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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Monday, September 30, 2019

It's the Same Story

By Anna Von Reitz

We had a wonderful four day seminar in Texas.  Who wouldn't feel uplifted after two days of David Straight"s  "Back of the Napkin" presentations?  And a whole day of Ron Gibson's passionate seminar regarding our land rights and the patent process??? 

If you are ever so lucky as to have the opportunity to go to a seminar with either one, David Straight or Ron Gibson----- go.  Let your feet be fleet.  To have all three of us together was nothing short of wondrous for me.  It was such a pleasure and honor to be there with them and learn from them and share information and experience. 

It is by bringing together the research and experience of those who have spent the time and done the work that we eventually figure out the missing pieces and fill in the blanks.  I know I picked up some bits and pieces that I didn't have before this past weekend and I feel really good about it all.

Now it's over and I trust I acquitted myself well despite being old and small and having a weak voice and being clumsy and all the rest of it. 

We got the message out there in three different voices, coming at it from three different focuses and it all fit together like a glove.  That should tell people something. 

Ron and David and I didn't go to the same training course.  We didn't arrive "here" by the same process or because of the same interests and work.  We certainly didn't get together prior to this conference and make a joint presentation plan. 

We just all walked in off the street, as is, and from three radically different viewpoints --- David from his work in the legal trenches protecting children and others, Ron from his work saving and upholding the land rights of Americans, and me, with my  law and history review. 

And all three of us, each in our own way, told the same story.

That's not possible unless each one of us is seeing and reporting back on the same truth. 

There wasn't a single word of disagreement, public or private, between us.

Think about that.  We are three Witnesses.  And we are all, from our different backgrounds and expertise, telling you the same story. 

I am reminded of a day in college when two of my classmates, one Jewish, one Arab, were passionately arguing about the End of the World. The Jewish man was waiting for his Messiah.  The Muslim man was waiting for his Mahdi. And me, I am waiting for Faithful and True, my hero, to appear. 

I shook my head then as I shake it now. 

We are all waiting for the same person, just seen from three different perspectives.  It's the same story, too.

I had no sooner gotten home when I was attacked (not for the first time) by a man who is convinced that I am not taking the imminent threat of world collapse seriously enough, and that I should be warning everyone to prepare and have "Bug Out" plans. 

Well, the Bible has warned people, I have in fact given substantial thought and attention to what we can do as families and as communities --- I ironically tried to spur this man's own Church to build some public water wells to no "official" effect some years ago ---- to prepare for economic and social upheavals. 

But in the end, preservation of the body is desirable, but hardly the most important thing.  And my focus is substantially different.  I have already moved on past the "end of the world" to the process of making the world new again.

It's the same story. 


See this article and over 2000 others on Anna's website here:

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Sunday, September 29, 2019

Instruction on the Sixteenth Sunday After Pentecost

Rev. Fr. Leonard Goffine's
The Church's Year

At the Introit of the Mass implore with great confidence the mercy of God in the words of Ps. LXXXV.:
INTROIT Have mercy on me, O Lord, for I have cried to thee all the day; for thou, O Lord, art sweet and mild, and plenteous in mercy to all that call upon thee.
Bow down thy ear to me, O Lord, and hear me, for I am needy and poor. Glory be to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
COLLECT Let Thy grace, we beseech Thee, O Lord, ever precede and follow us, and make us continually intent upon good works. Through our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, who liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the Unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end, Amen.
EPISTLE (Ephes. III. 13-21) Brethren, I pray you not to faint at my tribulations for you, which are your glory. For this cause I bow my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, of whom all paternity in heaven and earth is named, that he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened by his Spirit with might unto the inward man, that Christ may dwell by faith in your hearts: that being rooted and founded in charity, you may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth, and length, and height, and depth:, to know also the charity of Christ, which surpasseth all knowledge, that you may be filled unto all the fullness of God. Now to him who is able to do all things more abundantly than we desire or understand, according to the power that worketh in us: to him be glory in the Church and in Christ Jesus, unto all generations, world without end. Amen.
EXPLANATION  In the epistle of the following Sunday St. Paul tells us, that he was at the time of writing this letter in prison at Rome, whither he was brought' upon the false accusations of the Jews. From prison he wrote to the Ephesians, whom he had converted to Christianity, and who zealously obeyed his counsels, in order to confirm them in their zeal and to console them in their grief on account of his sufferings which he bore for Christ's sake. These sufferings which I bear, he writes, redound to your honor, since I, your spiritual father, am considered by God worthy to suffer like His Son; yes, I thank the Father of our Lord Jesus for it, and beg Him on my knees, that He vouchsafe to strengthen you with His Holy Spirit, so that you overcome, your evil inclinations and passions, cleanse your hearts more and more, and sanctify your souls, that if you live thus according to your faith, you may be made the habitations of Christ. He begs God also to give them a well-grounded charity, which not only loves God on account of the reward, but also on account of our sufferings, thus to become like to Christ, the Crucified. By this constant love for Jesus, even in adversities, we only comprehend with the saints the greatness of the love of Jesus, the Crucified; its breadth, since all the members of His body, all the powers of His soul were tormented with all sorts of tortures, on account of the sins of all men; the length, since He had all these sufferings for thirty-three years before His eyes, and bore them in His soul; the depth, since these tortures surpassed in intensity all which men ever suffered or will suffer; the height, since Christ on the cross saw, with the most perfect knowledge, the malice of each single sin, and the terrible insult offered to the sublime Majesty of God, and He bore the punishment for them in Himself and did penance for them. Other holy Fathers say that by these words the whole mystery of our, redemption is to be understood, and, indeed, the breadth thereof is, that it is for all men; the length, that it lasts for all centuries and reaches into eternity; the height, that its contemplation takes us away from earth and raises us to heaven; the depth, that it even penetrates the kingdom of the dead. By contemplating these mysteries we learn to know the infinite love of God, to love Him more and more, and thus make ourselves partakers of His graces.  Obey the teaching of this holy apostle, contemplate the suffering Saviour and His love, endeavor to become like to Him by suffering, and when you see how the Church, her ministers, the bishops and priests, are persecuted and in tribulation, be not disheartened, but consider that the discipleship of Jesus consists particularly in suffering, that therefore, the Church and her ministers must suffer, since their Head, Jesus, has suffered. The holy Church has borne the crown of thorns of Jesus for eighteen hundred years and drank from His chalice; but like Jesus, her Head, she will triumph over all her enemies, and whilst these are hastening to destruction, she will continually live victorious until the end of time and will triumph eternally in heaven.
Tenth Sunday After PentecostGOSPEL (Luke XIV. 1-11.) At that time, When Jesus went into the house of one of the chiefs of the Pharisees on the Sabbath-day to eat bread, they watched him. And behold there was a certain man before him that had the dropsy. And Jesus answering, spoke to the lawyers and Pharisees, saying: Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath-day? But they held their peace: but he taking him,  healed him, and sent him away. And answering them, he said: Which of you shall have an ass or an ox fall into a pit, and, will not immediately draw him out on the Sabbath-day? And they could not answer him to these things. And he spoke a parable also to them that were invited, marking how they chose the first seats at the table, saying to them, When thou art invited to a wedding, sit not down in the first place, lest perhaps one more honorable than thou be invited by him; and he that invited thee and him come and say to thee: Give this man place: and then thou begin with shame to take the lowest place: But when thou art invited, go, sit down in the lowest place: that when he who invited thee cometh he may say to thee: Friend, go up higher. Then shalt thou have glory before them that sit at the table with thee; because every one that exalteth himself shall be humbled, and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.
Why did Jesus eat with the Pharisees?
To take occasion, as St. Cyril says, to instruct them that it is allowed to heal the sick on the Sabbath, and to show how those who give invitations to a supper, and those who are invited, should conduct themselves. The Pharisees' invitation to Jesus was not actuated by kindness, but by the desire to find something in His actions which they might criticize; Jesus; however, approaches them with meekness and endeavors to inspire them with a better intention. Beware of the spirit of criticisms and like Jesus make use of every occasion to do good, even to your enemies.
Who may be understood by the dropsical man?
The debauchees and misers; for the more a dropsical person drinks the more his thirst increases, so the debauchee never succeeds in satisfying his shameful lusts; the same is the case with the miser. And just as the dropsical are hard to cure, so the debauchee and miser are difficult to convert.
Why is covetousness classed among the seven deadly sins?
Because it is the root of many evils, (I Tim. VI. 10.) for it leads to usury, theft, to the employment of false weights and measures, to the suppression of justice in courts, to perjury, to the oppression of widows and orphans, nay, even to the denial of faith, as was the case with Judas. Therefore the apostle says: They that will become rich, fall into temptation, and into the snare of the devil, and into many unprofitable and hurtful desires, which drown men into destruction and perdition; and admonishes us: to fly these things: and pursue justice, godliness, faith, charity, patience, mildness. (I Tim. VI. 9, 11 .)
A powerful remedy against avarice is to consider that we are not owners of what we possess, and can take nothing with us in death, but must render a strict account of the use we made of our riches. (I Tim. VI. 7.)
Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath-day? (Luke XIV. 3.)
Why did Christ put this question?
Because the Jews, particularly the Pharisees, were so very superstitious in keeping the Sabbath, they would not recognize Jesus as the Messiah, while He healed on the Sabbath, which was really a good work. But, if the Jews were so conscientious, through superstition and hypocrisy, and considered the performing of an external good work on this day as a sin, some Christians, on the contrary, blinded by avarice and worldly pleasure, place themselves heedlessly, nay, insolently above the commandment to observe the Sabbath, and do not consider those things as wrong which are sometimes very grievous sins.
Consider, my dear Christian, you serve your body the whole week, you use all your powers for temporal business, to support yourself and your family, and God blesses you, if you work with a good intention. Now God chose one day in the week, Sunday, and in the year several other holidays, which you should devote to His service and the salvation of your soul; is it not, therefore, the greatest ingratitude to steal these days from God and your soul, and employ them to gain a transient good, or to indulge in vain, sinful pleasures? At certain times man gives rest to irrational animals, and you give the powers of your body and soul none of the rest they would and should find in quiet devotion, in prayer and meditation, in attending divine service, in receiving the holy Sacraments, &c. If you inquire whence come these shameful violations of Sundays and holidays, you will find that there is no other reason than love of gain and avarice, sinful love of pleasure, and often complete want of faith and confidence in God's providence. We wish to become rich by all means, and we do not reflect that this will not happen without the blessing of God, and that wealth is a net, in which thousands entangle themselves to their eternal perdition. We wish to live merrily and enjoy ourselves, but we do not consider that our life is only a time of penance, to attain that eternally blissful rest, of which Sunday is an emblem. We spend Sundays and holydays in idleness, vain conversations, buying and selling, servile work, or in still worse things, without experiencing the slightest scruple. But God will cover the violators of His sacred days with confusion and shame, (Malach. II. 3.) and permit many temporal evils to come upon them, as proved by daily experience. The blessing of God can never rest upon those who never care for it, but rather make themselves unworthy to receive it, by violating days consecrated to God. Let this be a warning to you.
PRAYER O good Saviour! how manifest are meekness, and wisdom in all Thy words and actions! O, grant, that we may regulate all our actions in such a manner, that they may be acceptable to Thee and tend to the edification of our neighbor. Give us the grace to employ all the days, consecrated to Thee, for Thy honor and our salvation, that we may never raise ourselves above others, but follow Thee in all humility.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Day Two

By Anna Von Reitz

We covered David's basic legal process yesterday and his take on the foreign courts operative principles.  

Key to this is the Presumption that we are functioning as corporate PERSONS, as US Citizens (Territorial or Municipal) and as Residents in our own country. A Resident is someone who here on a temporary basis. 

They then assume all these things about you and act accordingly. The Municipal Government prosecutes you as a Territorial Citizen and the Territorial Government prosecutes you as a Municipal CITIZEN when in fact you are neither. 

So this gives you a bird's eye view of how you are being mischaracterized and as a result, how you are being mistreated and drawn in as a "presumed" combatant in a foreign commercial mercenary war that has been illegally promulgated on our shores for longer than any of us have been alive.

This morning we are zooming way out and away from the microcosm of court issues and looking at the Big Picture. 

David described how the Medical Coding system enforced by Obamacare has destroyed doctor-patient privacy and perverted the purpose of medical care into a political surveillance tool. 

The Coding System is designed to raise "red flags" which automate seizure of children by CPS without any proper sane review or due process. 

The hospitals are being used as AUTOMATED kidnapping centers throughout the western states. The purpose of this vast racket (40,000 children in Arizona alone) is superficially to make money for the STATE OF STATE organizations-- an average of 66% of all money going to Child Protective Services (CPS) goes into "administrative" costs.  And they just charge whatever they like for this "service" to begin with, so overall costs for us and profits for them are stratospheric. 

That's the least of the disservice and travesty. 

There are far darker agendas at work in these attacks on American families. 

A significant number of children seized by CPS disappear, are used as involuntary organ donors, used as stem cell donors, used as guinea pigs in medical experiments, and trafficked as sex victims and human sacrifices for perverts. 

And it has to stop. We have to make it stop. 

One way to help is to get your political status records and those of your children corrected and on the record. 

The United Nations and U.S. Secretary of State and the U.S. Secretary of Defense have to be notified of your repudiation of Federal Territorial and Federal Municipal Citizenship---both, as well as your claim of American State Citizenship. 

Claim your proper political status and make the effort to enforce it now. Join your State Assemblies. 
Get moving now.

As we have discovered, the British Territorial Government has been using our doctors and nurses to implement The Dead Baby Scam, and as we also learned, these medical professionals are being illegally conscripted as "Uniformed Officers" and coerced into foreign licensing agreements that are used to compel them to do whatever the British Territorial Government wants them to do. 

This is all grossly unlawful and illegal, against the Geneva Conventions if we are claiming our State National status, and against The Hague Conventions even if we were either Territorial or Municipal citizens. 

So--Queen, Lord Mayor, United Nations, Westminster, Pope Francis, and all others responsible for ALL of this deplorable criminality-- what are you going to do to correct? 

And what are we going to do about this? 

Use your minds, your voices, and your feet. 

Did you know that no vaccines have been properly tested and shown to be harmless under FDA standards for 30 years? 

Thirty years. 

In a landmark case yesterday, forced vaccinations were overturned and the Big Pharma pukes responsible can now be sued. 

The CDC has been forced to admit that  Morgellon's Disease exists and is connected to GMO foods. Genetically modified soybeans and corn are prime vectors-- which means taking on Monsanto. 

Many Americans have been aware of this for years and more are learning. 

Share, share, share.

"Be ye not like dumb driven cattle..."

Make the effort to educate yourself and educate others about what has gone on in this country, and then take action.   

Correct your political status. Record your choice to live as a State National/State Citizen. And if you are sick of things like this happening in our country-- join your State Assembly. 

Run, don't walk. 

This Seminar is everything and more than I hoped for. Many of the things that we have discussed are maddening, many of the stories are sad--- but we are making progress. We know now what the problems are and so, the process to correct is engaged. 

Your willingness to educate yourselves, educate others, and take action is key to success.

Nobody can operate your government but you.


See this article and over 2000 others on Anna's website here:

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More Nuggets -- David Straight Seminar Afternoon

By Anna Von Reitz

You just can not under-estimate the value of talking with other people and hearing things that are new or from a different perspective.  This seminar has already reminded me of things I haven't thought of in years and pointed out some issues that may be a cause of concern for us, mainly because the bureaucrats are constantly "Moving the Cheese" and changing offices like a revolving door.

Although most of us have no particular cause to think deeply about it, the current political system does not allow for any steady or lasting change, because every four years opens up the possibility of a completely different political agenda opening up and every eight years, for sure, there will be a massive change. 

This has the effect of revving up a Jumbo Jet or a Supertanker, spending two and a half years getting it moving, facing another disruptive election cycle, and then having to push forward again in hopes of being able to get something accomplished.

The good news is that if you get a bad regime you get to change it every four years, the bad news is the disruption this change causes and the zoom-bust effect it has on government operations.  Just think of a Jumbo Jet luffing into the air for a fifteen minute flight and you will get the flavor of it, and the reason that no matter what your political persuasion, this is not an optimum way to run such a big albatross as the US Federal Government.

Within that four year cycle are many other disruptive changes that always occur at the Cabinet and Agency levels, where it is not uncommon to have two or three new bosses in the course of four or five years.  This has its own miniature tsunami effect, within the larger disaster of the General Election Cycle.

And it is the overall crash and burn effect and constant change that all this causes that has me concerned and thinking--- what if something as fundamental as your repudiation of Federal Citizenship just conveniently got "lost" in the myriad changeovers?  Even worse, what if it is --- secretly, of course, corporate policy to scrape the records clean and start over every change in administration, or even every change of appointment?

Given the other things the "governmental services corporations" do, to hide information and change reference numbers, etc., ---a process that we call "Moving the Cheese--- it is practically a no-brainer that they would use changes of the guards in this insane asylum as an excuse to "accidentally-on-purpose" neglect to pass on information to the incoming politicos. 

Information about your political status would be a very likely victim. So, if you are like me, and you fully informed the United States Secretary of State of your declared political status years ago,  it may be time to do so, again.

One of the Very Good Points that David Straight makes in his presentation is that the United States Code exists as a means for us to hold our employees to account, or, from my perspective, to remind them of what their own self-acknowledged duty is and what their published corporate policies say.  When you look into their mirror, you see a codified Public Policy that is supposed to drive their private corporate operations.

So according to their own published system of things, those of us who owe a permanent allegiance to a State fall under the Definitions found in Title 8, --specifically, 8 USC 1101 (a) 21.  Now, they will try to say that this particular bit of Federal Code applies only to the natives of American Samoa for reasons I don't at this moment pretend to understand--- and I am more than prepared to believe that for internal domestic  "Federal Purposes" this is true, but for non-domestic (with respect to the Federales) use it also applies.

We are American State Nationals who live and breathe and have our being outside the Federal hegemony.

In order to make them understand we need to make full use of this double - entendre --- and demonstrate the application of the American State National status (Wisconsinite, Coloradan, Californian, etc.) non-domestically, by making sure that the U.S. Secretary of State receives a periodic reminder in the form of a Declaration of Political Status Repudiating Federal Citizenship.

This is not the same as Expatriating your various Persons from Federal Jurisdiction and is not the same as going to a U.S. Embassy and doing a wholesale repudiation of all citizenship. 

We retain our State National status in any event, always, which means that we remain attached to The United States, and if we so choose, can also retain our State Citizenship.  All we are "repudiating" is any foreign British Territorial or Federal Municipal Citizenships being "presumed" and "conferred" upon us without our knowledge or consent.

You can't Mix and Match political status as an American.  We have only one form of Citizenship---- State Citizenship, which has nothing to do with either Territorial or Municipal United States citizenship.  So as we are reclaiming and asserting our State National and/or State Citizenship political status, it is probably a good and necessary precaution in view of the revolving door nature of political office elections and appointments to send a copy of such a Declaration to each new U.S. Secretary of State. 

I have, of course, done this in the past and have denied any Federal connection abundantly and on the record, but just the same, after hearing David speak, I think I shall "re-up" my credentials as a non-Federal, non-domestic, non-citizen by sending a new Declaration to Michael Pompeo. 

Do I really trust any of these characters farther than I could throw them?  No.

So why trust multiple generations of these actors to keep decent records, especially when those records deny them power? 

At least by going that extra mile and sending and recording one more piece of paper, nobody could say that I acquiesced, or there was no record on file, or plead that their dog ate my clearly enunciated denial of having ever voluntarily adopted any form of Federal Citizenship.

And then I will record it and the mailing receipts and green Return Receipt Requested card for good measure. 

This is far from a desirable circumstance.  We would all wish that once would be enough, but if we keep working and developing our own Recording Offices we can look forward to the day when we have an efficient, trustworthy, professional and stable government instead of an endlessly changing political sideshow. Until then, better safe than sorry.


See this article and over 2000 others on Anna's website here:

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Thursday, September 26, 2019

Morning Session with David Straight

By Anna Von Reitz

We got off to a great start. David is every bit as coherent and easy to listen to in person as his YouTube presentations.  (Some other speakers aren't as smooth in the free-flow of live audience presentations-- but David delivered a 100%). 

This first morning session covered a lot of introductory information --including one of the simplest guidelines to different kinds of law I have ever seen, and also a very useful way for people to function well and in proper jurisdiction. I will try to describe this very briefly:

L and = Common Law = Law of Property, Equity and Rights 

A ir = Ecclesiastical and Canon Law = Law of Trusts 

W ater = Admiralty and Maritime = Contract Law

This is basic to understanding the jurisdictions and kinds of law and what we are talking about as opposed to "venue". 

A venue is a place or level where a jurisdiction is being exercised. For example, right now we have State, county, and Municipal courts all functioning under Contract Law.  These are different venues with different contracts but they are all functioning under the jurisdiction of  Admiralty / Maritime law. 

Another vital point I found to be useful to everyone is that each jurisdiction has its own language and that invoking and holding your jurisdiction involves first and foremost using the language of that jurisdiction.

I have, of course, known this for a long time just as a matter of practical head bumping and reading law, but never encountered just a simple yet correct explanation of it. 

Gold nuggets aplenty besides this, but in terms of great and supremely useful insights that help everyone understand things better, this is a sample. 


See this article and over 2000 others on Anna's website here:

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Good News--

By Anna Von Reitz

I met with Senior Chief Marshall Haywood for several hours after arrival last night.  She gave me a preliminary run down and progress report on the organizational development and status. They have come a long way in terms of establishing standards, training, departments, badges, paperwork, and all the rest of it.  It is clear that she and the other Marshals involved have put in a tremendous amount of thought and work into building a modern and well-documented peacekeeping force we can all be proud of.  In the course of the discussions Senior Chief Haywood demonstrated an unusually good knowledge of how law works now versus the way Public Law is supposed to operate, the underlying reasons that our peacekeeping forces are being lied to and misdirected--- and what we can all do to change that and make our country and communities safer places to be. 

She made me aware of a couple new programs akin to Neighborhood Watch and relationship building that has been going on in which the Marshals are taking the lead to educate and support Law Enforcement Officers about Public Law and all the many topics that relate to Public Duty. 

Education of local law enforcement and Agency Personnel remains a high priority going forward and The Continental Marshals Service is well on its way organizationally to becoming  an integral and vital --and prior to this, missing link in the total law enforcement community nationwide. 

Our Marshals are taking the high road and keeping their focus exactly where I and everyone else reading this, needs it to be: protecting private persons and property and enforcing the Constitutional guarantees we are all heir to. 

I couldn't be more pleased with the dedication, understanding, focus, and just plain hard work of these unpaid volunteers.  It is very humbling to consider the sacrifices each and every one of these Americans are making. 

For those who don't know, the Marshals Service was re-commissioned in 2015 as a result of being de-funded by the corporate Municipal Congress.

Bruce Doucette was given the task of organizing the Marshals. He admitted that the task was too much on top of everything else and nominated Tresa Haywood about a year later. 

He never gave her copies of the foundation documents and there were other issues with the transfer of command that have now either been ironed out or soon will be now that I have been made aware of them. 

I also want to assure people who have heard ugly rumors to the effect that Senior Chief Marshall Haywood had anything to do with the arrest and conviction of the Colorado Nine that this gossip is totally unfounded. 

Bruce and the others got in trouble because they were confused and would not listen to me nor to Chief Haywood.  They crossed over the jurisdictional lines, which predictably has the same result as turning the wrong way on a one way street. 

Anyone who is interested in what happened can read the at-the-time description and account of it that I provided everyone -- I believe it's Article 485 on my website. 

Both Chief Haywood and myself have been blamed for what happened to the Colorado Nine. The fact is that we both did all that we could short of standing on our heads in a public restroom to keep these good men on track.  

They thought they knew better the whole time that Chief Haywood and I were pointing at the street signs. 

And, I will note, they still think they know better even now, when they are in prison.  They still don't grasp the fact that they transgressed into a foreign jurisdiction.  

I carefully explained it all again and wrote to each one of them and asked them to sign paperwork acknowledging the facts and that they made a simple mistake and should receive a Presidential Pardon.  I told them to stop filing any motions with any courts and to handle everything from then on as a private matter. 

President Trump could have and I believe, would have, just pardoned them, if they could have demonstrated their new-found grasp of how all this works and promised not to cross jurisdictions again. 

But once again, they ignored my instructions, kept filing motions into foreign courts, and thereby provided evidence that no, they were still confused and therefore still likely to commit similar offenses again. 

In all of this, these men have been their own enemies and their refusal to listen is what has gotten them into unnecessary trouble--- not failure of any duty that I or Chief Haywood had to warn them or assist them. 

So we have struggled on without their assistance and the effort to get the Colorado Assembly organized was made harder by this epic loss, but on the other hand, the leadership that remains is leadership that learns and listens and which can succeed in navigating the maze of Rights and Responsibilities.  

At the end of the day, we are called to do our Public Duty, in peace, and in honor.  

The Continental Marshals are doing more than their fair share.


See this article and over 2000 others on Anna's website here:

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Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Coming to Texas

By Anna Von Reitz

Coming to Texas always feels like coming to the Land of Oz.  The colors are different. The sky is bigger.  And bluer.  And the huge white Thunderheads that form almost every afternoon and which glorify the sunset skies are different, too.  

There's no place like Texas, but then, only a fool speaks of Texas as "a" place. Texas, like Alaska, is so big that numerous small countries could fit comfortably in its borders. 

The Texas Hill Country where I am most at home is oddly somewhat similar in terrain to Wisconsin where I grew up, with rolling hills and pasture land, big trees, sinuous rivers, and lots of cows.  The trees are Live Oaks instead of White Oaks, cedars replace the Jack Pines, and the cattle are Hereford and Longhorn steers instead of Holsteins and Guernsey milk cows, but it still feels similar enough to feel like home. 

There are a lot of Germans who settled this part of Texas, so that makes it feel like home, too. I can find German restaurants --good ones-- serving German Soul Food wherever I go in the Hill Country.  Oddly, jagerschnitzel and Red Cabbage go well with more Southern delicacies like fresh Pecan Pie. 

As we are heading into Austin tonight it is a familiar road I have traveled many, many times, but tonight it feels somehow auspicious.  I sense that the conference I am going to is going to be important, even history-making, something that the Attendees will long remember, and future generations of Americans also. 

It isn't that we, the attendees, or even the speakers are so important at all, but the topics that will be raised and the information we will share -- and the meeting of the minds that takes place here --- will, I think, matter to all people, everywhere, now and for a long time to come. 

Somehow it feels right that it is all happening here in the heart of Texas and that it is happening now. 
Prior to this we were still hunting for and figuring out too many missing pieces to nail it all down, but I suspect that now, it's ready to jell and come into focus.  

That is what I am sensing and maybe also what I am hoping for as we face four days of intense discussion and learning on all sides of all tables. 

Please lend us your prayers and stay tuned.  There is a lot going on and a lot to do in the days ahead.  Stand ready, America. 


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So, You're A Mouse....

By Anna Von Reitz

The last few days we've been looking at the nature of Satan's Kingdom, otherwise known as "the world" and much to some people's amazement, we've shown that "the world" is built of nothing more than words and ideas. 

We have also looked at how words are misused to manipulate our thinking processes and assumptions to promote wrong emotions and wrong actions.

This can be done using labels like "Luddite" and "Sovereign Citizen" and "Nigger".  It can be done by changing the common meaning of words to mean something else entirely, such as changing the meaning of "person" to mean "corporation" --- for "Federal purposes".    It can be done by leaving meanings ambiguous in order to promote fraud, such as the question, "Are you a US citizen?"  -- which then leaves the answer open to interpretation.

It can be done by attaching prior experience and assumptions to new meanings, too. Prior to 1933, when someone offered you a "home loan" it meant they were offering to grubstake you and loan you money to build a place of your own.  After 1933, for the Federales among us, it meant, "Hey, buddy, loan us your home as an asset and let us tax you to death, too."

And then, they and the banks just conveniently "forgot" to explain the change in the verbiage to you, and let you continue to assume that a "home loan" still meant that they were loaning you money to buy a home, instead of you loaning your home to them so that they could borrow against it. 

We also discovered how similar lies and deceits can be used to steal even more precious things --- like your identity and everything you own, using The Dead Baby Scam as a means to falsify records held "in your name". 

We have also discovered how our Public Law and Public Peacekeeping Offices have been undermined and "unlawfully converted" into private corporate "Law Enforcement" positions --- so that our domestic police forces have been misdirected to act as corporate mercenaries for hire, tasked to protect the "service" corporations and their bottom lines, instead of being assigned the duty we all intended for them, which is to protect our private property and persons. 

This then was all designed to protect the corporate criminals and their operations on our shores, and to unlawfully convert the apparatus of our government to serve them, instead of us.

Finally, we looked at how these monsters use Operant Conditioning to get us to believe in obvious falsehoods, get us to worship idols, and hand them the keys to our property, our minds, and our lives --- including our spiritual lives.

It's basically the same mechanisms discovered by Pavlov and B.F. Skinner, just applied for a much longer time and on a much greater scale than anyone imagined. 

We have seen how we have been misled to ascribe value to "money" which is an arbitrary token in an equally arbitrary reward system, how the vacuous concept of "time" has been used to capture our energy and even how something as simple as communion with Jesus has been "converted" into a "saleable commodity" and subjected to commodity rigging.

Obviously, these activities and evils have been going on for a very long time and have been practiced at a high level by certain elements --- organizations and institutions -- that have used these means to obtain coercive control and then abused their positions of trust  to inflict misery and theft on others. 

The chief offenders? 

The Roman Catholic Church, which was itself targeted by the Roman Empire for use as a storefront hiding their continued criminal enterprises and con games. 

The Bar Associations and their members, who have worked for the Roman Empire since the second century BC.  

The British Crown Corporation and its Secret Partners, the "American" heirs of the Dutch East India Company. 

The UN Corporation, which was formed in 1943 by Nazi Sympathizers in France and Switzerland and Luxembourg--- a full two years before the United Nations organization was even chartered. 

The so-called Central Banks and Securities Brokerages.

The problem for them and for the Pope, is that all of these organizations except the Holy See, are incorporated, and they have all acted as crime syndicates, so under the Ecclesiastical Law of the Air, he is obligated to nullify their charters. 

He also owes us the responsibility, as I have pointed out numerous times, to deny the Perpetrators of these crimes access to new charters designed to commit the same crimes.  He can forgive them all he likes, but he owes us good faith service to prevent crime. 

This is, in a way, the same situation posed by all the pedophiles and sodomites that the Roman Catholic Church has protected.  The Popes and the Cardinals can forgive them---for their own part--- all they like, but at the end of the day, they also owe a duty to the rest of us to report and to prevent crime.

The same principles apply to the "revolving door" of these corporate crimes against humanity.  It isn't enough for the Pope to bow to the facts and shut down and liquidate the "UNITED STATES, INC."  if he then allows the same group of Perpetrators to "come in the out door" and form a new corporation operating as "US, INC." or, more to the point, "UN, INC." and carry on the same atrocities.

It's time to stop being mice and, instead, act as men and women.  Use the most powerful weapons the True God gave you --- the Truth and your minds.


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Examples of Operant Conditioning

By Anna Von Reitz

I was about five. I was at the grocery store with my Mom, following behind her and her grocery cart like a dinghy tied to a big ship.  She paused to look at items in the baking aisle and so of course, did I. 

By that time I could already read printing quite well and my line of sight left me staring at bags of flour. 

"What does "enriched" mean?"

Then, "Why does flour need to be enriched?"

Then, incredulously, "That's stupid! Why would anyone ruin their own product and then try to correct it?"

This gives you some idea of how my parents earned sainthood. 

I am demonstrating the kind of questioning that needs to go on in your head and the processing of information that needs to go on. 

First, we need to notice odd unexplained words-- like "enriched" and odd unexplained practices, too. 

Second, we need to think about what we learn. 

A good friend faced with the demand to get a Driver License quickly noticed about a half dozen things that were asked on the paperwork that were improper-- for example, the ambiguous "Are you a US Citizen?" question. 

Which "US"-- mine, yours or theirs? 

What kind of "Citizen"?  State? Territorial? Municipal? 

Followed by demands for Social Security Numbers and statements claiming "residency" -- none of which apply to an American State National. 

We aren't supposed to be enrolled in THEIR retirement system and we are certainly not "residents" in our own country. 

The simple obvious answer is that Americans aren't supposed to apply for Driver Licenses, either. That's why all this verbiage is there that applies only to foreign Federal Citizens.  THEY have to be licensed. Not us. 

Since it makes money (lots of it) for their States-of-State organizations they naturally want you to subject yourself to all their rules and statutory laws by "voluntarily" applying for a DL --- an act by which you hang yourself and knowingly or unknowing misidentifying yourself as some kind of "US Citizen". 

The lawyers leave it nebulous so they can pick and choose whether they misidentify you as a Territorial or as a Municipal today--- knowing all the while that you are, most likely, neither. 

The act of coercing someone to buy something or do something which enriches you and harms them is a crime of racketeering, which is why so much of what they do is actionable under the RICO laws, if and when you can get any of their own foreign "district" attorneys to enforce against them. 

And how likely is that? 

But I digress-- I am just tuning up your Shinola Sensors.  My friend had gotten to the point of recognizing all the suspect words and phrases, but he hadn't gotten so far as to recognize the evidence and admissions contained in the Driver License Application. 

They are in fact admitting that DLs are not intended for Joe Public.  And, furthermore, any demand that Joe Public get such a license intended for foreign workers is admitted to be an act of racketeering under color of law and also an attempt to suborn perjury. 

This kind of analysis of the situation only comes after you learn the words and their meanings -- that all important second step of the process. My friend hadn't yet gotten to that part yet.

So today we are going to tackle some things that are related to this whole Pilgrim's Progress, and look at Operant Conditioning, because it is very common and very destructive. 

Please note that Operant Conditioning always involves either rewards or punishments and sometimes both. 

So if the system you are studying offers rewards, punishments, or both combined in a carrot-or-stick pattern---- beware and look deeper. 

We already saw how Operant Conditioning is used to instill a False Belief in the "value" of money:

Let me recall it for you in case you missed it: 

Mouse puts a piece of litter in a cup and gets a piece of cheese.  Mouse puts a piece of litter in a cup and gets a piece of bread. Mouse puts a piece of litter in a cup and gets a piece of ham.  

This leads "mouse" to believe that cage litter is valuable because it is consistently translated into things the "mouse" wants or needs: cheese, bread, and ham.

But in fact as you can now see, the litter has no real value and the choice of litter as the reward stimulant is arbitrary. 

This is how we are trained to use money, indulge the false belief in the value of money, and get trapped in a rigged control system that the Enemies of Mankind manipulate and control. 

Let's look at another example-- time. The entire concept of time like the value of money is a lie foisted off on us by Operant Conditioning. 

First, they set up a system to measure something that doesn't exist: a watch, a clock, even an atomic clock-- to improve their measuring system designed to measure something that doesn't exist. 

If sideshows at a circus come to mind, as they surely should, read on. 

Using this measuring device they get you to in fact measure your own labor and physical energy resources, which can then be unitized and bought and sold and traded as "hours worked" which can be paid for with what? Worthless litter being used as money. 

Now, "mouse" is on a treadmill. 

Every day, week, or month-- also bogus time measurements, mouse gets rewarded with a paycheck based on the value of litter. 

Now he gets to trade his hours on the treadmill for pieces of litter to drop in the cup to get his bit of cheese or bread or ham. 

And he has been given nothing but some false beliefs and assumptions about arbitrary and non-existent things, which he then trades for actual goods and services. 

His energy to run the tread mill is actual, the bread, cheese, and meat are actual--but everything else is phony and arbitrary and guess what else?  

Controlled by someone or something else--- the Hidden Hand, which inculcates the false beliefs, controls the "weights and measures" and the supply of litter and operates this whole delusional batshit crazy system of fraud in front of our faces every single day, without as much as a question being asked. 

No wonder the Enemies of Mankind think we are stupid dumb cattle to be ear-tagged and milked and slaughtered as livestock. 

What would you think if you observed such a situation?  What DO you think, now that you have observed it? 

You have spent your whole life in a maze being conditioned by your "Masters" and your energy and your goods have been stolen for the cost of some bookkeeping, paper, and false beliefs promoted by charlatans (also known as hot air). 

Sadly, this same System has been applied to religion as well. 

Take the example of Communion. 

The reward is the forgiveness of sin.  That's a big reward. 

The punishment is damnation.  That's a huge punishment. 

And the Church holds the franchise concession. 

So here we have a system of Operant Conditioning that involves both ultimate Reward and ultimate Punishment. 

So far as Con Games based on Operant Conditiioning go, we have hit the Big Time. 

But let's examine this further...

Did Jesus create this system? 


Did he grant the Church a concession to sell his forgiveness? 


What he said about both the bread and wine was--bless it as often as you eat or drink it in remembrance of me. Period. 

That's it. 

When you eat bread or drink wine, bless it and remember me.  Imagine how the world would change if we simply did what he told us to do, instead of getting trapped in an Operant Conditioning scheme by his erstwhile claim-to-be disciples, who were endlessly wrong-headed while he walked the Earth and still are despite the admirable efforts of the Holy Spirit. 

So Communion with our Lord and Savior has been hijacked from being the simple everyday action that anyone can take -- the action that He commanded -- and transformed into another Operant Conditioning racket designed to enrich and give oppressive power over Jesus's Followers to The Church. 

"Do what we want or we will condemn you to Hell!"

Which is also non-existent, at least in the way they describe it.  

By making Communion into a commodity -- a soul saving product -- and cornering the market, these charlatans have served a very different Master, 

Not only are they doing something that Jesus never told them to do, something that only serves to oppress and control innocent Believers, reducing otherwise sane people to blithering idiocy when faced with the awesome power of the Church to forgive sins "in Jesus's name"--- they are not doing what he in fact instructed.

Based on my own relationship with Him, I can tell you that that leaves them doubly up a creek without a paddle. 

This is why he will coldly say, "Depart from me, you Evildoers!" --because they are doing evil and failing to do good in his name. 

Where have we seen that phrase "in our names" or "in his name" before? 

That's exactly the same fraud the vermin have pulled on our entire country--- they have been acting in our names and committing crimes and running up huge debts in our names, too. 

You see how this works? 

The Satanists came in and pretended to be leaders of the Church.  These False Apostles then pulled the same scheme with our government.  

As a result, when people wake up and see this, the Church will be blamed and will deserve the blame, but the actual Perpetrators who misled the Church and promoted these evils in the name of Jesus and in the name of The United States of America think that they will skip town....and escape any punishment at all. 

They think they will steal the world's gold as they have done twice before, bribe Chinese officials to give them safe harbor for their piracy---and sail on, nothing but richer and more powerful for the exercise. 

Boy, do I have news for them. 

Jesus has seen it all and he is steamed. 


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