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Tuesday, December 26, 2023

The Rule of Law or the rule of law....

 By Anna Von Reitz

The children of Satan are Masters of Deceit, and so they endeavor to fool everyone, every day, every way. 

Thus we have "Presidents" who aren't our Presidents  and Popes who aren't ministers and Kings without countries.  

Once you see it, it can't be unseen again. 

The past few years you have heard all sorts of speeches and whispers about "the rule of law" -- by which the rats mean all the little rules of law that they promulgate to benefit themselves and their secret agenda, which is illegal confiscation of American assets, credit, and labor. 

The way they invoke "the rule of law" and the context in which it is often stated leaves you thinking that they are talking about the "Rule of Law" --- as in a civilian society guided by lawful Sovereigns who rule according to the Law.

One is petty, foreign, didactic, and though potent as a tool for unjust enrichment, fraud, and other mischief, is merely an administrative tool. We have the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure as an example of that kind of "rule of law". 

The Rule of Law is a whole different kind of thing and at a whole different level --and it's what we automatically think of and assume when we hear the words "Rule of Law".  We all want to live in a lawful culture, where there is justice and peace.  

Sounds good, doesn't it?  

This is yet another example where the same words mean vastly different things.  And another example where their promotion of their "rule of law" is deceptive.  

People would vote for the "rule of law" by mistake, thinking that they were voting for the "Rule of Law" instead. 
And that is just part of the point and reason I am drawing this to your attention.  It's the same words, with vastly different meanings. 

Just as they have defined "American State National" to mean someone born in American Samoa, we have defined "American State National" as anyone born in and being native to one of the Several States of the Union. 

You see this whole practice of deceptive wordplay throughout their practices and organizations and institutions.  The truth is not in them, and often it is easy to see what they gain by lies and omissions and confusion spawned by this kind of duplicity. 

Innocent people would use their Federal Code citations and claim to be "American State Nationals" in their system instead of making the same claim in our system, and they would then be accused of perjury if they made the claim in court.  

The judges would ask, reasonably enough, "Were you born in American Samoa?" 

And you, confused would say, "Of course, not. I was born in New Jersey." 

And the judges would say, "Then why are you claiming under oath that you are an American State National defined under Title 18?  That very clearly pertains to people born in American Samoa. You have perjured yourself in this court!" 

If you protested that no, no, that wasn't your intention, etc., the same judges would charge you with contempt of court on top of it. 

It's a deliberate trap using deceptively similar words, even the same words, to mean radically different things. 

It is the same thing with "the rule of law".  They know that people would vote for the "Rule of Law" and mistake the topic under discussion.  A different kind of trap, but a trap nonetheless. 

In dealing with this sort of deception and those practicing and promoting this behavior, we must be severe and not excuse it. They think it is cute and smart and profitable; we know it is dishonest, deceptive, and potentially criminal. 


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