By Anna Von Reitz
I am in tears this morning, sick from weeping and disgust, regret for all the Innocents being "sacrificed" and disgust with those who propose to rule as gods using genetic engineering and nanotechnology for evil purposes.
They have unleashed genocide of the Innocent throughout the entire world, hoping to escape the rage of the Primal Creator. The craziness of this should be apparent even to them.
The Primal Creator is the Lord and Source of Life, the very consciousness within us. Do they seriously think that they can thwart the energy and intelligence of the True God with their puny devices, even if they could distort the biochemical and electronic aspects of our physical body?
Early on, a team of Spanish researchers from the University of Almeria in Spain discovered something shocking -- an undisclosed "vaccine" ingredient -- graphene, which is not disclosed as an ingredient in any of these products, but which was later found in all of them.
Once inside the body, graphene transforms from a non-magnetic substance into a magnetic material, as it undergoes reaction to form graphene oxide and graphene hydroxide. This is why people were on YouTube showing how they could suddenly attach kitchen magnets to their arms at the injection sites of these "vaccines".
This multinational documentary -- link below -- shows how these monsters have turned the bodies of their victims into biological antennas, sending and receiving radio and bluetooth signals that are clearly referenced by Media Access Codes (MACs) -- that do not, however, show a manufacturer's name for the transmitting device.
The vaccinated and even those who only took a PCR test have been polluted by this crap, and rendered vulnerable to it. As you will see in the movie, even the dead are transmitting signals from their graves in cemeteries.
The corporations and institutions responsible for this must be utterly destroyed and the men who have run this horrific medical profiteering scheme must be punished, while the rest of us strong arm our way into the forefront of the fight, and make sure that this gets done.
It doesn't matter why they did it.
What matters is how they did it -- deceitfully, without consent -- and the result of it matters, which is the death and disability of millions of people, the destruction of national economies, and most likely, war, from which they hope to profit, too.
This time, let's not be gullible and led like sheep to slaughter. This time, let's make it our own story with our own happy ending.
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Well said. We agree.
ReplyDeleteDefending The Faith here...
DeleteIt has been said over and over again: The “Primal Creator” is the Lord and Source of Life, the very consciousness within us. This suggests that Yahweh (the Lord) resides within all people… the truly saved believers known as the Redeemed; and, the unsaved rebellious people of this fallen world. This is simply not true according to The Scriptures.
The Scriptures bear constant witness to the inability of man. It is stated flatly in 1 Corinthians 2:14, “But the natural man (the un-repented, people of the world) receives not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him.”
Again in 1 Corinthians 1:18, the Gospel (Good News) is declared to be foolishness to the lost, “For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.”
The unsaved Gentiles are declared to walk in spiritual darkness, “Having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart” (Ephesians 4:18).
According to Romans 8:7, the natural mind is not capable of being subject to the law of God: “because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.”
Yeshua bore witness to the inability of natural man to come to God when He said, “No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him” (John 6:44). In addition to natural inability is the work of Satan blinding the hearts of the lost to the light of the Gospel (2 Corinthians 4:4). The condition of man is hopeless apart from divine intervention.
"Yeshua said, 'Remain in me, and I will remain in you.'" (John 15:4) Yeshua = Salvation in English.
John 14:6: Yeshua said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
Acts 4:12: And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”
Matthew 25:41: “Then he will say to those on his left (the unsaved people of the world), ‘Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. (I never knew you)
So does this sound like the father Yahweh (YHWH) ---“the Primal Creator”--- lives in ALL of us…? The redeemed and the unsaved…?? The faithful and the rebellious…??? Remember rebellion against YHWH is the same as witchcraft!
Does God Hear Unbeliever’s (the World) Prayers?
Now let’s answer the question as to whether it does any good for someone who is not saved/redeemed to pray to YHWH the Father, and expect Him to hear and answer their prayers. The Bible clearly says that God will not answer prayer requests of those who are not saved nor will He even listen to their prayers (John 9:31). Believers have had their sins forgiven but those who are not redeemed are separated from God by their sin (Isaiah 59:2). 1 Peter 3:12 plainly says that God will hear a believer’s prayer but not those of the unsaved: “For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their prayer, but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil (the unsaved/ the unbeliever).”
To the lost and unsaved people of this world truly pray with all your heart and believe and you will be saved:
"Messiah Yeshua, I need you in my life. I need your forgiveness and your love. I am a sinner, and I cannot save myself. But I believe that You died for my sins on the cross, and I am willing to hand you control of my life. I will follow where you lead me. Wash me....cleanse me....and make me whole. Come to live in my heart as my Master and Savior. I am tired of trying to do this on my own. I need your presence today....tomorrow....and forever. Thank you Yeshua for giving up your life so that I could have eternal life. Fill me with your Holy Spirit, and help me to learn more about you every day. In your name I pray. Ameyn. (So-be-It)"
ReplyDeletei am praying daily for the poor souls in Purgatory and will be turning my prayers towards the rest of these souls here on earth as the last days are upon us and these sheep need our prayers. God's will be done
you got that right. too few men can find their courage.
Deletetheir concern is making sure the leaders of the boys club that keep this whole God- forsaken system going accept them into the club so they can feed at the trough of the land and labor thats been unlawfully taken from other men and women, in exchange for doing what theyre told, and protecting the system while pretending to be working against it.
no one can help a man who sells himself out.
Anna Von Reitz now has the only DISSERTATION on the Internet or the Worldwide Web that is based on the work of Paul Stramer and Ed Movius. Here are the links for the evidence and proof.,,,,,,,
ReplyDeleteNo dumb ass Paul just Publishes Anna's work
ReplyDeleteIt’s not based on Paul’s or Ed’s work. They just publish it on their respective websites…..but thanks for the link…Kevin
ReplyDeleteSadly, we have past the point of no return. There is no saving America. The satanists have found the perfect recipe with a fake virus and all the illegal orders that billions of sheep complied with. America has the second amendment and yet we still wait for someone else to do something. We're finished.
ReplyDeleteNo, they are not done. They Follow their Shepherd and no man can take that position.
DeleteAnonymous @5:15 AM...
DeleteJohn 3:17..."For God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved.
18..."He that believeth on him is not codemned but he that believeth not is condemned already because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
19..."And this is the condemnation, that light has come into the world and men loved darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil.
20..."For everyone that doeth evil hateth the light neither cometh to the light lest his deeds should be reproved.
21..."But he that doeth truth cometh to the light that his deeds may be manifest that they are wrought in God."
Oh ye of little faith.God doesn't save the works of man's hands such as governmental constructs called countries and other constructs. He saves people. His people. Maybe you should let the RIGHTEOUS take over this thing. Anyone who believes that Satan has the perfect recipe is of the darkness and believes that Satan is going to acquire the home that God has created for and desires to dwell in His children forever. l tell you, it will never happen.
So.........MOVE OVER.
This is doc!
ReplyDeleteRemember a few years back when those people were buying toilet paper? Not normal behavior.
Then Anna published this article vaccinated people emitting frequencies and how their body's become antennas and I suspect can be controlled. It's mentioned that even the dead and buried are giving off frequencies. I Suspect at one point world-wide that these vaccinated people seeing they have been Jabed could change the individual personality, you'd have the perfect ingredients for these to become zombies; similar to the movies; the perfect machine, the undead!
Well it's biblically clear they(the vaxxed) had no Faith in the Living Father and so they are basically the dead. I knew when Covid Came in that something big was up because the Anti-Vax movement of hundreds of thousands was gone overnight at the beginning of January 2020 and I seen that one of the Genealogy companies 23andme went into the government to align with whatever they were bringing in its corrupt.
DeleteWe can cry and vomit all we like and still many do nothing!
ReplyDeleteThe trauma is too great for many. We have been mowed down in so many ways already and are sick from all the chemical poisoning too so we cant even think straight.
We need an easy to follow manual of tasks to complete to get rid of these scum bag destructive monsters!
Please help us make a list of things to do and we can do them
Is it write letters notices stand on the corner with a sign, get my friends to become nationals, is it set up our courts and cast verdicts and indictments????
Whatever we need to do we need help doing it as we are maimed and defeated in many ways.
Lets make a list and everyone can do one thing a day
And detox so we can be strong and willful in our Bridge Program!
Take the MMS Or chlorine dioxide everyday!!!
Bridge to a healed and happy world program
Graphene doesn't magically become magnetic. They put Dysprosium Oxide in the vaccines and THAT has a huge magnetic moment.
ReplyDeletethank you!
DeleteFilm ‘Antenna’ 2020
Delete‘the film’s official trailer in which the inhabitants of an apartment building are caught in a living nightmare when a radical new communications technology goes horribly awry. There are flashes of terror and tons of creepy black ooze.’
Film ‘Cell’
Delete‘The film's story follows a New England artist struggling to reunite with his young son after a mysterious signal broadcast over the global cell phone network turns the majority of his fellow humans into mindless vicious animals.’
Film ‘The Happening’ 2008
Delete‘In New York City's Central Park, people begin committing mass suicide. The event is believed to be caused by a bio-terrorist attack using an airborne neurotoxin. The behavior quickly spreads across the Northeastern United States.’
They have to tell you what they’re going to do. It’s occult practice.
What do you think are in cell phones and ear buds - magnets
DeleteTake your cell phone and put it up to magnets see what happens
Take your earphone buds and put them up to magnets and see what happens
Both will stick to the magnets
I carry my cell phone in a metal box with magnets attahced to the outside of the metal case
My ear buds stick to magnets that I keep at my desk
Now if you don't think that magnets and graphene oxide play a part in the electronic part of all this your not looking deep enough
The whole damned plot and ploy of all of it is just downright sick in the head and for this to continue is just plain off the charts psycopathy and to think that doing some paperwork and forming assemblies will stop this fucking crazy train is even more rediculous
DeleteEven making comments on the internet they own places you in direct commerce with the heathens that created this beast no matter what your paperwork says
Look up SMART contracts and BLOCKCHAIN
And there are our good old corporate buddies at IBM
International Business Machines
Tell me do you know about all the contracts on the internet that you've agreed to as you surf the internet
Funny thing that word surf/serf now isn't it
Surf as in surfing the airwaves or waterways depending on how you look at it
Serf brings on a whole other meaning
GAIA ID and your Google Email Address
And by the way that GAIA ID I am more than positive that it is LINKED to WLA (anagram it LAW add an S for SPACE and you get LAWS), ACT #42
Did you sign up for that?
Is there a 'hidden contract' with google that you are not aware of when you signed up for the 'services' they provide?
Google is a 'service provider'
The internet was created by the military
All managed though ICANN - tell me do you have hidden contracts with ICANN?
How does that effect you and your land based claims if your are participating in COMMERCE in the airWAVES
Read the document and their ACTS
You will see that your so called self government is listed in them
Everyone will take part in their own self government and nothing but your civil obedience to the Earth Constitution will do
And just how in the hell do you think a CONstitition plays in with that outside of their new CONstitution called the Earth Constitution
Hell THE WHO did a song about it
1st link they're telling you
So what is it that you think you have signed up for and what is it that you are truly participating in
They already have 3/4 of the world working for and getting paid by them all they needed to do was convince the serfs to climb on board and help them get to their end game - MANIFEST DESTINY
Manifest like a ship has for the cargo they carry onboard
Tell me folks what does Captain Anna's ships manifest contain and what are the terms and conditions for delivering that cargo and to where
That cargo is you folks and you agreed to it
Did you happen to sign anything on a flat line before sending it off to the coordinators to verify and process your paperwork?
47 minutes in
How about electronic signatures? Are you leaving an electronic signature everywhere you go on the internet, all linked back to the IP address that is managed and monitored by ICANN?
They're way beyond land and soil at this stage in the game
They're in CYBER SPACE no land required
You're on the mother earth ship flying through space
DeleteThe corporate enterprise business partners airplanes fly you to and from your earthly destination ports of call as we're all hurling through space on a spinning baal or I mean ball
I said it a long time ago that you are in SPACE flying around on a ball there is no land
Waters above and the waters below
So you are flying through the atmospheric rivers (aka waters)
Thats why they painted the picture that way or tell the story that way to make it apply to maritme law
As above so below
Just my two cents
Not that those lying ass lincoln pennies are worth a dam
A penny for your thoughts takes on a whole new meaning
Millions of people headed for the unemployment lines folks
DeleteDo you think that is an accident
Their corporations are sending millions there as I write this
They're also cutting food stamps for millions
You think they aren't going to crash this whole fucker and the masses will flock to the state for the GAI
It's part of their plan and always has been
One of their 21 goals is to cause massive unemployment, drug use, alcoholism, homeless, etc etc etc and eventually according to their overall plans the death of billions
Well there you have it
Destruction on a massive scale of billions and these fucks don't give two shits about your paperwork
Unless of course thats your ticket to their paradise and the new world
Thin line between communism and UNIVERSAL SLAVERY IS A THIN ONE INDEED
at around 34 minutes in
At some point even a persons thoughts become the property of the state, eminent domain
And anything you post on line is now owned by them and they analyse the data to see just who is on board with their Green New Deal and who isn't
Did you happen to sign anything on a flat line before sending it off to the coordinators to verify and process your paperwork?
47 minutes in
And as I said the other day they own the moron or I mean Mormon church, as they were it's creators
And I remind you after listening to this
that you review this
And you bet your ass they are all connected
And if you don't think they could come up with on line projects on and a couple of actors posing as a little ole grandma with her husband duo that know everything to lure their unsuspecting goy audience to do their bidding for them aiding and abetting in their quest for glow ball slavery for all with a UGAI pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, think again
And Anon, I'll save you the trouble of making your comment
It is so hard to know what is happening and why. I go to work each day knowing most of the people I am taking care of would not be in the hospital if they had not been poisoned. I tell myself that I am in an ongoing battle on the frontlines. I comfort myself knowing I am making a difference some way/ some how. Plus, joining my state sssembly. However, egos abound in my state. Attacks and accusations ars rampant dividing us all, even my sssembly. I am not afraid to die. The Lord has my back. He always has. Faith, compassion and courage are sorely needed in these dark times. Let us not lose faith that these Satanic parasites are brought to justice.
ReplyDeleteKennedy exposed and some others
I would add the Martin guy to that list too - in my book they're all in on it
If they are being promoted, they're in on it