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Monday, January 27, 2025

International Public Notice: Why the Brits? Why the Romans?

 By Anna Von Reitz

We are forced by the heavy weight of historical precedent to ask -- why the Brits?  Why the Romans? 

The Brits have been the muscle for the Roman Church for over a thousand years, and that is definitely part of the reason that the Brits are always at the bottom of every dog pile, but why do they so readily, even eagerly, adapt to deceit and spread crime and war and discord everywhere they go?  And always hidden behind such a nice facade of reasonableness and egalitarian sentiment? 

We have pondered this question at length.  

From the start, we have known that what we are facing is a matter of crime--- especially crimes of force and fraud and impersonation.  The situation has nothing to do with black against white or Jew against Muslim or anything of that kind at all.  No, actually, it has to do with two other things -- slavery and elitism.  

Britain, like the Holy Roman Empire, has supported itself by enslaving others, and also like the Holy Roman Empire, they have been fine with that, because of a wholly unsupported sense of their own superiority.  

They consider themselves so superior to other men that it is their right to prey upon and lie to and rob and cheat and steal from and even murder others outside their social caste systems -- and this is especially true for anyone who happens to be a different color or who espouses a different religion.  

This elitism is founded in both cases on the existence of a strict social hierarchy both within British society and the Roman Church. 
They both embrace caste systems.  The British caste system locks in at birth, while the Church caste system is at least a little bit merit-based, even though the definition of "merit" is twisted. 

In Britain to this day, the caste system is obvious.  A man is marked and stuck in his social strata by the way he speaks, the words he uses, the clothes he wears, his posture, his haircut, and even the way he thinks.  The British Upper Crust is internationally famous for its arrogance and for being snooty and immoral; this is what stands as "noble" in the British caste system.   

Such a system breeds contempt for the rest of humanity in the so-called nobility, and also sets up a system in which those who aspire to a better life have a bad example to follow.  Monkey see, monkey do.  If it's good enough for Prince Andrew, why shouldn't the local lorry driver aspire to diddling little girls and getting away with it?

Even if the Brits are quite literally enslaved by their corrupt and hidebound social system, they cling to it, as they cling to every other tradition both good and bad --- including but not limited to the practice of enslavement.  

Let's be very clear.  Both slavery and peonage have been outlawed worldwide since 1926.  

This ban and their own public support of it, has not been sufficient to overcome centuries of the British Navy's press-ganging of children as young as ten into its service, nor the Church's black market trading in sin and souls, via modern day Indulgences, the selling and trading of souls via baptismal certificates, and the selling of intellectual and labor assets belonging to others via the trading of birth certificates.  

The Brits and the Roman Church, while outwardly supporting this official worldwide prohibition against slavery and peonage, have evaded obeying this prohibition by gratuitously "redefining" living men as things --- corporate franchises, estate trusts, and most recently, transhumans.  

China and India and other nations with large labor forces have been prohibited from any "abuse" of their workers via enslavement or peonage, and both Britain and Rome have sanctimoniously condemned any whisper of wrong-doing against Chinese workers --- at the same time that they have impersonated and enslaved and reduced workers in the western world to peonage at best. 

What do you call it, when a worker is ten to a hundred times more productive, and doesn't get a raise in almost fifty years? 

As always, the British-Romano system has been a system of "not as I do, but as I say".  The Perpetrators have used every trick in the book to reap the profits of enslavement and peonage, while hypocritically condemning these same practices by any party that could be considered a competitor. 

These gross hypocrites have apparently excused themselves for this using the old Roman Civil Law Dictum, "Let him who will be deceived, be deceived." and attributed their wealth and power to their natural superiority as fraud artists, bullies, and hypocrites. 

The latest British PsychoDrama is instructive.  Their Labour Party Prime Minister earlier in his career volunteered to defend an African immigrant who committed gross crimes against humanity and individual people in Rwanda and continued to commit crimes once he arrived in England; this man's son has been caught and accused of carrying on the family tradition via the murder of three little English girls in Grade School.  

This has finally hit a nerve with the British Public and touched off a firestorm of outrage throughout the country, so much so that Keir Starmer's hold on the Labour Party is coming unglued and his status among the diplomats he relies on has sunk to new lows as respect for his personal judgment wans. 

One must ask, how has a man who would defend such cruelty and depravity, and follow it up with mass immigration policies that are crippling Britain's economy and impoverishing and further endangering its people, come to power in the first place? 

Where are the sieves and balances in the British political system that should prevent such an outcome as Boris Johnson or Keir Starmer coming to power? 

We are fairly sure that British Elections, like American Elections, have been undermined and hacked, so that men who had other agendas than the good of their country and countrymen came to power. 

How else can anyone explain immigration policies that have resulted in a massive, insupportable strain on Britain's already struggling social welfare programs, and allowed a clash of cultures on British streets and in British schools that has resulted in murder and mayhem that otherwise wouldn't even be present?  

Idiocy, criminality, and impractical ideology have been the order of the day for at least twenty years. 

From the deep outrage and pain being expressed by individual Brits on social media and in the press, we can hope that this insanity has finally reached a breaking point, and that the pain of letting go of outworn traditions is balanced by a new sense of self-worth and self-preservation.  

Brits from Bath to Northumberland appear to be waking up and saying, these are our children, our streets, our country, and our world.  Who the hell are you, saying that you "represent" us? 

While Keir Starmer and his ilk have been busy trying to redefine Britain as anything but British, we've had our own version of this criminality and betrayal personified as Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and Kamala Harris.  They have all striven to create division and economic and social disaster, injustice, and self-service carried to an obscene degree. 

None of these politicians are actually working for nor improving the lives of the working people, nor any constituency that they might logically or naturally have; they have been single-mindedly pursuing policies and agendas that have only harmed the people they are supposed to represent, as demonstrated by their participation in and profiting from the fraud of bank usury, fiat currencies, the fraudulent imposition of mortgages and taxes owed by corporations, and failure to pursue an equitable distribution of corporate profit from labor productivity gains over the past fifty years.

If these people represent "Labour" or the poor members of society by any definition, we don't know what that definition is. 

Apparently, President Trump has ginned up a new corporate name and structure in England, calling itself: United States of America, LLC.  We have yet to locate whatever they are calling "the United States" -- Incorporated, or LLC or LLP, or, or, or.... 

We are spending less time considering the Roman hierarchy and its detrimental forms and habits, because their "government" isn't actually a government, either, and the billion people they represent worldwide are unaware that they are being counted as worshippers of Mammon and that their Church is in the control of members of the Money Cult. 

Like the millions of Americans who were being counted as "Federal Dual Citizens" behind their backs and without their knowledge or consent, billions of Catholics have been counted as worshippers of demons and idols and false and foreign "gods" in the same exact way.  If this isn't what you want, time to stand up. 

Despite many alarming signs and signals and obvious betrayals and outright warnings from people as senior and reliable as now Ex-Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, the members of the Church, bound by its peculiar brand of elitism, have been even slower on the uptake and on taking meaningful action than their counterparts in the equally hidebound British caste system. 

Suffice it to say that when the Vatican refers to "slaves of Christ" and "bondsmen of Christ", that should be taken literally.  The Roman Church and the Roman Civil Government with which it is affiliated, have always relied upon the value of slaves and slave labor to support their respective hierarchies.  There is a reason --- a supremely venal economic reason --- that the Pope's Federal Civil Service fought alongside the Southern Confederacy during our so-called Civil War.  

After a lifetime of dedication to the scriptures and doctrines of the Roman Church, a lifetime of work for the same Church, Vigano has been cast out for causing a "Schism" that he did not create, but merely observed.  

The actual schism has been caused by the obvious and disastrous leadership problems that have plagued the Church and such large and odd changes as the disappearance of the Office of the Roman Pontiff, the whole circumstance of the "Pope Emeritus", the appearance of the "Patriarch of the West".  and such bizarre statements from Pope Francis as telling people that God is Lucifer. 

We can only hope that priests and prelates and other bishops and cardinals within the Church as well as the entire Church membership wakes up and takes back control of what is supposed to be their church, not a church devoted to Baal, Lucifer, Mammon, and Baphomet.  To do so, will require the destruction of the hierarchy that has long ruled and controlled everything within the Church, a mass spiritual uprising that literally refuses to go along with a Pope and senior leadership which is betraying the simplest tenets of the faith. 

Over a billion Catholics must now ask -- is this our church? Or Lucifer's?  

We send our heartfelt condolences to former Archbishop Vigano for the injustice he has suffered and our hope that he will live to see the restoration of the Church he has served and loved. 

The problems that plague both the British Isles and the Roman Church all stem from the social caste systems they stubbornly enshrine to their own detriment, and from the self-aggrandizing elitism that results. 

Unfortunately, their problems become our problems, as they strive continuously to foist off their venal economic and banking practices and their social caste systems on the rest of the world. 

Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents, Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger -- Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652


See this article and over 5200 others on Anna's website here:

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January 26th 2025

International Public Notice: China, Russia, and Us

 By Anna Von Reitz

First, a reality check.  The "US" books about 23 Trillion in actualized Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per year; China grosses about 17-18 Trillion per year in GDP.   

If you add the GDP's of the NATO block countries together with the US GDP, you come up with a number about $35 Trillion per year, or roughly double China's GDP.  

No other country, with the exception of India, is even in the running.  Russia, for example, has a GDP of about 1.5 Trillion.  

So, the West still cranks out twice the productivity of China, despite China's huge labor force, and despite mammoth Western investment in China's infrastructure and industrial capacity for the past forty-plus years. 

Overall productivity of the workforce in all sectors has been  constantly increasing, largely as a result of technological advances, but here's the point so far as the overall economy is concerned: the value of this increased productivity has not been shared with the workers.  

Not at all.  

And investment in other countries besides China has been minimal. 

The actual inflation-adjusted wage and/or salary of the workforce--- that is, how much your money or credit will actually buy in the market place --- hasn't increased since 1978.  

Think about that.  The productivity driven economy has expanded geometrically, but your buying power in that marketplace hasn't moved an inch in 47 years. 

The entire value of your productivity increases in those same years, has gone only and directly into corporation coffers, where it has funded industry expansions and record-breaking executive level bonuses and shareholder perks --- and, of course, single-minded investment in tech, tech, and more tech. 

This is because the productivity increase that is funneling all this profit has come from tech investments.  Corporate managers are naturally fixated on deriving the maximum possible benefit from technological advancement, and that has driven the otherwise crazy and unnecessary focus on robotics and  Artificial Intelligence.

This inequity and "dead-lining" of employee buying power, which results from not rewarding employees for their increases in productivity, coupled with the endemic inflation caused by the Federal Reserve System and bank usury in general, and inordinate technical development spending, is what causes the "rich keep getting richer, poor keep getting poorer" phenomenon. 

Just think about what happens if a worker can produce a hundred times more widgets in an hour than he could produce ten years ago. 
He is a hundred times more productive, but he is being paid the same wage whether he produces one or a hundred widgets per hour. 

The value of this whole change in productivity goes to the company. The worker gets nothing more for his labor, even though he is producing a hundred times more product per hour.

The value of the worker's time in terms of productivity has skyrocketed, but what he receives for his time is stuck back in 1978. 
Not only that, but fewer workers are needed in a tech-crazed world. 
What used to take a hundred workers on an assembly line, now takes one. 

This is the only "overpopulation" in view, and the only reason this overpopulation is a problem for the Money Pushers, is that they might have to pay more in social welfare costs and might have to pay more for the workers they do hire. 

This situation should have been addressed by public and private sector labor unions throughout the tech build up era, but it hasn't been.  Maybe they were brain dead.  Maybe they were bought off. 

The corporate and industrial leaders have pleaded their equipment and development costs and tried to justify not sharing the endline productivity profit with the workers, but the productivity gains so far outstrip the capital investment costs in most industries that the only apparent reason for the continuing gross disparity is plain old short-sighted greed.  

This greed is particularly mindless because the industrialists and corporate entities had a merely symbolic monetary system in place, one based on paying nothing of value for labor and commodities. 

Read that again:  the "legal tender" system allowed them to trade pieces of paper or mere digits on a computerized bank ledger for labor and  commodities.  This so-called monetary system has been the ultimate something-for-nothing scam, but the Perpetrators, the so-called Federal Reserve and their associated Central Bank pals, successfully pretended to be "our" government, and used police and military force to impose this phony money machine on the living people under color of law. 

So, for the past 112 years, these Pikers have been trading something of no equitable value in exchange for both labor and commodities, and getting away with it right in front of our noses.  This, too, is another short-sighted and greedy failure to share the wealth with the workers they were defrauding this whole time. 

Second, as the social and economic gap caused by this failure to share the profits from productivity gains increases, and as real wealth has been siphoned out of the world economy by the so-called Federal Reserve System, inflation caused by bank usury, further eroding the buying power of workers who were universally impacted by this vast fraud and embezzlement.  

These combined effects have been somewhat masked by the availability of easy credit; people are invited to go into debt to make up for these hidden losses impacting their basic buying power, and many people have succumbed and worsened their situation and run up insurmountable debts that have to be paid back with interest. 

Bank usury again.  

You can't borrow your way out of debt, especially when your costs keep escalating and your buying power stays the same, so inevitably, a credit "bubble" forms and people begin to default on loans and credit cards and mortgages. There is no other possible mathematical result in such a system.  

Third, so here we are. 

Thanks to technological advances, we are part of one of the most productive workforces that has ever existed, but thanks to corporate greed and short-sightedness, labor union ignorance, and the practice of usury, we are looking at a credit collapse, which will also trigger a market collapse.   

China, which is half as productive as we are, is also looking at a credit collapse as a result of all these same factors impacting them, and because of a peculiarly Chinese fraud scheme led by crooked developers selling mortgage options on homes and apartments that weren't even built yet.  

Some Chinese workers have been paying the equivalent of a monthly mortgage on their "new house" for twenty years and still haven't been able to move in.  

As this situation impacts millions of people, it has inevitably come home to the Xi Government and finally to the developers and the banks that have been working this Expansion Swindle.  

So while millions of workers in the West have suffered truncated and stagnated earning power in an expanding consumer market driven by their own gains in productivity, and are now are defaulting on loans of all kinds simply because their buying power in the marketplace has been so severely eroded for so long, their Chinese counterparts are defaulting and cutting their losses on mortgage investments that they relied upon as a safe investment for their families and their futures. 

Read that: we got stuck paying mortgages we didn't owe, but at least we got to live in the house while we were paying the mortgage and the house was real, not just a blueprint and a vacant lot. 

The stage is now set for the biggest credit and market collapse in world history as a result of skullduggery by stupid (but rich) people whose only aim in life was to make more money and gather more  wealth (land, precious metals, ownership of capital assets) for themselves.

The Grandsons of the Nineteenth Century Robber Barons who created this System have never had the brains to figure it all out, and have instead simply kept the machine rolling.  They have had absolutely no grasp of large scale economics nor how to create a stable, long-term, beneficial world economy, and the economists they hired to advise them have been even more hopelessly inept.  

Fifth, before proceeding to the projected climax of this situation, we want to point out that all this crazy nonsense painting Russia as a threat is ludicrous.  

Russia has a lot of resources and a lot of land and a lot of people; those people are a formidable force because of their moral, intellectual, and energetic assets, but in terms of being a diversified powerhouse of an economy, no, Russia squeaks by because it has a lot of gas and oil, and because it has been able to bypass the sanctions and theft of its investment money by the Western Powers.  

Russia has had to struggle ever since the 1920's on the short end of the guns versus butter argument.  They have had to pour large portions of any profits they realize into their defense industry simply to ward off the threats and sticky fingers of the NATO criminals.

We also want to point out that the only reason that China appears to be a half-hearted threat, is because of its large population and economic productivity ---and that productivity jump and the burgeoning rise in China's GDP, is specifically because of investment by the West and off-shoring of western jobs and industry to China.  

If China is a monster, it's a monster that these same old parasites created --- and they did it for their own self-interest, not China's, so who is responsible for the perceived Chinese threat?  

The same old incompetent, crooked, selfish, disgusting parasites that have caused all the rest of it.

We find "Great Britain" at the bottom of the dog pile, again, monotonously, together with its lackey mercenary franchise, the British Territorial United States of America, Incorporated, pushing this slow train wreck.  

The Brits and their rotten Shanghai-based bank, HSBC, have had a critical part in defrauding the Eastern Hemisphere, just as they and their pals at the Vatican Bank have had a crucial role in defrauding the Western Hemisphere.  

They showed up to fleece China on one hand, and bulwark it as a fall back position for themselves --- a new Host for the Parasite, on the other, just as they did with the Opium Trade, but this time, they brought Ronald Reagan with them.  

We have documented the Slow Crawl of this Parasite -- which is actually a religion that literally worships money as an idol -- as it has moved across the pages of history, from Crete and King Minos, to the Akkadians and Hykksos,  to Babylon, the Levant, Troy, and Carthage, to Rome, from Rome to England and Cornwall and Spain, and of course, to Portugal, the hub of these Phoenicians for several hundred years until the Moors finally showed them the exit.  

This particular parasite has been  moving westward for the last several thousand years and its slime trail follows a predictable pattern.  Just like any parasite, it silently sucks its host dry, and then moves on.

The parasites targeted our country after the Revolutionary War, and we unknowingly became hosts for them; by the 1980's, however, things were getting a bit hot for them, and they began their effort to make China their new headquarters and preferred manufacturing hub.  

They have been offshoring our industries both heavy and light, to China for going on fifty years and China has taken the bait --- but, to be fair, we were stupid enough to let the Brits back in the front door just a few years after the Revolution.  

They came as government services providers, and here they have remained, steadfastly sucking us dry the whole time, promoting war for profit, using our resources and using our soldiers and sailors as cheap mercenaries, while running their same old game out of London and Rome.  

We, Americans, have unwittingly been their storefront and muscle. 

That's why Americans have become hated all over the world.  That's why news commentators at the BBC are always at pains to describe their own government's bad deeds and bad corporate policies as something "the Americans" did.

Sixth, at this point, the only sane thing to do is to self-collapse the old system and replace it with something honest and fact based, give the workers back a share of the actual wealth that has been cashiered, cancel the phony debts, and also start repaying all the credit that was purloined and which has in fact been prepaid by the workforce.  

What's happening instead is that the same old parasites are wrangling to keep control, adopting part of this program outlined above, trying to keep their fingers in the pie by floating a brand new "digital currency" system which continues to try to trade something for nothing under "legal tender laws", and last, but not least, developing a whole huge "narrative" about the venal and disgusting beliefs and "religious" practices of the Money Cult. 

The Money Cult has been suppressed many, many times. 

It was destroyed in Crete and Babylon, destroyed in Akkadia, destroyed in the Levant, destroyed in Carthage, and classical Rome suppressed it so hard that it took a thousand years for it to rear its ugly head again. 

The Money Cult is an ancient and disgusting religion based on idolatry and drug use and "human sacrifice" and perverted sexual impulses and blackmail.  Mostly blackmail.  

The idolatry is self-explanatory.  They sell us, the gullible public, their "graven images" instead of real goods, and pocket the goods. 

If anyone here is so mentally challenged that they can't see this, it's time to pause and really think about the actual true "value" of all those graven images in your pocket called Federal Reserve Notes and EUROs, etc. and realize that they wouldn't even make good toilet paper or fuel for a bonfire.  

Yet, you have been giving up (sacrificing) your labor and goods in exchange for these "symbols of value" -- that is, idols,  and kept increasingly engrossed in trying to earn more of these worthless baubles, too, because after all, you haven't had a raise since 1978. 

So-called "digital currencies" cost THEM even less to produce and offer THEM more profit, so they want to push digital currencies on us, at the same time that the news media is going to be blaring the truly nasty details of their "religious beliefs".  

The overall effort will be to set up the appearance and belief that there are two sides to this macabre circumstance --- the "good" military (which works for the bankers) and the "bad" bankers who are going to be rounded up and killed as more sacrifices to the Money 
God --- that doesn't actually exist. 

If this all sounds like a bizarre throwback to some ancient nonsense rooted in animalistic superstitions and con games that might have fooled prehistoric man, you're right.  The problem is, we've been fooled by this same old schtick in modern times. 

If we are not careful, we will be fooled by it again. 

Right now, the so-called Allied Military is getting ready to launch a purportedly new and foolproof "monetary system", the vaunted Quantum Financial System.  

The problem is that the military isn't a military anymore and it doesn't work for any national government.  

The military, (yes, "our" military), works for a faction of the same people who have created this whole mess, and all that is really happening is that this bought-and-paid-for military is establishing a new storefront for their masters --- an even more illusory and digitalized monetary system that can be weaponized against individual people and businesses.  

Meantime, the faction in control of the mercenary-militaries are busy scapegoating and getting rid of their competition, hoping you all won't see through this and object and boycott their efforts. 

It's time to let them know, that, nah.  We aren't falling for it. 
We've been around and around and around this Mulberry bush too many times.  Those who remember the past are not fated to relive it.

What we will accept is a transitional monetary system that cannot be weaponized and which fairly distributes both precious metal-backed or other commodity-backed asset money having true value, and which also distributes prepaid credit back to the living people on a worldwide basis, as restitution for all the bills they have had to pay that were never theirs in the first place.  

That is what we have created by chartering the Global Family Banks.

If the remaining top dog bankers and the militarists want their fortunes and their futures secured, they need to think carefully about this moment, because the system they are creating is a weapon that can be turned against them as readily as it can be turned against anyone else.  There are always two edges to a sword. 

And there is no reason to turn any banking system into a sword, especially not a digital banking system that can be hacked.  Enough game playing and nonsense. 

We are transitioning to a different world, not only because that is good and because it makes sense, but because we no longer believe in money or Santa Claus or Hell --- except perhaps the "Hell" that stupid, selfish, criminal men have created on this Earth, for nothing more than their own perverted and immoral purposes. 

Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger -- Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

January 26th 2025


See this article and over 5200 others on Anna's website here:

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