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Monday, May 3, 2021

Important Points to Remember -- Call Out to Assemblies

 By Anna Von Reitz

There are many new people coming into the Assemblies, dragging their indoctrinations and assumptions based on past experience with "government" behind them.
I've been having to reiterate certain basic facts over and over and over for these Newbies, so I am calling on all the Assemblies and Assembly Members to help me out here and make sure that these Important Points are part of the Orientation we are providing new people.
1. The actual government of this country is not a democracy. The Territorial United States Government is a democracy. They work for us, but they are not us. All this stuff you have heard all your life about "our democracy" is in fact "their democracy". It's the form of government that the U.S. Citizens chose to adopt, and has nothing to do with our "republican form of government" guaranteed to us.
2. We don't need large numbers of people, or even a "majority" of people, because we are not a democracy. We don't have political parties, either. No Democrat/Republican divide and conquer allowed. Our government is run at a grassroots level by plain old Americans who don't necessarily use make-up and hair spray. Our actual government embraces people all across the political spectrum who simply want to be free and protected and enjoy their constitutionally guaranteed Natural and Unalienable Rights.
If you want to be a conscript in a military at "perpetual war" --- that's the Other Guys running the British Territorial United States Government and representing the U.S. Citizens and their dependents.
If you want to be a slave for the Pope and the City of Rome, that's another group of Other Guys. That is a foreign plenary oligarchy that rules over the Federal Civil Service employees and their dependents, who are known as "citizens of the United States".
These other foreign governments are under contract to us. Their contracts are spelled out as "The Constitution of the United States of America" and "The Constitution of the United States" -- respectively. These are the only contracts we have with them, and they are obligated to perform.
3. Over 90% of the Federal Code does not apply to us and never has.
The part that does apply to us is recorded on the Federal Record.
The part that doesn't apply to us-- which is the vast bulk of it -- appears on the Federal Register.
There is no reason for an average American to study the Federal Code. The only thing you have to study is the two (2) aforementioned Constitutions, which define your relationship with both Federal Service Providers.
Unless you regularly travel and conduct business on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways, or choose to participate in interstate commerce as an incorporated entity ("commerce" is defined as business between two incorporated entities), or are engaged in the manufacture, sale or transportation of alcohol, tobacco, or firearms, or have cause to conduct business on Federal Property, such as Naval Bases, it is unlikely that you, as an American, have any reason to know anything about Federal Code at all.
4. There are two basic forms of law --- Public Law and Private Law.
You, as an American, stand under the Public Law, which includes the Constitutions, The Declaration of Independence, The Articles of Confederation (once we finish the Reconstruction), The Northwest Ordinance, the United States Statutes-at-Large (the Unrevised Version is still in effect), and The Ten Commandments.
If anyone hauls you into any "district court" all you are actually required to reply is --- for an example: "My name is Mildred Honeycutt. I live in Millford, Oregon. I am an American and a member of The Oregon Assembly and I stand under the Public Law."
Any district judge who proceeds to act against you after hearing this simple declaration is standing in the shadow of the Admiralty gallows.
Average Americans are not required to know or stand under any foreign law. Foreign law includes State of State Statutes, the bulk of Federal Code, Public Policies, Administrative Code, and all Regulations. See Amendment XI.
5. Unknown to you, other countries around the world have thought that your actual government was "gone" ---- "missing in action, presumed dead" ---"in interregnum" and otherwise "absent".
That is because our actual State Assemblies have not been in Session for a very long time.
Our Assemblies appeared to be replaced by "District Assemblies" ---- either Territorial District Assemblies populated by our Military Employees and their families, or Municipal District Assemblies populated by our Federal Civil Service Employees and their families.
These U.S. Citizens and "citizens of the United States" may have been born in this country and may consider themselves as American as you, but they are occupying a different political status which obligates them to serve a foreign democracy [Territorial] or a foreign oligarchy [Municipality], respectively.
For the duration of their Tour of Duty, and for as long as they continue to adopt foreign citizenship, they and their direct dependents stand under the Private Law of the foreign corporations which employ them.
They are the ones that the 90% of the Federal Code applies to, all the State of State Statutory Law applies to, all the Noahide Laws apply to, all the Administrative Codes apply to, all the Agency Regulations apply to..... and so on.
6. During our American Government's purported absence, our Territorial and Municipal Employees have assumed a Public Trust Interest in us and our assets. Now that we woke up and rebooted our actual State Assemblies, there is no reason for them to continue to assume any such custodial role--nor any merely "presumed" authority related to us and our assets.
This news and realization is just now trickling out into the vast spider web of "federal" and "federated state of state" organizations and officials, so it is our responsibility to speak up and tell them and to fully inform all the other national and international governments, to dispel this long-held idea that we and our American Government just disappeared over the horizon and never came home again.
7. By declaring your birthright political status, recording it, and joining your State Assembly, you are setting yourself apart from your Employees and their duties, and accepting your Public Duty instead. Your Public Duty is to uphold the Constitutions and the Public Law.
As mentioned above, your foreign Employees are accountable to the Federal Code appearing on the Federal Register, the State of State Statutes, the Administrative Code, the Agency Regulations, the Public Policies adopted by the foreign corporations that employ them, etc., etc., etc.
Their respective Territorial State-of-State Governors or Municipal GOVERNORS can violate their Natural and Unalienable Rights as a condition of employment, and they have no constitutional guarantees.
This is the "Secret" to why you have been abused, too.
Because your Federal Employees are miserable and unprotected, they have shared the cup and included you as one of them.

Please take note that among the injustices that must be addressed, the mistreatment of Federal Employees is also on the list.


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