By Anna Von Reitz
The United States is the name of this country among the many countries of the world. Please note: it's The United States, not "the" United States.
The words "the United States" have been applied, by our count, to over 350 different business entities, including the incorporated Municipal Federal Subcontractor doing business under "The Constitution of the United States", and at one time, "the United States" was also the doing business-as-name of our American Federal Republic (1787 to 1861) being operated by the States of America Confederation under The Constitution for the united States of America.
Since that time there has been a wild proliferation of entities claiming to be or operate on behalf of some variation of "United States", almost none of them having anything to do with this country, these United States, or this lawful American Government.
As a result, we must make distinctions between "these United States" and "those United States" and whichever other "United States" and even "United States of America" we may be talking about.
It's not just confusing, it's meant to be confusing, because it has benefited all the scam artists who have impersonated us for criminal purposes of unjust enrichment and deceitful gain.
Look at the "Organization of American States" to see more wordplay based on "North America" and "South America" each having "states" and being "American".
It's only a little beyond that to imagine "states" existing in different jurisdictions of the law and "states-of-states" also known as "Confederate States" and to start talking about all sorts of Legal Fiction entities that also exist on paper as separate entities.
As we stand in the middle of this morass of deceit, populated by so-called "legal fictions", claims and counterclaims, false identities, similar names, impersonation crimes of all kinds in all jurisdictions of law, we find endless and abundant examples of personage and barratry crimes and deceitful misrepresentations built into the very fabric of our understanding of reality.
In this country the current rage is to take a small group of foreign citizens and set up a business calling itself for example, "Lewis County" (Incorporated) and for them to send out "tax notices" to their neighbors, under the pretense that their business has some relationship to the actual physically defined Lewis County, a mass of land and soil in The United States.
Meanwhile, The United States Post Office is totally overwhelmed and can't keep up with the complaints being fielded by the numerous United States Postal Services and local "Postmasters" (who shouldn't be operating on land at all) from outraged Americans who are fed up with all this fraud.
They aren't supposed to be using "the United States Mail" for purposes of criminal solicitation, but they are, and as soon as we stomp out one group of wiseguys, there's another one pretending to be "our" government and soliciting money for unknown, unverified "services".
The problem is just as bad in other countries, too: different names, different corporations, same schtick.
This is not the first time that this has happened in the history of the world, which is why the science of heraldry was born, to create and record the emblems and trademarks that unmistakably identify individual men and countries, and the issuance of the flags and seals they sail under.
Words are slippery things, easily distorted by the use of different fonts and styles, easily twisted to serve in foreign jurisdictions. Even the dates we use have been pushed into service in the losing game of honest communication, because what is perfectly commonplace in one jurisdiction is fraudulent misrepresentation in another.
Are we using the Gregorian Calendar or the Julian Calendar? If we are operating at sea under the Gregorian Calendar, we are several days in advance of anything happening on the land-based Julian Calendar, which has to play an eternal "catch-up" game in the realm of commercial claims.
So which calendar are you using becomes an important question.
Is it a lunar calendar or a solar calendar? Is it based on earth-centered observations, or the orbital cycles of Venus?
Ever wondered where the Five-Point Star comes from? It comes from the orbital cycles of the planet Venus which trace a perfect five-pointed star against the backdrop of space.
So what, you may ask --- but then, stop and observe the fifty five -pointed stars on your flag and the five-pointed stars on the shoulders of your generals. They are supposed to be in the service of Venus and Mankind, devoted to love and the feminine generative powers, maiden, mother, and crone.
Who knew? Apparently, nobody told them, though it has been this way since the Age of Taurus. The soldiers and sailors are supposed to serve the women, and though they will snicker at that, it means that they are to serve the cause of peace, not sneak around causing even more trouble so as to justify more work for themselves.
Of course, crop circles are a form of communication, and no, they don't come about from organized gangs of pranksters wobbling around vacant farm fields in the middle of the night, stomping down stalks of barley with boards on their feet. And babies don't come from cabbage patches, either.
It's not that mankind is natively stupid. It's that mankind has been lied to and deliberately confused, mentally and emotionally crippled, by enemies of all that is good and true and honest.
Observe that the five-pointed star with the top point upward is the symbol of love, while the five-pointed star with the top point downward is the symbol of evil. Observe that these ancient symbols and often, associated purposes, are all around us. We float in a soup of such symbols and take them for granted. Here's another example of Babble at work:
Certain inferences to the native jurisdiction of records and documents are made by such fine distinctions as: July the Fourth 1776, 4th July 1776, Fourth of July 1776, July 4, 1776, July 4th 1776, 4/7/1776, or, 7-4-76, or..... but because of widespread ignorance and attempts to deliberately entrap and deceive, these date and time conventions have lost their certain meaning over time. Nonetheless, they still have meaning and those having knowledge of such things can and do make inferences based on such things.
Numerous editions of official papers with all these different forms of dates were regularly published in the 1700's to assure that all jurisdictions were equally notified. This is why you find multiple publications of The Unanimous Declaration of Independence with various such dates referenced: Fourth of July, July the Fourth, 4 July 1776, and so on.
As the foregoing demonstrates, our systems of time-keeping are semantic morasses, too. Atomic clock, UCT, GMT, take your pick --- these are all cataloguing systems applied to something that doesn't really exist, so every time we affix a date to something in our attempts to locate it in space, we commit fraud and taint our documents and records, rendering nearly all of them null and void.
Babble is a frustrating game, whether verbal or written.
Time, to the extent that it exists, is a place.
Time is also a perceptual phenomenon dependent on the frame of reference of the observer. In his own dull Svengali way, Albert Einstein was trying to draw people's attention to this, even though he added time factors to his equations and such fanciful quantities as the supposedly constant speed of light in a vacuum.
It would be more honest to say, "use a really, really big conversion factor when you convert mass into energy", but Einstein knew his audience, and the supposed speed of light in a vacuum, squared, was conveniently large.
Time and all time-dependent variables of Newtonian Physics, like the "speed" of light in a vacuum, squared or not, are actually bunk -- convenient bunk, but bunk nonetheless.
Time, like money, is another Babylonian Swindle, designed to quantify labor, so as to create a commodity that can be bought or sold or subjected to contract. Time, in the way we've been taught to think of it, is a tool of enslavement.
The only time that actually exists is the present moment which we call "now"; so when we, the living, claimed the realm of now, and failed to designate a cataloguing system to measure the zero point of our continuum, that was not a mistake on our part.
It was a jab in the ribs for anyone with a brain.
"Now" needs no reference to the past or the future. It simply is.
When we described "now" as the alpha and omega, the gathering point that contains all that ever was or will be, we simply observed a fact.
Our upward pointing five-pointed star and our red and gold barred shield of the Kings of Normandy covers and seals this sacred moment, and there is no other. The Realm of Now, as it unfolds, embraces all the rest, past, present, and future, and it belongs to us, the living people.
It can never belong to the illusion of death and it can never be retained by the dead; it is ours alone, in our living hands, the House of our Souls.
What corporation of Earth can deny this venerable claim? What office of the Church will deny us?
If anyone would challenge our claim or have anything else to say, let them come before these present, and justify their claims, or vacate them, and remain forever silent.
We are the Kings of Creation, the living souls, whose claim endures age unto age, unchanged, recorded on the palms of our hands, and by the path of Venus traced upon the Heavens at night, and by the Fleur-de-Lis, our tri-lobed emblem of the Mind, Body, and Spirit, as above and so below.
Our symbols need no words, but bear constant witness to all that is and all that is true.
Semantics can and should be damned and likewise the petty deceits of petty men.
There is, in the end, only truth. So we set aside the semantics, the legalese, the endless babble and style conventions designed to confuse and defraud the ignorant.
We are people united by blood and breath, standing for all living men and women in whom the blood flows and the flesh lives. We say that the creations (corporations) are never greater than the creators (living men) and the Law of Kinds is not abridged to suit the wishes of criminals.
This is our country as physically defined; these are our States as physically defined; these are our people as physically defined; these are our animals, our houses, our minerals, our land and our soil, our water, and our air, all physically defined, and all belonging to the living people.
Our public employees, both military and civilian, owe us their service and their loyalty, whether they are home-grown volunteers, or hirelings from afar. They aren't legally, lawfully, or morally allowed to seize upon our property assets, make "personal" decisions for us, cashier our assets in trusts subject to their law and administration, misrepresent us as one of them, or occupy our country under the pretense of protecting us.
....Nor do our public employees have any authority without having subscribed to their service contracts and taken their oath or affirmation of office in good faith, which is their symbol and seal.
Let the officers of the U.S.A., Inc. and District of Columbia, Inc., however variously rebranded and renamed and however currently represented or franchised, bear true witness and service to the only contract they can serve under, The Constitution of the United States of America, and also the long-established U.S. Supreme Court decisions impacting them, such as 71 U.S. 2, Section 98:
....Anyone who declares the suspension of constitutionally guaranteed rights to freely travel, peacefully assemble, earn a living, freely worship, etc. and or attempts to enforce such suspension within the fifty independent, sovereign, continental United States of America, is making war against our constitution(s) and therefore, we, the people. They violate their constitutional oath, and thus, immediately forfeit their office and authority and their proclamations may be disregarded with impunity.....
This description of "proclamations" applies to all Executive Orders, however veiled and misrepresented as pertaining to the living people and the actual States of the Union.
Here is an example, from the Great Shyster, Bill Clinton -- with our explanatory annotations in parenthesis:
Presidential Documents
Executive Order 13132 of August 4, 1999
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America (Notice: he is talking about the British Territorial entity, a Federal Subcontractor working under The Constitution of the United States of America, not our unincorporated Federation of States), and in order to guarantee the division of governmental responsibilities between the national government (Notice: the Union States don't form a "national government" --- each Union State is a nation-state unto itself, therefore he can only be talking about a foreign "nation" composed of non-Union States of some kind.) and the States (Notice: he is not telling you which "States" he is talking about, but it can only be implied that he is talking about the fraudulently constructed "State Trusts" or the Territorial "Confederate States" --- that is, States of States organizations, while giving everyone the impression that he is talking about the States of the Union) that was intended by the Framers of the Constitution, to ensure that the principles of federalism established by the Framers guide the executive departments and agencies in the formulation and implementation of policies (Notice: corporations have "policies", actual States have Public Laws --- another indication that the "States" he has in mind are franchises of "the United States of America, Incorporated", and not our States of the Union at all.) and to further the policies of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act, (Notice: Mandates are undertaken by Trust Officers, not State Officers.) it is hereby ordered as follows:....
This is only one example among many, many thousands crafted since Abraham Lincoln authored the very first such "Executive Order" in 1863, adequately demonstrating the Great Kingdom of Babble and the way that Bar Attorneys have deliberately obscured the identity of the subject matter and the context of these Orders.
The Executive Order above concerns the British Territorial "United States" and the Federal Subcontractor doing business as "the United States of America" --- Incorporated.
It does not concern us, and our unincorporated Federation of States, The United States of America.
The Executive Order above posits the existence of a "national government" formed of "States", but it is a matter of record that our "national jurisdiction" is occupied by separate nation-states that retain their own national character, and our States which are members of our Federation, occupy international and global realms, so there is no "national jurisdiction" related to our States.
Thus, we have no "national government" composed of "States"; we have an international government composed of States. Slick Willy is referring to a different "nation" and a different kind of "State".
His Executive Order has nothing to do with our nation-states, nor does it have anything to do with our States. He is referring to British Territorial States of States, business franchises also known as "Confederate States", as if they were our actual physically-defined States. Taking these foreign entities together, as a "federal entity", he is calling them a "national government" which they aren't and can never be.
National jurisdiction is vested in the soil of each country, not corporations in the business of providing government services.
While Clinton goes on and discusses the concept of "federalism" at some length, he neglects to tell the reader that his corporation, the one that he was "President" of at the time, was never federalized and merely works as a foreign Federal Subcontractor -- with its own independent character and identity, form of law, etc.
This was reprised in public by Mr. Obama, who also referenced these states-of-states as "States" when he talked about being President of fifty-seven "States".
Clinton's Executive Order and all other Executive Orders we have examined, use Babble to confuse identities and obscure meanings so as to defraud average Americans and subourn them to obey foreign Executive Orders as if they applied to them -- to "voluntarily comply" just as millions of Americans have paid Federal Income Taxes without receiving any federal income.
So long as nobody is the wiser, these Territorial "Presidents" have gotten away with murder and theft and every other crime undetected--- so long as everyone mistakes their corporation for our Federation, and thinks that their state-of-state franchises are our States, that their "national security" and their "national government" refers to our nation-states, and that their personnel are our people, and that their debts are ours --- they get to roll in our clover.
In truth, these British Territorial mercenaries have no land or soil upon which to build a jurisdiction for a "national government" and never have had; they are limited to being a territorial government and they have simply impersonated us and used semantic deceit to mislead people into accepting false assumptions of debt and obedience that they never owed.
This vast, deliberate, self-interested constructive fraud has harmed our country and our people in multiple ways, and has been used to defraud both country and kin in breach of trust and violation of the Perpetrator's service contracts.
There is not now and has never been an Executive Order that has any authority over the actual nation-states or people of this country. Such Executive Orders pertain only to the Subcontractors and their Personnel, but the Perpetrators of this usurpation have gratuitously extended this limited and private power and applied it to everyone.
The ignorant minions in this system of Babble have simply assumed that because a piece of legislation or an Executive Order applies to them, it applies to everyone else, too --- when it doesn't.
Before we leave our observation of the Kingdom of Babble, let's look at another couple words they like to use for their nefarious purposes: "civil war".
As of December of 2024, we are given the following description of civil war from the Encyclopedia Britannica: "civil war, a violent conflict between a state and one or more organized non-state actors in the state's territory. Civil wars are thus distinguished from interstate conflicts (in which states fight other states), violent conflicts or riots not involving states."
These foreign personnel like to talk about "civil war" as if they ever had an actual, factual State involved in their mercenary conflicts, but no such circumstance exists. All the entities party to the so-called "American Civil War" were business entities, not actual States. We believe that an examination of the so-called "English Civil War" will reveal the same fraud.
While they persist in calling the mercenary fight that engulfed this country between 1861 and 1865 a "civil war" it wasn't a civil war; it wasn't a "war" of any kind. They also persist in calling this conflagration "the War Between the States" but no actual States were involved, so it wasn't an "interstate war", either. It was an illegal mercenary conflict that has resulted in an equally illegal and clandestined occupation of our country by Federal Subcontractors operating in Breach of Trust and violation of their service contracts.
This staggeringly large crime is the legacy of "Great Britain", The Great Kingdom of Babble, and we do not intend to "Make America Great Again" if that means continuing this outrageous fraud and usurpation by lawless foreign commercial entities.
The American people, like the British people, and other living people throughout the world are waking up at last and coming to terms with what has been done to them by their public employees and those who have sat in positions of trust and power.
No matter how much dirt the current military regime digs up on the Pope's Boyz, or how much dirt they manufacture via Hollywood and Disney, Inc. which is well-enabled to produce horror movies, we won't forget their own collusion and dereliction of duty and failure to assist. Grateful as we may be that they finally addressed the horrible (but very profitable) crimes in our midst, we won't forget.
"The Plan" is always the same, and it is always a reprise of the Uncle Remus story of "The Briar Patch".
Those who agree to play the Villains get thrown in the briar patch, where they are safe and at home, feet up in front of a cozy fire, while those who play the Heroes take a victory lap ---- and much to the surprise of the victims, nothing much changes.
This time, it's going to change, because it has to. This time, nobody is deceived.
They can show us filmed footage of hangings at Gitmo all day long and nobody is going to believe it.
No matter how much trauma they pump out on the television screens and airwaves, their own complicity and failure to perform remains self-evident. It's lovely that they propose to protect us now. That is their job, so far as we are concerned.
Where have they been the last 161 years? How did it come to this?
The reforms promised by Donald Trump are welcome and necessary, but --- he is making up for the mess Joe Biden caused, and this does not take rocket science to interpret, because we have seen it every four to eight years for over 160 years.
One hand creates the Mess, usually the Democrats; the other hand cleans up the Mess, usually the Republicans --- and they charge us for their "services" both coming and going, both messing and cleaning, in an endless re-run of Good Cop, Bad Cop.
Joe Biden, acting with no authority whatsoever, is allowed to open our Southern Border by people merely deemed to be "US TRUSTEES" and lets in ten million illegal migrants --- we pay for that. Social Security pensions get spent on that and a lot of other money is squandered in a Vote Buying Spree of epic proportions.
Then, Donald Trump comes in to fulfill the contract his corporation still has, and closes the Border, which should never have been open and never allowed to be open, and removes ten million illegal migrants --- and guess who pays for that, both coming and going.
The left hand feeds the right hand and the right hand feeds the left, over and over and over.
The Pope finally shut down the Municipal Government corporation and its franchises, which takes out over half (about two-thirds) of the Federal Government. This is obligatory because they were double-dipping and charging Americans for two complete and redundant layers of government, plus over 450 Agencies, and an unknown number of Councils and Bureaus and Commissions.
So, now all of a sudden, the Feckless Pikers are making a Big Show of cutting out the fat in government and showcasing "DOGE" --- the new Department of Government Efficiency, which just happens to be named after the Doges of Venice --- when their only choice is to cut the fat or pay the Municipal employees to stay on as Territorial employees.
Every time we see some simpering bureaucrat taking credit for ending something that should never have happened in the first place, we want to reach through our television screens and slap them silly.
The Department of Internal Revenue and its Internal Revenue Service was allowed to racketeer at will for over a hundred years and now, Donald Trump is changing its name to the Department of External Revenue, apparently with a plan to sic them on collecting new tariffs and customs duties and stamp taxes, etc.
Every time we think of the millions of Americans who have been cheated and defrauded into paying taxes on federal income they never received, mortgages they didn't owe, loans they never owed, property taxes they didn't owe, and so much more, our cold and silent rage kicks in.
No, the Great Kingdom of Babble isn't getting away with it. Ignorance of the Law --- the Public Law --- is no excuse.
We are not accommodating or accepting or settling or contracting or agreeing in any jurisdiction, in any way, form, or manner whatsoever, to any settlement offer that leaves the British Territorial Government in control of our assets --- we are not forgetting what is owed to us and we haven't forgotten who we are.
We are owed the return of all our physical assets, all the assets of the defunct Municipal Corporations, all the credit purloined from us, all the Municipal Banks, all the Municipal COURTS, all the franchise assets, all of it, plus interest. We are owed all the Autotris accounts, the bulk of the pension funds, all the so-called "legacy trusts" and "Historic trusts" and every other bit and piece, plus the removal of our land and soil assets from enrollment in any bogus State Trusts. We are owed everything passed through the infant decedent estates and the British Territorial seaman's Estates, too.
We have long said that this is not a matter of politics, religion, race, or anything of that nature. It is plain old garden-variety crime of a white collar kind, on steroids, taking place in international jurisdictions, and fueled by both ignorance and greed.
Still, at the end of the day, it doesn't matter what you call it; a rose by any other name would be as sweet. The debts owed by the corporations are exactly equal to our credits. We are owed the interest back, too. And that is no semantic deceit.
Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
January 18th 2025
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