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Tuesday, December 26, 2023

The Rule of Law or the rule of law....

 By Anna Von Reitz

The children of Satan are Masters of Deceit, and so they endeavor to fool everyone, every day, every way. 

Thus we have "Presidents" who aren't our Presidents  and Popes who aren't ministers and Kings without countries.  

Once you see it, it can't be unseen again. 

The past few years you have heard all sorts of speeches and whispers about "the rule of law" -- by which the rats mean all the little rules of law that they promulgate to benefit themselves and their secret agenda, which is illegal confiscation of American assets, credit, and labor. 

The way they invoke "the rule of law" and the context in which it is often stated leaves you thinking that they are talking about the "Rule of Law" --- as in a civilian society guided by lawful Sovereigns who rule according to the Law.

One is petty, foreign, didactic, and though potent as a tool for unjust enrichment, fraud, and other mischief, is merely an administrative tool. We have the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure as an example of that kind of "rule of law". 

The Rule of Law is a whole different kind of thing and at a whole different level --and it's what we automatically think of and assume when we hear the words "Rule of Law".  We all want to live in a lawful culture, where there is justice and peace.  

Sounds good, doesn't it?  

This is yet another example where the same words mean vastly different things.  And another example where their promotion of their "rule of law" is deceptive.  

People would vote for the "rule of law" by mistake, thinking that they were voting for the "Rule of Law" instead. 
And that is just part of the point and reason I am drawing this to your attention.  It's the same words, with vastly different meanings. 

Just as they have defined "American State National" to mean someone born in American Samoa, we have defined "American State National" as anyone born in and being native to one of the Several States of the Union. 

You see this whole practice of deceptive wordplay throughout their practices and organizations and institutions.  The truth is not in them, and often it is easy to see what they gain by lies and omissions and confusion spawned by this kind of duplicity. 

Innocent people would use their Federal Code citations and claim to be "American State Nationals" in their system instead of making the same claim in our system, and they would then be accused of perjury if they made the claim in court.  

The judges would ask, reasonably enough, "Were you born in American Samoa?" 

And you, confused would say, "Of course, not. I was born in New Jersey." 

And the judges would say, "Then why are you claiming under oath that you are an American State National defined under Title 18?  That very clearly pertains to people born in American Samoa. You have perjured yourself in this court!" 

If you protested that no, no, that wasn't your intention, etc., the same judges would charge you with contempt of court on top of it. 

It's a deliberate trap using deceptively similar words, even the same words, to mean radically different things. 

It is the same thing with "the rule of law".  They know that people would vote for the "Rule of Law" and mistake the topic under discussion.  A different kind of trap, but a trap nonetheless. 

In dealing with this sort of deception and those practicing and promoting this behavior, we must be severe and not excuse it. They think it is cute and smart and profitable; we know it is dishonest, deceptive, and potentially criminal. 


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International Public Notice: Receivership Claim Announcement

 By Anna Von Reitz

To All to Whom These Presents Come: 

Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents 

As detailed in our correspondence with H.E. Cardinal Dominique Mamberti of the Vatican Chancery Court and the respective Justices of the International Court of Justice and the various church, corporation, and administrative officials and officers, we have discovered that: 

1. The "President" of the United States is not occupying the intended and rightful Presidential Office, nor is he representing our "United States" but is instead operating as the CEO of a foreign incorporated Municipal Corporation located in the District of Columbia; 

2. The purported Kings of both England and Scotland have never actually taken the required Coronation vows to occupy the Sovereign Office on the land and soil of either country, and are instead attempting to operate in the air jurisdiction without standing in the case of Charles III and in the sea jurisdiction without standing in the case of King Charles of Scotland; 

3. The Office of the Pope has also been recently and radically changed and redefined in a way that appears to permanently vacate the ministerial office owed to the Roman Catholic Church as a whole, and which leaves Pope Francis operating in an uncontrolled and unstated secular capacity. 

Each of these manipulative deceitful and ultimately fraudulent misrepresentations of these High Offices of Public and Private Trust appear to be engaged to promote unjust enrichment, power-mongering, and evasion of contractual obligations. 

All three circumstances must be addressed and corrected by the respective communities and institutions.

Last week, we placed all British Territorial and Municipal Corporations in immediate foreclosure. Without a Sovereign holding the General Jurisdiction on the land and soil there is no standing in Law for the charters and registrations of these corporations, and no protective State Immunity. 

These corporations owe our American Government and the people of this country a great deal of money, assets, and interest due.  We have thus acted to protect our Fiduciary Interest as well as to protect everyone from lawless corporate interests. 

We allow that there are some British Corporations created in the earlier history of the British Union and Commonwealth that were properly chartered or registered; however, the lack of a qualified Sovereign standing on the land and soil of England for at least the last seventy and perhaps more years, (See Regina v. JAH) together with the failure of King Charles III to take the appropriate Coronation Vows, leaves no standing for any British Corporation and renders them all, effectively, stateless. 

Whereupon we have exercised our position as Preferential Creditors and secured the personnel and assets of all British Territorial and Municipal corporations in general receivership.  

We recognize the claims of the Hereditary Lord High Steward, Ivan Talbot, retaining the land and soil of England for the Kingdom of England, and will allow for the restoration of its lawful government, and the reinstatement of its corporate functions under the Christian and Constitutional Monarchy. 

Pending that outcome we claim full right of disposition and right to discipline all British Territorial and Municipal corporate citizenry on our shores and we require them to abide by the Law of the Land as established by our treaties and contracts on our soil, and to abide by all customary and historical agreements of our lawful governments on the sea and in the air, guaranteeing our peaceful co-existence. 

All other nations impacted by these claims are advised to proceed peaceably to restructure their present government into a lawful form of government and to reclaim their own land and soil jurisdiction without further delay. 

As a first step, individual nationals need to declare and record (not register) their lawful claims to their own Good Names, DNA, and other property interests, including their inherited birthright political status on the land and soil of their native country.
This can be done via publication in local newspapers, via our State Assemblies in The United States, or via the Global Family International Land Recording Service. 

Having re-established and declared their own national origin and identity, individuals are then empowered to restore their lawful governments on the land and soil jurisdiction.  

Research into each country's history and customs will be necessary. 

Issued by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
                 The United States of America
                 In care of: Box 520994
                 Big Lake, Alaska 99652

December 26th 2023


See this article and over 4500 others on Anna's website here:

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International Public Notice -- APB Fraud Alert

 By Anna Von Reitz

Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents

It has come to our attention that a group of international criminals is staging a major confidence racket out of Reno, Nevada, and using old, mostly abandoned military bases to expedite their activities throughout the country. 

The use of military bases entices unwary Americans into foreign international jurisdiction where they unwittingly become subject to foreign law. 

These Americans have invested privately in foreign currencies including the Iraqi Dinar, Vietnamese Dong, and Zimbabwean Zim, in the expectation that these currencies will accrue very significant value on the world market following a general currency revaluation. 

While currency speculation is often frowned upon as an unsavory activity, it isn't illegal and neither is the ownership or trading of foreign currencies. 

A man in possession of genuine foreign currency is  owed the full face value of that currency on the international exchange market, according to the posted international exchange rate. 

It is commonplace throughout the world for people to go to their bank or a currency exchange facility and exchange foreign currencies for local currencies. 

People in America have long been prevented from doing this, simply as a result of the general absence of civilian banks. 

Knowing this, the Perpetrators have told gullible Americans that they have to go to secret locations on mostly vacant military bases, sign Non-Disclosure Agreements, and also sign contracts stipulating what they will use their funds for, in order to exchange their foreign currency holdings and receive any benefit at all. 

The victims are told that they will receive back 2% of their investment's value, or, if the Perps like the proposed projects the people want to fund, up to 10% of the face value of their foreign currency investments. 

Both the location of this activity and the Non-Disclosure Agreement are calculated to control the victims, guarantee their compliance, and prevent them from bringing criminal complaints against the fraud later on.  

That is, the criminals propose to keep 90% of the victim's investment value for themselves, by (1) preventing the victim's access to civilian banks where they could freely exchange their currency at 100% value, and (2) by subjecting the victims to foreign law; and (3) by constructively forcing the victims to sign crippling Non-Disclosure Agreements designed to protect the Perpetrators.

These are international crimes and all peacekeeping and law enforcement offices, civilian and military, are hereby made aware of this ongoing international fraud scheme and confidence racket aiming to defraud peaceful, law-abiding Americans out of 90% of their investment value by means of the above manipulations. 

Everyone who has invested in these foreign currency products now has the option to declare their lawful birthright political status and to have access to our own American-chartered civilian banks, where they can obtain routine exchange of any foreign currency at whatever the current exchange rate may be. 

As the American Fiduciary it is my duty and responsibility to provide the civilian population with customary bank services, track and if possible, prevent international bank and currency fraud, and to protect the American people and their assets.  

This confidence racket, if successful, would potentially defraud American investors out of trillions of dollars and transfer the bulk of the investment value -- 90 to 98% -- into the hands of unknown criminals, quite possibly British Territorial Mercenaries, to be used for unknown purposes.  

If allowed, and if the future exchange rates are anywhere near the rates some people calculate, this would create the largest money laundering fraud scheme in world history.  

Issued by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
                 The United States of America
                  In care of: Box 520994
                  Big Lake, Alaska 99652

December 26th 2023


See this article and over 4500 others on Anna's website here:

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Reply to "Fearless Floyd" -- Alert to Law Enforcement

 By Anna Von Reitz

My first suggestion is to change his media name to "Clueless Floyd".  

For reasons unknown, except for a suspected attachment to the thoroughly discredited Reign of the Heavens Society, "Floyd" -- if that is his real name -- has been attacking me like any good troll-for-hire and "exposing" all sorts things I "exposed" about myself and my family and activities a long time ago. 

Go here: and read all about my purportedly dark past and my husband's purportedly dark past and all the gossipy nasty personal attacks that Floyd produces at someone's behest each week--- only do it with the complete story in your hand.  

Not a one-sided, half-baked, only partially disclosed Clueless Floyd version ginned up to get ratings for Floyd at the expense of leaving you all as clueless as birds on a branch.

If you want the truth you are going to have to read and make your own decisions. 

Begin with my book, Disclosure 101, which fully explains the early history of how I, a Great-Grandma from a tiny hamlet in Alaska, spent seven years of my life (and at my own expense) serving Notice on all the Pope's Municipal Corporation Employees. 

Then, read all about my work preventing the Reign of the Heavens Society from incorporating an offshore corporation calling itself "The United States of America, Incorporated" and using it to access the credit and assets owed to this country. 

Then also read my comments about the "Scalpers" set up in Reno, who are demanding that you come onto (mostly vacated) military bases and sign Non-Disclosure Agreements related to foreign currency exchanges.  

Ask yourselves why you would have to go on a military base and sign Non-Disclosure Agreements to exchange one currency for another?  

These men are crooks, obstructing trade and using both force and ignorance as tools to rook you out of the value of your speculative investments in foreign currencies. 

If you are good little girl, you might possibly get up to 10% of the value, subject to them and their judgement. 

But what if they have no right to mess with you at all?  

What if that piece of foreign currency belongs to you and whatever its face value may be--- that also belongs to you?   And come to it, you belong to you. 

Unless you are presently working for the military under an employment contract, you are a civilian and can exchange your currency directly at one of our civilian banks and not have to go through any of this turkey-trot designed to unjustly enrich these buggers with 90% or more of your investment value. 

No Non-Disclosure Agreements.  No dangerous international places to go with armed guards and check points.  No lengthy contracts.  Nobody sitting in judgement of you and your philanthropic projects. 

You get none of that with me --- and all of that with Floyd and his host of flying monkeys. Yet, Floyd says I am out to "steal" the value of your foreign currency investments. 

Pray tell, how? 

The exchange rates for foreign currencies are published worldwide every day on the internet, and posted for anyone including Homer's Pet Pig to read for themselves?  

So how am I or any honest banker going to cheat you out of anything you are owed?  The exchange rate on any given day is what it is.  

And in any normal country, you can walk into any bank and plunk down any currency you like and exchange it for Federal Reserve Notes, or Euros, or whatever else.  

The problem in this country is that the same Pikers proposing to make you sign Non-Disclosure Agreements have shut down the civilian banks so that you don't have access to normal banks. 

They did this against the law, to pad their own pockets. They are the crooks, pure and simple. 

They and people like "Floyd" are the ones proposing to charge you a fat 90% of your investment value and also proposing to limit what you can do with your paltry remaining 10%. 

Not me. 

I've opened up civilian banks for the first time in over a hundred years and said, have at it, people.  Take charge of your own country and your own lives. Come exchange your money for exactly what it is worth on the world market.  

No "secrecy".  No NDAs. No foreign territory. 

They offer to put you through all this cloak and dagger rigmarole for a reason -- and that reason is to protect themselves from being arrested. 

They do it on old military bases so that they have control of you in a foreign international jurisdiction. 
They make you sign Non-Disclosure Agreements so you can't complain afterward or tell law enforcement authorities.  

They charge you 90% for the "service" of exchanging your Dinar, Zim of whatever --- something you can do for yourselves, thank you, and you could retain 100% of your investment with no strings attached, if you knew how to find a civilian bank. 

Well, guess, what --- I have opened a civilian bank and made completely normal ho-hum bank services available to you, and they are mad because well, that gives you 100% of your investment and leaves those gluttonous rats with zip. 

They can spew lies about me and my husband and everyone associated with me until the cows come home and it will never change the fact that they are the ones aiming to cheat you. 

And as of this moment, I am dropping the dime on them.  

Hello? Military law enforcement?  We have people set up in a headquarters in Reno, Nevada,  pretending to be associated with the American military.  

This appears to be an organized confidence racket designed to take place on old military bases all over this country, fully intending to defraud the people of this country out of private investments they made in foreign currency.  

Exchanging foreign currency is a routine legal activity and we have civilian banks ready and able to exchange foreign currencies according to world market exchange rates. 

Our people are being coerced and lied to and told to go to "secret" locations and sign Non-Disclosure contracts in order to receive back a whole 10% of their investment value. 

In essence, they are being told that their speculative investments in foreign currency are worth so much that they can't have the full face world market exchange value paid to them without restrictions --- which is nonsense. 

This is self-evidently an organized confidence racket  pretending to be sponsored by "our" military.

Better clean your skirts, boys, and shut 'em down.  You, too, Floyd. You are dirtying up the airwaves for no good purpose. 


See this article and over 4500 others on Anna's website here:

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Onward, Christian Soldiers! by Fr. Francis Fenton

Father Francis E Fenton was a Catholic Priest, and a pioneer of the Traditional Catholic Movement.

He was co-founder of the ORCM (Orthodox Roman Catholic Movement) an organization of 11 priests at it's peak in 1979, who worked out of 27 chapels around the USA.

This was his address at the Vexilla Regis conference in the late 70s or early 80s. This could have been written yesterday and given for our times.