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Thursday, April 22, 2021

Additional Issues for The International Court of Justice -- Blood Money 11 -- Counterfeiting

 By Anna Von Reitz

One way to look at the current situation is that we have taken possession of the Labor Bonds issued "in our names" by the DTC, which represented "the US Debt", and which on the flip side, from our perspective, establishes the American Credit.
Those of who have been following the logic already know that it is impossible for such a debt to exist without the equal generation of credit.
Each existing Federal Reserve Note of any denomination has a Serial Number and that Serial Number is attached specifically to the life estate of an American. The Labor Bonds were the basis of the issuance of that currency as a debt owed by the Municipal United States -- and that debt continues until it is offset.
The only way to offset it, is for it to be "redeemed".
Someone has to walk into a bank and exchange it for our new currency, which will be based on spending down the pre-paid credit. That is, the new currency will be a credit certificate, not a debt note. As the new bills go into circulation, the debt is naturally "retired" and the old Federal Reserve Notes are destroyed.
We plan on doing something very simple --- leaving the President's faces on the bills so that people are not too startled by the change, and replacing the reverse side image of the currency with our American Bison symbol. The exchange rate will be one for one, so that nobody feels cheated.
As this currency is backed with pre-paid credit there is no longer any implication of debt incurred by the user, and as it is being issued by the actual government and not a consortium of private banks, it will be a fully secured public script.
The effect of the offset on the world economy and the average American family, both, will be swift and positive, but also gradual enough to avert chaos. There will be no need to worry about rushing to exchange Federal Reserve Notes for American Certificates.
There remain numerous concerns, and among them, one of the chief concerns is counterfeiting and failure to dispose of redeemed Federal Reserve Notes.
Mr. Obama set up a worldwide counterfeiting operation based in China, Thailand, and various other foreign countries, and actually sent our printing presses, specialty papers and inks, and engraving plates to these countries so that they could print their own supplies of "Federal Reserve Notes" at will.
Of course, the Serial Numbers are faked and/or duplicated, but otherwise these bills look absolutely authentic. This presents the specter of having an endless supply of "new" debt notes that these foreign enterprises can present for exchange against our Credit Certificates and significantly increases the cost of detection and disposal.
We propose that those responsible for this situation, the Queen's Government and the Government of Westminster, be held accountable--- and that we should be reimbursed for these counterfeit Federal Reserve Notes along with the cost of detecting and disposing of them. This particular problem, like so much else, would not exist except for their choices and actions.
Furthermore, the disposal of redeemed Federal Reserve Notes cannot be entrusted to the usual parties -- the Secret Service Treasury Agents and Federal Reserve Banks, since the temptation would be to recirculate the bills instead of destroying them. We should be reimbursed for the entire cost of setting up our own double-or triple-walled disposal system.
Federal Reserve Notes have been used as the domestic currency of this country as part of the administration of the monetary system by the U.S. Military since 1913.
As the Territorial Congress is not authorized to issue money and is obliged to function on credit only, a debt-credit system had to be adopted with the Municipal United States and its citizenry held to be the Debtors and the Americans targeted as the Creditors, with the Territorial U.S. Citizens left cozily in the middle as the ultimate Arbiters.
Of course, nobody told us, the Americans, about any of this.
The various purported changes in our political status created by unconscionable contracts and registration processes foisted off on us as babies were undisclosed and used to redefine Americans as Federal Dual Citizens --- deemed to be obligated both as Territorial U.S. Citizens and Municipal citizens of the United States --- in other words, our erstwhile foreign employees redefined us as anything and everything but what we actually are: the "long lost" Americans.
And now, like the American Bison and the American Chestnut Tree, we are back home.
Approximately half of our purloined estate has been returned to us by the Pope; this is not exactly a favor, as the relief of the American Credit being applied also means the offset of the Municipal Debt -- and while that releases Americans from bondage, there remains the issue that most of us were not actually Municipal citizenry to begin with and never were.
We didn't owe any "war reparations" and were stuck for it anyway.
The ownership of the Municipal Corporations and the Territorial State of State Corporations that have been chartered "in our names" must also be settled.
As this was all predicated on a Cestui Que Vie basis following the Second World War, we propose that all those corporations be returned to American control and re-chartered under our Public Law, without any debt or encumbrance attached.
We are being approached on all sides by conventional commercial bankers hungry for corporate Medium Term Notes, thinking that our Labor Bonds are bonds that they can re-issue as monetized securities. They still aren't wrapping their heads around the concept that these bonds have already been issued and are matured and will be gradually cashed out.
Think of Savings Bonds. They are issued, they are kept for a specific period of time, they mature at a final value, they are cashed out. The Labor Bonds are similar. They are issued, they mature, they are cashed out as Bearer Bonds. So there is no further securitization or monetization involved.
None would be possible anyway, as our Public Law forbids the securitization of living flesh---- a fact that will shortly be brought home for those who have "presumed" to trade upon our land assets as if they belonged to a foreign nation.
The Double-Ended Impersonation Scheme that has kept Americans enslaved to foreign governments since the end of the so-called Civil War, is at an end. The international banking community will have to readjust its thinking, its practices, and its assumptions of debt to fit the facts. And so will the courts.
The pertinent Maxim of Law impacting both the Roman Civil Law and the Law of Admiralty is: "Fictio cedit veritati; fictio juris non est, ubi veritatis." -- Fiction yields to truth; where truth is, fiction of law does not exist.
Between them, the Queen's Government and the Government of Westminster owe us, the Americans, the return of all the land titles they "presumed" to exist on the basis of their unconscionable registration processes, and their "assumptions" about our individual political statuses ----and also the return of all our purloined and removed gold and silver assets, which the U.S. Navy began to transport offshore in the 1880's for "safekeeping" in the Philippines, Indonesia, and other Ports of Call.
This offshoring and cashiering of our gold and silver reserves has prevented the re-establishment of sane commodity value standards throughout the world and has expedited the lawless and unaccountable commodity rigging, including the manipulation of international currency commodities, that we have already discussed.
It is apparent to any thinking man that this entire criminal boondoggle which has occurred in Gross Breach of Trust and Commercial Service Contract, is more than sufficient cause for the High Courts in International and Global Jurisdiction to take action in our favor and to require the return of all our purloined assets, including our Title IV Flag, which was loaned to our Treaty Partners for their use in the discharge of their Delegated Powers---- that is, Duties, for which they have been well-compensated --- and which was "lost" to pirates during the year 2000 vacating of the United States Municipal Capitol.
If we loan our lawn mower to our employee so that he can mow our lawn, and a robber takes it, it is still our lawn mower.
The pertinent Maxim of Law is: "Possession by pirates does not change ownership."
In the same way, our Title IV Flag has been seized upon by pirates and is subject to recapture under both Law Merchant and Admiralty Law. We understand that the pirate in question, a Mr. Russell Gould, went to the Vatican and "cut a deal" claiming that he was the rightful owner of our Title IV Flag.

We strenuously object to these agreements made in our presumed absence and dispense with them as the actual owners of the flag in question. We consider this another form of counterfeiting and attempted identity theft, which must be universally opposed.


See this article and over 3100 others on Anna's website here:

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Who's fault is it if you get sick?

In Communicating With Me

 By Anna Von Reitz

You know, folks, I told everyone a long time ago that I am utterly overwhelmed with the international affairs end of things and with trying to get the State Assemblies up and fully functional and running and the Continental Marshals trained and launched and the Peacekeeping Task Force, and the banking system and the legal issues and, and, and.
Okay? I do not have time to hand-hold individuals or get engaged in individual court cases. There simply isn't enough time in an average day to get a lunch break and a few hours of sleep, and there is no time left for me to fight the rest of the battle for you.
I have to keep my nose to the grindstone and hold the fort in international jurisdiction and you all have to hold the fort back home on the land and soil.
Over the past year we have made huge gains and strides forward in terms of gaining recognition and organizing the Assemblies and solving many problems that stood in the way of effective functioning. We've overcome attacks from without and within. We've developed more and more effective means of dealing with the existing courts. We've had research breakthroughs that have greatly helped our efforts. Lots of new people have come forward and brought their insights and skills to bear. We've developed wonderful new teaching tools, State Credentials, and two independent recording systems.
To say that we've had our hands full would be a gross understatement.
There is now plenty of information on the latest defenses for everything from mortgage foreclosures to custody battles to traffic citations posted on our websites. The new Court Set-Off Demand Letter for the Head Court Clerks can be easily adapted for use against Banks (sent to their CEOs) and other corporations. The new Federation Criminal Incident Report and the standard forms A091 or A0442 are available to file in The United States District Courts for Your State for damage claims.
You have got everything you need but a backbone to defend yourself from attacks in the Municipal COURTS and you have everything that you need to claim damages and redress for trespasses.
The best advice for dealing with the foreign courts is to KEEP IT SIMPLE.
Just tell them flat out, in writing preferably, that you are an American and you stand under the Public Law ---not the Statutory Law--- and now that your State Assembly is in Session, there are no grounds for them to presume anything else.
You have no ability to pay anything, because there is no money in circulation and there hasn't been any for decades.
If you live in one of the Western States be sure to add that as of October 1, 2020, all the western states have been officially enrolled as States of the Union.
If you've got a pesky Defense Attorney, start asking them if you have full disclosure? Just keep asking that one question. Ask the Judge. Ask the Prosecutor. They can't answer, because you don't have full disclosure.
They can't answer and they can't proceed, either.
If anyone tries to force you into a vaccination, look them in the eye and say, "I'm allergic to the serum." That's the exemption already provided. Use it.
You have to gird up and go for it yourselves, learn the logic of your situation, and act accordingly.
More and more judges and lawyers are waking up and learning the facts and as they do, they are covering their own butts and showing a lot more "understanding" and respect. That's a good thing. Some are just crooks getting in their last licks. That's a bad thing.
Like that proverbial box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get, but if you use questions against them and keep everything very, very simple --- you will win.
We continue to post updates and new insights and progress reports and to develop forms, procedures and evidence to help you---- but there is no way for me or The Living Law Firm to do it for you.

Please respect my absolutely mammoth workload.


See this article and over 3100 others on Anna's website here:

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