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Saturday, April 15, 2017


Rev. Fr. Leonard Goffine's
The Church's Year

What is the festival of Easter?
Easter, in Latin Pascha, signifies passing over, and has the following historical origin: Under Pharaoh, King of Egypt, the Jews in that country groaned under intolerable bondage. God had mercy on His people, and the hour of deliverance came. By His com­mand the first-born of all the Egyptians was killed by an angel. The Jews had been ordered by God to be ready for emigration, but first to kill a lamb, eat it in their houses in common, and sprinkle the door­posts with its blood. And the angel of death, by order of God, passed the doors sprinkled with the blood of the lamb, and did no harm to any child of the Israelites, whilst he slew all the first-born sons of the Egyptians. In grateful memory of this passing their doors, the Jews observed the festival of Easter, the Pasch, or Passover. After the death of Jesus, the apostles introduced the same festival into the Church in grateful remembrance of the day on which Jesus, the true Easter Lamb, took away our sins by His blood, freed us from the angel of eternal death, and passed us over to the freedom of the children of God.
Where, during this time, was Christ's holy soul?
In Limbo, that is, the place where the souls of the just who died before Christ, and were yet in original sin, were awaiting their redemption.
What have we to expect from the resurrection of Christ?

Public Notice Provided to All Federal Employees and Agency Personnel Including IRS/Internal Revenue Service and Treasury Personnel:

Social Security Numbers can only be issued to federal "employees" / "citizens" for use only in the performance of their official duties.  See 20 CFR §422.104.  SSN’s used as TIN’s apply to the same Persons/PERSONS.

That is, only federal Persons (Territorials) or PERSONS (Municipals) can be issued Social Security Account Numbers/TIN’s and that is the way it has always been, except…….

FDR and the Federal WWII Era Congress got around this and included millions of patriotic Americans by conscripting “volunteers” who agreed to pay federal income taxes as a “Victory Tax”. They did this by arbitrarily defining such voluntary taxpayers as Withholding Agents--- Warrant Officers in the Merchant Marines.

The Victory Tax was supposed to sunset upon the “cessation of hostilities”, however, in September of 1945, Congress conveniently forgot to put a specific end date on this arrangement and the Internal Revenue Service continued to collect –thus changing this from a voluntary arrangement to help win the war-- to an international extortion racket. 

This is your reminder that the Second World War hostilities ended in September of 1945.


Rev. Fr. Leonard Goffine's
The Church's Year

Why is this day called Holy Saturday?
Because on this day Jesus, the Holy of holies, rested in the sepulchre, and because the Church today blesses the new fire, the Easter candle, and the baptismal water.
Why is fire struck anew, blessed, and the lamps and candles in the Church lighted from it?
In ancient times it was customary to strike a new fire every day, bless it, and light the candles from it, and later this was done every Saturday; in the eleventh century this ceremony was restricted to Holy Saturday. The fire is struck from a stone to indicate, that Christ is the light of the world, and the Stone which the Jews rejected has now become the Corner stone of His Church; (Ps. CXVII. 22.) that the divine Son, the light of the world, was apparently extinguished at His death, but at His resurrection shone anew; that all those who witness this ceremony today be spiritually enlightened hereafter. This fire is blessed, because the Church blesses every thing that is used for divine service, and because the light and fire represent Christ, who brought the fire of love upon earth with which to enkindle our hearts. Luke XII. 49.)
What is represented by the triple candle?