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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Friday, December 15, 2017

Please Note -- The State Chartered Credit Unions Are Ours

By Anna Von Reitz

The State Chartered Credit Unions are held under the charter of The United States of America (Unincorporated).   They are specifically designed to serve living people and unincorporated businesses.  

As such, they don't offer all the services of commercial banks, but they do offer all the advantages of private banking---- meaning security from bail-outs and bail-ins, relative freedom from government snooping, the ability to deal in actual assets and money, and many other advantages.

By the time we realized this most of the state chartered credit unions were long dead and gone, but since we realized it there has been a remarkable resurgence and proliferation of groups getting organized under state charters and, more importantly, established "federal credit unions"  converting their federal and "state of state" charters over to actual state charters.  

The Crux of Non-Representation

By Anna Von Reitz

Following the so-called Civil War --- never forget that it wasn't actually a war because it was never declared by our Congress and never ended by peace treaty --- place holder "States" were established in the Territorial Government system.  

These "States" were predicated on the theory that everyone would now be considered "Dual Citizens" owing obligations to both the actual state of the union and the federal government.  No such authorization or agreement on the part of the American states and people exists.  No act by our Continental Congress allows it. This was simply presumed as an administrative action on the part of the Territorial Government as a part of "reconstruction" and it was excused as an "emergency measure"---for which there is no provision in our law, either. 

Fed Govt Planned Kill At Bundy Ranch And Witnesses

Found here:

Twitter DHS Whistler:

BLM and FBI Criminality Exposed, Exposed, Exposed....

By Anna Von Reitz

I don't usually just stand back and let it fall without comment, but this is one of those moments: 

After you watch it, and in full view of all that it implies---- get moving and shaking.  

The "Shadow Government" is purely and simply all the federal agencies taken together.  These Agencies came into existence between 1900 and 1940 for the most part, with a few being added over the years since then.  We call them the "alphabet soup" agencies because of the acronyms used to name these entities: FBI, FEMA, IRS, BATF, BLM, DHS, etc.

None of these entities are authorized by our government to exist, much less are they authorized to exercise governmental authority of any kind in our behalf. They are not specifically authorized to operate on our soil, but have only been allowed to do so as subcontractors of the federal government corporations which have farmed out their responsibilities to subsidiaries.  

I repeat--- these entities are not part of the actual government at all and never have been.  They are subcontractors and/or franchises and/or subsidiaries working for parent corporations, in the same way that Dairy Queen, Inc. might own its own dairies or contract for services from a paper products company to make all its cardboard lunch boxes and paper cups. 

THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, INC.---which is a private, foreign corporation -- owns and operates both the BLM and FBI.  These entities are in the business of providing "governmental services" ---they are not the government.  

The BLM is supposed to be acting as a property manager in behalf of the people of this country, taking care of our public lands in a proprietary capacity, that is, not as an owner but as a caretaker-for-hire.

So imagine the situation?  

Something in the Air

By Anna Von Reitz

Get out your Easy Rider Soundtracks and your grainy old audio files of Thunderclap Newman singing "Something in the Air", sit back on your heels and howl:  "We've got to get together sooner or later, because the Revolution is here.....and you know that it's right!" 

This is our country.  We are the employers.  We aren't going to sit here like sheep.  We aren't going to let our employees feed on us like parasites and run extortion rackets against us under color of law. We won't let them embezzle us blind at the behest of foreign banking interests, either.    

We aren't going to be silent.  We aren't going to be afraid in our own houses anymore.  We aren't going to listen to biased foreign-owned media anymore.  We aren't going to let our enemies educate our children anymore.  We aren't going to be ear-tagged and vaccinated like cattle anymore.  We aren't going to be "registered".