By Anna Von Reitz
The essence of the First Fraud against Americans is that when we say "United States" we are using the original meaning of the words --- as in "the states united under The Unanimous Declaration of Independence" --- but when THEY, the Federales, say "United States" they are always referring to some version of the Federal United States, Territorial United States, or Municipal United States. They don't know or don't allow that any other version of "United States" exists, until you haul out the actual Declaration of Independence and rub their noses in it.
When my Mother repudiated their claims, she very clearly enunciated exactly what she meant by "United States" versus what THEY meant by "United States". She also tackled the word "citizen" and pointed out that Americans live in state republics and that we can either function as "nationals" of those republics and have no official duties or we can act as "State Citizens" when we occupy a public office and work for one of our state republics. And in no case do the state republics allow Dual Citizenship. Put a big star by that fact. So far as our state republics are concerned, you are either for us or against us. No wishy-washy. You are an American or you are not.