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Sunday, January 7, 2024

International Public Notice: Recap 2

 By Anna Von Reitz

In Recap 1, we summarized the vacated condition of the English Throne, the implications of this circumstance, the conflict of interest arising from having the Pope's Overseer acting as the head of the Church of England, and the fraud scheme that was first perpetuated by King Henry the Eighth and the then-Pope to kill all the Protestants on paper and seize upon their purportedly abandoned estates. 

In this, Recap 2, we shall visit a separate and  particular misdeed of the current Papist/Roman Pontiff-run Municipal United States Government apart from and in addition to their part in the fraud promoted in Recap 1.  

In designing our Federal Government ("Federal" was a synonym for "Contract" at the time) our Forefathers set up a complex series of contracts for services and power-sharing via the delegated powers entrusted to three different service providers under contracts issued as Constitutions.  

There were three (3) such Constitution contracts, three Federal Subcontractors-- one American, one British Territorial, one Holy Roman Empire --  and three Federal Congressional bodies that separately and collectively administered the smooth interaction of the service providers.  

The American Federal Subcontractor known as the States of America was given the lion's share of the responsibility in their 1787 Constitutional Contract called, "The Constitution for the united States of America".  This Congressional body, among its other rights and duties, was given "plenary" control of the Federal Capitol, the City of Washington, in the District of Columbia: Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17. 

It was never intended that any foreign Federal Subcontractor (or their Congressional body, in this case) would have control of our Federal Capitol, but over time, by ignorance and malicious deceit combined, the Papist/Roman Federal Subcontractor working under The Constitution of the United States, contrived to "reinterpret" its Congressional body as the one having plenary control over our Federal Capitol. 

Having once overstepped its authority and jurisdiction, this Holy Roman Empire Subcontractor Successor, proceeded to create an "independent, international city-state" and began operating this tiny separate country in the same way that the Vatican City and Inner City of London and NYC and the UN city-states have been operated under their own foreign Municipal Law, subject only to the pagan Roman Curia and Jewish Shetar. 

The Perpetrators of this scheme had no authority vested in them allowing them to do this.  They purloined a delegated power that was granted to our American Subcontractor and its Congressional body, and abused it to do something never actually allowed to any Congressional body.  

Even under a valid assignment of a delegated power-- which the HRE Subcontractors and Successors never had - the object of the assignment remains the same, and the object of Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17, is the City of Washington in the District of Columbia. 

There is no provision for any Federal Subcontractor to assume plenary power over any other thing or to substitute the object of the grant, so as to substitute the Municipality of Washington for the City of Washington. 

This is again a pattern of corruption and fraud which involves substitution schemes on paper, confusion promoted by using the same or very similar names, mistaken identities, impersonation, and undisclosed jurisdictional manipulations. 

Via the referenced overreaches and insupportable assumptions of powers never vested in them, the Municipal Congressional Body has promoted the idea that the government of this country is vested in their tiny unauthorized "independent, international city-state" and that they are the plenary Oligarchs and Rulers of America. 

Except that they have gotten away with this completely groundless set of undisclosed actions and assumptions of power behind our backs for a number of years, it would be laughable absent the consequences of having these persons representing our country in ways never allowed to them. 

This dolorous course of fraudulent usurpation against our lawful American Government, and the equally malicious results, which have had our country and our resources misdirected into literally hundreds of aggressive and illegal mercenary conflicts promoted by this Usurper, are self-evident. 

Doing business as "the United States" and as the familiar British Territorial Crown corporations known as the UNITED STATES, and the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and USA and so on, this usurping foreign city-state is of concern not only to the actual American Government, but to the entire world.

The network of "independent, international city-states" that have been used as pirate bases throughout the planet have promoted national identity theft schemes and sought to insinuate themselves and their franchise corporations into positions of political and economic power so as to subjugate the living to the "dead" corporate powers. 

Putting an end to this and to the insane proposition of "killing for Jesus" is an absolute necessity if we are to maintain life on this planet, but the collusion between the Church of Rome, the phony "King" of England who gets his crown from the Pope and works for the Pope, and the British Crown --- has been difficult to exhume from the pages of history and difficult to  address in its modern form as a result of widespread corruption, payola schemes, threats, blackmail, and other criminality infesting every strata of society. 

We recommend the immediate dissolution of the "independent, international city-state" of Washington, DC.  This monster was created on paper and it deserves no more for its demise. The members of the Municipal Congressional Body created it and they can be imposed upon to dissolve it, too. 

Having been thoroughly perceived and exposed this fraud must be addressed and scrubbed clean, together with its unsavory results; amends must be made to the extent that that is reasonable and possible.  

We have observed that it is the absolute duty of the British Territorial Subcontractors to remove the Usurpers, by force, if necessary, but they have been reluctant to promote a civil war because we have forbade it, and because they are in conflict of interest.

This is the situation that keeps Donald Trump frustrated in the Territorial Office of Commander-in-Chief, and locked in his passive-aggressive stance. 

He knows it is his duty to dig the rats out and arrest them, but he hasn't been able to reliably deploy a mercenary force that is paid by SERCO, a British Crown Corporation, no matter what his contract says. 

So it comes down to us, the living people, to house clean these institutions and corporations by peaceful and lawful means.

We ask that everyone reading this do your best to comprehend this ancient evil in our midst and your possible part in it.  We ask the guilty to repent, the ignorant to learn, and for all to take courage in the face of evil in High Places.  

Issued by: 

Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

January 7th 2024


See this article and over 4500 others on Anna's website here:

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International Public Notice: The Recap 1:

 By Anna Von Reitz

This week we have exposed and revisited some of the principle fraud schemes that have been used to enslave people and to otherwise subject them to abject peonage in violation of global, international, and national law. 

King Henry the VIII, who was having "personal problems" with the Pope, and who was working for the Pope and receiving his crown from the Pope at the same time, not only agreed to return to the fold during the First Convocation (what else could he do?) but also agreed to become the official Pope-sanctioned head of the Protestant Church in England. 

Let's repeat that so everyone is forced to think about it a second time: while working as the Overseer of the Pope's Commonwealth lands (and people) in England and receiving his Crown -- literally -- from the Pope, King Henry the Eighth agreed to also act as the head of the Protestant Church in England.

Can anyone in the audience say, "Conflict of interest!" 

Quite so.  The deal that Henry the Eighth, head of the Protestant Church in England, worked out with the then-Pope was diabolical, but simple enough.  

Henry, as the leader of the Anglican Church, would be able to identify ("enroll") every Protestant in the country and would use his position as King to force most of the population to adopt Protestantism and join his Church.  

The Pope was fed up with the Brits and more than willing to condemn them all, so long as he got his cut. 

Upon their receiving Protestant baptism, King Henry VIII, would seize upon the Nephesh portion of the victim's soul and issue bonds based on the value of his lifetime labor (peonage) and would also list him as "lost at sea, presumed dead" --- so far as the Roman Catholic Church was concerned. 

The phony King and head of the Protestant Anglican Church would then betray his Congregants further, by creating an "intestate estate" held by the Crown in their NAMES, and use this to seize-upon and salvage the value of their lands and homes, businesses, and anything else of value they had, to be used as collateral that the Pope and King Henry could borrow against or confiscate. 

The "split" on this arrangement was 60% for the Pope and 40% for the phony Papist-Anglican King. 

They are still doing the exact same thing today, only they've made the mistake of trying to entrap Americans in their mess --- Americans who never voluntarily, knowingly, or willingly agreed to adopt British Territorial U.S. Citizenship --- and who were nonetheless registered as such and without disclosure, when they were still babies in their cradles. 

This results in a crime known as "unlawful conversion" and it is a capital crime when applied to a man or woman's political status.  

Because this was being done via the exercise of a private religious contract and slipped under the rug, none of the usual authorities could stop it, without a complaint. 

It wouldn't do the Brits any good, even if they woke up, so long as they subscribe to such a "Monarch"; they'd still be subjected to the same treatment and have no escape other than re-converting to Roman Catholicism, where they would once again become both slaves and bondsmen of the Pope.  

This is where all this talk about "redeeming" your estate comes from.  

The victims are robbed and battered silly either way.  

Let's sum it up -- the British Subject's only choice is to give 100% to the Pope, or 60% to the Pope and 40% to the Pope's Overseer. Upon demand. 

To this day, funds derived from the Birth Certificates maintain the 60-40 Split and are laundered through specific banks, which we have been able to trace in a Circle of Payola. 

At the time we investigated, the Clearinghouses were paying the Bank of Mellon in America, which was delivering the Pope's cut to a designated Archbishopric, and from there, the Vatican Bank was paying the Roman Pontiff's cut, and from there, back to the Bank of Canada, where the late Queen collected her cut.  

30% to the Pope's Office, 30% to the Roman Pontiff's Office, and 40% to the Pope's Overseer of the Commonwealth Lands totals 60% to the Roman Catholic Church, 40% to the closet-Catholic King acting as the Pope's Overseer of the Commonwealth Lands.

All the "dead" Protestant Brits and people unfortunate enough to live in the former Commonwealth, who have been mercilessly reamed through this flume of commercial fraud leave behind their estates --- while they are still living --- and this gives rise to the Chair of the Estates, which Queen Elizabeth II was sitting upon and administering as the Roman Pontiff's Vassal, instead of occupying the Christian English Throne.

The same grotesque fraud scheme has impacted the Brit's Torey (Territorial) cohorts living in America.  

The actual Americans have a different standing and the absolute right to object to being "listed" = "enlisted" and registered as British Territorial U.S. Citizens while still babies in their cradles, and decidedly without their fully disclosed, knowing, willing, and voluntary participation in this "damned if you do and damned if you don't" Catholic-Anglican Détente. 

Because the Americans, and in particular, Protestant Americans, Muslims, and Jews, have the standing to object and to repudiate these claims, it was essential to the Papist-British scheme to operate under a "cloak of secrecy" and to enroll the rest of us with no disclosure whatsoever. 

Which they did -- and which we have finally discovered and overcome. 

Our Mothers were given no disclosure when signing "routine paperwork" misidentifying us as British Territorial U.S. Citizens and citizens of the United States at the various hospitals where we were born, -- and the Doctors in attendance were occupying undisclosed offices as "Uniformed Officers" of the King -- acting as Undeclared Foreign Agents, when they signed this paperwork as Witnesses.  

Most of them didn't know that, either, but the malice and malfeasance with which Medical Doctors were presumed upon to administer the injections during the recent pandemic reveals that they were once again "weaponized" as Uniformed Officers in the service of the phony King. 

Phony, we say, for a multitude of reasons.  Phony because he is a German ruling over the English. Phony because he is supposed to be the "King of England" and has never sat on the English Throne. Phony because he is supposed to a Christian and a Protestant Christian at that, but he isn't, and hasn't taken the vows nor completed the consecration contract to wear the Christian Crown of England.  

We here and now, again, in public, disavow any relationship with or valid contract between ourselves and any Church or religious organization or institution of any kind. 

It is well-known that we are Americans, and that we do not knowingly, willingly, nor voluntarily adopt British Territorial U.S. Citizenship nor any Municipal citizenship of the United States. 

It is also well-known that the American Government separates church and state, and does not operate as a theocracy, though one of its Federal Subcontractors, the so-called Municipal United States Government, does. 

We cannot imagine a more venal betrayal of the Public Trust than that exercised by King Henry the Eighth, nor a more immoral arrangement than that entered into by Henry and the Pope. Or was it the Roman Pontiff? 

Either way, it is apparent that religion has served a most corrupt and corrupting function in all of this, and that the British are, once again, at the bottom of the dogpile -- with the Pope/Roman Pontiff playing the Silent Partner to these crimes against humanity. 

As a first step, we are recommending that for purposes of jurisprudence, all Legal Presumptions depending on the political status of the Defendants be vacated and that all Americans born on the soil of this country or to American parents abroad, be afforded the protections of the Constitutional limitations and guarantees. Immediately. 

Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

January 7th 2024


See this article and over 4500 others on Anna's website here:

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First Sunday After Epiphany - Feast of the Holy Family

 Rev. Fr. Leonard Goffine's

The Church's Year

In the Introit of the Mass of this day the Church exhorts us to a joyous adoration of Christ by the following words:

INTROIT Upon a high throne I saw a man sitting, whom a multitude of angels adore singing together: behold Him the name of whose empire is to eternity (Is. 6). Sing joyfully to God, all the earth: serve the Lord with gladness (Ps. 99:2). Glory be to the Father.

COLLECT Attend, O Lord, we beseech Thee, of Thy heavenly mercy, to the desires of Thy suppliant people; and grant that they may both perceive what they ought to do, and may have strength to fulfill the same. Through our Lord.

EPISTLE (Rom. 12:1-5). Brethren, I beseech you by the mercy of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, pleasing unto God, your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world, but be reformed in the newness of your mind: that you may prove what is the good, and the acceptable, and the perfect will of God. For I say, by the grace that is given me, to all that are among you, not to be more wise than it behooveth to be wise, but to be wise unto sobriety: and according as God hath divided to every one the measure of faith. For as in one body we have many members, but all the members have not the same office: so we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another in Christ Jesus our Lord.

EXPLANATION The apostle entreats, even conjures us by all the mercies we have received to bring to God a living sacrifice; namely, the mortification of our carnal desires, and the practice of every virtue, a holy, pure and immaculate sacrifice agreeable to God, intended for His glory alone; not a dead sacrifice as the Jews offered by killing animals, nor an unholy one as the Gentiles offered by polluting their bodies. This living, holy, God-pleasing sacrifice should be the offering of our body; but this does not exclude the sacrifice of our spirit, because all our actions, the corporal as well as spiritual, should be directed to God, the end for which we were created. The sacrifice of the spirit is made when we overcome pride, anger, impatience, etc., and by avoiding willful distractions during prayer and divine worship. Like David we should have a contrite and humble heart to present to the Lord; this is a most pleasing sacrifice in His eyes, one which He will never despise. Thus we render a reasonable service, and are, as St. Peter says (I Pet 2:9), a kingly priesthood, because we govern, like kings, our evil inclinations, and offer with body and soul a continual sacrifice to God. The apostle further exhorts us not to become like the world, that is, not to follow the corrupt manners and principles of the children of the world; not to desire those things at which the world aims; not to love that which the world loves; not to act as the world acts; but rather seek constantly to change our evil disposition, by combating our corrupt and evil inclinations and by practicing virtue instead. We must cease to be the old worldly man, and become a new heavenly man; to be such, we must carefully seek to know in all things what is pleasing to God, and therefore perfect and good. This is the necessary science to which St. Paul alludes, when he says that we should not wish to know more than is proper. All worldly arts and sciences will not help us to gain heaven, if we do not endeavor to learn thoroughly that which faith teaches, and what God demands. Even if we have made great progress in this holy science we should not presume to think more of ourselves than what we really are, nor violate charity by contempt of others less instructed, for God gives to every one, in some measure, the gift of faith. This gift of faith we should use in order to continually glorify the body of Christ, His Church, Whose members we are, and enable us to lead such a life that others, being edified, may be brought into the true fold.

ASPIRATION Grant, O Jesus, that by mortification, humility, and contrition, I may offer my body and my soul as a living, holy, and pleasing sacrifice to Thee, and that I may never defile them by impurities.

GOSPEL (Lk. 2:42-52). And when Jesus was twelve years old, they going up into Jerusalem according to the custom of the feast, and having fulfilled the days, when they returned, the child Jesus remained in Jerusalem; and his parents knew it not. And thinking that he was in the company, they came a day's journey, and sought him among their kinsfolks and acquaintance. And not finding him, they returned into Jerusalem, seeking him. And it came to pass, that after three days they found him in the temple sitting in the midst of the doctors, hearing them and asking them questions. And all that heard him were astonished at his wisdom and his answers. And seeing him, they wondered. And his mother said to him: Son, why hast thou done so to us? behold, thy father and I have sought thee sorrowing. And he said to them: How is it that you sought me? did ye not know that I must be about my Father's business? And they understood not the word that he spoke unto them. And he went down with them, and came to Nazareth; and was subject to them. And his mother kept all these words in her heart. And Jesus advanced in wis­dom, and age, and grace with God and men.

Why did our Savior go with His parents to Jerusalem to the temple?

Because God commanded (Deut. 16:16) that all the male Israelites should appear, three times a year on certain festivals, and offer sacrifice to Him in the temple; Jesus fulfilled this commandment to set us an example that we, according to the will of the holy Catholic Church, should willingly and devoutly be present at the services of the Church on Sundays and holydays of obligation. Neither the distance from the church nor the difficulties of the way should prevent our attendance, since Jesus did not shun a three days' journey to the temple.

Why does the gospel say according to the custom of the feast?

That we may understand, that like Mary and Joseph, we should be punctual in observing the ecclesiastical festivals and holy usages, and like true Catholics, should observe them. Parents should require their children at an early age to take part in prayer, attend church and school, and see that they conduct themselves quietly and reverently while there. Mary and Joseph took the holy Child Jesus with them to the temple.

Why did the child Jesus remain in Jerusalem?

Because of His love of prayer and communion with His Heavenly Father, and to show, even then, some rays of His divinity, by which to make known that He had come for the glory of His Father, and to procure our salvation. The glory of God and the salvation of our souls should be our chief object in life.

Why did Mary and Joseph search so diligently for Jesus?

Because they were fearful lest they should lose Him Whom they loved so exceedingly. We should learn from this, how careful we should be not to lose Jesus by sin, or having lost Him, how anxiously we should seek by penance to find Him. The parents of Jesus, by their diligent search and inquiries for the divine Infant, teach and rebuke those parents who care less for the Christian education of their children than for their temporal advantages, who pay no attention to the persons with whom their children associate, nor to the places which they frequent, whether they learn things that are useful to them, and who for the sake of some temporal advantage permit their children sinful intimacy with evil-minded persons. From these parents God will one day demand the souls of their children with severest justice.

Why was our Savior found in the temple in the midst of the doctors, hearing them, and asking them questions?

To teach us that we ought to seek the knowledge necessary for our salvation, and attend carefully to the sermons and instructions on Christian doctrine; we should by no means be ashamed to ask questions of our pastors when we are in doubt, and should listen to their answers. Was Christ, the Eternal Wisdom, ashamed to ask questions and to answer? Why should we ignorant people hesitate? It is much to be regretted that persons who have many important things concerning their spiritual welfare on their minds, through pride and false shame, would rather go to perdition than ask advice, solely for fear of showing their ignorance.

Why did Mary say: Son, why hast thou done so to us?

These words were forced from her by pain at the absence of her Son, Whom she loved above all things, and not by indignation, for He was blameless. Mary's conduct should teach parents to remember their duty of caring for their children, and punish them when they do wrong.


He was subject to them (Lk. 2:51).

From this all Christians should learn to be obedient to the commandments of God and of the Church. God has united life or death, blessing or malediction with obedience or disobedience to His commandments, and the Bible (I Kings 15:22) shows that obedience pleases God more than sacrifices or the fat of rams, and that He despises disobedience as He does witchcraft and idolatry. We must be obedient to the Church, because Christ Himself with His holy Spirit lives in her, and governs her, and has said: Who hears not the Church, let him be to thee a heathen and a publican, therefore, shut out from eternal life. We must be obedient to our parents, because they are placed over us by God, and we are indebted to them, under Him, for life and many benefits. Those children who do not assist their parents when they are old, poor, and helpless, or are ashamed of them, have reason to be afraid, since even Christ Jesus, the God-Man, was obedient and subject in all things to His poor mother, and to a humble mechanic who was only His foster-father. Cursed be he that honoreth not his father and mother (Deut. 27:16); how much more cursed those who despise, deride and abandon their parents? Their eyes will one day be picked out by ravens (Prov. 30:17). If God commanded obstinate and disobedient children to be stoned (Dent. 21:20), what do those not deserve who even strike or abuse their parents?

How did Jesus advance in age, wisdom and grace?

He showed new effects of the wisdom and grace with which He was filled, as He advanced in years, and thus teaches us to progress the more in virtue, and fulfill the duties of our state in life that we may attain perfection hereafter.

ASPIRATION Most amiable Jesus! Who in the twelfth year of Thy age, didst permit Thyself to be found in the temple by Thy parents, and, as an example for us, wast humbly obedient to them, grant that we may diligently attend to the important affair of our salvation, willingly carry the yoke of Thy law from our youth, and be always obedient to the laws of Thy Church, to our parents, and superiors. Prevent uneducated youth from growing reckless, and preserve them from a scandalous life. Give parents wisdom and grace to educate their children according to Thy will in all virtue. Grant to us all, that we may never lose Thee by sin, or if we have lost Thee, anxiously to seek Thee, happily find Thee, and with Thy grace more and more increase in wisdom and in virtue. Amen.


They found Him in the temple (Lk. 2:46).

Many people deceive themselves in regard to true piety, because their imagination represents it to them according to the effect produced by their passions or disposition of mind. He who fasts often and willingly believes that he is pious, though in his heart he nourishes a secret hatred, and while he fears to wet the tip of his tongue with wine, even with water, lest he should not live temperately enough, finds pleasure in detraction and slander, that unquenchable thirst for the blood of his neighbor. Another, because he is accustomed daily to recite a long string of prayers, esteems himself pious, though he gives vent afterwards to haughty, bitter, offensive language, hurting people at home and abroad. Another keeps his purse open for the poor, but keeps his heart ever closed to the love of his enemy, whom he will not forgive; another forgives his enemy with all his heart, but will not pay his creditors, until forced by law. All these think themselves pious, and are perhaps so regarded by the world, but in truth they are far from being pious. In what then does true piety consist? In the perfect love of God. This love is called the beautiful love, because it is the ornament of the soul, and attracts to itself with complacency the eyes of the Divine Majesty. When it strengthens us to do good, it is called the strong love; when it causes us to do that good quickly, carefully, and repeatedly, it is called piety. The ostrich has wings, it is true, but never uses them to fly; the chickens fly heavily and not high; but the eagles, the doves, and the swallows, fly high and swiftly, and do not easily tire. The sinners are but earthly people, they creep upon the ground; the just, who are still imperfect, rise, it is true, towards heaven but seldom, and then but slowly and heavily. But there are some, true, pious souls, who like the doves and the eagles soar high on strong, swift wings to God. In a word, piety is nothing else than a certain active, swift energy of the spirit, with which the strong love in us, or we with it, performs, as far as it is possible to us, all good. As the strong love urges us to keep God's commandments, the perfect love, that is, piety, urges us to keep them carefully and with all possible zeal.

No one is just or pious who does not keep all God's commandments without exception; for, to be just we must possess the strong love, and to be pious we must possess besides, a certain eagerness to profit by all the occasions of doing good, that present themselves. Thus St. Francis de Sales writes in his Philothea, from which it is seen that true piety consists not in special devotions, or the practice of special good works, but in the zealous, earnest, continuous obedi­ence to the commandments and performance of duty for the love of God.

Feast of the Holy Family

EPISTLE (Col. III. 12-17.) Brethren, put ye on, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, the bowels of mercy, benignity, humility, modesty, patience; bearing with one another, and forgiving one another, if any have a complaint against another; even as the Lord hath forgiven you, so you also. But above all these things, have charity, which is the bond of perfection: and let the peace of Christ rejoice in your hearts, wherein also you are called in one body; and be ye thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you abundantly, in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another, in psalms, hymns, and spiritual canticles, singing in grace in your hearts to God. All whatsoever you do in word or in work, all things, do ye in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, giving thanks to God and the Father through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Why does St. Paul call charity the bond of perfection?
Because charity comprises in itself and links all the virtues in which perfection consists. For whoever truly loves God and his neighbor, is also good, merciful, humble, modest, patiently bears the weakness of his neighbor, willingly forgives offences, in a word, practices all virtues for the sake of charity.

When does the peace of God rejoice in our hearts?
When we have learned to conquer our evil inclinations, passions, and desires, and have placed order and quiet in our hearts instead. This peace then, like a queen, keeps all the wishes of the soul in harmony, and causes us to enjoy constant peace with our neighbor, and thus serve Christ in concord, as the members of one body serve the head. The best means of preserving this peace are earnest attention to the word of God, mutual imparting of pious exhortations and admonitions, and by singing hymns, psalms, and spiritual canticles.

Why should we do all in the name of Jesus?
Because only then can our works have real worth in the sight of God, and be pleasing to Him, when they are performed for love of Jesus, in His honor, in accordance with His spirit and will. Therefore the apostle admonishes us to do all things, eat, drink, sleep, work &c. in the name of Jesus, and so honor God, the Heavenly Father, and show our gratitude to Him. Oh, how grieved will they be on their death-bed who have neglected to offer God their daily work by a good intention, then they will see, when too late, how deficient they are in meritorious deeds. On the contrary they will rejoice whose consciences testify, that in all their actions they had in view only the will and the honor of God! Would that this might be taken to heart especially by those who have to earn their bread with difficulty and in distress, that they might always unite their hardships and trials with the sufferings and merits of Jesus, offering them to the Heavenly Father, and thus imitating Christ who had no other motive than the will and the glory of His Heavenly Father.

ASPIRATION O God of love, of patience, and of mercy, turn our hearts to the sincere love of our neighbor, and grant, that whatever we do in thoughts, words and actions, we may do in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, and through Him render thanks to Thee.

International Public Notice -- Insurrection by Usurpation

 By Anna Von Reitz

Mr. Trump has been arrested and accused of various things, some of which could conceivably amount to insurrection --- but, insurrection against what?  

The unlawfully and illegally constructed "independent international city-state" known as the Municipality of Washington, DC, is the purported object of this "insurrection", but this independent, international city-state has no solid right to exist, and even if it did, Mr. Trump would owe it no duty, except perhaps to protect it as a Possession of The United States.   

This entity, the independent, international city-state of Washington, DC, sits  in the middle of the District of Columbia as a foreign country plopped down in the middle of a foreign territory known as the District of Columbia, which is itself situated in the middle of our Eastern Seaboard on land actually owned by our States, Virginia and Maryland.  

So we have two problem tenants, one of which was never intended to exist.  

The independent international city-state was created by members of Congress who exercised their supposed "plenary" control over the Federal Capitol City, the City of Washington, DC, and turned it into their very own little foreign country -- the independent international city-state of Washington, DC, which, obviously, as a city-state, operates under its own Municipal Law. 

This independent international city-state is exactly like Vatican City and the Inner City of London in its construction.  It has its own flag.  It claims to sit on its own ground and to have its own government.  It also claims to have a service contract called The Constitution of the United States, which allows its personnel to be here under the terms of The Residence Act.  

We don't agree with this interpretation of the circumstance, and we are in a position to know. 

It's true that the Federal Constitution granted the members of Congress "plenary control" over the Federal Capitol (Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17). 

However -- which Federal Congress was this plenary power granted to?  

It was granted to the American Federal Congress created in 1787. 

---Not the British Territorial Congress created in 1789. 

---Not the Papist Municipal Government Congress created in 1790. 

The actual Federal Constitution adopted in 1787 granted the American Federal Congress plenary control over the Federal Capitol --- and that's not the same as the British Territorial Congress (created in 1789) or the Papist Municipal Congress (created in 1790) that messed around and decided to create an extra little country for itself. 

Think about it. 

Would our States give plenary control of our Federal Capitol to a foreign subcontractor?  Or to their own American subcontractor? 

Members of a different and unintended "Congress" exercised a delegated power never intended for it, and used this purloined delegated power to create a separate country -- a self-proclaimed "independent, international city-state" in our midst. 

The men and women who did this were acting in insurrection and usurpation against our country in violation of their intended constitutional limitations -- and they knew it when they did it. Since then, these same criminals and miscreants have embarked on a world-spanning rampage of war-for-profit abroad, and ever-increasing criminality on our shores. 

It was, and is, blatant treason and insurrection against the actual government of this country and the account holder that has been paying for all their "services".

Taking action against an illegally constructed foreign government -- an independent, international city-state run by members of Congress --  that is usurping against the actual government of this country and using purloined authority to do so, is the duty of the "President" of the United States of America, our British Territorial Subcontractor.  

Not only is Mr. Trump right to take action against it, but every American has the same right and duty. 

The people who should, under this circumstance, be tried for both treason and insurrection, are the members of the Congress who committed this gross overreach.

The then-Pope and the former Queen both had ample opportunity to contemplate this gross malfeasance of their operatives in this country and the extremely questionable standing of this foreign city-state, but they did not repent these errors.

Their attitude appeared to be, well, we got away with it, and until someone forces us back in our box, tough titties. Most Americans are too stupid to realize what we've done, so.... 

Still, a fraud is a fraud and an usurpation is an usurpation; exercise of purloined delegated power is unlawful, illegal, and immoral and none of the actions taken to create the independent, international city-state of Washington, DC, can bear examination.  

The fact that this "independent, international city-state" exists is proof of actual insurrection against both our American Government and the British Territorial United States Government, too. 

It's an international issue that must be dealt with, but it hardly deserves blood in the streets.  It was done on paper and it can be erased on paper.  The current members of Congress need to be pressed to do so or face arrest and charges of both Treason and Insurrection. 

This is a separate, underlying elephant in the dining room, and there are plenty more to come.  

Let's turn now to Mr. Trump's arrest and  accusations of  "insurrection" against this unauthorized independent, international city-state and its Municipal Government.   

He has been arrested by members of this foreign Municipal Government, and unless he and his Legal Team wake up, he will be tried under their foreign Municipal Law, and he will be convicted under the presumption that he knowingly and voluntarily accepted their Municipal United States citizenship -- that is, Fourteenth Amendment citizenship. 

Unfortunately for Mr. Trump's opponents, there is no viable "Fourteenth Amendment" to stand on, and therefore, no presumptive "citizenship of the United States" to use as the basis for prosecution against Trump or anyone else. 

There is no way to put this politely: the "Constitution" published in 1868 as "The Constitution of the United States of America" was a Scottish con game. A sting.

The so-called "Corporate Constitution" was an attempt to enclose (a venal legal maneuver) the actual Territorial Constitution known as The Constitution of the United States of America, and convert it into a commercial "constitution" for a foreign corporation that was registered in Scotland in 1868, calling itself "The United States of America, Incorporated".  

This corporate "constitution" adopted by and pertaining to this Scottish Corporation calling itself "The United States of America, Incorporated"  is where the infamous "Fourteenth Amendment" was published -- as a By-Law "Amendment" never ratified by the States of the Union.  

Nowhere else does this Amendment appear.

This same Scottish Corporation went bankrupt in 1907. 

How much authority does a By-Law Amendment made to a foreign corporation's "constitution" have, more than a hundred years after that corporation went defunct?

All this continuing talk about the "Fourteenth Amendment" is droll, but ignorant.  

The Corporation doesn't exist anymore and its so-called "constitution" never existed except as a private corporation's articles and by-laws. 

Both this foreign Corporation and its Constitution are dead as door nails, and have been for more than a hundred years, so there is no basis for prosecuting anyone under its Fourteenth [unratified By-Law] Amendment. 

Mr. Trump is no more subject to any such Fourteenth Amendment than the ducks in Slumberland Park -- and neither is anyone else. 

It has been more than thirty years since we first brought this matter to the attention of Queen Elizabeth II, and her response was that it was "ancient history".  

Which it is.  We agreed on that part.  

However, our objection is that this phony, unratified, corporate 14th  Amendment, like the similar phony, unratified,  corporate 16th By-Law Amendment is still being unlawfully, illegally, and immorally enforced on living people in this country more than a hundred years after it ceased to have any basis in reality. 

The corporation is gone and so are its by-laws and its by-law amendments. 

To the extent that such a Fourteenth Amendment ever existed, it is not and never was any legitimate part of the actual Territorial Constitution adopted in 1789 --- which would have required ratification by our States. 

And the public records prove that no such 14th Amendment has ever been ratified by our States. 

This is another egregious example of deliberate  Municipal and Commercial Corporation fraud, based on self-interested misrepresentations, impersonations, deliberate confusion of similar documents and similar names, and as always, substitution schemes. 

We call for the immediate dissolution of the independent, international city-state of Washington, DC, which leaves the City of Washington, DC, in its proper place as the intended and agreed upon Federal Capital.

We also call for the immediate exoneration and release of Donald Trump from any criminal charges of insurrection against this aforementioned illegally constructed government entity, and insist on a diplomatic level that all legal presumptions related to so-called Fourteenth Amendment citizenship obligations be permanently released from Donald Trump and all other Americans. 

All this fraudulent nonsense being enforced by foreign Municipal and Commercial Corporations in their very own corporate tribunal "non-judicial" courts is a scandalous travesty that has to come to an end, along with all the oxymorons ("non-judicial courts" and "sovereign citizens") which have infested the English language because of this abject criminality and self-service on the part of these foreign corporations and their Principals. 

We have foreclosed upon these Municipal and Commercial Corporations and their Principals and Parent Corporations for three reasons: (1) the insupportable nature and scope of their debts; (2) the abundant examples of bankruptcy fraud and substitution schemes these corporations have indulged in; (3) our disrespected service contracts and the damage this disrespect has caused, as in the current instance. 

It is incumbent on every government and corporation, every institution of any kind, having contracts with our country, to take Notice and appropriate action to immediately and permanently correct their operations on our shores so as to bring them into compliance with our actual Constitutions and pay attention to which Amendments and what kind of Amendments applying to which documents, have been ratified by our States prior to bringing any charges against our people. 

Specifically, there is no operable Fourteenth Amendment nor any subsequent such By-Law Amendments of defunct commercial corporations to rely upon for purposes of prosecution.   

Cease and desist all and any prosecutions of Americans and all legal presumptions against them based on unratified corporate By-Law Amendments
espoused by defunct foreign corporations, or stand as pirates in the dock.  

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

January 6th 2024


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My Reply to "The Ultimate Delusion"

 By Anna Von Reitz

Ever since I read this particular publication -- now years ago, it has irritated me, because I know how much disinformation and partial misleading information and how many omissions this Patriot Screed contains and how many people reading it will be in despair and confused.  

So tonight, it has finally come to pass, me and Stephen Ames go to the mattresses, blade on blade, steel on stone.  

It took seven hours to add my comments shown in blue and in a serif type font. 

Please help get this out to the people who need to read it and understand --- finally--- what's going on and why.  

My Reply to “The Ultimate Delusion”

By: Stephen Ames

Annotated by Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary

The United States of America


This is an Old Chestnut that has been drifting around the internet and in the Patriot Community for years and it is, essentially, a British Fantasy Retelling of History, in which the British win everything from Day One and we, Americans, are just ignorant rubes and slaves created to grease the wheels of British Empire, blah, blah, blah.  I have seen it before.  I will probably see it again.  Starting my commentary at the beginning from the end, please note that this author warns, at the very end, that we are in this mess because we believe fiction. 

No doubt he was having himself a nice snide ironic laugh, knowing that his own screed under examination here is fiction, which he is maliciously trying to pass off as “truth and revelation”.  Be forewarned. It’s possible that this article was written by an American making dumb assumptions, but its more likely written by a British sympathizer trying to demoralize and spin-doctor things the way he wants them to be, instead of the way they are. 

Or, maybe, he is just trying to needle enough people, poke them painfully enough, so that they get off the couch and start ranting and stomping?  I don’t know. 

Okay, so, here we go.  Read his stuff and then read my stuff appearing in a slightly larger serif style type font: Some copies may show my annotations in blue.


Queen Elizabeth controls and has amended U.S. Social Security, as follows: S.I. 1997 NO.1778

The Social Security (United States of America) Order 1997 Made 22nd of July 1997 coming into

force 1st September 1997. See APFN Web Pages: ;

At the Court at Buckingham Palace the 22nd day of July 1997. Now, therefore Her Majesty an

pursuance of section 179 (1) (a) and (2) of the Social Security Administration Act of 1992 and all

other powers enabling Her in that behalf, is please, by and with advise of Her privy Council, to

order, and it is hereby ordered as follows:

"This Order may be cited as the Social Security (United States of America) Order 1997 and shall

come into force on 1st September 1997." 

Blah, Blah, why wouldn’t the Queen be involved in administering a pension program for British Territorial United States Citizens?  You didn’t know that “Social Security” is a program for Federal workers?  Yes, Social Security is supposed to be a program for American Tories working for our Federal Government Subcontractors.  So how was it that you ever got coerced to sign up for something like that?  You say you aren’t a Tory?  That you never adopted British Subject status?  You never worked for the Federal Government? 

Read on.

Does this give a new meaning to Federal Judge William Wayne Justice stating in court that he

takes his orders from England?

Of course, he does. He gets paid as a Hired Jurist working in a Municipal Maritime Commercial Court or a British Admiralty Court.  He doesn’t do American law.  We are supposed to have our own courts.  Where are they? 

This order goes on to redefine words in the Social Security Act and makes some changes in

United States Law. Remember, King George was the "Arch-Treasurer and Prince Elector of the

Holy Roman Empire and c, and of the United States of America." See: Treaty of Peace (1783) 8

U.S. Statutes at Large 80.. Great Britain which is the agent for the Pope, is in charge of the USA


On first glance this might be startling information to some people, but it’s really pertaining to things that every American schoolchild and every British schoolchild should know --- and doesn’t.

We should know that King John 1 accepted the job of being the Overseer of the Church’s common wealth lands in England and accepted a Holy Roman Empire crown from the Pope in token of this position. 

We should also know that King John wasn’t a King in England, because he had no land of his own in England – so he was actually only a King in France and an Overseer for the Pope in England; all the land in England, except for the Pope’s holdings, was distributed out to William of Normandy’s loyal French Barons upon William’s death in 1087 A.D. and William’s own children were deliberately disinherited and prevented from inheriting anything in England.

This was purposeful on William’s part.  He was determined that there should never again be a single British Monarch standing on the land and soil of England, so he divided up the land he acquired as a result of the Norman Conquest, made his Barons “sovereigns in the own right” on their own lands in England, thus creating many little kingdoms, and he disinherited his own lineage so that they would remain loyal to France and enjoy peace with an England hobbled by a “surfeit of kings”.     


What people do not know is that the so called Founding Fathers and King George were working

hand-in-hand to bring the people of America to their knees, to install a Central Government over

them and to bind them to a debt that could not be paid.


Now, this is at best disingenuous; this is in fact what happened to the British Territorial United States Government --- not to our American Government, but you see how he let’s his American readers assume that both the “Central Government” and the “debt” are theirs, instead of being afflictions of their British Territorial neighbors.  Which, in fact, they are.

King George had a nasty habit of engaging in wars for profit in foreign parts of the world, taking the profit home for himself, and leaving the debt behind for the local people to pay. This is what he did during the French and Indian War, too, and the taxation laid on our Colonies to pay for this “war debt” was in part what sparked The War of Independence.

Here we see that Georgy Porgy was up to his old tricks again, leaving his remaining loyal British Territorials (aka, Tories) to pay for the cost of fighting with their fellow-Americans for eight long years.   


First off you have to understand that the

UNITED STATES is a corporation and that it existed before the Revolutionary war. See

Republica v. Sweers 1 Dallas 43. and 28 U.S.C. 3002 (15)

The United States is not a land mass, it is a corporation.

Its far more correct and enlightening to tell people the truth, and that is, that the soil jurisdiction National Government of this country is a Union of States properly called The United States, which has been inexcusably confused with two unincorporated Trading Companies calling themselves “the United States” – one owned by American Patriots and one owned by Tories (British Territorials),  and Corporations of various kinds, including the UNITED STATES, and the USA, and THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA –which are all a British Crown Municipal CORPORATIONs that are still managed for the Pope by the relatives of King John I, who still receive their Crowns and Offices in England from the Pope even though the Holy Roman Empire technically no longer exists.  

That is, nothing much has changed. The Windsor clan, aka, Saxe-Coburg-Gotha family (they are actually all Germans) still work for the Pope in England, still take their “crowns” from the Pope, and still pretend to act as the head of the Anglican (Protestant) Church in England, while taking their orders from the Pope and enslaving their Protestant Congregants by human trafficking them into the Jurisdiction of the Sea and declaring them all “dead, lost at sea” and seizing upon their estates as abandoned property.  This diabolical betrayal of the Protestant Church in England began under Henry the Eighth and continues there in England and here in North America and wherever else these devils can make their schemes work.

Now, you also have to realize that King George was not just the King of England, he was also the

King of France. Treaty of Peace * U.S. 8 Statutes at Large 80.

Not exactly true; as you can see, if you have been paying attention, William of Normandy’s sons were disinherited in England, but they remained Kings of Normandy in France, a position that they worked hard to improve and bulwark – best exemplified by Henry II’s campaigns in France and his marriage to Queen Eleanor of Aquitaine, the largest landowner in France. So yes, they were petty and sometimes not so petty royalty in France, leading to a situation where it is more proper to say that King George II was “a” King in France, even though he was more famous as “a” King – the Pope’s King – In England.

 It is King George III during and after the Revolution -- King George II started the problem during the French and Indian War.    


On January 22, 1783 Congress (this is the Continental Congress run by the victorious Americans) ratified a contract for the repayment of 21 loans that the UNITED STATES (a British Crown Corporation being socked with War Reparations owed by King George) had already received dating from February 28, 1778 to July 5, 1782. Now the UNITED STATES Inc. owes the King money which is due January 1, 1788 from King George via France.

King George funded both sides of the Revolutionary War.

No, this is a misrepresentation, too. The British Crown Corporation dba UNITED STATES, Inc. owes money to the King, because the King funded the Tories fighting against their American brethren during The War of Independence, and true to form, the King wanted to collect the cost of this “favor” to the Tories back as soon as the fighting ended.  One could note that it was the Tories trying to do King George the favor, but being a hopeless sociopath, George considered their loyal efforts on his behalf only his due, and their debts back to his treasury for the money he loaned them to fight for him, was due, too.

In order to enforce his debt collection effort, he arranged to have the victorious American Government collect the debt for him, and being as they were still good and angry with the Tories and got a cut of the profits, the members of our Congress were more than willing to indulge his request, collect the “war tithes” for him, and remitting the war reparations collected from George II’s own loyal supporters back to him.

This is another occasion when Americans got a bad reputation for collecting from poor widows and being cruel and reckless toward their Tory neighbors, but nobody ever tells you that the real Stinker was George II, doing the same thing after The War of Independence has he’d done after the French and Indian War, sticking the colonists for the costs of the War in North America ---- only this time, Americans who fought against him in the Revolution didn’t have to pay.  They got to collect King George’s war reparations from the Tories, instead.

“Payback” is, well, a B.  Especially if you are British.  

Anyway, it wasn’t us who owed King George any money.  We were his bill collectors instead.


Now the Articles of Confederation which were declared in force March 1, 1781 States in Article


"All bills of credit emitted, monies borrowed, and debts contracted by, or under the authority of

Congress, before the assembling of the United States, in pursuance of the present confederation,

shall be deemed and considered a charge against the United States, for payment and satisfaction

whereof the said United States, and the public faith are hereby solemnly pledged."

This is talking about the United States Company that was owned largely by American and European investors, and which funded the war effort on the American side prior to the assembling of the United States (as a government). This is where Congress accepted responsibility for those prior expenses borne by this privately owned company and pledged to pay them back. Men like John Hancock and the Marquis de Lafayette funneled large amounts of private investment money into the independence effort early on.  It was only fair for the victorious Congress to pay them back.  

The Articles of Confederation acknowledge the debt owed to King George.

This is not true, but it is a good example of how similar names get confused and how people make wrong assumptions as result. The debt being acknowledged in The Articles of Confederation is the debt owed to the American investment company doing business as the United States Company which supported the American Patriots, not the debt of the British Crown Corporation dba UNITED STATES that funded the Tories and which was owed --by the Tories-- back to King George.

Now after losing the Revolutionary War, even though the War was nothing more than a move to turn the (British Territorial “Tories”) people into debtors for the King (which they already were—remember, they, the Tories, accepted the King’s war debts from the Seven Years War in Europe and the French and Indian War in North America and now had to carry the war debt from the Revolution, too), the conquest was not yet complete.

Now the loans (meaning both the Tory loans owed to the King --which our Confederation was collecting for him, and the loans owed by the Americans to the United States Company investors—which our Confederation was paying back) were coming due and so a meeting was convened in Annapolis, Maryland, to discuss the economic instability of the country under the Articles of Confederation.  

It wasn’t the debt owed by the Confederation to the United States Company that was a problem; collecting the King’s war debts from the American Tories was the problem. Many of them had skipped town and moved to Canada to evade our collection efforts and the Canadian Government was sheltering them.

Only five States come to the meeting, but there is a call for another meeting to take place in Philadelphia the following year with the express purpose of revising the Articles of Confederation. On February 21, 1787 Congress gave approval of the meeting to take place in Philadelphia on May 14, 1787, to revise the Articles of Confederation.

To be more exact, the meeting was supposed to adjust the schedule of payments due from the Tories and their British Crown Corporation dba UNITED STATES back to the King, in view of the problems our Confederation faced trying to collect from them. 

Something had to be done about the mounting debt. Little did the people know that the so called

founding fathers were going to reorganize the United States because it was Bankrupt.

They are talking about reorganizing the British Crown Corporation – UNITED STATES – debt. Corporations can reorganize under bankruptcy, but not countries, not States, not unincorporated businesses like the United States Company. This is how you can easily know which “United States” they are talking about and realize that the only entity present that was eligible for reorganization (and in need of it) was the Torey British Crown Corporation dba UNITED STATES. Things had gotten so bad for the American Tories that they were running from Confederation tax collectors in the streets. This was a direct effect of the British (and their affiliates) losing the War and having to pay the King back for money they spent defending him and his claims.

On September 17, 1787 twelve State delegates approve the Constitution. The States have now

become Constitutors. Constitutor: In the civil law, one who, by simple agreement, becomes

responsible for the payment of another's debt. Blacks Law Dictionary 6th Ed.

The States were now liable for the debt owed to the King, but the people of America were not

because they were not a party to the Constitution because it was never put to them for a vote.

See APFN web page


This is another gross misunderstanding and misrepresentation of what was actually happening. The debt that the American Tories and their British Crown Corporation doing business as the UNITED STATES owed the King and which we were collecting for him, had nothing to do with the Constitutions or the debts that the Constitutors were okaying. They are completely separate issues – and different debts.

Please note that although our Confederation officers were collecting the King’s debts for him from the American Tories and their British Crown UNITED STATES corporation, that was never our debt, and also note that after the outcome of the war, most American Tories adopted a new and foreign political status as British Territorial U.S. Citizens, the same status as people born in the British Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. They were allowed to be here to provide “essential government services” under the provisions of the new British Territorial Constitution and the Residence Act, but they were no longer Americans like the rest of us. 

They elected to act as British Subjects, and adopted British Territorial Citizenship, as you would expect from diehard Tories, and we allowed that and allowed them to remain in this country, albeit, as a foreign citizenry formally “residing” here under the terms of the Residence Act.  Their debts to King George II and his Successors all the way through the Napoleonic Wars were staggering and a constant financial concern that impoverished the United States Territories and Possessions for generations.

The Constitutions and Constitutors are a different matter and refer to acceptance of future debt obligations to be paid in consideration for enumerated services delivered under service contracts known as Constitutions.

This is another thing that every schoolchild should know and doesn’t.

The enumerated and delegated powers are extended to allow our Federal Subcontractors to perform the stipulated and enumerated services they agree to provide for us under the structure and terms of the three (3) Constitutions that were consecutively adopted between 1787 and 1790.

These agreements obligated our States of the Union to pay for these enumerated services in gold or silver coin and obligate the service providers to operate on our credit.  This debt incurred -for-service arrangement has nothing to do with any war debts, but does represent the implementation of certain power-sharing agreements and treaty provisions that were worked out in the course of the peace process following The War of Independence. 


On August 4th, 1790 an Act was passed which was Titled.- An Act making provision for the

payment of the Debt of the United States. This can be found at 1 U.S. Statutes at Large pages

138-178. This Act for all intents and purposes abolished the States and Created the Districts. If

you don't believe it look it up.

Here, you can begin to catch on again – at a slightly later date with more federal infrastructure in place and more familiar nomenclature – this reference is from the Acts of the Territorial U.S. Congress compiled in the official United States Statutes-at-Large which is the compendium of all legislative acts, policy resolutions, and activities of each Session of the Federal Congressional bodies. 

There are several different Congressional bodies formed by the same members to conduct business every Session and it becomes even more difficult to ascertain from context alone which “United States” is being referenced and which body of “Congress” is acting, but there is no particular difficulty in this case.  The Act is being undertaken by the British Territorial U.S. Congress and the Debt of the United States being referenced is the debt of the British Crown UNITED STATES Corporation that we are supposed to be collecting from the Tories for King George and his Successors.

As each one of the three Constitutions, one for each Service Provider, was completed, in 1787, 1789 and 1790, the Federal Congresses took up fine tuning the implementation of these power sharing agreements. Early on the Federal Subcontractors agreed to set up Federal Districts that exist in the international and global jurisdictions where the Federal Government operates and set these districts apart from the land and soil jurisdictions where our States operate. 

Obviously, our Federal Subcontractors never had and never claimed any ability to abolish our States of the Union.  For their own purposes in the foreign international and global jurisdictions where their work is performed, they were free to reorganize and restructure their operations and to separate and define their own political and organizational units ---in this case, imaginary federal service districts. As time has gone on, many different district structures – judicial districts, military districts, municipal districts, etc. have developed.

These foreign federal organizational units have no effect on our physically defined States.


The Act set up Federal Districts, here in Pennsylvania we got two.

In this Act each District was assigned a portion of the debt.

This makes complete sense, because these foreign district employees and their British Crown Corporation dba UNITED STATES are the ones that owe the war reparations debts to King George and his Successors – they are still paying off their share of the war debts from the Seven Years War, French and Indian War, our War of Independence, the French Revolution, the Napoleonic Wars…., etc., but remember, none of this debt is debt accruing to normal Americans. This is debt owed by British Territorial U.S. Citizens --- British Subjects many of whom are born in this country and who appear to be as American as anyone else, but who adopt British Territorial Citizenship.  These are the Tories, the sons, daughters, granddaughters….and so on.

 The next step was for the states to reorganize their governments which most did in 1790. This had to be done because the States needed to legally bind the people to the debt.

Note -- he has slipped a cog and changed the subject back to the Constitutional debt agreements as opposed to war debts -- without explaining that.  

The original State Constitutions were never submitted to the people for a vote. So the governments wrote new constitutions and submitted them to people for a vote thereby binding the people to the debts owed to Great Britain.

Totally wrong.  The debts our Confederation took on to pay back the investors of the United States Company and the debts our Confederation attempted to collect from the Tories for King George, are completely different kinds of debts having nothing to do with the debts incurred under the Constitutions for the provision of government services. These debts for services rendered were not owed to “Great Britain” or the King. And we, Americans, never had any further or continuing debts to Great Britain or the King, as we severed our relationship with the King and any responsibility for his war debts.

The debts incurred under The Constitution of the United States of America were owed to the British Territorial Federal Subcontractor for services rendered. The debts incurred under The Constitution of the United States were owed to the Municipal (originally Holy Roman Empire) service providers, also for services rendered.

The people became citizens of the State where they resided (again, you can tell from the language being used – “citizens” and “resided” – that this is talking about the Tories and/or Papist Municipal Federal citizens who are here under the provisions of the Residence Act, not Americans who live here as part of the General Population) and ipso facto a citizen of the United States. A citizen is a member of a fictional entity and it is synonymous with subject.

There is no “ipso facto” about being or not being a Federal Municipal citizen of the United States, a foreign citizenship status conferred on members of the Federal Civil Service and members of the Papist Municipal United States Government after the Civil War, when, once again, the British Monarch came knocking looking for repayment of his war investments – loans made to the British Territorial corporation doing business as the United States of America, Incorporated – which again, the British Territorial U.S. Citizens owed.  Not us.  

It was at about this time that the British Crown Corporations like the UNITED STATES and the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA started going bankrupt in a cyclic and wholesale fashion, just collecting the debts owed by the Tories and then dumping them on the American Public as a whole, as if we, not the Tory population, owed these debts.

What you think is a state is in reality a corporation, in other words, a Person.

All States and States-of-States are Lawful or Legal Fictions, created by being defined and described and named and given a form; so are Cities, Boroughs, Municipalities, and Townships all Legal Fictions.  Our physically described and defined States of the Union are Lawful Persons.  States of States are Legal Persons.  There are important distinctions to be made between Lawful Persons and Legal Persons, not the least of which is the form of law they are owed and the jurisdiction they occupy, but yes, all these relatively phantom-like and arbitrary constructs – states, districts, boroughs, etc., that we use to organize our world and deliver public services, are all “persons” of one kind or another.

"Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is Person." 9 F. Supp 272 "Word "person" does not include

state. 12 Op Atty Gen 176.


There are no states, just corporations. Every body politic on this planet is a corporation. A

corporation is an artificial entity, a fiction at law. They only exist in your mind. They are images

in your mind, that speak to you.


Keep in mind here that there are Corporations which are unincorporated Lawful Persons and there are Incorporated Corporations which are all Legal Persons.  It is commonplace to be “Corporate” and yet not “Incorporated”. Both are fictions – lawful or legal, accountable or not, private or public, and you need to learn the differences, if you want to keep your shirt and your government on track.  


We labor, pledge our property and give our children to a fiction.

You do all this and more, if you are a British Subject, an American Tory, a U.S. Citizen, who still engages in making Pledges of Allegiance and enjoys feudal serfdom, but the rest of Americans, Heirs of the Revolution, don’t knowingly, willingly, or voluntarily do any of that.  That’s why we fought The War of Independence for eight long years: to be free of the British System and their obligations to the Holy Roman Empire, too.

For an in-depth look into the nature of these corporations and to see how you also have been

declared a fictional entity. See: AMERICAN LAW AND PROCEDURE. JURISPRUDENCE

AND LEGAL INSTITUTIONS. VOL.XIII By James De Witt Andrews LL.B. (Albany Law

School), LL.D. (Ruskin University) from La Salle University. This book explains in detail the

nature and purpose of these corporations, you will be stunned at what you read.

Coming from a Catholic University, everything you will read is about the foreign citizenry of the Papist Municipal Government and/or the British Territorial System, both of which may be Subcontractors of our Government, but are not our Government --- and none of which should be impacting us.  

Now before we go any further let us examine a few things in the Constitution. Article six section

one keeps the loans from the King valid it states; "All Debts contracted and Engagements entered

into, before the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be as valid against the United States under

this Constitution, as under the Confederation."

All this says is that valid debts of our government before or after the Constitutions will be honored; it does not say a word about the British Territorial “Tory” U.S. Citizens and their Territorial U.S. Government and their debts to King George, et alia. Our American Government is not to be confused with the Tories and their separate British Territorial Government, which is merely one of our Federal Subcontractors.  People really need to bear down on this point and get it straight, or the British Bounders will attach their debts and the debts of their wanton King around our necks and we will be back in the same old condition of servitude and bondage that British Subjects crave. 

Another interesting tidbit can be found at Article One Section Eight clause Two which states that

Congress has the power to borrow money on the credit of the United States. This was needed so

the United States (Which went into Bankruptcy on January 1, 1788) could borrow money and

then because the States were a party to the Constitution they would also be liable for it.

No, no, no, no, no --- more “apples and oranges with similar names” deceit going on here.  At the time that the Federal Constitutions were set up “the United States” was one of the “doing business as” names of the Government organized as the Union.  This authorized the members of the Federal Republic Congress, acting as Fiduciary Deputies, to draw upon the credit of the Union States to conduct business under the Constitutional Service Contracts.  It did not authorize the Tories, British Subjects, operating THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA corporation to access the credit of our States, just as it did not grant them the power to declare war.  The same is true of the British Crown Corporation and its UNITED STATES Corporation.  We didn’t give them access to our credit nor any Fiduciary Deputy offices.

The next underhanded move was the creation of The United States Bank in 1791. This was a private Bank

of which there were 25,000 shares issued of which 18,000 were held by those in England. The

Bank loaned the United States money in exchange for Securities of the United States.

It is forever necessary to determine WHICH “United States” we are talking about.  In this case, we are now talking about the British Territorial United States and their first central bank called The United States Bank --- the name, conveniently, doesn’t spell out which “United States” but we know from the shareholder interest that this is a British Bank and we are talking about the British Territorial United States and its U.S. Citizens. 


Now the creditors of the (British Territorial) United States which included the King wanted paid the Interest on the loans that were given to the (British Territorial) United States. So, Alexander Hamilton came up with the great idea of taxing alcohol. The people resisted so George Washington sent out the militia to collect the tax which they did. This has become known as the Whiskey rebellion. It is the (British Territorial) Militia's duty to collect taxes. It is not a duty of the State Assembly Militia.

The so-called Whiskey Rebellion is another Great Patriot Misunderstanding.  In the Whiskey Rebellion, farmers in the Midwest and Southeastern United States didn’t have adequate means to ship their agricultural crops to market, so they hit upon the idea of turning their excess grain (which would rot or require expensive storage otherwise) into whiskey and shipping the whiskey back to markets in the populous Eastern States.

What they didn’t know is that as part of the Peace Process ending The War of Independence, the Papist Municipal United States had gained the right to regulate the manufacture, sale, and interstate transport of alcohol, tobacco, and firearms.  These so-called “sin taxes” were used to support the cost of running the Papist Municipal Government and were due enforcement.  So, George Washington, acting as the Commander-in-Chief for the British Territorial United States Government, got on his white horse and enforced the tax and the regulation on the farmers. 

If the farmers had been content to distribute their whiskey within the borders of their State, the Federal Government would have had no excuse for its action.  It was sheerly the fact that the farmers were shipping their alcohol product across state lines that got them into trouble.

To this day, the only commodities that the Federal Government actually has a right to regulate are alcohol, tobacco, and firearms--- and only then, if your activity involves the transportation, manufacture and sale of these regulated substances across state lines.   And the definition of “firearms” is not at all what you might expect.  It does not include rifles and pistols but concentrates on things like cannons and mortars and armaments of war – so most of the things they are illegally regulating these days don’t even count as firearms in the actual regulations. 

The Federal Government Subcontractors have no regulatory powers over commodities of any kind produced, manufactured, transported, sold, and consumed inside the borders of any State of the Union.

Likewise, their State of State Franchises can’t say a word, and most of the hurrah over marijuana and prescription drugs has been pursued unlawfully and illegally.  If you are a doctor licensed to treat their corporation’s personnel, you may have to put up with their regulations  as a condition of employment, but if you are a private physician accepting only local in-state patients and you maintain a disclaimer on your Office wall in plain sight of the public, proclaiming that you are a private physician, treating local patients who agree to be treated on their own terms only, there isn’t a way in the world that either Federal Subcontractor could regulate your ability to prescribe drugs used inside the State borders.

Just sayin’.


How did the United States collect taxes off of the people if the people are not a party to

the Constitution?

Answer: it had nothing to do with any Constitution. It had to do with “sin taxes” collected by the Roman Catholic Church that were negotiated into the Peace Treaties and power sharing agreements that ended The War of Independence.


I'll tell you how. The people are slaves! The United States belongs to the

founding fathers, their posterity and Great Britain.


Nah.  More purposeful deceit, or ignorance showing.  The United States, meaning the country and nation, is free. You merely need to remember and stipulate which “United States” you are talking about.

You also have to have faith in the face of a screed like this, which is designed to make you think the Brits won and that we were terribly indebted and still are --- but no, our debts to the United States Company and its investors were paid off 100% during the Administration of Andrew Jackson.  So, there’s the truth of it. 

Americans as a whole never agreed to accept the debts of the British King and all his war-mongering and mercenary wars or any of the other “investments” he made and expected his Serfs to make good on. 

We left serfdom a long time ago and are not likely to be fooled by Corporate Feudalism, either.  

I can see the ugly outlines of the “our posterity” lie rearing its ugly head, from the same corners of ignorance that maintain our Forefathers were Closet British Sympathizers based on the fact that so many Americans have lost sight of the Tories.

The Tories didn’t just vaporize and disappear after War of Independence was won.  They continued to be a problem and a dead weight on our economy and a political hotbed of woe and wrong-headedness for many decades after the last salvo, and they have continued to seek to confuse us so that we accept their debts and the debts of their Kings and mistake their laws and their history for ours. 

They have sought to gain by guile what they could never win by force of arms.

And now they are finally exposed and put down for what they are.

These same Liars will point at the innocent words, “We, the People” and to “secure to ourselves and our posterity” evil intentions and meanings that only reflect back on the evil and avarice that lurks in the minds and hearts of people trying to tear down the American Forefathers and besmirch their honor with their own venal lusts for power over others, for unjust enrichment, and selfishness of all kinds--- which has been adequately demonstrated by their efforts to cheat their employers.

The capital “P” on People indicates that the people speaking in the Preamble of the Constitutions are the State Citizens of each State.  The posterity they speak of are their natural children and the children of all the other people of their State of the Union.  There was not elitism then or now.

We, Americans, rougher, less cultured, less sophisticated, still know how to tell the truth and recognize the lies of British Bunko artists.


America is nothing more than a Plantation.  It always has been.

Wouldn’t they, our enemies, the Tories, comfort themselves by believing that?  And benefit themselves if you were stupid enough to believe that, too?


How many times have you seen someone in court attempt to use the

Constitution and then the Judge tells him he can't. It is because you are not a party to it.


That’s because they have secretly human trafficked you and entered False Registrations and Copyrights in your Name, to make it appear that you are one of them --- a British Subject, a Tory, a British Territorial U.S. Citizen ---- and so, to impersonate you and steal your identity and gain access to your credit under False Pretenses like any common credit card hacker --- and of course, British Territorial U.S. Citizens have no access to the Constitutional Guarantees owed to Americans. 

They didn’t fight for them or deserve them. 


We are SLAVES!!!!!!!

Yes, British Territorial U.S. Citizens are “lost” in permanent indentured servitude known as “peonage” and the Papist Municipal citizens of the United States are in an even worse conditions of abject slavery.  Apparently, they like the possible comforts of slavery, never having to make decisions, or show courage of any kind, able to drift along in a Nanny State, that robs them of all they are and feeds them rice and carrots.

But Americans are not slaves and never will be. The Truth is in us. Make of it what you will.


If you don't believe read Padelford, Fay & Co. vs. The Mayor and Aldermen of the City of

Savannah. 14 Georgia 438, 520 which states " But, indeed, no private person has a right to

complain, by suit in court, on the ground of a breach of the Constitution, the Constitution, it is

true, is a compact but he is not a party to it."


Another purposeful deceit, which makes me less inclined to endure Mr. Ames as anything but a spiteful, purposeful, and cynical Disinformation Agent.  This famous split-jurisdiction case is buried so deep in law libraries in this country that you can’t find it unless you bring a crew of expert researchers and glare intently at the Librarian, in a way that says, “You feckless rat. I know it’s in here. Where have you hidden the cheese this time?”


Of course, this quote comes from the British Territorial Court claiming Maritime Jurisdiction owing to the dock and other peculiar issues raised in this case, and totally forgets to cite the decision of the American Court that overturned the Territorial Court and left them sitting in the mud.

Wake up, people, and read what even this pitiful slanted excerpt from the Paddleford case says.

What is the meaning of “private person”?  In the context of the Court’s utterance, it means a Municipal citizen of the United States. 

It’s not talking about Americans at all, and in case you never thought about it, Americans are the only ones who are the Bill of Rights and every other jot of the Constitutional Guarantees, limits, and protections.

It’s also an attempt to claim that the only people owed the Constitutional Guarantees are State Citizens, but this is not true, either.   The State Citizens have the right of enforcement, but the people who live in their States of the Union are the Beneficiaries of the Preamble Trust added to all three (3) Federal Constitutions.


Now back to the Militia. Just read Article One Section Eight clause (15) which states that it is

the militia's job to execute the laws of the Union. Now read Clause (16) Which states that

Congress has the power to provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining the Militia, and for

governing such part of them as may be employed in the service of the United States.


This is a Federal Constitution being referenced.  It is foreign by definition and the “militia” being referenced is foreign by definition, too.  This is a reference to the “National Guard”.  And the Union being referenced is the States of America operating the original Federal Republic, but it is very deceptive to talk about this, because the Federal Republic and the Confederation, both, have been dormant and inoperable and awaiting “Reconstruction” for 160 years--- so this form of militia in the hands of the correct authority does not exist.  This guy is talking about unicorns as if we have a herd of them in our paddock, ready to ride.  The militias that matter to us now, are our own State Assembly Militias, which serve our States of the Union. 


The Militia is not there to protect you and me, it is their duty to collect our substance. As you can plainly see all the Constitution did is set up a Military Government to guard the King's commerce and make

us slaves.


I am tempted to say, well, dummy, if all you do is read The Constitution of the United States of America which is the Constitution of the British Territorial United States Subcontractor, you will see a structure set up for British Territorial U.S. Citizens, not for Americans, and as we have already demonstrated, U.S. Territorial Citizens are British Subjects condemned to a lifetime of peonage.  So?

We, Americans, don’t live “under” any Constitution. Our Employees live under Constitutions.  We live under The Unanimous Declaration of Independence.

Here, yet again, this writer mistakes us for the Tories and our American Government is lost in his contemplation of their government, and his entire attention is fixed on our erstwhile public employees and their plight and their debts and their rules --- as if they were ours?  


What kind of madness is this? Is this man suffering some kind of identity crisis or amnesia?


If one goes to 8 U.S. statutes at large 116-132 you will find "The Treaty of Amity,

Commerce and Navigation." This Treaty was signed on November 19th, 1794 which was twelve

years after the War. Article 2 of the Treaty states that the King's Troops were still occupying the

United States. Being the nice King that he was, he decided that the troops would return to

England by June 1st, 1796. The troops were still on American soil because, quite frankly the

King wanted them here.


No, we wanted them here and they were under the direction of General George Washington and his Adjutants the entire time, and everyone was operating under peacetime.  If you pay attention to what was going on immediately after the American Revolution you will see the French Revolution. The French Navy was at a loss and at sea, raiding every ship that sailed.  The only protection for American commercial shipping was the British Navy.  We didn’t have our own Navy built up yet --- and the French Fleet was capturing and sinking our commercial shipping which was trying to get our cotton and grain and other products to markets in Europe.  We cut a deal with George making him our Trustee on the High Seas and Inland Waterways, and he agreed that the British Navy would protect our commercial fleet from the French brigands. It was a completely understandable quid pro quo that both our countries desperately needed at the time.



Many people tend to blame the Jews for our problems, but they, too, are for the most part also

slaves. Jewish Law does however govern the entire world, as found in Jewish Law by


"Everything in the Babylonian Talmud is binding on all Israel. Every town and country must

follow all customs, give effect to the decrees, and carry out the enactments of the Talmudic

sages, because the entire Jewish people accepted everything contained in Talmud. The sages who

adopted the enactments and decrees, instituted the practices, rendered the decisions, and derived

the laws, constituted all or most of the Sages of Israel. It is they who received the tradition of the

fundamentals of the entire Torah in unbroken succession going back to Moses, our teacher."

We are living under what the Bible calls Mammon. As written in the subject Index, Mammon is

defined as ("Civil law and procedure").


Now turn to the "The Shetars Effect on English Law" -- A Law of the Jews Becomes the Law of

the Land, found in "The Georgetown Law Journal, Vol 71: pages 1179-1200."


It is clearly stated in the Law Review that the Jews are the property of the Norman and Anglo-Saxon Kings.

It also explains that the Talmud is the law of the land.


More, still more, apparently deliberate twisting and misrepresentation.  This whole article is one long lie designed to make Americans believe negative nonsense about their situation and their government and their country and themselves.  

The Law Merchant—the Shetar –aka, the Law of Commerce, applies on land and sea, and exists in the Jurisdiction of the Air.

The Shetar is the Jewish version of this very ancient form of law.  

And as for being “Law of the Land” you really need to study fences – everyone who comes into the land jurisdiction from outside the land jurisdiction, talks about the “Law of the Land” because they have to obey it or bring their law into conformity with it when they touch down (air) or come ashore (sea).

So what this is actually telling you is that when commerce is conducted on the land it has to conform to the law of the land in the country where the commercial transactions are taking place --- otherwise, all those Jewish Merchants get arrested.  Thus, also, the Shetar practiced on the land is different than the Shetar practices on the sea. 


It explains how the Babylonian Talmud became the law of the land, which is now known as the Uniform Commercial Code which is private international law.

The written credit agreement -- the Jewish shetar is a lien on all of the

property in the world. The treatise also explains that the Jews are owned by Great Britain and that

the Jews are in charge of the Banking system.

LOL, I don’t know how much more of this I can stand.  This is giving you the impression that we are all living under the clutches of some terrible foreign Jewish Law that claims to own everything in the whole world and has overtaken the Law of the Land and reduced everything down to commercial transactions that depend on Jewish slaves issuing commercial credit.


We are living under the Babylonian Talmud.

We are not living under the Babylonian anything including a Babylonian bear rug. We are living people, not corporations.

Commerce is business conducted between two incorporated entities. Commerce operates on credit and debt, a system of commercial “paper” that includes promissory notes, warehouse receipts, certificates, debentures, stocks, bonds, etc.  Federal Reserve Notes are exactly this kind of commercial paper, but so what?  We as living people have the power to issue our own money and trade in it. We are not dependent on our employees in this respect.

They were obliged by the Constitutions to operate on our credit – a privilege they abused and are losing as a result, but the existence of commerce and commercial paper shouldn’t scare anyone.  It has been a part of life for thousands of years and being able to trade (what Lawful Persons do) and conduct commerce (between incorporated businesses on the land or the sea). 

Maritime commerce conducted on the sea is often quite criminal and the courts that administer this activity are severe. They begin by assuming that the defendant is always guilty, for example. 

Land-based commerce has to conform to the Law of the Land, which is an important point for everyone reading this to consider.  You want to conduct commerce on the land so that you have the protections of the Constitutions and those Guarantees and limitations in place to protect you ---but by hijacking American babies and falsely registering them as Protestant British Subjects, the rats contrive to maroon us at sea, where the British King can abuse us and our assets and any commerce we engage in can be taxed and regulated by him and the protections of the Law of the Land don’t apply. 

That’s what the kidnapping of your identity and the copyrighting of your Proper Name by the British Crown, together with registering you first as a Protestant British Subject “lost at sea” does. Then they register your estate as an ESTATE belonging to that poor, lost British Mariner. And it is presumed to benefit the UNITED STATES and the British Crown as a whole.

They have to pay for their filthy illegal and unlawful war-mongering somehow, don’t they? 

So they’ve hijacked you and stolen your identity and you’d be better off in the French Foreign Legion than being a British Territorial U.S. Citizen or a British Crown CORPORATION.

It’s a filthy dirty fraudulent gross breach of trust, both in the Jurisdiction of the Air and the Jurisdiction of the Sea, but push comes to shove, when you are back home on the Land Jurisdiction where you were born, and the Law of the Land kicks in.

Don’t walk. Run.  Correct your political status records.  Claim back your birthright political status and its protections. Stand up as an American instead of taking it in the shorts as a British Subject or worse, a British Crown Corporation Franchise.


It was brought into England in 1066 and has been enforced by the Pope, Kings and the various religions ever since. It is total and relentless mind control, people are taught to believe in things that do not exist. Private International Law, which is commercial law, only deals with fictions, known as persons. A person is a fictional entity at law, not a living being. See UCC 1-201. (Now 1-308)

Now before you scream that the UCC is unconstitutional I'm sorry people, you are not a party to

any constitution. Read the case cite below.

The UCC has nothing to do with the Constitutions – it’s a totally different system of law, operating in a totally different jurisdiction, one that we, as living Americans, have no reason to frequent, unless we need to conduct commercial business transactions.  Most of us get along fine conducting our business as international trade, but if we need to conduct commerce, we can do it just fine standing on our flat feet on the land, which is where we conduct such business once we reclaim our lawful birthright political status as Americans and are no longer being confused with American Tories who chose British Subject status, or British Crown Corporation Franchises named after us. 

"But, indeed, no private person has a right to complain, by suit in court, on the ground of a

breach of the Constitution. The Constitution it is true, is a compact, but he is not a party to it."

Padelford, Fay & Co., vs. Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah 14 Ga. 438, 520

You have to understand that Great Britain, (Article six Section one) the United States and the

States are parties to the Constitution not you.  

Correction: the State Citizens are Parties to the Constitutions and the protections they secure apply to every other American living in their State, are required by Equal Protection of the Law.  Here’s the catch --- the Constitutional Guarantees only apply to Americans, and the rats have registered you as a British Territorial U.S. Citizen / Municipal CORPORATION Franchise, so as to evade their obligations under the Constitutions and make it easy to fleece and coerce and racketeer against you. These vermin abuse and enslave their own people, and they will do the same to you, if you allow them to claim that you are anything but a full-fledged American and a National of your State of the Union, not a British Territorial, not a Municipal citizen of the United States --- an American owed every jot of the Federal Constitutional Guarantees.  


Let me try to explain. If I buy an automobile (No, let me try to explain.  This guy is very confused about who he is and who you are, and as a result, he can’t lead you anywhere without falling in a hole. He began by describing you as an American Tory who adopted the political status of a British Territorial U.S. Citizen, and now, he’s got you down as a Municipal citizen of the United States….and you are neither one.) from a man and that automobile has a warranty and the engine blows up the first day I have it.

Then I tell the man just forget about it. Then you come along and tell the man to pay me and he

says no. So you take him to court for not holding up the contract. The court then says case

dismissed. Why? Because you are not a party to the contract. You cannot sue a government

official for not adhering to a contract (Constitution) that you are not a party too.

That’s not the problem.  The problem is that you have been misidentified as a foreigner on your own soil You have been misidentified as a Federal employee, and not an American at all. Neither the U.S. Citizens nor the Municipal citizens of the United States have ever been covered by the Constitutions --- so if you are one of them, neither are you.  See how this works?

You better accept the fact that you are a Slave.  Wouldn’t the rats like that?  This guy is pond scum. Better to shove your Old Glory right up his ass and twist.


When you try to use the Constitution you are committing a CRIME known as CRIMINAL TRESPASS.

No, Edjit, it’s called “Criminal Transgression”--- if we were knowingly, willingly, or voluntarily entering your foreign jurisdictions at all.   These foreigners and their Foreign Courts are the ones committing Criminal Trespass by misaddressing Americans every day.

Why? Because you are attempting to infringe on a private contract that you are not a party to. Then to make matters worse you are a debt slave who owns no property or has any rights. You are a mere user of your Masters property!

What a joker this guy is.  He is confused about who he is, so he thinks you are confused too.  He probably thinks he is talking to a Sovereign Citizen instead of a Foreign Sovereign.  One that is ready to have him arrested and sent home to England where he can squat like a toad and kiss King Charlie’s $@$@.

Here are just a couple of examples:

"The primary control and custody of infants is with the government" Tillman V. Roberts. 108 So.


"Marriage is a civil contract to which there are three parties-the husband, the wife and the state."

Van Koten v. Van Koten. 154 N.E. 146.

"The ultimate ownership of all property is in the State: individual so-called 'ownership" is only

by virtue of Government, i.e. law amounting to mere user; and use must be in accordance with

law and subordinate to the necessities of the State. Senate Document No. 43 73rd Congress 1st

Session. (Brown v. Welch supra)

All the above rot is true, if you are unfortunate enough to be a British Territorial U.S. Citizen or a Municipal citizen of the United States.  Lucky you, you are neither one.  You are an American. And you are the Master.  And that’s your property that your dishonest employees have been stealing from you. You’re not the slave, and not the indentured servant, either.  They are.


You own no Property because you are a slave. Really you are worse off than a slave because you

are also a debtor. 

Again, the old confused identity trick, trying to convince you that you are in the same miserable status this guy is in--- when all that stands between you and your correct political status as an American is to rebut the Presumption that he is so liberally presuming against you --- which is that you are someone else!  That you are a British Subject!  That you are a bondslave of the Pope!  -- that you are anyone and anything but who you are and who you were born to be. You aren’t a debtor.

I told you that the Tories got stuck with all the debt of the British King’s debts and their corporation doing business as the UNITED STATES was in deep dog dew from Day One, and nothing has changed for them at all.  That same British Crown Corporation has gone bankrupt and dumped its debts illegally on the whole American Public, instead of just its own dear British Territorial U.S. Citizens more times than I care to count.

They are all just a bunch of mercenaries like the British Raj in India. Criminals. Con artists.

I also told you the all the American debt was paid off during the Andrew Jackson Administration and it was and it has stayed that way.  

You aren’t the “hopeless debtor” --- they are! 


"The right of traffic or the transmission of property, as an absolute inalienable right, is one which

has never existed since governments were instituted, and never can exist under government."

Wynehamer v. The People. 13 N.Y. Rep.378, 481

Great Britain to this day collects taxes from the American people. (Which “American people” would that be? Oh, the British Territorial U.S. Citizens, of course.)  

The IRS is not an Agency of the United States Government.  (That’s right.  The IRS is a private bill collector hired by the British Crown to collect “Peter’s Pence” for the Pope from all the good little Catholic slave; they’ve been paying an income tax to fund Crusades and kill for Jesus since 1135 AD, and they still haven’t caught on. But you just did, brother.)

See APFN web page

All taxpayers have an Individual Master File which is in code. By using IRS Publication 6209,

which is over 400 pages, there is a blocking series which shows the taxpayer the type of tax that

is being paid. Most taxpayers fall under a 300-399 blocking series, which 6209 states is

reserved, but by going to BMF 300-399 which is the Business Master File in 6209 prior to 1991,

this was U.S.-U.K. Tax Claims, meaning taxpayers are considered a business and involved in

commerce and are held liable for taxes via a treaty between the U.S. and the U.K., payable to the

U.K. The form that is supposed to be used for this is form 8288, FIRPTA-Foreign Investment

(Finally! Some decent information correctly interpreted! Note it down. This is how I discovered that according their Masterfile, “I” was working as a middle manager of a Rum Distillery in Barbados. Just like everything else, this is more lies and illusions built around false registrations and mistaken political statuses.)


Real (means “Royal”)Property Tax Account. The 8288 form is in the Law Enforcement Manual of the IRS,

chapter 3. The OMB's-paper-Office of Management and Budget, in the Department of Treasury,

List of Active Information collections, Approved Under Paperwork Reduction Act is where form

8288 is found under OMB number 1545-0902, which says U.S. withholding tax return for

dispositions by foreign persons, of U.S. Form #8288, #8288a.

These codes have since been changed to read as follows: IMF 300-309, Barred Assessment, CP

55 generated valid for MFT-30, which is the code for the 1040 form. IMF 310-399 reads the

same as IMF 300-309, BMF 390-399 reads U.S.-U.K. Tax Treaty Claims.  

Notice that is a treaty between what? The British Territorial United States Government (“U.S.”) and the U.K.  It doesn’t have a thing to do with you, American.  It’s about taxes and debts owed by the Tories.


Isn't it INCREDIBLE that a 1040 form is a payment of a tax to the U.K.? (Not really, when you understand that the American Tories who adopted British Territorial U.S. Citizenship have been in debt to the British King since 1756 --- with no end in sight. And also understand that you have been accidentally-on-purpose “mistaken” for an American Tory and registered as one by your Tory Public Employees.)


Everybody is always looking to 26 U.S.C. for the law that makes one liable for the so called Income Tax but, it is not in there because it is not a Tax, it is debt collection through a private contract called the Constitution of the United States.

No, no, no, no, no --- it has nothing to do with the Constitutions nor any debt for service incurred under the Constitutions.  It is all war debt caused by war-mongering and war-profiteering engaged in by the Popes and the British Crown and the British Monarch.  The “contract” that enforces this on the British people and on the American Tories, too, is their “pledge” as in ancient Feudal Pledge.  Has nothing to do with America or Americans who claim their birthright as American State Nationals and tell the Tories to go groan somewhere else.

Article Six, Section One and various agreements. Is a cow paying an income tax when the

machine gets connected to it's udders ? The answer is no. I have never known a cow that owns

property or has been compensated for its labor. You own nothing that your labor has ever

produced. You don't even own your labor or yourself. Your labor is measured in current credit

money, which is debt. You are allowed to retain a small portion of your labor so that you can

have food, clothing shelter and most of all breed more slaves.


I have never heard a better argument for destroying the British Monarchy, the British Crown, and the Roman Catholic Church, all three. But as I am not British, not a British Subject, not a Tory, not a subject of the British Crown, and not a Catholic, I don’t have a dog in the fight. My only fight, and most likely your only fight too, is to shove their Presumptions and Registrations and False Claims against me (and you, if you are an average American and not a Tory) all the way to breakfast.


You see, we are cows, (Speak for yourself, Steven. You may be a British Territorial United States Citizen or a Municipal citizen of the United States but speak for yourself.) the IRS is company who milks the cows and the United States Inc., is the veterinarian who takes care of the herd and Great Britain is the Owner of the farm in fee simple.


The farm is held in allodium by the Pope. Now the picture will become much clearer after

reading the next few paragraphs. We will now show the Popes involvement in the scheme of



"Convinced that the principles of religion contribute most powerfully to keep nations in the state

of passive obedience which they owe to their princes, the high contracting parties declare it to be

their intention to sustain in their respective states, those measures which the clergy may adopt

with the aim of ameliorating their interests, so intimately connected with the preservation of the

authority of the princes; and the contracting powers join in offering their thanks to the Pope for

what he has already done for them, and solicit his constant cooperation in their views of

submitting the nations." Article (3) Treaty of Varona (1822).


If the Sovereign Pontiff should nevertheless, insist on his law being observed he must be obeyed.

Bened. XIV., De Syn. Dioec, lib, ix., c. vii., n. 4. Prati, 1844. Pontifical laws moreover become

obligatory without being accepted or confirmed by secular rulers. Syllabus, prop. 28, 29, 44.

Hence the jus nationale, (Federal Law) or the exceptional ecclesiastical laws prevalent in the

United States, may be abolished at any time by the Sovereign Pontiff. Elements of Ecclesiastical

Law. Vol. I 53-54. So could this be shown that the Pope rules the world?

The Pope (Vicar of Christ) claims to be the ultimate owner of everything in the World. See

Treaty of 1213, Papal Bulls of 1455 and 1492.


The Romanus Pontifex Trust was dissolved in 2011 along with the pagan Roman Office of the Roman Pontiff, though Pope Francis continues to do the “secular work” of the Roman Pontiff.  The Aeterni Regis Trust condemning the Commonwealth Lands (and all the people living on them) has been dissolved, too. And the Convocation Trust is gone, too.  Now the only interesting thing is – where have all these assets been distributed?  Certainly not to the people who have been harmed by these repugnant enslavement schemes and frauds.


Don't let this information alarm you because without it you cannot be free, You have to

understand that all slavery and freedom originates in the mind. When your mind allows you to

accept and understand that the United States, Great Britain and the Vatican are corporations

which are nothing but fictional entities which have been placed into your mind, you will

understand that our slavery is because we believe in fictions.


I disagree. I am flat-footed and hard-headed and I know that this vast fraud and enslavement racket has not been promoted by pieces of paper. No, this fraud and racketeering and war mongering has been promoted and preserved and practiced in a habitual way by evil man profiting from it and living as parasites on other men, women, and children.  They have prospered by lies and false information, by omissions, by lies, by keeping secrets, by blackmail and murder of the innocent. And they and the institutions they have blighted, have to go, go, go, go, go out of our sight.  They need to be caught and suppressed. They need to run and hide. They need to go underground.  About six feet under.  And be seen and heard from no more. 


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