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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

International Public Notice: Seeing Is Believing

 By Anna Von Reitz

Some people resist the news that their beloved national government has been usurped by dirty crooked mercenary corporations merely in the business of providing "governmental services".  

Even the idea that their State of Idaho or State of Florida administration could be exactly such a corporation and nothing more, is such anathema that they spend their days muttering under their breath and saying the equivalent of, "Oh, what nonsense! Our government --- a foreign for-profit corporation?" 

Surely, that's not possible, right? 

If anyone reading this has doubts that the organizations that have been deceiving you and bossing you around are incorporated entities no more sacred than Raytheon, Inc., McDonalds, Inc. and Starbucks, Inc. --- here is your chance to prove it to yourself. 

Here are some fresh links you can use to search the database at OpenCorporates--- just plug in "State of Idaho" or "U.S. Congress" or "Macon County" instead of Dairy Queen: 

AMERICAN DAIRY QUEEN CORPORATION :: Michigan (US) :: OpenCorporates- I started here, take a look at the filings go to 1968 Application for Authority to do business.

AMERICAN DAIRY QUEEN CORPORATION :: Delaware (US) :: OpenCorporates The notation means the parent company is DELAWARE, the US franchise operating in our State called Delaware. 

Next, go look up some Dun and Bradstreet Numbers for your State of State, County, or any Federal Department or Agency: is an excellent search engine for slightly different information about business entities, too.  

And don't forget "The Companies" for businesses in England. 

Look up "Great Britain". 

Virtually any name of any part of any traditional government has been "mirrored" with an incorporated entity of some kind.  

The original Department of Justice has been mirrored by both the Department of Justice, Inc. and the DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, INC. 

And so it goes.  

They have incorporated versions of everything, every county, every state, every province, everywhere, every department, every agency, and none of them are your government.  Many are not even chartered in your country and are operating out of a home office somewhere else. 

All of these "government" entities have devolved to the level of a commercial or municipal corporation in the business of providing "essential government services" and just as Nike Shoes, Inc., has no connection to or authority over you (unless you work for Nike) neither do they. 

They've operated as thugs for generations and they still do.  They hire private police forces to protect themselves and their investments just like Feudal Barons, and they use these private police forces to harass and rob people of everything including their homes and children.  

So everyone can stop wondering if we are telling the truth.  See for yourself. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

June 26th 2024


See this article and over 4900 others on Anna's website here:

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Oh, Lord, Let Them Hear Me!

 By Anna Von Reitz

Federal citizens have no Natural and Unalienable Rights afforded to them. This is as true for U.S. Citizens as it is for citizens of the United States. They have no protection provided by the Constitutions.  They have no right to free speech, to own land, or much of anything else. 

They are modern day slaves, indentured servants, or both.  

The slaves have "equal civil rights" until one of the Masters takes their civil rights away, as Donald Trump did in 2020 with the stroke of a pen. 

The indentured servants have "human rights" until they are redefined as "transhumans" and "GMO patentable commodities" after receiving undisclosed injections of patented mRNA.  

Both citizenries are obligated to live under the limits and constraints of their respective Constitutions, but have no constitutional guarantees. 

The Constitutions are their meal tickets and service contracts, which is why they hold the Constitutions in such veneration.  This is why they talk about the Constitution day and night and also why they seek ways to avoid their obligations and duties under it. 

These men and women "acting as" public employees  have been in a state of rebellion and insurrection since the so-called Civil War, but nobody noticed that they were, steadily, year after year, secretly undermining the American Government, illegally accessing American credit, and evading their duties.  

Hardly anyone noticed their stealthy misdirection and malfeasance and coercion, but it has been there nonetheless.  

So when you hear about election fraud impacting their elections and nobody seems to do anything about it, and you see that their "Supreme Court" is taking away their "right" to free speech (because civil rights have been suspended by DJT or because they lost their standing as "humans" and their human rights once they took the mRNA shots) and their CONGRESS votes to sign treaties giving away their right to control their own bodies to another nameless faceless corporation calling itself the World Health Organization ---- realize what is going on, realize who this impacts and why. 

Make sure that you are standing on the land and soil of your own country and are recorded as being in your proper political status when the curtain comes down. Make sure you can defend your position as Joe Average American, so that all this wrong-doing and evil cannot be misapplied to you.

And for God's sake, share this information, so that Americans can stop calling themselves "citizens" of these foreign entities, and Public Employees can grasp the importance of what I am telling them, too. All the lies and deceits from the Civil War until now are all coming home to roost.  

If you have to quit your job to retain your rights, quit your job.  If you have to move back home to Bellevue, move.  Whatever you have to do to assert, re-establish, and maintain your identity as a plain old American --- do so.  It's more important and more precious than you know. 


See this article and over 4900 others on Anna's website here:

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International Public Notice: Another Failed "Legalization" Scheme

 By Anna Von Reitz

We recently unraveled the secrets behind "Regulation Z" and showed how it came into being as a remedy for actions and demands that are otherwise blatantly illegal --- forcing people to make false statements and create false public records about their own activities and the use and ownership of their own cars and trucks.  

Despite Regulation Z being on the books for almost seventy years, there has been little or no effort to provide this remedy to the Americans who are owed remedy.  Nobody advertises the remedy.  Nobody explains it.  And many of the "state-of-state" service providers don't provide the Z plates or Z tags that legalize their own registration statutes, with the result that these statutes are void and their activities are "recriminalized".  

Instead of correcting their operations, most of these state-of-state "service providers" prefer to try to misidentify the victims of their ineptitude as troublemakers and attempt to ignore their objections and continue to suborn them to create false registration documents.  

We've had cases of Americans being arrested, thrown in jail, their cars impounded, and themselves fined for "failure to register" when they have no obligation to register and are in fact being suborned to commit a crime against themselves and against their own property interests without remedy --- remedy that is supposed to be provided by the same characters who are causing the whole problem from beginning to end. 

Let's bring forward another example of administrative self-interest and ineptitude torpedoing another "legalization" scheme -- with even more dire consequences for this entire country and everyone in it. 

As part of the legalization of their Federal Reserve Note legal tender imposition, immortalized in Federal Title 12, are provisions for Mutual Offset Credit Exemption Exchanges, MOCEEs, which are basically debt swaps. 

The idea was/is that whatever we Americans may owe the Federal Subcontractors for their "services" can be swapped against debts they owe us--- which over the years have grown to absolutely staggering proportions, estimated to be in excess of $200 Trillion dollars in "unrealized losses" --- meaning that we haven't called in their debts, until now. 

In this scary Mutual Detente situation, we have offered to swap some of our massive prepaid credit against their National Debt, thereby relieving their increasingly untenable practice of constantly "raising the debt ceiling" --- all without our permission, of course, which really is an issue and something else we object to. 

Swapping our credit against their debt pays down their "credit cards" without changing their debt ceiling; and in fact, our prepaid credit -- which was all paid for with actual goods and services -- could wipe out their National Debt in an instant, except for the fact that they have stubbornly refused to accept the MOCEE debt swaps that are mandated as remedy and provided for in Federal Title 12.   

Apparently, they don't understand the profound advantage there is to them in doing this. 

Imagine that you had a $35 Trillion dollar credit card balance to pay off and a $36 Trillion dollar credit card limit.  You are on vapors. 

Imagine that a customer with a $200 Trillion prepaid credit surplus, offered to debt swap everything they owed you for services, against the $35 Trillion debt you currently owe them.  

What would happen? 

Your debt would be reduced by a commensurate amount and you would have new credit to spend, just like paying down your personal credit card, and you would have, in effect, a new extension of credit without any need to increase your credit limit.  

The MOCEE was built into the Federal Reserve System to provide means to pay down the credit cards on one side, and to provide legal remedy on the other. 

The legal remedy for the imposition of the Federal Reserve Note legal tender system depends on the MOCEE debt swap being made available and accessible, but it never was.  

The Office and Officers responsible for processing MOCEEs was never released to the General Public (we now know it is the Secretary of State who is responsible) with the result that although remedy was provided for, access to the remedy was not.  

In a very practical sense, millions of Americans were prevented from using the MOCEE debt swap provisions to pay off tax bills and service bills that they should have been able to discharge ever since the 1930s, which has resulted in harm to them and harm to the service providers, too. 

Members of the U.S. Congress have kept on "kicking the can" down the road until there is no can to kick, instead of implementing the remedy upon which the legalization of their whole legal tender scheme depends.  

Here's your Public Notice: Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals, Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents: 

We object to any presumption that our people are the "public" that owes bankruptcy protection to the Federal Government Subcontractors, their state-of-state franchises or affiliates. 

The "public" covering the debts of these foreign corporations is limited to actual, proven, and not merely "registered" members of their citizenry, owing to their illegal and immoral practice of undisclosed registration of  American babies. 

The Federal Reserve Note has been re-criminalized for failure to provide remedy and the so-called "Federal Debt" continues to skyrocket -- and still the Members of the Territorial U.S. Congress refuse to provide a required remedy that would, in the end, help all parties concerned: Mutual Offset Credit Exchange Exemptions. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

June 26th 2024


See this article and over 4900 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. 

How do we use your donations?  Find out here.

Mission-Essential Intelligence Tasks

 A few years ago I attended a two day seminar put on by the young man you will see in this video, in Idaho. He was an intel specialist in the Army and you will see some good preparations outlined in this video that we should all be thinking about. I am on his email mailing list and if you either follow his Rumble channel or sign up for his email list you will get  lots of good information that will be useful when the balloon goes up.

Paul Stramer