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Thursday, February 22, 2018

Warning About Increased Vermin Activity

By Anna Von Reitz

Warning About Increased Vermin Activity
They are swarming now. Just visualize all the rats running from the ships down "ratlines"--- big ropes -- willy-nilly into the water and onto the docks, and then back onto the ships and then mashing about with all the cockroaches that have similarly been disturbed..... it's mass confusion.
You will hear many queer rumors and offers and there will be know-nothing quacks all over the internet seeking to sell you Shinola. Have none of it.
You must be very careful about signing anything now and vigilant about people making "offers" of any kind--- including "summons" to courts, "Notices of Liens" and other such veiled offers to contract that appear to be demands or obligations.

Continuity of Evidence and The Time Line You All Need to Know:

By Anna Von Reitz

In 1998, James and I gave Notice to the Pope that our states and people were never bankrupt and that this entire scam and Breach of Trust against our country was objected to in the strongest terms possible.
In 2008, we and about 900 other Americans served final Due Process concerning the Great Fraud to Pope Benedict XVI. We provided clear and convincing material evidence of the fraud, of the Due Process given to the Church and the British Monarch, and the harm done to our states and people and to the whole world.
On June 12th, 2011, the Romanus Pontifex was officially collapsed and terminated, via Ritus Mandamus and Ritus Probatum (Public Register Number 983210-331235-01004).
As a result, all claims to own the land and land assets were released by the Crown and the door opened for remedy and reclamation and restoration of the usurped national governments and the people's private property rights.

Bundys, Rod Class, and Michigan General Jural Assembly News

By Anna Von Reitz

1. Regarding the Bundys calling for an American Common Law Court to try their case: 

Everyone who has had a Birth Certificate issued in their NAME has to take action to correct the false legal presumptions that that creates.  

As things stand, the Bundys and the others have never corrected their status and so still stand subject to federal courts. That doesn't mean they can't bring their case to American Common Law Courts, too--- but it doesn't solve the problem, which is federal over-reach and false presumption and racketeering based on falsified public records kept on each one of us.  

Worse, there probably aren't enough people in that county who have corrected their status to form a jury pool of their "peers"---yet.    

Gun Grabbers Are Idiots; Pay Them No Mind

By Anna Von Reitz

I'm sorry, but it's true. These people have no grasp on real life at all, and if they did, they would already be down at the gun shop, signing up for gun safety courses, buying their own guns, buying ammo, and preparing to protect themselves, their families, their children, and their neighbors.
They would be attending School Board and City Council Meetings and banging their fists and demanding funding for Security Guard contingents in every school in America.
But instead they want to take our guns away from us, and "infringe" upon our rights to protect ourselves and our families.
I personally think that every Democrat and Progressive and Communist in America who wants to give up their guns should be allowed to do so. And they should be made to pay a hefty tax for leaving the responsibility for their own protection up to our police and to their more intelligent neighbors.
Think about just HOW stupid these people really are and where the logic of what they are saying goes.....
Let's outlaw chain saws. Why not?

The Americans Are Coming! The Americans Are Coming!

By Anna Von Reitz

Forgive me a little tongue in cheek, but I figure that raising the alarm is appropriate.  America: Some Assembly Required is available on
Our little monograph is being promoted  and reviewed as "explosive"--- "Intellectual C4 for the patriot movement" and "a powerful indictment of world government gone mad." 


Not what I expected to accomplish when I set out to give Donald Trump a blow-by-blow sound-bite version of the business history of America.  I just thought that, being a business man, he would more likely understand things in terms of business names and relationships, contracts, mergers, hostile take-overs, frauds, identity thefts, bankruptcies, and other concepts already in his professional toolbox. 

Names, Capacities, and Jurisdictions

By Anna Von Reitz

People keep stumbling over certain issues related to identity and function in society, yet we are or should all be pretty familiar with these concepts.

A true Proper Name in the English Language can only have two parts for grammatical reasons: John Doe. Prior to the late 18th and 19th century people used either this two-part Proper Name, like John Doe or John Adams or Benjamin Franklin--- or a descriptive name: Anne of Green Gables, Sydney McClure (equals "Sydney of the Clure Clan"), Anna von Reitzensten (equals "Anna from Reitzenstein"), Ole Johnson (equals "Ole John's Son"), Mick the Fishmonger, Emil the Stout, Mark the Younger Scribe, and so on.

In the late 1700's and 1800's the world began to change and the scope of travel and business dealings enlarged. Suddenly, or so it seemed, you could have ten John Browns all living within ten miles of each other, and then what is a poor merchant to do, when he can't tell one "John Brown" from another? The answer was the creation of the Trade Name, which we are all familiar with as a name with one or more middle names: John Michael Doe.

In the rush to very explicitly and uniquely identify themselves, it became fashionable for royals and nobles to have several middle names, usually chosen to honor dead family members or to give equal billing to the maternal line of the family: James Wilmington Clintwood-Smythe, Lorian Faythe Blair, William Perry Pennesfield, Ralph Waldo Emerson, James Wilkes Booth, Louisa Sophia Margaret Olafson, and so on.

John Doe is a Proper Name.
John Michael Doe is a Trade Name.