusto.  You can un-incorporate your business and you can simplify your life and protect your assets --- it's called cancelling the registration, and in most states you can do it by yourself--- without the "assistance" of an attorney. 


See this article and over 3800 others on Anna's website here:

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