By Anna Von Reitz |
Executive Orders apply ONLY to the "Executive Branch" members of the organization being represented.
Joe Biden represents a new, bogus Municipal CORPORATION that is trying to snag a contract with us by assumption.
He is not President of the United States of America and, more importantly, he is not The President of The United States of America, either.
Anyone who isn't directly employed by "President Biden" and who isn't part of the Executive Branch of his commercial corporation can ignore him and his Executive Orders with all the impunity of non-employee of Wendy's ignoring an "order" for a Wendy's Burger.
As an example--- "mask mandates" apply only to actual Municipal "citizens of the United States" and his Executive Orders apply only members of the Executive Branch of the privately owned and operated Municipal CORPORATION he is trying to use as a storefront "representing" our lawful government more than five (5) years after we served Notice that we are in Session and not accepting representation apart from the explicitly enumerated delegated powers.
We have told Biden and his Administration and his Handlers and the Principals responsible for this Mess---- no deal. No further contract without a complete audit and renegotiation.
Biden is a self-admitted influence peddler and crook, and we refuse any authorization of any credit or any use of American assets by his Administration.
We demand a full audit and disclosure of actual and validated political status and fiscal standing related to every so called "citizen of the United States", including an audit and validation of all IRS and Internal Revenue Service Master Files, which deliberately create False Dossiers on Americans and impersonate living people.
All the Municipal Corporations authorized under the Corporations Act of 1870 are improperly chartered and are operating illegally in this country and worldwide. We have already stipulated the conditions under which they may be re-chartered under American Public Law. They are otherwise all subject to liquidation.
This Public Notice is being sent to peacekeepers and law enforcement officers, courts, and regulatory authorities worldwide. Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals and Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents.
by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
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