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Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Sheriff Richard Mack on forced closure of businesses.

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Censorship, COVID-19, Vaccines, and God Who is ALMIGHTY! Fear NOT!

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Needed Discussion Regarding History and Victory

By Anna Von Reitz

First -- regarding those pictures of Jacob Rothschild and Shimon Perez and others with elongated skulls that are being circulated on the internet --- what you are seeing is the difference between Homo sapiens and Homo sapiens sapiens.

This is a difference between the "First Sons of Adam" and the "Second Sons of Adam".

Remember the point in the Bible where our lifetimes were shortened?

The much longer-lived First Sons of Adam were phased out and the shorter-lived Second Sons phased in.

But the First Sons were not killed and continued to exist long, long after the Second Sons became more numerous and prevalent.

This resulted in the equivalent of a Family Feud quite apart from the contest between the Children of Eve and the Children of Satan.

The First Son v. Second Son battle is in physical, material terms, like a squabble between brothers. The fight between Eve's children and Satan's children takes place on a spiritual and mental epigenetic basis.

So we've had to deal with a Family Feud as well as a Spiritual War.

The First Sons of Adam have a problem when making their claims to own the Earth and all upon it, because their claim actually arises through Eve and was established through a Matriarchal culture, so they try to claim ownership of the Earth based on Patriarchal claims as the First Sons of Adam.

Think about it. In the singular instance of Eve, the husband and wife and their DNA is exactly the same, except for the extra portion of X chromosome added to Eve. Adam is entirely expressed within Eve, but Eve is not entirely expressed within Adam.

Add to that that nobody comes into this world in an incarnate form, except through Eve, and you have a very compelling case to say that all claims of everyone to inherit anything on this Earth are included within and come through Eve. Not Adam.

This shoots the claims of the First Sons as First-born sons of Adam in the foot, and in order to make their claims on the material Earth stick, they MUST resort to a Patriarchal system of Law governing rights of physical inheritance --- which is nowhere to be found in Hebraic tradition.

They have to make their claim through a foreign Patriarchy, so the First Sons allied themselves with the Sons of Satan through Cain, who had likewise adopted the patriarchal Roman Law-- both hoping to assert supremacy over the claims of Eve's children.

They are two distinct and different groups, but over the centuries of their alliance, they intermarried and became more integrated and like each other. And both have fought with similar weapons of deceit and adultery and violence against us to no avail.

They never understood the fundamental reason that Adam was disqualified and why he lost both immortality and the right to inherit the Earth: his failure to accept responsibility for his own actions.
You cannot exercise dominion and take ownership without accepting liability, that is, responsibility for your own actions.

Time has gone on, and the First Sons, bent on their claims, and the Cain-anites fostered by Satan, forgot this most basic of all requirements, the same requirement that Adam failed.

In their cleverness, they got bound up in schemes and rationales and forgot why Adam was disqualified from inheriting the Earth.

By the Grace of the Living God, Eve's children followed after their Mother, picked up their crosses, and accepted responsibility --- even responsibility for actions that were not theirs.

Please notice that Yeshua (Joshua) the man you call Jesus accepted the punishment due the Roman Governor, the members of the Sanhedrin, and even Judas Iscariot --- even the punishments due to me and you, all this he accepted responsibility for, as if the errors and wrong-doings and evil motivations and evil results were his own.

This is how he is owed eternal praise and how he overcame the failures of Adam--- by accepting responsibility, not only for himself and any mistakes he made, but for all of us as well.

So now it becomes clear why we also overcome when we accept our responsibility for our own actions, for our families, and for our world.

It also becomes clear how the First Sons and the Cain-anite sons of Satan have failed -- by thoughtlessly creating babies and abusing them and shoving them off on the public dole, by using and abusing their wives, by using and abusing the Earth --- and then standing their with their filthy idols in hand, claiming that they are owed anything but condemnation in return.

They have also created all these corporations and then left them to “run amok’ in mindless pursuit of profit, and have allowed these THINGS they created to cause damage to innocent people without any reasonable acceptance of liability for any of it.

Note the example I gave you yesterday --- first, they off-loaded the responsibility of the vaccine manufacturers for the damage their products cause to the government corporation that they claim is “representing” us---without our consent or a contract to do so--- and second, when the governmental services corporation goes bankrupt, they propose to continue their operations with no liability at all.

But the right to conduct business in commerce depends upon acceptance of the liability of doing so. They are now out of business by definition and all across the board their corporations have no ability to continue to participate in interstate commerce of any kind.

They have also published remedies like HJR 192 to cover their butts for stealing gold belonging to others, and then purposefully obstructed access to the remedy and many other examples of bad faith, shirking responsibility, extorting others to pay their bills, and similar activities.

The First Sons and the Sons of Satan have struck out both in their private lives and in their public lives, too.

We have lived to see the days in which the results of the contest between Eve's children and Satan's children are decided, and indeed, you have all now heard the results.

Both the Earth and the World belong to those who take responsibility for their actions.

And Eve’s children are the only ones who have.


See this article and over 2500 others on Anna's website here:

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Out of Shadows - The Movie

Eve Claims Victory in the "Endless" War

By Anna Von Reitz

Setting: Garden of Eden

Characters: The Living God, Adam, Eve and Satan

The Plot: Satan lies to Eve and eggs her on to eat a forbidden fruit. Eve eats the fruit and gets Adam to eat it, too. They get caught.

Adam blames Eve. Eve and Satan take their lumps. Adam is disqualified, because he doesn't take responsibility for his own actions.

The children of Eve contest against the children of Satan to inherit everything.

The Climax: [Fast forward thousands of years.] Satan and his children default.

They abdicate responsibility for the corporations and babies they've created.

The End: Eve and her children are the only ones left standing and caretaking and accepting responsibility.

Slightly more than a day and a half ago, the Spirit of Falsehood was located in a dungeon beneath Balmoral Castle in Scotland, and transported from the Earth.

In approximately a day and half, the profound change will become noticeable even to people without a spiritual bone in their bodies.

The war that has been the source and cause and mother of all wars, is over.

The meek who did not mock the True God, who did not worship idols, who did not treasure falsehoods, who did not worship the creation instead of the Creator, who did not build upon lies, who did not forsake their children, who did not ruin the Earth --- they shall indeed inherit, and the Gates of Hell have not been any fortress against them.

May the True and Living God be praised now and forever. Open your hearts to receive him and may your gladness increase by the hours.

Satan and all his deceits have been overthrown. His lies which encircled the Earth like bonds of steel are gone. By the hour, the tares are separating from the wheat, the sheep from the goats.

There will be peace --- abundant peace, and abundant life, and all manner of good things, for those who have overcome, each according to their good heart and the secrets of their inmost desiring; for our Father knows us better than we know ourselves, and his heart is turned toward his children now, to heal and teach us, to comfort and lead us.

It has been a very long struggle over a very long time. And now, it's over.

Please turn your thoughts to Jerusalem again, and to the gates, to open them wide.

Some have asked me whether they should think of this as opening the gates from outside the city or inside the city.

You need to understand that there are seals like the Seal on Bardsey Island, on both sides of the wall, and these must ultimately be overcome from both directions.

So in your mind, begin washing away of the seal on the outside of the city gates, and as the seals crumble away, let your mind wash over the stones and mortar, until you can feel them give way, and then enter, and wash away the inner seal on each one of the city gates of Jerusalem.

Those who hear my voice and see these words can do this: you can open the gates of Jerusalem, with the power now vested in your hearts, set free from all lies and limitations.

Envision the reds of home fires and camp fires, the reds of sunsets, the reds of roses washing over the city gates, remember the orange of citrus fruits, the orange of sunrises, the orange of chrysanthemums and let orange wash over the city gates.

Now yellow in all its glory, the bright sun of morning, the heart of the daisies, and stripes of the bees, let yellow wash over the gates of Jerusalem.

And green, the green of the new leaves in springtime, and pastures when the summer is deep upon us, the greens of the pine forests, too, let all things be made new, and let green wash over the gates of Jerusalem.

Find the blues of the ocean and summer days in you, the blues of autumn skies and winter nights, and hurl them against the gates of Jerusalem.

And finally, as quiet settles and the shadows come, let violet touch the rim of the Earth's horizon and strike the mighty blow that hails the kingdom come, and opens the gates of Jerusalem.

Let all of creation bow and sing a glad song again. The war is over. The issue decided. Man shall live at peace with man.

All praise and all glory to our Father in Heaven and to the One Faithful and True, forever and ever.


See this article and over 2500 others on Anna's website here:

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