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Monday, March 4, 2024

Fraudulent Tax Sales

 By Anna Von Reitz

Not only can they not establish the existence of any debt while using Federal Reserve Notes (the use of fictional money leads to fictional debt) so long as you are properly declared, and properly object to the use of Federal Reserve Notes, and properly express the fact that you are not a corporation and not acting as the representative of any corporation ---- they can't mount a tax sale of your property if you separate it from the "public interest".  

What they actually sell at Tax Sales is the piece of public road easement running alongside your land and the copyrighted number-name address they have assigned to it.  

So, you do unto them what they have done unto you --- if your driveway and electrical service, etc., has been in place at least ten years.  

Example: the City of Phoenix, Arizona, issues a land description and address for your house and calls it: 8978 Yuma Heights.  You, however, decide that you prefer the name and address 9022 Aztec View Drive, and you provide a metes and bounds or other physical survey to define exactly what portion of the land and driveway, etc, is yours. So you go to the State of State Recording Office and record the name change and physical description.  

You have now separated, defined, and named your own private property apart from the "public interest" of the road easement. 

The money someone paid at that Tax Sale for the road easement goes into the State Trust and the State Trust is responsible for paying all road maintenance, etc.

Essentially, the vermin are trying to double-dip. 

They are getting you to pay the expenses of the State Trust, so that the State Trust -- which they use as a giant Slush Fund -- is topped off, when you are supposed to be the Beneficiary of the State Trust and shouldn't have to pay any road maintenance or fire service or other such fees at all.  

If the buyer of the road easement is disgruntled, because he also expected to get your house and land as part of the deal --- let him go complain to the charlatans who sold it to him. 

All their land titles are as worthless as their money, costing them nothing but the "wind" to imagine up a name and number for the road easement and then copyrighting it. 

They are only able to "latch" onto your house and land as an attachment to the road easement, because you have not seen through their game and established your private interest by renaming your house and land and recording this along with an exact description of your property (survey based on physical markers) and its established (must be in place at least ten years) utility and driveway easements.  

They cannot stop you from doing this, because it's what they did themselves, and because "latching" your property is illegal --- they have been getting away with it, simply because you have been ignorant of what they were doing and so, didn't safeguard your own interest.  

Once the American people wake up and start replying in kind, there will be a great outcry from the bureaucrats, because their cozy little system no longer works.  They will say that there's too much confusion about locations and addresses in their service areas.  They will howl and cry.  

Well, they shouldn't attempt to abuse the people they serve using semantic deceits and copyrighted land descriptions to coercively tax them for "services" that should be paid already by the State Trust.  And probably is already paid for by the State Trust. 

They shouldn't be alleging the existence of debt based on Federal Reserve Notes, either. 

There's a lot that they shouldn't be doing, but they've been getting away with it under color of law --- like zoning your land (actually their land description) as agricultural, residential, or commercial property, and ignoring the fact that it is private and yours to do with as you will, so long as you claim your birthright as an American --- and so long as you provide your own land description and address to the DNR. 

So, let's put an end to these fraudulent property taxes and equally fraudulent tax sales, too.

Mom, Pop, and the Kids -- much less Grandma or Grandpa -- don't deserve to be thrown out on the street for "failure to pay" for services they didn't order from people who are working a fraud scheme to coerce them to pay and illegally latching onto their houses and land if they don't.    

Take a few hours out of your busy life to research the land patent or grant underlying your property and claim it.  Take a few minutes and go pound some distinctive boundary markers at the corners and edges of your land. Do a little metes and bounds survey and write all this information down in a neat orderly way.  Consider what you want to call your land, and give it a new name and number.  

Then go record this information with the State-of-State Department of Natural Resources Land Recorder's Office.  

The King's men, the Tories among us, can't own their own land, because their "King" claims it and holds it in trust for them; but Americans own their land down to the center of the Earth.  


See this article and over 4600 others on Anna's website here:

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The Question of Government -- Thinking It Through

 By Anna Von Reitz

Every day I get emails and letters from "men of action" who want to get out there and really "do" something --- other than build their Assembly into a functional government for their State, that is.   

They send me video clips like the one below from a public meeting in Maricopa, Arizona, where a small group of people came in and read the Riot Act and the Commissioners fled the room:

It's important to know that: (1) it could have turned out very differently; those folks could have been billy-clubbed and arrested and thrown in jail for decades like the Colorado Nine; (2) the group following this Speaker acted in ignorance; please notice how she referenced the "Republic of Arizona"--- the Republic of Arizona would be part of the old Federal Republic, if either one existed anymore, but no, they don't, and they won't until and unless the States reconstruct them. 

Any hint of ignorance displayed by patriot groups is like blood in the water for sharks. 

It's our own ignorance that our detractors use against us every time.  It's what put the January 6th Protestors in prison and it's what keeps them there today

Only the truth sets you free, not your assumptions. 

While these patriots chase after the illusion of a Republic of Arizona, the reality of the State itself is missing from their view.  It never occurs to them that before there can be a Republic of Arizona, there has to be an Arizona. 

The great issue of government and the great Powerhouse of our Government, is the State. 


Because the sovereignty of this country is vested in the sovereignty of our Nation-States -- and nothing else.

We, Americans, take our nationality from our State. 

It's true that our State Governments are "republican in nature" --- but they are republican, not republics. 

Republics, like the Roman Republic, have great historical fame, but they always fail and they always fail for the same reason: the hubris of men.  

When the men running a Republic get drunk on their power, their pride and ego overcomes their humility and will to serve within limitations. 

The great hero of the Roman Republic, whom George Washington modeled himself after, was the Roman General Cincinnatus, a farmer who was called from working his fields, led Rome to victory, and then quietly returned to his fields. 

Not so long after the Roman Republic fell at the hands of its own soldiers.  

Something very similar happened in this country to the Federal Republic when Generals Ulysses S. Grant and William "Tecumseh" Sherman gained control and established a quasi-military occupation that has lasted to this day. 

It lasts because our civilian government was thrown into such disarray and its leadership was hounded so mercilessly that the actual civilian government lost its footing and its way. 

The soldiers shrug and collect the taxes for themselves --- and keep us all eternally at war, war for profit, war for war's sake. 

They shrug and say, well, where's the civilian government?  All they see is their own State-of-State organizations and the State Trusts they formed to hold our property "for" us.   No actual State Government in view.  

The only way for this to end, is for all the rest of us to wake up and restore our long-absent civilian government, and the lynch pin for that, is the State.  

The thing that matters is plain old Arizona, not any "Republic of". 

There will always be a government, people, the only question is -- will it be your government or someone else's ruling over you?  If it's to be yours, you must staff it, and operate it yourselves. 

The dull, patient work of building a State Assembly may lack the conflict and drama and "rush" of confronting the rats in their lair, but it's what needs to be done.  

As so often in life, the things that really matter require time and sacrifice; it still takes nine months for a baby to be born, and it's not such a pleasant process in some regards.  

It's the same with rebuilding your State Government and restoring your State Assembly to full function. It's not glamorous. It can be frustrating. 

But it's what really, truly, needs to be done.  

It's also the only thing that we can all safely do, because it is guaranteed by contract.  

We have the right to peaceably assemble, the right to bear arms, and all the other rights that are naturally ours, as long as we are properly declared to be Americans in possession of our birthright political standing-- so called "Special Designated Nationals". 

We are like heroes from the days old, stepping off the pages of the history books and onto the stage of life, the long-lost almost mythical Americans. 

It doesn't matter that most of us are past fifty and are standing here looking a bit dazed.  We are here, and we know who we are, and bit by bit, we are restoring our government, the government we are owed, and which we owe ourselves. 

To all the undeclared people who are chasing around trying to restore State Republics instead of States, I have this to say --- you are endangering yourselves and the cause that you hope to advance.  

The "republican in nature" government you are heir to is from the maternal side of the word "republic"-- the humble, nurturing, patient, enduring Mother is the archetype giving rise to your State Government, it's the simple lowly people gathered around their dinner tables, people without titles, people without pride, who come forward to serve like Cincinnatus. 

We are the ones who create the miracles by our own Will and we are also the ones who pay the bills, and who do everything else that is worthwhile, positive, and good.  It stands to reason that we are also the ones to give rise to our own State Government. 

We do that by gathering together and building our State Assembly, not by ranting and foaming off at the mouth, but by determinedly building the government of, for, and by the people, our own civilian government.

The soldiers know that they are supposed to be taking their orders from the civilian government, but they have been left adrift for a very long while. Some have liked having the "bit in their teeth" and only having the Lieber Code (Hague Conventions) to guide them, but they know it isn't right.  

They know that the civilian government of this country is supposed to lead them and they have been waiting a long time for Americans to stand up and repopulate their vacant civilian government.  

No doubt it is a relief to the military overall to see our Assemblies sprouting up and taking hold. 

No doubt it is a relief to hear sane, calm, plodding voices above the clamor of the Political Party Crazy Train.  

They've trusted their lives and honor and future to us; we can do no less for them.  

And all you men of action, let the action you take be the right action.  Let your actions be schooled by the wisdom of humility and peace, by long-suffering, by selflessness, by commitment to doing what is truly needed even if it gives no hint of glory. 

Somehow I am sure that when Cincinnatus left his plow and answered the call of the Roman Republic, he wasn't overjoyed; he answered anyway.  And he did the job that was needed, and then, he went home -- little thinking that he would be remembered. 


See this article and over 4600 others on Anna's website here:

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