Are you looking for Solutions for America in Distress

You are in the right place to find out about what is really going on behind the scenes in the patriot movement in America, including solutions from Oathkeepers, Anna Von Reitz, Constitutional Sheriffs, Richard Mack, and many more people who are leading the charge to restore America to freedom and peace. Please search on the right for over 9370 articles.
You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Blow by Blow from The Informer

From Anna Von Reitz

I first read this extensive expose in about..... I am going to say, 1995?  --- and I believe that it came from our friend, The Informer, one of the great researchers and Grand Old Men of the entire patriot movement.   

Time goes on and we can now add more pieces to the puzzle. For example, we now know the THING in Washington, DC is, (1) foreign with respect to us, (2) functions in territorial and municipal international jurisdictions foreign to us, (3) functions as commercial corporations in the business of providing government services; and (4) it has been this way since the beginning. 

This information and its implications is not evident in the following blow-by-blow exposé of how we got into this Mess, but you will not find a better or more documented single source of specific information about the history from 1933 forward through the federation of the States of States and all that that entails.  

Happy chewing, campers!  And thank you, Informer, forever!   It's because of you and people like Bill Benson that we still have a country to call home!

Leemon Baird x Harvard Talk - Hashgraph: New Directions for Blockchains & Distributed Ledgers

On November 20, Leemon Baird, inventor of hashgraph, spoke at Harvard Business School, giving a comprehensive overview of the consensus algorithm, while taking questions from the audience of students. Leemon first compares the four generations of blockchain technology and then gives a deeper dive into gossip about gossip and Virtual Voting.

Found here:

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Another Reply to Manna "With Truth and Integrity"---

By Anna Von  Reitz

Unfortunately, every time I TRY to answer this, Projectspeak "closes the portal" so I will have to answer here on my own page and hope that others do due diligence. I never asked anyone to issue any bonds, period. End of comment. I asked Kim to rescue the Guadalupe Hidalgo Trust funds from being illegally and immorally traded, but she not only allowed this, she did nothing that I know of to object, and in fact-- though this bit is secondhand from other parties--- she criticized Michael Young for not trading it, and wanting instead to disburse and use the funds to relieve suffering and build infrastructure and actually DO something with the money to benefit the actual intended Beneficiaries. 

What a stroke! Imagine it? 

The Beneficiaries of a Trust actually being enabled to access some BENEFIT from the existence of all that money after over 200 years of people like Kim "investing" and "collecting" and "trading" on the trust principal and never giving a goddam peso to those it was supposed to help? Maybe we should call up the King of Spain and ask him what the words on the paper mean in Spanish, when it says this bequest is for the development of the land for the benefit of the people living there? Is that clear enough, Kim? Anyone else have any questions about WHY it is outrageous that those funds were traded AGAIN on a private trading platform when the actual heirs and beneficiaries have come forward, expressed their Irrevocable Will, and cleared the way for the funds to provide heat and food and medical care and jobs and decent roads and electricity to people who have gone without for generations while all the gold in the Guadalupe Hidalgo Trust sat in a bank vault being traded on and used as an asset benefiting nobody but bankers? 

All this talk, talk, talk is just that--- more TALK. 

Maybe Thomas and Kim have never driven through the Navajo Reservation or hiked back into the mountain and sat in a little hut with a tin roof and a five gallon oil can being used to burn lumps of coal as the only heat. Maybe Thomas and Kim have never held a Native American Grandmother in their arms while she wept in agony from the pain of rotten teeth? But I have. Maybe Thomas and Kim have never heard a young Native man speak his heart out and admit the fear he feels about finding a job and a place in the world, being able to support his family, being able to find a future? But I have. 

No doubt they haven't taken what "extra" they could give to support Native cultural and education programs and never set up a cooperative to help Native American women go into business for themselves instead of being de facto slaves doing piecework for predatory corporations. But I have. And it is plain on the record that they never issued a Declaration of Joint Sovereignty with any Native Nation. But I have. 

And you know, I doubt very much that either one of them ever stood on the barricades with the Menominee or paused to view the land and sky over Wounded Knee, but I have. And I doubt very much that they had any relatives killed in the Indian Wars that resulted from the criminality that erupted as a result of European greed and meddling in the wake of the so-called Civil War, but I have. 

And you know, I very much doubt that either one of them have ever done anything for people of color that would merit them being adopted into an indigenous tribe, but both my husband and I have been adopted. I was adopted by the Winnebago and he was adopted by the Tlingits, both of us, separately in different parts of the United States, many years ago. 

I would guess that neither Kim nor Thomas grew up with Natives as part of their lives, never attended a potlatch, never ran joyously out to gather berries in the early morning, never sat silent at Ghost Feast in remembrance of those who died too young, victims of diabetes, alcohol, drugs, and all the other evils that gnaw into the hearts and lives of people "on the Res". But I have. 

So I suggest that those who want to paint me as a "Nazi" and a supporter of the SS and a "white supremist" take their lies and shove them up their well-used asses. And while they are at it, maybe they need to check my Father's WWII record as a battlefield commissioned Lieutenant in the 8th Army Air Force and ask themselves why Ronald Reagan sent flowers for his funeral and not just condolences by mail, but three uniformed officers, carrying those flowers? 

You all need to account for the FACT that the money that is OWED to the Beneficiaries of the Guadalupe Hidalgo Trust has not even BEGUN to be paid out to them over two years after their claim process was verified and completed. You also need to account for the FACT that the VAST amounts of money OWED to the American states and people and the numerous verifiable group and family trusts including the D'Avila, Santiago, Durham, Bedford, and others are STILL hung up in La-La-Land waiting for your lordships to get your royal rumps in gear???

See this article and over 800 others on Anna's website here:
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