By Anna Von Reitz
It's true that we, actual Americans, don't act as shareholders in the two foreign corporations that provide "government services" directly and via their State-of-State franchises and agencies, and therefore, we don't vote in their political party-dominated elections of corporate officers, either..
In fact, the so-called Fourteenth [By-Law] Amendment to the British Crown Corporation entity's "Corporate Constitution" issued in 1868 makes it a crime for anyone (especially Municipal employees and dependents) who isn't a U.S. Citizen to vote in their elections.
As a result, we have not granted our "proxy" to anyone in Washington, DC, and retain our right to convene a Continental Congress to settle all the hash of this country, including that of our Public Employees.
We also retain the right to correct and direct and demand performance from our Public Employees.
Recently, I explained the difference between "American State Nationals" described under Federal Code, 8 USC 1101 (a) 21, etc., and actual American State Nationals -- a political status that arises from actual nationality within a sovereign organic State, and which is not a condition defined by or conferred by any legislative act or Federal Code.
We, Americans, derive our nationality from our organic States of the Union. We are New Yorkers, Texans, Minnesotans, Wisconsinites, etc., by birth. This is what we mean by "American State Nationals".
Federal Territorial Employees and Dependents also have a designation called "American State National" which is conferred upon people living in foreign territorial States-of-States and US Possessions, such as American Samoa or the [Territorial] State of Vermont, for example.
So, the same words "American State National" are being used to describe two completely different political statuses. Which one are you? If you are a Federal Military or Civil Service Employee or the Dependent of such a Person, you might claim to be an "American State National" as defined by Federal Code (David Straight's process). If you are a member of the General Public, you are an American State National in our system by birth, and you are an Employer of all Federal and Federal State-of-State employees by definition.
When you write a Nasty Note to one of the corporation's officers or appointees or even to their Agency Subcontractors, Commissions, etc., or, conversely, you wish to applaud something they are doing, you do so as their Employer.
You are the Boss, they are the Public Employee.
So think about your role and their role.
First, you identify yourself --- "I am a natural born New Yorker owed every iota of the guarantees provided by the Federal Constitutions." --- for example.
Second, you don't mince words. You are direct and to the point: "I am very concerned about the continuing impact of Covid-19 "vaccinations" on the General Public, which you are supposed to protect at all costs." --- for example.
After identifying the general subject that your communication concerns, you can follow up with bullet-point information. "Initial and secondary statistical reports show a 70 to 75% spontaneous miscarrage rate among pregnant women who received Covid-19 vaccinations and a commensurate numerical percentage increase in fertility impairment issues overall. The adverse impact on our population, economy, and future cannot be overstated." -- for example.
You don't pile on pages of information. You keep it short. Just two or three pithy paragraphs per letter will do nicely.
Think about it. Your Boss doesn't have to explain everything in the Western World to you when he or she brings a problem to your attention and expects you to do something about it. Why should you send a member of Congress a 150-page treatise?
Long, flowery, over-explanatory letters are not necessary and don't get read. Staffers enter a tally mark beside the "subject" if it's a popular subject, and another tally mark to indicate if the letter is "positive" or "negative". If your letter is short and direct, and contains interesting information, they might occasionally pass it on to the Big Cheese.
Otherwise, they respond to "communication statistics". If they get 1879 "negative" letters about Subject X and only 6 positive letters about the same subject, they start to pay attention.
Your role is to get their attention and prod them into appropriate action. Oftentimes, they act on information that is completely rudimentary: "Covid Jab = Bad", for example.
Now, y'all have about a gozillion subjects to cover with your Employees, don't you?
The abuses you have suffered from unelected, unaccountable "Agencies" and things like the "National Security Council" and "Public Utility Commissions" and the quasi-military court system are enough to fill volumes --- so write a dozen letters, but keep each one short and to the point.
"I am being misidentified and misaddressed as a Municipal citizen of the United States --- RAYMOND P. GRUNDY, and repeated letters to the United States Secretary of State and the Bureau of Consular Affairs and the Department of Justice have failed to correct the record.
I am a natural-born Wisconsinite and have not adopted any such foreign political status and do not stand under any Municipal or Territorial law. I would appreciate it if you would serve my interests as your actual Employer and notify the United States Secretary of State and the State of Wisconsin Secretary of State of my actual political status and current location in Herbert County, Indiana. Please instruct the Bureau of Consular Affairs and Department of Justice to notify all departments of the Federal Government and State-of-State franchise organizations and Agencies, that I am not a Federal Employee or Dependent and do not wish to be presumed upon. Thank you very much for your time and attention to this matter. -- Raymond Patrick Grundy, in care of 8721 Belmont Circle NW, Indianapolis, Indiana 45231"
As the Employer, you don't do any groveling or pleading or pretty-pleasing-with-sugar-on-top. You don't "Respectfully Submit" anything, including yourself. You aren't impolite. You don't swear. You don't threaten. You carry your authority with decorum. But you don't beg. You don't have to. You are the Employer. Act the part.
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