By Anna Von Reitz
We have seen how the British "Governments" -- the Monarch, Westminster, and the British Crown, have by duplicity and fraud worked to take advantage of their own people and their people's private assets as collateral to fund wars of aggression, including illegal Mercenary Conflicts worldwide.
The first round of the present nastiness began in England during the reign of Queen Victoria where they "latched onto" their own people via a process of undisclosed corporate enfranchisement and used the proceeds to promote the British Raj in India.
We have seen how this has been expedited by evasion of their lawful contracts and by unlawful jurisdictional conversions and human trafficking.
We have seen how this same scheme has been applied by the villains worldwide and how it has resulted in widespread fraud, impersonation, identity theft, and conspiracy to evade lawful contracts and obligations.
We have seen how this has promoted the existence of the equivalent of the British Raj in India being used as a means to illegally seize assets belonging to other people and other countries.
We have seen how the Government of Westminster has colluded with the British Monarchy and how the British Crown Corporations have been used to entrap and illegally seize upon and "salvage" property assets belonging to entire countries, and how they have then used Municipal trusts to launder these ill-gotten gains.
This is British Colonialism being practiced in international and global venues by corporations. We call it Corporate Feudalism.
It was pioneered by Cecil Rhodes in South Africa and resulted in one of the most oppressive, ruthless, and racially bigoted regimes in human history.
The excesses, thefts, and brutality expressed by the British Raj in India also speak volumes concerning the nature of this form of "government" which should be, by now, recognized as a form of National Socialism.
This is why we speak of the "British Nazis".
It comes as a great surprise to many people today that Nazism, as a form of government, was embraced internationally.
Post-war media and propaganda have been used to focus attention on Germany's Third Reich and on demonizing and isolating Hitler's regime, but there was also the Vichy French Government and the Italian Government under Mussolini, practicing their version of Fascism, and many Fascists all around the world --- Lithuanian Nazis, Swiss Nazis, even Algerian Nazis --- and there were numerous affiliated organizations and famous individuals who supported the Nazis, too.
Prescott Bush, George H.W. Bush's adoptive Father, was an outspoken Nazi supporter and bankrolled Hitler's efforts from the start.
The abdicated British King Edward VIII was also an outspoken supporter of the Nazis and Hitler's regime.
We have photos of the British Royal family including the future Queen Elizabeth II practicing Nazi salutes and home movie clips of the children calling Hitler "Uncle Adolph".
Thus we speak of "British Nazis" and know whereof we speak, both in terms of the history, and the results.
It has long been the practice of the British ruling class to "play both ends against the middle", to finance both sides of every war, and keep a foot in both camps, so as to better victimize the losers and take advantage of the winners.
Hitler's entire rise to power was financed by the same industrialists and Monarchists that supported Winston Churchill.
Those same interests persist in pushing the same old ugly agendas: eugenics, transhumanism, geoengineering, weaponization of the weather, biowarfare, slavery, indentured servitude, racial superiority, clandestine sexual perversions, genocide as an administrative convenience, illegal confiscation of assets, impersonation, barratry, fraud and unlimited powers of government.
There is no difference between Hitler's Will to Power and Absolute Monarchy.
And this, it must finally be admitted, is what these undeserving cretins have been driving toward all along, with no respect for their own word, no conscience, and no decency.
They have sought to build a world hegemony based on unconscionable citizenship contracts foisted off on babies, impersonation, barratry, identity theft, unlawful conversion of assets, and other forms of white collar fraud allowing them to evade their social and business contracts.
The people of Great Britain have been owed a Christian Constitutional Monarchy since the Act of Union and also have been owed a Protestant Monarch as a pre-condition of the formation of the respective National Trusts and the contributions made to the National Trusts creating the legal fiction entity known as "Great Britain".
Yet almost immediately, in 1702, these agreements were secretly violated; there has never been a Christian and Constitutional Monarchy. It's all been shell games and fraud, appearances, smoke and mirrors sideshow stuff.
Queen Elizabeth II's Coronation in which she kissed the Bible in front of the entire watching world, and seemed thereby to create the required Christian and Protestant Monarchy, was in fact a fraudulent act. She acted in the Maritime venue and dishonored that contract within three days afterward.
Think of a little kid, swearing to tell the truth with their fingers crossed behind their backs.
This typifies the fraud against the Public Interest that these persons have practiced for 300 years.
The Monarchs, who held their crowns as "gifts and tokens" of His Holiness the Pope, as signs of their appointment as hereditary Overseers of the various Global Trust Interests they administered, were forever compromised and acting in conflict of interest from the start of any role as "Protestants".
How does one act as an Overseer of the Global Estate Trust, owing one's crown to the Pope, and pretend to be a Protestant and serve the National Public Interest at the same time?
Answer: this is done by "Special Papal Dispensation", like King Henry the Eighth worked out, allowing him to be the titular Head of the Church of England and get a 40% share of the value of every baptized member of the Church of England, while passing on 60% of "the take" to the Pope.
Like their Catholic brethren, the members of the Church of England were never told that their baptismal enrollments and later, Baptism Certificates, resulted in commercially valuable instruments representing the "deposit" of their souls as chattel backing the debts of the Monarchs and Church.
In this way, people really could speak about "buying and selling" souls.
This is typical of the Satanic nonsense promoted by the followers of the Father of All Lies.
They delude themselves with these narratives until they believe that they actually own your soul, and being convinced of this, they feel entitled to treat you as a slave and practice any amount of evil against you.
It remains to us to observe that the Baptismal Certificate, like the Birth Certificates, like the licenses, and the registrations, enrollments, and enlistments perpetuated by these Con Artists, are factually only a piece of paper and not a valid contract for lack of full disclosure and equitable consideration.
Their purported contracts are also void for fraud.
They have not fully and openly disclosed their identities, intentions, and nature; while pretending to be Protestant Monarchs, they have instead been Catholic Overseers; while pretending to be guardians and custodians, they have actually been commercial pirates and predators unjustly enriching themselves by unlawfully and illegally latching upon purloined assets, issuing themselves titles to property they don't own, and loaning us our own credit.
The traditional punishment for these activities is death. That is what the Hague and Geneva Conventions require.
Piracy, meanwhile, is punishable by hanging and in the worst cases, by drawing and quartering and gibbeting.
We do not propose to increase the bloodshed and trauma already inflicted on this world.
What we propose is the liquidation and/or forfeiture of all corporations related to these abuses, or, there is another alternative.
The corporations can be lawfully converted.
Just as they were unlawfully converted, they can be lawfully converted, come back under the Law of the Land and traditional Merchant Law, and begin operating as responsible and honest business organizations.
The lawful conversion must benefit the victims, so that the offending governments are not rewarded for their infamy, and their people are not unfairly benefited at the expense of the rest of the world, but not punished, either.
We must remember that the British peoples were among the first victims of these con artists. Blaming the victims is not appropriate. They must have their share and return of their own assets.
Then, to each their own, the people to their homes and land, their businesses and occupations; the institutions to their proper place, allegiance, and functions; the governments in their intended roles and jurisdictions; the mercenary armed forces converted back to an honorable estate --- and the world set right again.
We call upon all military, police, law enforcement, peacekeeping, and militia forces, all criminal prosecutors and crime prevention organizations worldwide, all banks and financial institutions, to recognize the fraud that has been perpetrated against this country and many other countries.
The Great Fraud amounts to a vast multinational identity theft and impersonation scheme that has impacted billions of people over time, and which has been the prime motivation and means of promoting illegal mercenary conflicts disguised as "wars" and also the profit motive behind insurance frauds resulting in genocides, tax scheme frauds disguised as gift and estate taxes, and more tax schemes disguised as concern for the environment.
Everyone, everywhere, must hear and raise the alarm, so that these criminals are no longer allowed to operate in our midst and prey upon our people and our assets.
Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
July 11th 2024
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