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Friday, September 27, 2024

Federation Presidential Elections

 By Anna Von Reitz

It has been suggested and the suggestion is being entertained that the Federation should engage in electing a President to serve as an Executive Officer to conduct business affairs for us besides the ongoing work of the Head of State and our Fiduciary Office. 

The Federation of States has not had a President since 1872. 

The requirements of the Federation's Presidential Office are: (1) a free man or woman of good character; (2) at least 45 years of age; (3) having been born on the land and soil of this country; (4) and having never knowingly and voluntarily separated their political allegiance from their native land and soil; that is, a candidate must adopt their birthright political status as an American and stand without conflict of interest or obligation to any other country. 

There are no references to race, creed, or color.  No religious requirements. 

The name and style of our Presidential Office is: The President of The United States of America. 

The Term of Office is four (4) years. 

The duties of the Office include the faithful and prudent discharge of our business affairs in practical and diplomatic circles, the enforcement of our treaties and contracts, acting as our Spokesperson, conducting International Trade and overseeing Commerce, overseeing our accounts and records and Government Accounting System, acting as the Commander-in-Chief of all American Forces and any hired Mercenary Forces in time of war, serving as the Postmaster, and at all times and in all ways, steadfastly promoting the peace and well-being of our country and our people and the world at large. 

Our simple government has one aim: to protect the living people and their assets, both public and private.   

Our Election Cycle begins on January first and ends with the Public Affirmation of the newly elected President on March first, every four (4) years. 

This Office has been vacant for over a hundred years.  The continuance of the Federation Government has rested upon the Hereditary Heads of State. 

The election of a Federation President would provide assistance to the Federation and a lawfully elected Officer to conduct business for us.  It would ensure that at least two of the Summoning Authorities will be immediately active going forward.  It would provide a greater bandwidth for social and cultural engagement. 

If we pursue this, it will require considerable coordination within each State Assembly and a Roll Call Vote affirming the chosen candidate for each State; the final tally determines the winner of the election.  

There is no Electoral College in a Federation Election. 

Nominations are open from January first to January 14th. Nominees must accept the Nomination and forward their response no later than January 15th.  

Nominees are provided with a Public Forum to address the State Assemblies Membership; each is asked to briefly describe their qualifications, their concerns, and their vision for this country.  Time is allotted for this on January 21st and January 22nd.  Balloting at the State Assembly level begins January 23rd and results must be tallied and forwarded no later than January 31st.  

Election results are announced one week later on February 7th; this delay is allowed pending final acceptance of the Office by the candidate and publication of the Election outcomes.  

A formal Public Affirmation is conducted March first, in which the elected candidate accepts the Office, together with its duties, rights, and responsibilities, and promises to faithfully discharge these duties and exercise these rights for the benefit of every American and our country as a whole. 

If undertaken, this process will command considerable resources, time, and effort.  It can be put off until more of the Assemblies are fully seated and prepared, but there are also considerable advantages to be obtained. 

We are therefore opening up the question and submitting it to the Assemblies, while at the same time, cautioning everyone to remember that this Office of President is not the same as the presidential offices we have become familiar with as a result of the Subcontractors' private political party elections. 

Our Presidents serve the people and the public good. They are not expected to be media personalities, great public speakers, or crowd-centered officials seeking votes and majorities and similar familiar political concerns.  Our Presidents are instead expected to defend individual rights, including individual property rights, to champion peaceful resolution of differences, and present the best traditions of our country to the rest of the world. 

We also caution the Assemblies not to be overly distracted by this question, and urge everyone to continue to give their utmost attention to the job of building your State Assembly and rescuing your fellow Americans from the web of political and commercial intrigue that has been used to entrap and mischaracterize each of us --- to the detriment of ourselves and our country. 


See this article and over 5000 others on Anna's website here:

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International Public Notice: The Templars, Armoricans, and Albigensians

 By Anna Von Reitz

Many people are confused about the Templars, but there is nothing so mysterious about them.  They were mercenaries.  They still are.  They began their more obvious activities in the modern world after the official Fall of Rome and with respect to that event, filled a role similar to Air America in Vietnam --- smuggling, racketeering, selling "protection" and transportation services --- exactly what you would expect from quasi-military mercenary groups that spring up around all and any conflicts. 

The Templars settled in as protectors of trade routes and, on the flip side, brigands blocking trade routes.  They exacted steep charges for their protection of travelers and caravans moving both east and west and held a monopoly on such "services" for generations.  They weren't Christian per se, and traded with Christian pilgrims and Muslim merchants with equal elan.  They also began a rudimentary postal service along their trade routes and an equally simple banking system that allowed travelers to deposit money at the starting point of their journey and pick up the equivalent amount in local currency at their destination. 

Like the Freemasons of today, the Templars admitted the existence of God, and also admitted their own ignorance of the subject, choosing to take a profitable "live and let live" approach to the whole subject of religion.  As one Grandmaster of the early Freemasons put it, "Why argue about what can't be seen and can't be proven?" 

The Templars were never exactly "Christian" and their red cross emblem is revealed, at least in earlier renditions, as an eight-pointed star associated with Zoroastrianism. 

By the time the First Crusades rolled around, the Templars were well-settled fixtures along every trade route and held many commanding physical fortresses that guarded (and blocked) important mountain passes; at sea, they had established sea lanes for their traffic and customers, which they guarded from pirates --- and which required them to have their own naval branch, too.  

Relations with the Roman Catholic Church and the various Kings on land and Monarchs at sea promoted by the Church were generally cordial; the Templars were very wealthy and able to grease palms on both sides of the aisle, provide needed and beneficial services, and reach the entire globe--- something that even the Church hadn't yet accomplished. 

Tales of Templar adventures and their white-washing as an Order of Knighthood made them popular figures and increased their ability to interest new recruits.  Their private mercenary navy which would eventually morph into the Merchant Marine Services, reached the New World long before the conventional European Navies could afford or justify such a venture.

No mistake that Christopher Columbus was a Templar living in Portugal, a "Phoenician", who brought news of Templar gold finds in South America, and who invited the Spanish King and Queen to invest in this latest venture.  Please note that Columbus's ships, which were actually following a well-defined Templar sea route to the Caribbean, flew the red eight-pointed "cross" of the Templars, and the actual mission of the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria had more to do with resupplying Templar bases and bringing news of the Royal Agreement than discovering anything. 

South American gold was a raw resource, like crude oil.  To be valuable as money, it had to be assayed, refined, cast into bullion or coinage, hallmarked or minted, all under the auspices of a Royal Mint.  Once this value-added process was applied, the Spanish Monarchy would be able to launder the newly discovered gold into the European economy without a ripple.  And so they did. 

How do we know all this?  Because for many centuries the von Reitzensteins were Templars and they guarded the passes of the Dolomite Mountains between Germany and Italy.  As simple material proof of these facts, we offer the location of the ruined von Reitzenstein Castle, and the corn plants carved into the stone lintels and embellishments of Rosalyn Chapel, built by the Templars in Scotland, centuries before anyone was supposed to have "discovered" the New World -- or corn. 

The wealth of the by-then Former Templars,  made it possible for them to risk vast amounts of money and manpower on commercial and service expansion, far beyond the resources of any European kingdom at the time.  So it is no surprise that these commercial mercenaries discovered the "Spanish" gold; those lucky enough to be both Spanish and Templars, like Cortez (the Avila Family), Santiago, Rodriguez, and others, received a double share of both gold and silver found in the South American Colonies, one share as crude gold, one share as minted gold coins. They paid the seigniorage one share and received the seigniorage on the other share. 

During the Roman Catholic Church's persecution of their former friends and service providers and the dissolution of the Order of the Knights Templar that began with a virtual pogrom in 1312, ten years after Pope Boniface the Eighth declared himself the owner of the entire world, the Templars were forced to make more serious use of their bases in the New World to escape being hanged, gutted, or burned alive as heretics. 

As they fled Europe en masse, the Templars came to safe harbors pioneered by earlier European refugees -- the Armoricans, who also fled westward from Church persecution, the so-called Cathar Crusade a hundred years before which decimated their cousins in Languedoc in Southern France -- the Albigensians. 

The Armoricans living in Normandy were blood-relatives of the Albigensians living in Languedoc in Southern France; both groups were part of a much earlier wave of migration that came from the Balkan States into France, and stayed, scattered along a jagged longitudinal line running north and south through western France. 
While not directly involved in the religion of the Cathars, their relatives, the Armoricans, were accused of being polygamists guilty of fornicating with heathens in New World, living with and having families with native women without mandating their conversion to Roman Catholicism and undergoing the Marriage Rites of the Church. 

As a result of this secondary and less famous persecution, many Armorican sailors simply sailed over the westward horizon never to return.  They had already had a thousand-year history of trading furs and fish and lumber in North America; moving there permanently and "going native" was not really that much of a stretch, if it meant escaping the Inquisition.  

Thus the Armoricans and Templars both fetched up on the shores of North America, first the Armoricans in the 1220s, second the Templars in the 1310's, basically ninety years later, and the two groups --- both fleeing persecution by the Roman Catholic Church --- became friends and trading partners.  The Armoricans had already established firm trading and social relationships with the native tribes and had followed the ancient practice of establishing Blood Treaties, by marrying into the tribes.  

As for the more snooty and modern-minded Templars, they made good use of the Armoricans who were able to sneak back over the seas to Armorica and fit in with the remaining Norman French population as traders and boat builders, merchants, and fishermen. 
By then, the Church had other worries and didn't notice the suddenly brisk trade accelerating the rise of the Hanseatic League and increasing the wealth and power of the Kingdom of Normandy. 

The Templars were mercenaries, but they didn't start out as smugglers and thieves and pirates; that was a necessity forced upon them by the Roman Catholic Church.  Likewise, the Armoricans were not the immoral reprobates that church lore would make of them; they were loyal to their families and their friends, honest trading partners, and excellent sailors. They embraced the principles of Christianity, but not the dogma.  

Both these groups, the banished Templars and the Armoricans had good cause to cherish religious freedom --- and to demand it from the Church going forward.  

Please note, these two populations are not Protestant.  They had their own separate grievances with the Roman Catholic Church, but these grievances arose long before Martin Luther.  The rise of conventional Protestantism afforded a welcome alternative culture that both the Templars and Armoricans supported, because, like them, the Protestants demanded religious freedom.  

Thus, we had the unlikely Trifecta -- the Puritans and other Protestant Sects fleeing persecution in Europe, coming to North America and discovering the Templars and Armoricans who had already arrived here for the same basic reason.  This is why, to this day, religious freedom and freedom of conscience are the bedrock of this country and a fundamental part of our cultural foundation. 

Knowing this history we are better able to understand why the native people of this Continent welcomed Europeans and helped them to get established; after all, these same tribes had long-standing and beneficial relationships with both the Armoricans and the Templars. They had no reason to think that the British would be any different.  

Suffice it to say, and to be observed on the public record, that the British and their Holy Roman partners in crime, were extremely different.  Violent, given to immorality and avarice, deceitful, divisive, elitist, racist, extremely hypocritical, and coercive, the Puritans called these later Colonists the "Masters of Deceit" and described their manner of speaking as "Double-speak".  

The American Indians described it similarly, as having a "forked tongue". 

Less poetic ancestors simply called them "the Liars and Prevaricators". 

We are now seeing and experiencing the long-term effect of this peculiar and distinctly evil characteristic of the British Government and their Holy Roman Empire Overlords coming home to roost; we can only express our determination that it comes home to roost with them, and not with us.  

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

September 27th 2024


See this article and over 5000 others on Anna's website here:

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International Public Notice: International Arrest Warrants Issued

 By Anna Von Reitz

The Federation of States is hereby acting in support of the people of this country by issuing International Arrest Warrants for all Parties engaged in any of the criminal activities described and documented by the Childrens' Defense Fund, including complicit hospital and residential school staff members, administrators of orphan homes and cemeteries engaged in supplying test subjects and hiding their remains, members of the United States Congress, Incorporated, New York Health Commissioners, employees of the NIH and CDC responsible for policy and program decisions associated with these results, program managers and attendees at the Simpsonwood Conference, pharmaceutical corporation executives engaged in continuing the use of Thimerosal in vaccine serums and all those engaged in covering up any of these crimes and injuries to the American Public and people worldwide. 

Once again, RFK, Jr., has proven himself to be a man of integrity, courage, and decency.  He is being joined by millions of Americans today, who are ready to engage the true enemies of mankind.  

For specifics, please review:

The Simpson Conference:  

The transcript for this secret meeting was published by RFK, Jr. in Rolling Stone Magazine in 2005.  

Imagine how many children and families could have been spared Autism and other disabilities if these criminals had simply stopped what they were doing? 

And now we find out that these poor "throw away" children who were subjected to these vaccine industry and drug industry experiments, were secretly buried in mass graves, right under our noses.  

We issue this International Arrest Warrant for these criminals to be arrested, jailed, questioned, brought to trial, and punished to whatever extent is appropriate according to their knowledge of and participation in these murderous experiments, promotion of these products, and corporate cover-ups related to the continued development, promotion, and sale of these products. 

All American Officers are hereby Deputized upon their receipt and acceptance of this communication to take whatever actions are necessary to protect the American Public and innocent people worldwide from any further reckless endangerment at the hands of these mentally diseased and morally incompetent madmen. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska  99652

September 27th 2024


See this article and over 5000 others on Anna's website here:

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International Public Notice: Regarding the Club of Rome and Scientism

 By Anna Von Reitz

As you can see from the linked Muckraker article, the Club of Rome pundits have been granted a totally unearned esteem based on sheep-like support of failed ideas originally promoted by the infamous authors of "The Population Bomb", Paul R. and Anne Ehrlich, two Stanford University professors who can't do math, and like the more recent Snopes, were bought-and-paid-for panderers to commercial corporation interests even back in 1968.  

Their Club of Rome Sycophants followed up four years later, in 1972.  

Here we are, fifty years later, still groping our way through ideas as outdated as sky blue polyester leisure suits and white patent leather loafers with gold buckles.  Let's dab some patchouli and musk oil behind our ears and keep on surfing. 

As usual, the flow of crap came from the U.S. and downhill to Europe, only to be regurgitated much later as Political Dogma in the Church of Politicized Science, also known as "Scientism".   

Faith in Scientism is even more difficult to fathom now than ever: according to the completely incompetent extrapolations published by the Ehrlichs, we should have all perished more than forty years ago, after a brief and miserable life spent licking the undersides of rocks. 

That didn't happen.  And won't happen.  Unless we are stupid enough to commit biological suicide.... but, oh, wait, two-thirds of us just did that, during a phony pandemic generated by the Church of Scientism. 

That Mass Insanity, akin to the Great Cat Massacre, was brought to us by Scientism, only this time, we've been lied to and led to kill each other en masse by the same Pied Pipers.  

And they are sitting there, in London, in Rome, in Geneva, in NYC, wondering when and if we are ever going to catch on?  

Is the day coming when we show up in defense of our own lives? 

Like any snake-oil, Scientism is gadded up in the trappings of science, but it's driven by politics and greed.  

The Pharmaceutical Corporations, thinking that they couldn't be sued no matter what crud they put in vaccines, cut deals with DARPA and Bill Gates and various other Nogoodnicks to create carrier adjuvants for delivery of their co-conspirator's "products" into the blood streams and cellular genetic codes of the trusting victims. 

Together, the Pharma Giants and their accomplices, the now-bankrupt and gone UNITED STATES, INC. and United States of America, Incorporated, the CDC, the FDA, the NIH, and all the "support system" collaborators --- the hospitals and Uniformed Officers, rolled in the profits like pigs in slop.

Our illness and death just promised more profit for them, so they were all happy as ticks, and busy occupying the same ecological niche, too. 

For its part, The Population Bomb Doctrine was a set up for the Green New Deal, wherein the Church Fathers have proposed to tax us for breathing, not to mention, for our unseemly farting cows. 

Any excuse to tax us will do, especially as their scheme to allow private banks to directly tax us for their bad spending habits, is failing.  

The Perpetrators have been forced to close down IRS Offices all over the country and the writing is on the wall, not only for the present Internal Revenue Service, but for any future iterations.

Payroll kickback taxes are in the sewer, where they always should have been.  The movement for restitution is no longer a dull grumble, but an open and outraged demand. 

The much-hyped Paris meetings devoted to self-inflicted taxation plans, didn't quite turn out as billed, but fear not!  The Perpetrators are ready, willing, and able to turn every volcanic eruption, every monsoon season storm, every earthquake, into more proof that we are angering the unseen gods and must be punished. 

Here for your grim amusement is the latest run down in outdated theories served up on a half-shell, complete with tragic and arbitrary results for the whole of humanity: 

We are immediately taken back to 1968, and yes, we need a JAG-o-matic with a free Cap Snaffler to deal with this. 

Please join us in putting these ancient sold-out quasi-scientists out of business once and for all.  Normal lies and slanders are bad enough without having to put up with fake science whoppers, too. 
This particular overpopulation disinformation has plagued humanity for over fifty years, cost trillions of dollars, ruined innumerable lives and businesses, and caused reckless and irresponsible harm.  

It's beyond past time for scientists everywhere to kick the running dogs of corporate self-interest right where it hurts, and for the rest of us to take the dangers of lying to heart -- whether lies in our private lives or lies in our professional lives, the promotion of any kind of falsehood has a cost. 

Right now, any science coming out of this country is discounted and not considered very credible -- that is one cost of allowing this "science for hire" to go on. It profoundly harms every honest scientist and doctor in the country.   

The far more palpable cost of bought-and-paid-for science is in the lives lost, the money wasted, and the drama caused by these hucksters.  Consider them criminals no less than the men who do the deeds, the politicians who profit, and the corporations that collude. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

September 26th 2024


See this article and over 5000 others on Anna's website here:

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International Public Notice: The Legislative History of the Great Fraud

 By Anna Von Reitz

We have often been treated like we were crazy.  Tin Hats. Sovereign Citizens (a blatant oxymoron).  And even accused of being incompetent (mentally) and "frivolous" --- as if we had no basis for what we were asserting and claiming.  

What we are asserting and claiming is that Great Britain, a Company formed in the aftermath of the English Civil War, has further extended it's degree of abstraction to create "the United Kingdom, Incorporated" operating in Admiralty jurisdiction, and then also created another corporation otherwise known as the UNITED KINGDOM or "UK", which is a British Crown Municipal Corporation with many subdivisions and franchises of its own operating in the commercial jurisdiction of the air.  

In support of these changes from the traditional government of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales and their constitutionally limited monarchies and unincorporated Parliaments, we have asserted that fraud and impersonation in breach of trust have been applied to people on an individual basis, so as to latch onto their assets for use as collateral backing the debts of the aforementioned corporations.  

Using this process of "enfranchisement" as in creating McDonald's franchises, living men and women have been the unwitting victims of institutionalized personage fraud carried out against them by these commercial and municipal corporations in breach of trust and under color of law.  

We say that while this gargantuan fraud scheme and resulting debt enslavement racket began in Britain during the later reign of Queen Victoria, similar processes were employed not only in the British Homeland, but throughout the British Territories and the associated Holy Roman Commonwealth system --- and by violent fraud also against the people of The United States. 

Our country was entangled in this vile web by a British Bar Attorney, Abraham Lincoln, who ran for a private office as "President" of a British Territorial corporation calling itself "the United States of America" --- Incorporated, and misrepresented this as being the same as the Public Office of President of our unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United States of America -- Unincorporated. 

Lincoln was assisted in this Great Fraud by a consortium of foreign banks, principally owned by the Rothschild family, and foreign, mostly British and Scottish business interests, which sought to control our money, purloin our resources, and use our manpower as cheap mercenaries to promote wars for profit.  

The Perpetrators have thus far been successful, except that as their own Elders of Zion foretold, they have been discovered and their crimes have been exposed to the Primal Creator. 

For anyone doubting that this has happened or that we are talking through our hats --- here is a fairly representative collection of those Acts of Parliament that were used to set up the entire fraud scheme and misapply it to independent populations on the other side of the globe from London, using a complicit court system and so-called "Equity Law", which is a bastardized combination of Admiralty Law and British Land Law, that is, Common Law: 

These particular Acts of the Parliament and Administrative Acts of the so-called DC Council which set up the phony municipal corporation estate trusts named after each and every American mis-registered as a British Territorial U.S. Citizen, are herein recorded, beginning with the first example, which is the legislation used to create the so-called "infant decedent estates" used to -- deliberately -- disinherit babies in Great Britain.  

This could only logically apply to British Subjects and Americans are self-evidently not British Subjects, so in a sense this was none of our business, and the Perpetrators were free to apply these and other repugnant acts of legislation to their own foreign citizenry residing in this country.  

The proverbial rub comes when we catch Undeclared British Territorial Agents registering American babies as U.S. Citizens and presuming the obligations of British Territorial Citizenship on Americans --- without the nicety of telling the victims a thing about their new political status as British Subjects. 

As you follow along and read each historical document, you will recognize the pieces of the Great Fraud against humanity being put in place.  The infant decedent estates, the "lost" British Mariners, the birth of the "Equity Law" system, and so on, are recounted in the actual historical British documents presented here today, for the entire world to see.  

We are not talking about anything frivolous.  

We have the facts and evidence.  

We know the process.  

We know who did it, when they did it, how they did it, the manipulations of jurisdiction they used to do it, and we know the motivation for it --- unjust enrichment and coercive power. 

We also know that they are attempting a similar jurisdictional maneuver right now, attempting to remove their operations from the jurisdiction of the sea to the jurisdiction of the air.  

All the "nations" currently being "represented" at the United Nations are commercial corporations in the business of providing government services; they are concurrently being represented as members of the municipal UN CORPORATION, and they are trying to consolidate as the UNITED UN --- a globe spanning transnational corporation under the control of a small group of Nazi-affiliated central banks. 

But as none of these "nations" are actually present in their unincorporated form and are merely being "represented" by their public employees --- who are working for foreign corporations, none of these preparations and movements of assets are legitimate. 
None of them have lawful standing and none of them have fully disclosed contracts. 

In our case, the presumption of our British Subject status hangs upon a totally unconscionable contract, and the presumption of Municipal citizenship also hangs upon that same unconscionable contract. 

This in addition to the other facts and evidence dictate the return of the actual governments devoid of the improper Legal Presumptions that have been applied to excuse the crimes of personage and  constructive fraud committed against us and many other people worldwide by these thoroughly bankrupt and misdirected commercial and municipal corporations. 

We have observed the obvious and declared the central banks to be bankrupt and engaged in financial crimes and evasions related to this more basic unlawful conversion scheme. 

We have pointed the finger squarely at SERCO, a British-based Crown Corporation, and at the US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE (USTPO) operated by SERCO, as the culprits being used to implement the current effort to boot up the UNITED UN CORPORATION and finance it on the basis of our purloined intellectual assets and labor, otherwise known as our "PKI". 

The British Government illegally and immorally used unconscionable and undisclosed contracts to latch upon the Given Names of millions of people in the British Homelands, Commonwealth, America and elsewhere ---and copyrighted them as chattel assets; this is in itself a gross imposition by a commercial entity operating under color of law, that requires their acceptance of the liabilities of being a Public Usufruct and holding the victims harmless for their use of our names as the names of British Territorial Persons operated as franchises of the United Kingdom, Inc. 

The same Parties have additionally colluded -- in our case, under The Declaration of Interdependence of the Governments in The United States (1937), with the Successors of the Holy Roman Empire which is again in evidence, to license these fictional British Territorial Persons named after us, to labor and performance contracts (Miller Bonds, etc.) and to set up Municipal ESTATES and DERIVATIVES in our purloined names. 

This has led to the inappropriate and fraudulent imposition of foreign property taxes, foreign income taxes, foreign utility taxes, foreign mortgages, and foreign corporate debts on millions of people who have been entrapped and suffered gross crimes of personage at the hands of corporations entrusted to provide "essential government services" in "good faith".  

These same corporations have been actively seeking and securing bankruptcy protection under the fraudulently constructed presumption that we, Americans, voluntarily adopted British Territorial U.S. Citizenship, and that we, therefore, are rendered British Subjects and part of the "citizenry" responsible for paying their debts in bankruptcy.  

This is a two-part fraud scheme affecting both the sea and the air jurisdictions and the corporations formed in these jurisdictions. 

The U.S. Trustees have colluded in this and are liable for this travesty, by which American babies are falsely registered as U.S. Citizens, and after being robbed and defrauded of the use of their own natural assets, are left to pay the debts of the corporations (and foreign Principals) responsible. 

The actual law pertaining to rogue corporations is actually quite simple.  While corporations may be organized for any "lawful" purpose, they cannot be organized for any merely "legal" purpose. 

Any corporation caught engaged in criminal activity detrimental to the living people must be liquidated or forfeited at the Creditor's discretion. 

We, the living people of this planet, are the Creditors, who have been mischaracterized and defrauded and misidentified as the Debtors, via these shared Acts of Parliament and the District of Columbia Municipal Codes enacted as a result.  

This foreign legislation which should and could only pertain to foreign citizens residing on our shores, has been deliberately and with malice aforethought misapplied to American babies, resulting in fraud and unlawful conversion, crimes of identity and credit theft, entrapment, racketeering, illegal bills of attainder, illegal taxation, and misrepresentation --- including misrepresentation at the United Nations and other venues.  

For example, no Americans have accepted the North American Union Treaty signed by George W. Bush acting as the "President" of the United States of America, Incorporated.  

George W. Bush wasn't acting as an American; he adopted the foreign status of a British Territorial U.S. Citizen, just like Abraham Lincoln, and was operating as the "President" of a foreign British Territorial Corporation.  

He was never the President of this country.  

No Americans have approved of the expenditure of billions of dollars to fight a proxy war against Russia in the Ukraine. 

No Americans have approved the Federal Reserve System. 

No Americans have authorized the expenditure of our natural resources and manpower to fight wars for profit anywhere on Earth. 

Each and every one of these and many other heinous actions have been undertaken by men who appear to be Americans, but who are in fact operating as British Territorial U.S. Citizens and/or Municipal citizens of the United States, running foreign governmental services corporations on our shores.  

Their misuse and abuse of similarly named foreign corporations to mimic and be substituted for the actual American Government and their misuse and abuse of the Title IV Flag is at the heart of the Great Fraud which has been perpetuated against us and the rest of  humanity.  

And now you have the proof that it was Britain in collusion with the Holy Roman Empire corporation in the District of Columbia at the bottom of it all.  

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

September 26th 2024


See this article and over 5000 others on Anna's website here:

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