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Wednesday, August 24, 2016

" If you let one of them stand up to us, then they all might stand up! "

100 million firearms owners with over 300 million guns?

Hello? Earth? This is Anna....... Houston? We've Got a Problem Here....

by Anna Von Reitz

In answer to the question ---- why is the signature line on my "personal" check actually a line of micro-print endlessly repeating "authorizing signature"?   Why is this hidden?  Why is this necessary?

I am supposing it's the truth, biting everyone in the butt-----again.

I told everyone to look at what appears to be a signature line on what appears to be their "personal checking account" checks under high magnification.

I told them that instead of it being a line, it is a line of microprint, endlessly repeating "authorizing signature" or words to that effect.

Unanswered Letters -- Second Batch, Number 1--- For Woody and Arnie Rosner

by Anna Von Reitz

The problem as Arnie notes is very long-standing and began with a gross over-reach and misrepresentation and fraud back in the 1860's.  The fraud occurring here was just part of the fraud occurring worldwide.  As we have learned, what happened here also happened in Canada, New Zealand, Australia, India, Africa, Europe----- all using the same boilerplates. 

So this was begun throughout the old British Empire like a virus infecting the whole machinery of government and the relationship of all those governments infected with the people that government is meant to serve.

Arnie's interpretation of reality is simplistic in my view and pre-supposes that all these people did know (or do know) what they are doing and know that it is wrong and are doing it anyway. 

I take the more measured view that I didn't know what was going on and was just a cog in the wheels during the years I worked for the STATE OF ALASKA and Department of Labor and so on, so if I didn't know this---- who did?  Maybe some people many steps up the ladder, but nobody in my ranks which were still fairly high in the overall structure.

My observation is that information is kept compartmentalized in such a fashion that there is very little chance of anyone outside the core management group ever getting a glimpse of the Big Picture and seeing that it is a crime syndicate at work. This then allows the rats to trade on the good, well-intentioned people they hire and use them as a smokescreen and as unwitting tools to accomplish their fraud.

I have talked to many, many people in state and federal government and the light is just now, very dimly, beginning to come on. 

For someone who has worked as a Securities Trader on Wall Street it is child's play to look at a "Birth Certificate" and recognize it as a bond.  It's on bond paper.  It's signed by an officer of the probate court--- the Registrar.  It has the required form and numbers.  But how many of us work as Securities Traders on Wall Street---- ?