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Sunday, June 13, 2021

Your Banks -- Progress and Instructions

By Anna Von Reitz 

Here's a quick update on progress for the International Trade Bank ("Blue Dot" Banks) initiatives that are now on the way.
Trade Bank Committees are forming all over the world and people are quickly answering the call. More than a dozen countries are ready to charter their own international trade bank, but having identified people with the correct political standing to act as Founders, and having found competent volunteers to act as bank stewards, fiduciaries, comptrollers, and directors, many of these Trade Bank Committees are stymied by the prospect of writing and issuing an International Trade Bank Charter, and still more are struggling over forming a wholly-owned commercial bank subsidiary.
We have templated a basic charter that covers both bases, so now all that the various International Trade Bank Committees need to do is send us some basic information, we'll enter it into the template, and send back a charter ready for signatures.
To assist in this manner, we need the following information:
1. Name of their country: Ireland, Spain, Argentina, etc.
2. The "Demonym" they use: Irish, Australian, Canadian, etc.
3. The name of their International Trade Bank
4. The name of the associated wholly-owned Commercial Bank
5. The date they want on their Charter paperwork or instruction to leave blank
6. The names and addresses of the Founders
7. The names and addresses of the Officers (Steward, Fiduciary, Comptroller, Director)
8. Any special instructions or concerns.
Send to my attention at: with the Subject line "Charter". I will forward it on to our Forms Master, who recommends that everyone secure a copy of Affinity Publisher software to expedite continuing interaction among the various Trade Bank Committees.
Please note that banking, like law, is an occupation of common right ---and is not and never has been licensed on the land and soil jurisdiction of any country.
Please also note that International Trade Banks deal in lawful money, not commercial fiat and not military script. As a result, Trade Banks are the correct banks to accept deposits of actual assets, which include "cash value" assets, like silver certificates and cured labor bonds ready for settlement, as well as gold, silver, platinum, jewels and similar assets.
Commercial banks deal in fiat currencies issued by private banks and in military scripts, bonds, stocks, and similar instruments collectively known as "commercial paper". These forms of "legal tender" are not lawful money and are only used as currencies in the jurisdictions of the sea and the air --- not the land and soil.
As such, commercial banks are the correct banks to use to translate and deposit and transfer all forms of legal tender.
Please note--- the Americans have a special contract that allows them to "denominate" legal tender as lawful money; that is, Americans can force the commercial banks to count legal tender as if it was lawful money and treat it as such. They can also invoke a "dollar for dollar" exchange rate.
These advantages allow us to redeem fiat currencies of all kinds as lawful money of all kinds, using the fiat USD to Silver Dollar exchange rate as the standard. So, Americans can translate fiat Euros or USD issues into lawful money, and vice versa.
This is the reason that the International Trade Bank network hub, The Global Family Bank, is organized under American auspices and under American Public Law. There is no other country that we know of that has retained its ability to translate fiat money into lawful money and lawful money into fiat.
The actual Americans (not U.S. Citizens) can provide a gateway for the rest of the world and back pre-paid credit and Treasury Bonds as a cash-value asset. We can translate lawful money into fiat credit notes and credit notes into lawful money, resolve debt-credit transactions via offset (thus relieving corporate public debt) and open up a viable escape route from the chaos that will predictably result once so-called "emergency" commodity rigging stops.
On that front, the Bank of International Settlements has been prevailed upon to delay implementation of Basel 3 until January of 2023, which gives us a year and a half to complete the International Trade Bank Charters, Bank Treaties, Asset transfers, and other necessary work.
It's still a good, stiff schedule to meet on a worldwide basis and we cannot --- any of us, any country --- afford to drag our feet. Relief of the so-called "Taxpayers" and the corporate public debts of all countries is urgently needed, so let's boot 'er up and be on time for once.

And let's never forget the lessons learned.


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End the Mad Cow Confusion About "We, the People"

 By Anna Von Reitz

Let's end the confusion about who "We, the People" are--- once and for all?
There have always been "people" and "People" in this country.
The "people" refers to the General Populace, meaning everyone who lives here; the "People" refers to State Citizens, those who act as Deputies of the "people" in each State to conduct the business affairs of each State, and who are charged to act as Fiduciary Deputies for their State of the Union.
In a free country we all have a choice to make. We can live our lives as one of the people with a small "p", in what we call a State National status, and owe no duty to the State Government beyond keeping the peace, or, we can step up and shoulder the responsibilities of self-governance at the State level and serve as State Citizens and make decisions as Fiduciary Deputies of the State Government.
This is why it says "We, the People" are setting up the constitutional agreements and committing the State Governments to perform their part, and not "We, the people".
The People are the State-level Fiduciary Deputies of the States of the Union, the Principals enabled to commit the States to a course of action, and there are no others lawfully empowered to do so.
So, the People, the Fiduciary Deputies of the States, operating as State Citizens, are the only ones who are Parties to the Federal Constitutions and they, operating via their instrumentality, our unincorporated Federation of States, doing business as The United States of America, are the only ones with the lawful and legal capacity to enforce the Federal Constitutions.
It's precisely because our States of the Union have not been in Session for decades and our State Citizens have not been identified and active, that the Federal Constitutions have been disrespected and evaded by the other Principals--- the British Monarch, the Popes, and the Lord Mayor of London.
They openly claimed that we were "absent", "in interregnum", "missing, lost at sea" and so on.
To be fair, we gave them some cause to think this, because we did not qualify our people as Americans after the Second World War, didn't summon our State Assemblies into Session, and let most of our court functions lapse.
Encouraged to think that they could get away with it by our inaction, the other Principals scurried around behind our backs, registered each one of us as bastard children abandoned on a "battlefield", and also as wards of their respective foreign governments---- attempting to claim us as property belonging to their commercial enterprises and using us and our assets as collateral for their debts.
THAT, my friends, is what has gone on here. They have preyed upon the ignorant for so long and with such success, that they have grown arrogant and ignorant themselves. At the lowest levels of their administration the drudges responsible can no longer tell who is an employee and who is an employer.
So it is up to us to tell them in no uncertain terms.
It's also up to us to know who we are.
As things stand, we have millions of Americans who have been deliberately misidentified as British Territorial U.S. Citizens and as Municipal CITIZENS of the United States.
This has been done without their knowledge or consent, so of course, they assume that they are Americans and act as Americans----without, however, being legally "recognizable" as Americans.
If we don't come forward and identify ourselves and declare our political status -----and record it and publish it---- and organize our own State Assemblies, our employees reserve the right to abuse us and make legal presumptions about us at their "discretion".
This is the schtick that has allowed these foreign "Special Admiralty" Carpetbagger Courts to prey upon our people with such devastating success. This is why District ---as in District of Columbia-- Court Judges will sneer at you and tell you that the Constitutions don't apply in their courts.
The citizenry of the District of Columbia has never had access to any of the constitutional guarantees--- only constitutional obligations. If you are not an American, you have no constitutional guarantees, either.
So they have endeavored to take by deceit and legal mechanism what they could never win by open warfare, in the same way that they are now attempting to quietly murder millions of Americans via unaccountable medical malpractice.
This situation must come to an end, both by bringing international condemnation and law to bear upon the Perpetrators, and by "manning up" our own American Government. The sooner, the better.
The first Order of Business is to identify yourself as an American and record your proper birthright political status --- that is, identify yourself as someone owed every jot of the Federal Constitutions.
The second step is to join your State Assembly and engage the responsibilities and rights of self-governance.
Yes, you have to DIY --- Do It Yourselves ---- but you are Americans, after all.
You can do anything that has to be done, as you have proven many times before.


See this article and over 3200 others on Anna's website here:

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Here's How It Goes -- American History 101-2 -The Confederation

 By Anna Von Reitz

As we learned in part 101-1, the American Government started out as a Union of former Colonies, which were all geographically-described estates belonging to the people who lived within their borders, and secondly, with an unincorporated Federation of Estate Governments, The United States of America, which enabled the people of this country to speak with one voice in international and global affairs.
That's the way it was for five long years, 1776 to 1781. This entire country functioned with just two branches of government in place: national and international/global, with all the international and global issues being fielded by the Federation of States doing business as The United States of America.
So take yourself back to 1781. It's the height of the Revolutionary War. The various former Colonies described initially as "estates" have become known as "states". They are bound together in Common Cause against Great Britain.
As of January 1, 1781, there are still only two branches of the American Government in operation -- the Union, doing business at that time as "the" United States, and the Federation doing business as The United States of America, which deals with everything else.
This burden of dealing with "everything else" was overwhelming the Officers of The United States of America --- men like Franklin and Adams and Jefferson were kept busy trying to navigate the course of international diplomacy at the same time they endeavored to produce and pay for gunpowder at home.
Something had to give, so the Confederation was born.
The purpose of the Confederation was to conduct commercial business for the States.
Each State that was already a member of the Federation chartered a new entity, called a "state of state" organization, and these new business entities, like The State of New York and The State of Georgia, then joined together to form a Confederation.
It was this process that was memorialized by The Articles of Confederation.
The burden of conducting global commercial business was thus lifted off of the Federation and shifted onto the Confederation, though obviously, the States of the Federation remained able to conduct business in the global jurisdiction in the event that the Confederation as a whole or any member State-of-State failed.
Always remember that the Federation conducted all international and global business for a period of five years. In a pinch, it can always do so again, because its members are sovereign States.
The Federation of States thus gave up some powers and duties that were initially its responsibility, and handed them off as a delegation of power to the Confederation of States doing business as the States of America.
A third branch was thus added to the original American Government and by the end of 1781, we had:
(1) the Union doing business as the United States,
(2) the Federation doing business as The United States of America, (3) and the Confederation doing business as the States of America.
The Articles of Confederation create a new and "more perfect union" -- of what? The answer is ----American State-of-State organizations, like The State of New York and The State of Massachusetts.
No other union was being replaced by The Articles of Confederation; instead, a new union joining together business entities was being created.
Please note that this arrangement left a Federation whose members were all States of the Union like New York, Maine, and Virginia, functioning side by side with a Confederation whose members were all states-of-states, like The State of New York and The State of Maine.
In the parlance of our Forefathers, we had States and Confederate States, and the "Confederate States" were actually state-of-state business corporations chartered by the States.
This simple difference between States and Confederate States has created one of the most damaging and confusing semantic conundrums in the history of our country.
People who were not taught the difference readily called the Confederate States by the same name as the actual States, and mistook one for the other---- but a State of the Union exists in a different realm and capacity than any state-of-state organization it charters.
An unincorporated State is a sovereign entity; but, a "Confederate State" is a business organization chartered by a State. They are not the same thing at all.
By the end of 1781, you have three branches of American Government in operation:
(1) the (e)states of the United States (national soil jurisdiction);
(2) the States of The United States of America (international jurisdiction);
(3) the States-of-States of the States of America (global jurisdiction).
These represent different functions or "branches" of one government --- a Union of (e)states operating as an international Federation of States and as a global Confederation of States-of-States.
In general terms, the Union is supposed to determine everything that happens on the surface of the Earth apportioned to it, the Federation is responsible for the land underlying the soil and for operations at sea, including international trade; the Confederation is responsible for conducting commercial business for the States.
This compartmentalization of duties worked well-enough for the next 79 years.

And then, something happened.


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What Did I Tell You About Killing Their Priority Creditors?

 By Anna Von Reitz

I cannot believe that people are still being coerced and "shamed" and otherwise hounded into "voluntarily" being vaccinated with this goop.
As Priority Creditors of these Monsters, we all have a bulls-eye target painted on our backs.
They don't want to pay us. They make more money by killing us. Wake up.
They are in the process of killing millions of Americans, and have already killed millions of people in India. For God's sake, wake up. Now.
This isn't a "war". It's a commercial crime. And the British Crown is the main perpetrator. Again. Still. All the people in all the countries that have suffered under the lash of the British Raj since World War II are at risk.
The military isn't going to save you. The military Paymaster is a British Corporation --- SERCO. Haven't you observed that the military is standing there with thumbs inserted?
They are a big part of the whole problem. They are the ones who have been in control of our money since 1863. Read General Order 100.
The military brought you the first big "public bankruptcy" in 1906. Prior to that, they removed all your gold to "safe-keeping" offshore in the Philippines. The Federal Reserve scam and bondage? The military again. The Great Depression? Kennedy Assassination? Tricky Dick? The Two Party System? The crooked "Government" accounting system?
The Crooked Idiot Biden?
All this and more has been brought to you by Uncle Sam's Merry Men.
You think the military is going to clean up the CIA when they depend on the CIA and its 78 subsidiaries for all that juicy Black Ops funding?
So here they are, tacitly participating in a "Soft Kill" of the American People that they are supposed to protect against all enemies both foreign and domestic.
Here they are, letting drug cartels pour over our Southern Border and transferring money intended for the Border Wall to construction at overseas bases, instead. Leaving us wide open at home.
No more shameful display of cowardice, dereliction of duty, and negligence has been observed in a thousand years. Perhaps they all think that if they stay quiet and don't move, nobody will notice?
Put the hammer down and call these politicians out.
Do it, knowing that we are going to lose friends and co-workers and loved ones and many will even lose their own dear children because of these profoundly evil men and women.

And because you have all sat on your rumps and let these traitorous fools rule over you.


See this article and over 3100 others on Anna's website here:

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