By Anna Von Reitz
It is well-established historical fact that the Roman Catholic Church and Roman Curia have created corporations of numerous kinds as business models to accomplish various tasks; it is also well-established that the Pope is responsible under Ecclesiastical Law for liquidating corporations that engage in unlawful activities that result in the death and maiming of living people and/or injury to their property assets.
The entire world has suffered grievous injury as a result of a wide range of corporate activities, many of which have been supported by or even initiated by corporations working for or with the Vatican Bank.
We specifically cite the 1989 admission via the release of Vatican commemorative coins, that the Vatican approved and promoted aerial spraying, also known as chem-trails, which have polluted vast sections of the planetary surface with incendiary chemicals that are by-product pollutants resulting from various industrial processes.
Our scientists have detected and demonstrated the presence of poisonous lithium, barium, strontium and aluminium salts that are also highly incendiary being sprayed on the surface of the soil, which results in these poisonous pollutants getting into the food chain and posing a terrifying potential for explosive incendiary responses to forest fires, similar to what was documented in Paradise, California.
The Church and the Pope are ultimately responsible for this end result, and responsible, too, for the existence of the commercial corporations responsible. They have all been selling their poisonous industrial by-products to aerial spraying programs, destroying the soil and destroying the health of the people and animals that live on the soil . They have poisoned the environment, the food chain, and left the surface of the Earth primed to explode in the presence of even a brush fire.
We hold the Vatican management and Roman Curia accountable for these and other destructive, small-minded, illegal, unlawful, unscientific, and in the end, murderous activities that have been promoted in the name of "ecological sanity". This is not ecological and it is not sanity.
Evergreen, Incorporated, has been the main purveyor and agent delivering these pollutants; its officers and board members have to be punished for this and their corporation needs to be liquidated for the benefit of the victims and the remediation of the pollution.
All the other corporations that profited from aerial spraying programs also need to be liquidated, their profits seized, and the officers jailed.
The same goes for the Plandemic event and the ongoing mass murder and genocide against most of the world's population. Our people are dying in unprecedented numbers. Grocery store parking lots are serving as outdoor morgues in England. You are all responsible for this and responsible also for ending it.
These guilty, vicious, medical profiteers must be punished and their corporations must be liquidated, beginning with the FDA, INC., the CDC, INC., NIH, INC., DOD, INC., and Pfizer, Inc., Moderna, Inc., AstraZeneca, Inc., Johnson and Johnson, Inc., and all the other associated and affiliated institutions and commercial corporations that have profited from poisoning, murdering, and maiming the living population must be destroyed, their profits confiscated, and their assets must be used to comfort and provide remedy to the maimed and the families that remain.
If you have any questions about these issues, please feel free to ask those of us, lawful governments and living people, who are bringing suit in the Jurisdiction of the Air and the Divine Province, mindful of our standing on these issues and the Pope's responsibility under Ecclesiastical Law to liquidate these corporations for unlawful activities and for murdering and maiming the living people of this planet. Please move this claim and the associated issues forward for immediate consideration on an emergency basis, as this circumstance continues to claim thousands of lives every day and threatens to destroy the biosphere by forcing a return to conditions which have not been present on Earth since the Pleistocene Era and which are not natural to it now. . .
By: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
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