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Saturday, January 6, 2024

A Public Official, or, Merely Pretending to Be?

 By Anna Von Reitz

One of the problems I have with believing any of the reports of people being arrested and tried at Gitmo and elsewhere is that certain fundamental premises don't make sense.  

Here is a case in point, following fast upon the heels of our analysis of King John I's private ability to contract versus public ability to contract. 

According to the Narrative, United States Navy personnel, particularly the JAG (Judge Advocate General) Command, have been rounding up various members of the former and present political Administrations and subjecting them to various charges and sentences, up to and including capital punishment for treason.  

The stated rationale for this is that these people are "public officials" but a closer inspection reveals that this is not true; they may have occupied vacant Public Offices, but that does not make them legitimate Public Officials -- especially not without their contractual acceptances. 

As impersonators, does the charge of "treason" even apply?  

People engaged in parody and theater productions and even con games seldom rise to the level of capital crimes, and though I appreciate the spirit of the thing, it does rather reek of killing the scapegoats that have been hired to promote the fictional narrative -- many of whom may actually believe that they are public officials and have no idea otherwise. 

The distinction between being elected in a political election sponsored by a municipal or commercial corporation and being elected in an actual Public Election may be lost on Joe Average or Joe Biden, for that matter, but not on us, the actual Americans who are Foreign Sovereigns, not Sovereign Citizens.  


It's been over 160 years since we had actual Public Elections in this country, 160 years since we sent delegations of Fiduciary Deputies from all the States to our capitol in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  

It's also been that long since our American Federal Subcontractors sent delegations of properly informed Representatives to the Federal Capitol in Washington, DC. 

How are these poor vermin supposed to know that they lack any authority?  That they are just pawns in a play? That they are occupying foreign corporate offices and foisting them off as Public Offices? 

True, they have evinced neither good sense nor conscience in their roles.  True, they have created  gross public endangerment in the name of their profit seeking.  True, they have betrayed the best interests of this country and our people.  True, they are scum overall and their performances stink.... but.... are they "Public Officials" or merely imposters playing the role of Public Officials? 

Does this play-acting amount to Treason? Where do they incur the liability of Public Office, as they are occupying similarly-named private corporate offices instead? 

And as imposters or skilled actors, either one, do they have the liability commensurate with capital punishment?  

If JAG is actually arresting and imprisoning and executing all these politicians and bureaucrats, as a Justice, I have to ask --- on what grounds are these phonies being tried?  

They aren't "Public Officials" according to any definition of the words I am familiar with. 

They don't have a Public Bond or a Public Oath. 

And what "Enemy" are they aiding and abetting or colluding with for profit? 

Sure, corporations have "enemies" in the sense of rival corporations, selling different services and products, etc., but is it proper to style such commercial and political rivals as "Enemies" in the sense invoked throughout the War Powers Act, Title 50, of the Federal Code? 

It's more like gunning down a house cat and pretending it's a tiger. 

Slaughtering numerous nobodies and leaving the actual criminals intact doesn't serve anyone's best interests. And doesn't fulfill the duty owed to our government.  

Without an actual and properly declared war in evidence, it's difficult to see how anyone invokes Title 50 with a straight face.  

"Wars" against poverty, drugs, and general clueless ignorance are equally absurd, and "treason" based on such "wars" is even more ridiculous. 

Come to that, upon what basis in Law or Fact does Title 50 and its claim of "War Powers" rest?  No such war powers were ever granted to our Federal Subcontractors by the people of our States, so we naturally wonder upon what basis these undelegated "powers" can be presumed to exist? 

Should I stand up and start stamping my feet and claim that a mouse scampering across the toe of my shoe is an "emergency"?  And then, should I claim that I have "war powers" against this rodent, when it's not my rodent, not my house, and not even my shoe (it turns out it was borrowed)?  

And then, should I start screaming "Treason!" at the property manager I hired to maintain this vacant property? 

A rodent it may be.  Scum it may be.  A vaudeville comedian escaped from the silver screen maybe, or even an Agent of Darkness, but wherein do any of these characters owe the liability of treason?  

I suppose an actor, like John Wilkes Booth, could be charged with Treason if he killed an actual American President; but, what if he killed a man pretending to be our President, a man who was actually committing treason against our country and who was actually working for a foreign power -- in this case, British Territorial interests?  

Then, it is a Twisted Tale, and murder it may be, but not treason.  

History and logic provides that Abraham Lincoln, a Bar Attorney prohibited from holding our Presidential Office, usurped upon it and seemed to occupy our Public Office without actually doing so. 

Was he committing Treason? 

In what sense could our own British Territorial United States Government contractor be considered a foreign Enemy as contemplated under the War Powers Act? And if so, with whom were they colluding, as in aiding and abetting? 

Let's go back to Benedict Arnold.  He was a General in the Continental Army.  He betrayed his commission and oath.  He held the office and rank and wore the uniform. He betrayed his command and his commander in favor of England, a declared and recognized Enemy that he conspired with in exchange for payola. 

That is treason.  

But what in the murky swamp of the current day compares with that?  We have municipal and commercial corporations and their shareholder elections resulting in their corporation "Presidents" substituting themselves for our actual Public Elections and Public Officials --- so how can corporations pretend that their fisticuffs rise to the level of --or even address-- the issue of treason? 

If there is any treason to be had, it appears that it lies in the pretense that these private corporate elections are Public Elections and that these corporations are our government and that these elected corporation officers are "Public Officials". 

If so, which "public" do they serve?  And to whom and to which "public" do the JAG Officers owe their allegiance and service?  

Ours or theirs?  

They appear to be working on the HMS AMERICA and aiding and abetting incorporated entities that are bent on usurping against our actual government, while whacking and hanging all these petty civil servants who are working for other run amok corporations and accusing them of "treason".  

Treason implies betrayal of a lawful government, in this case, our lawful government, which presumes the existence of Public Officials capable of committing treason. 

Not that I am defending or weeping over the end of such "luminaries" as those reported among the dead at Gitmo, it's more a matter of plain old jurisprudence rearing its head. 

Treason requires: (1) Public Election of Public Officials or appointment of Commissioned Officers by duly elected Public Officials; (2) liability for the elected Public Offices and Commissions held under oath, bond, and/or public affirmation; (3) betrayal of that elected Public Office or Commission especially in collusion with Foreign Governments for monetary reward or emoluments. 

Henry Kissinger, George H.W. Bush, Colin Powell, and Norman Schwarzkopf being knighted by the late Queen--- knighthood from a foreign government is an emolument and payment from that foreign government for their service is monetary reward.

That is treason -- if these men ever occupied an American Government Office at all, but the facts indicate that they didn't; they only pretended to.

There are no Public Offices left in America, except in our State Assemblies and in a few stubborn Counties scattered across the landscape, holding on from days of yore, preventing any claim of exclusive legislative jurisdiction.  

God bless them forever.  They've held on, without even knowing why it was important. 

When we examine the Law and the Facts, there are no bonded Public Offices left and no Public Oaths of Office, either, related to our lawful government.   

All these jokers, first to last, working for either one or both of the Municipal Corporations located in the District of Columbia, or the various franchises thereof, are operating as Free Agents and the only sort of election they have endured is a private shareholder election sponsored by private political parties. 

And that's the logical limit of their liability, too. 

So I hate to throw cold water on those who are hot to trot and convict all these vermin of treason, but it is not possible to convict people of treason when they hold no liability for the crime. 

Unlawful conversion is the crime that they are guilty of, and that is a capital crime similar to cattle rustling; however, both the British Territorial United States and the Municipal United States Government are guilty of unlawful conversion against their loyal Employers, the clueless Americans. 

And both need forgiveness-- amnesty-- to survive this. 

Otherwise, we will be stuck with the nasty duty of arresting millions of people for pulling a giant Confidence Racket -- a Sting that most of them are unaware of-- and which in itself is not a capital crime and not treason. 

We will also be stuck prosecuting -- to the death -- a few thousand wiseguy masterminds, mainly old CIA and DIA spooks, like [Opium] Poppy Bush, crooked Generals, and worse Admirals, who thought they were really cute for sucking up to the Order of the Garter. 

These people aren't worth the effort and the blood and the karma; they aren't worth spitting on. 

It's far more important to nail their organizations to the barn door and foreclose their assets.  

Defund them and cut their access to all their money laundering bank partners and subsidiary corporation partners, like the United States Government, Inc. umbrella and all its brand-holder franchises--- the Department of Justice, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Bureau of Land Management, et alia, for starters.

Come on, America. Come on home, Mamas.  You got some real house cleaning to do. 

And it all comes down to you.


See this article and over 4500 others on Anna's website here:

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Answer to Australia and Everyone Else

 By Anna Von Reitz

We recorded our UCC claims against the parent companies and the franchises and against FRANCISCUS and QUEEN ELIZABETH II, etc., which includes all the Australia, Inc and AUSTRALIA, INC. franchises, which were all set up under our "vacated" government --- a nice hole for swamp rats and swindlers and squatters to inhabit, but not populate, which is the crucial understanding.  

All you have to do, is get your own people declared, recorded, and published on the land and soil --- and you can do that via the Global Family Land Recording and Publishing System or via publication in local newspapers and bulletin boards --- any means by which you can reasonably serve Public Notice of your chosen political status --- and boot up your customary Assemblies to take charge of things. 

As soon as we have a lawful government operated by the living people and their Lawful Persons in Australia, we are more than willing and ready to bequeath the assets of these corporations to you and in the meantime, are setting up the Global Family accounts for everyone individually, which should help a great deal in getting the Assemblies settled. 

Each one of you has a dual interest in assets there in Australia -- there is all your private stuff, your land and homes and businesses, and all your public stuff -- parks, roads, docks, arsenals, etc., that actually belong to you.  

Whether you know it or not, you operate under your own Lawful Name when it comes to claiming these private and public assets for your benefit--- and this Lawful Name looks exactly like the British Territorial Legal Name.  

The Lawful Name Andrew Wilfred Right looks exactly the same as the Legal Name Andrew Wilfred Right. 

This is how they have confused things and made it appear that you were choosing to live as a British Territorial and be subject to all their demands, versus choosing to live as Australian Nationals with no such obligations. 

They can only get away with it as long as you remain asleep and fail to declare and record and publish your actual choice of political status. 

When you make it clear that you are operating in your Lawful capacity, it's game over. 

The only reason we claimed everything is that the rats are our debtors and so, we claimed their assets and the assets of their franchises, too, which includes those corporations that had stolen title to all your assets, also.  

We haven't done this to steal anything from anyone at all.  We've done it to get our own nuggies out of the wringer and claiming everything was all we could do at the time --- so, get everyone up to date on what has happened, have everyone claim their birthright estate as Australians, inheritors of the land and soil of Australia and all other derivative interests on sea and in the air as well. 

No need to do anything with UCC, because we already claimed everything and threw it into two trusts, one public, one private --- and so, it's just a matter of dealing with us to get your assets assigned back to you and your lawful government. 

The same applies to all other impacted countries, peoples, and lawful governments. 

Please note: most of the people on this planet have been reduced to being defined as "humans" and when that wasn't enough, have been further denigrated and redefined as Genetically Modified Organisms upon being "vaccinated" and are deemed to be owned by corporate patent holders.  

This gross enslavement scheme has impacted most of the countries and the living people, who are in fact the owners and underwriters of all these renegade corporations.  

Anyway, no need to worry and fret about all the legalistic nonsense.  We did the work and have your backs and are just waiting for the rest of you to wake  up and declare your proper political status as living people and Lawful Persons known as Australians, Japanese, Italians, Germans, Poles, and so on. 

As soon as you get yourselves properly declared you can enjoy the return of your seized-upon assets and credit --- and as soon as you boot up your traditional and customary government for the land and soil jurisdiction, you can get back control of your public assets, too.  

So don't let the screen door hit your rump on the way out to let the phony British Territorial "government" corporation know that you are home again and in your right mind and ready to receive back everything they stole from you, plus interest. 

Anna Maria


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