By Anna Von Reitz
I was about five. I was at the grocery store with my Mom, following behind her and her grocery cart like a dinghy tied to a big ship. She paused to look at items in the baking aisle and so of course, did I.
By that time I could already read printing quite well and my line of sight left me staring at bags of flour.
"What does "enriched" mean?"
Then, "Why does flour need to be enriched?"
Then, incredulously, "That's stupid! Why would anyone ruin their own product and then try to correct it?"
This gives you some idea of how my parents earned sainthood.
I am demonstrating the kind of questioning that needs to go on in your head and the processing of information that needs to go on.
First, we need to notice odd unexplained words-- like "enriched" and odd unexplained practices, too.
Second, we need to think about what we learn.
A good friend faced with the demand to get a Driver License quickly noticed about a half dozen things that were asked on the paperwork that were improper-- for example, the ambiguous "Are you a US Citizen?" question.
Which "US"-- mine, yours or theirs?
What kind of "Citizen"? State? Territorial? Municipal?
Followed by demands for Social Security Numbers and statements claiming "residency" -- none of which apply to an American State National.
We aren't supposed to be enrolled in THEIR retirement system and we are certainly not "residents" in our own country.
The simple obvious answer is that Americans aren't supposed to apply for Driver Licenses, either. That's why all this verbiage is there that applies only to foreign Federal Citizens. THEY have to be licensed. Not us.
Since it makes money (lots of it) for their States-of-State organizations they naturally want you to subject yourself to all their rules and statutory laws by "voluntarily" applying for a DL --- an act by which you hang yourself and knowingly or unknowing misidentifying yourself as some kind of "US Citizen".
The lawyers leave it nebulous so they can pick and choose whether they misidentify you as a Territorial or as a Municipal today--- knowing all the while that you are, most likely, neither.
The act of coercing someone to buy something or do something which enriches you and harms them is a crime of racketeering, which is why so much of what they do is actionable under the RICO laws, if and when you can get any of their own foreign "district" attorneys to enforce against them.
And how likely is that?
But I digress-- I am just tuning up your Shinola Sensors. My friend had gotten to the point of recognizing all the suspect words and phrases, but he hadn't gotten so far as to recognize the evidence and admissions contained in the Driver License Application.
They are in fact admitting that DLs are not intended for Joe Public. And, furthermore, any demand that Joe Public get such a license intended for foreign workers is admitted to be an act of racketeering under color of law and also an attempt to suborn perjury.
This kind of analysis of the situation only comes after you learn the words and their meanings -- that all important second step of the process. My friend hadn't yet gotten to that part yet.
So today we are going to tackle some things that are related to this whole Pilgrim's Progress, and look at Operant Conditioning, because it is very common and very destructive.
Please note that Operant Conditioning always involves either rewards or punishments and sometimes both.
So if the system you are studying offers rewards, punishments, or both combined in a carrot-or-stick pattern---- beware and look deeper.
We already saw how Operant Conditioning is used to instill a False Belief in the "value" of money:
Let me recall it for you in case you missed it:
Mouse puts a piece of litter in a cup and gets a piece of cheese. Mouse puts a piece of litter in a cup and gets a piece of bread. Mouse puts a piece of litter in a cup and gets a piece of ham.
This leads "mouse" to believe that cage litter is valuable because it is consistently translated into things the "mouse" wants or needs: cheese, bread, and ham.
But in fact as you can now see, the litter has no real value and the choice of litter as the reward stimulant is arbitrary.
This is how we are trained to use money, indulge the false belief in the value of money, and get trapped in a rigged control system that the Enemies of Mankind manipulate and control.
Let's look at another example-- time. The entire concept of time like the value of money is a lie foisted off on us by Operant Conditioning.
First, they set up a system to measure something that doesn't exist: a watch, a clock, even an atomic clock-- to improve their measuring system designed to measure something that doesn't exist.
If sideshows at a circus come to mind, as they surely should, read on.
Using this measuring device they get you to in fact measure your own labor and physical energy resources, which can then be unitized and bought and sold and traded as "hours worked" which can be paid for with what? Worthless litter being used as money.
Now, "mouse" is on a treadmill.
Every day, week, or month-- also bogus time measurements, mouse gets rewarded with a paycheck based on the value of litter.
Now he gets to trade his hours on the treadmill for pieces of litter to drop in the cup to get his bit of cheese or bread or ham.
And he has been given nothing but some false beliefs and assumptions about arbitrary and non-existent things, which he then trades for actual goods and services.
His energy to run the tread mill is actual, the bread, cheese, and meat are actual--but everything else is phony and arbitrary and guess what else?
Controlled by someone or something else--- the Hidden Hand, which inculcates the false beliefs, controls the "weights and measures" and the supply of litter and operates this whole delusional batshit crazy system of fraud in front of our faces every single day, without as much as a question being asked.
No wonder the Enemies of Mankind think we are stupid dumb cattle to be ear-tagged and milked and slaughtered as livestock.
What would you think if you observed such a situation? What DO you think, now that you have observed it?
You have spent your whole life in a maze being conditioned by your "Masters" and your energy and your goods have been stolen for the cost of some bookkeeping, paper, and false beliefs promoted by charlatans (also known as hot air).
Sadly, this same System has been applied to religion as well.
Take the example of Communion.
The reward is the forgiveness of sin. That's a big reward.
The punishment is damnation. That's a huge punishment.
And the Church holds the franchise concession.
So here we have a system of Operant Conditioning that involves both ultimate Reward and ultimate Punishment.
So far as Con Games based on Operant Conditiioning go, we have hit the Big Time.
But let's examine this further...
Did Jesus create this system?
Did he grant the Church a concession to sell his forgiveness?
What he said about both the bread and wine was--bless it as often as you eat or drink it in remembrance of me. Period.
That's it.
When you eat bread or drink wine, bless it and remember me. Imagine how the world would change if we simply did what he told us to do, instead of getting trapped in an Operant Conditioning scheme by his erstwhile claim-to-be disciples, who were endlessly wrong-headed while he walked the Earth and still are despite the admirable efforts of the Holy Spirit.
So Communion with our Lord and Savior has been hijacked from being the simple everyday action that anyone can take -- the action that He commanded -- and transformed into another Operant Conditioning racket designed to enrich and give oppressive power over Jesus's Followers to The Church.
"Do what we want or we will condemn you to Hell!"
Which is also non-existent, at least in the way they describe it.
By making Communion into a commodity -- a soul saving product -- and cornering the market, these charlatans have served a very different Master,
Not only are they doing something that Jesus never told them to do, something that only serves to oppress and control innocent Believers, reducing otherwise sane people to blithering idiocy when faced with the awesome power of the Church to forgive sins "in Jesus's name"--- they are not doing what he in fact instructed.
Based on my own relationship with Him, I can tell you that that leaves them doubly up a creek without a paddle.
This is why he will coldly say, "Depart from me, you Evildoers!" --because they are doing evil and failing to do good in his name.
Where have we seen that phrase "in our names" or "in his name" before?
That's exactly the same fraud the vermin have pulled on our entire country--- they have been acting in our names and committing crimes and running up huge debts in our names, too.
You see how this works?
The Satanists came in and pretended to be leaders of the Church. These False Apostles then pulled the same scheme with our government.
As a result, when people wake up and see this, the Church will be blamed and will deserve the blame, but the actual Perpetrators who misled the Church and promoted these evils in the name of Jesus and in the name of The United States of America think that they will skip town....and escape any punishment at all.
They think they will steal the world's gold as they have done twice before, bribe Chinese officials to give them safe harbor for their piracy---and sail on, nothing but richer and more powerful for the exercise.
Boy, do I have news for them.
Jesus has seen it all and he is steamed.
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