By Anna Von Reitz
We have often been treated like we were crazy. Tin Hats. Sovereign Citizens (a blatant oxymoron). And even accused of being incompetent (mentally) and "frivolous" --- as if we had no basis for what we were asserting and claiming.
What we are asserting and claiming is that Great Britain, a Company formed in the aftermath of the English Civil War, has further extended it's degree of abstraction to create "the United Kingdom, Incorporated" operating in Admiralty jurisdiction, and then also created another corporation otherwise known as the UNITED KINGDOM or "UK", which is a British Crown Municipal Corporation with many subdivisions and franchises of its own operating in the commercial jurisdiction of the air.
In support of these changes from the traditional government of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales and their constitutionally limited monarchies and unincorporated Parliaments, we have asserted that fraud and impersonation in breach of trust have been applied to people on an individual basis, so as to latch onto their assets for use as collateral backing the debts of the aforementioned corporations.
Using this process of "enfranchisement" as in creating McDonald's franchises, living men and women have been the unwitting victims of institutionalized personage fraud carried out against them by these commercial and municipal corporations in breach of trust and under color of law.
We say that while this gargantuan fraud scheme and resulting debt enslavement racket began in Britain during the later reign of Queen Victoria, similar processes were employed not only in the British Homeland, but throughout the British Territories and the associated Holy Roman Commonwealth system --- and by violent fraud also against the people of The United States.
Our country was entangled in this vile web by a British Bar Attorney, Abraham Lincoln, who ran for a private office as "President" of a British Territorial corporation calling itself "the United States of America" --- Incorporated, and misrepresented this as being the same as the Public Office of President of our unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United States of America -- Unincorporated.
Lincoln was assisted in this Great Fraud by a consortium of foreign banks, principally owned by the Rothschild family, and foreign, mostly British and Scottish business interests, which sought to control our money, purloin our resources, and use our manpower as cheap mercenaries to promote wars for profit.
The Perpetrators have thus far been successful, except that as their own Elders of Zion foretold, they have been discovered and their crimes have been exposed to the Primal Creator.
For anyone doubting that this has happened or that we are talking through our hats --- here is a fairly representative collection of those Acts of Parliament that were used to set up the entire fraud scheme and misapply it to independent populations on the other side of the globe from London, using a complicit court system and so-called "Equity Law", which is a bastardized combination of Admiralty Law and British Land Law, that is, Common Law:
These particular Acts of the Parliament and Administrative Acts of the so-called DC Council which set up the phony municipal corporation estate trusts named after each and every American mis-registered as a British Territorial U.S. Citizen, are herein recorded, beginning with the first example, which is the legislation used to create the so-called "infant decedent estates" used to -- deliberately -- disinherit babies in Great Britain.
This could only logically apply to British Subjects and Americans are self-evidently not British Subjects, so in a sense this was none of our business, and the Perpetrators were free to apply these and other repugnant acts of legislation to their own foreign citizenry residing in this country.
The proverbial rub comes when we catch Undeclared British Territorial Agents registering American babies as U.S. Citizens and presuming the obligations of British Territorial Citizenship on Americans --- without the nicety of telling the victims a thing about their new political status as British Subjects.
As you follow along and read each historical document, you will recognize the pieces of the Great Fraud against humanity being put in place. The infant decedent estates, the "lost" British Mariners, the birth of the "Equity Law" system, and so on, are recounted in the actual historical British documents presented here today, for the entire world to see.
We are not talking about anything frivolous.
We have the facts and evidence.
We know the process.
We know who did it, when they did it, how they did it, the manipulations of jurisdiction they used to do it, and we know the motivation for it --- unjust enrichment and coercive power.
We also know that they are attempting a similar jurisdictional maneuver right now, attempting to remove their operations from the jurisdiction of the sea to the jurisdiction of the air.
All the "nations" currently being "represented" at the United Nations are commercial corporations in the business of providing government services; they are concurrently being represented as members of the municipal UN CORPORATION, and they are trying to consolidate as the UNITED UN --- a globe spanning transnational corporation under the control of a small group of Nazi-affiliated central banks.
But as none of these "nations" are actually present in their unincorporated form and are merely being "represented" by their public employees --- who are working for foreign corporations, none of these preparations and movements of assets are legitimate.
None of them have lawful standing and none of them have fully disclosed contracts.
In our case, the presumption of our British Subject status hangs upon a totally unconscionable contract, and the presumption of Municipal citizenship also hangs upon that same unconscionable contract.
This in addition to the other facts and evidence dictate the return of the actual governments devoid of the improper Legal Presumptions that have been applied to excuse the crimes of personage and constructive fraud committed against us and many other people worldwide by these thoroughly bankrupt and misdirected commercial and municipal corporations.
We have observed the obvious and declared the central banks to be bankrupt and engaged in financial crimes and evasions related to this more basic unlawful conversion scheme.
We have pointed the finger squarely at SERCO, a British-based Crown Corporation, and at the US PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE (USTPO) operated by SERCO, as the culprits being used to implement the current effort to boot up the UNITED UN CORPORATION and finance it on the basis of our purloined intellectual assets and labor, otherwise known as our "PKI".
The British Government illegally and immorally used unconscionable and undisclosed contracts to latch upon the Given Names of millions of people in the British Homelands, Commonwealth, America and elsewhere ---and copyrighted them as chattel assets; this is in itself a gross imposition by a commercial entity operating under color of law, that requires their acceptance of the liabilities of being a Public Usufruct and holding the victims harmless for their use of our names as the names of British Territorial Persons operated as franchises of the United Kingdom, Inc.
The same Parties have additionally colluded -- in our case, under The Declaration of Interdependence of the Governments in The United States (1937), with the Successors of the Holy Roman Empire which is again in evidence, to license these fictional British Territorial Persons named after us, to labor and performance contracts (Miller Bonds, etc.) and to set up Municipal ESTATES and DERIVATIVES in our purloined names.
This has led to the inappropriate and fraudulent imposition of foreign property taxes, foreign income taxes, foreign utility taxes, foreign mortgages, and foreign corporate debts on millions of people who have been entrapped and suffered gross crimes of personage at the hands of corporations entrusted to provide "essential government services" in "good faith".
These same corporations have been actively seeking and securing bankruptcy protection under the fraudulently constructed presumption that we, Americans, voluntarily adopted British Territorial U.S. Citizenship, and that we, therefore, are rendered British Subjects and part of the "citizenry" responsible for paying their debts in bankruptcy.
This is a two-part fraud scheme affecting both the sea and the air jurisdictions and the corporations formed in these jurisdictions.
The U.S. Trustees have colluded in this and are liable for this travesty, by which American babies are falsely registered as U.S. Citizens, and after being robbed and defrauded of the use of their own natural assets, are left to pay the debts of the corporations (and foreign Principals) responsible.
The actual law pertaining to rogue corporations is actually quite simple. While corporations may be organized for any "lawful" purpose, they cannot be organized for any merely "legal" purpose.
Any corporation caught engaged in criminal activity detrimental to the living people must be liquidated or forfeited at the Creditor's discretion.
We, the living people of this planet, are the Creditors, who have been mischaracterized and defrauded and misidentified as the Debtors, via these shared Acts of Parliament and the District of Columbia Municipal Codes enacted as a result.
This foreign legislation which should and could only pertain to foreign citizens residing on our shores, has been deliberately and with malice aforethought misapplied to American babies, resulting in fraud and unlawful conversion, crimes of identity and credit theft, entrapment, racketeering, illegal bills of attainder, illegal taxation, and misrepresentation --- including misrepresentation at the United Nations and other venues.
For example, no Americans have accepted the North American Union Treaty signed by George W. Bush acting as the "President" of the United States of America, Incorporated.
George W. Bush wasn't acting as an American; he adopted the foreign status of a British Territorial U.S. Citizen, just like Abraham Lincoln, and was operating as the "President" of a foreign British Territorial Corporation.
He was never the President of this country.
No Americans have approved of the expenditure of billions of dollars to fight a proxy war against Russia in the Ukraine.
No Americans have approved the Federal Reserve System.
No Americans have authorized the expenditure of our natural resources and manpower to fight wars for profit anywhere on Earth.
Each and every one of these and many other heinous actions have been undertaken by men who appear to be Americans, but who are in fact operating as British Territorial U.S. Citizens and/or Municipal citizens of the United States, running foreign governmental services corporations on our shores.
Their misuse and abuse of similarly named foreign corporations to mimic and be substituted for the actual American Government and their misuse and abuse of the Title IV Flag is at the heart of the Great Fraud which has been perpetuated against us and the rest of humanity.
And now you have the proof that it was Britain in collusion with the Holy Roman Empire corporation in the District of Columbia at the bottom of it all.
Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
September 26th 2024
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