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Wednesday, December 20, 2023

International Public Notice Regarding Neil Keenan

 By Anna Von Reitz

To the best of my knowledge and belief, Neil Keenan is dead, or in some kind of captivity, for roughly the last two years. 

My acquaintance with Neil Keenan, the elected "Amanah" for the Indonesian gold holders, began in late 2010 - early 2011, when he was pursuing a recoupment action seeking the return of Chinese gold deposits from the New York Fed. 

The Chinese Nationalist Government had deposited the gold with the New York Fed in the late 1920's under a safe haven agreement; the New York Fed agreed to deliver appropriate annual interest on the account.  

Subsequently the Chinese Nationalist Government was overwhelmed in the Chinese Communist Revolution and for the next 83 years, the New York Fed used the Chinese gold assets and didn't pay a penny of interest.  They did not yield the agreed upon interest and they did not return the principal. 

The suit Neil Keenan brought sought to heal this considerable injustice to the Chinese people and return the gold whence it had come -- back to China, where it obviously belonged despite any political concerns. 

The continued stonewalling and heel-dragging by the New York Fed was all the more problematic, as our country had for some years been on friendly terms with China and China was a major trading partner. 

The Chinese had begun by simply asking for the interest in arrears on the account, and had been refused satisfaction on that.  Then, they sought the withdrawal of the principal as the depository contract was in default.  This reasonable request was also refused.  It was at that point that Neil brought his substantive case in support of the Chinese Government regarding this matter in the Western District Court of New York.   

After reading his brief, I agreed with him and his position as a matter of human decency and justice. It was never the New York Fed's gold and that much was absolutely certain; the gold came from China and needed to go back to China in our view. 

If our positions were reversed, we would not expect the Chinese Central Bank to welch on interest payments or refuse to return the principal of the account after breach of a depository contract. 

As a result of this landmark international battle, Neil and I became friends and correspondents as I was working on cleaning up the banks here and in Europe and he was similarly working to promote lawful banking, fair trade, prosecution of obstruction of trade, and similar issues in the Eastern Hemisphere. 

After a decade of friendly communications and sharing of mutual concerns and interests and frequent threats on both sides to meet face to face, Neil suddenly went silent. I never heard from him again, and there was no apparent reason for any disconnect. 

I made numerous attempts to contact him off and on and the emails were never returned, but also never answered; I can only surmise that one of the frequent attempts to poison him or kill him with a heart attack drug succeeded, and his staff has kept his loss a secret in hopes of preserving his life's work and the relationships that he worked so hard to build among  people and nations. 

To my certain knowledge, Neil Keenan was a visionary, a proponent of honest money and fair-dealing in the American tradition, and an astute observer of institutional criminality in the banking industry.  He fought this criminality with determination and pugnacity for many years. 

I was approached recently to affirm that Neil is alive and well, but unfortunately, I have been unable to do so. Unless other knowledgeable friends and acquaintances, such as Benjamin Fulford, can account for him, I have to presume he's dead or locked down, or so ill that he cannot correspond. 

Issued by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
                  The United States of America
                   In care of: Box 520994
                   Big Lake, Alaska 99652

December 19th 2023 


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International Public Notice from the American Fiduciary

None of the corporations, including the banks, have paid anything at all toward any bill or charge whatsoever since the Federal Reserve System began in 1913. 

That's how they have run up such a horrendous "U.S. National Debt".  

In order to pay for something you have to have actual asset-backed money to pay it with.  

Nobody has been able to pay a debt with money in this country, unless they individually undertook to do so using the remaining United States Silver Dollars, since 1913. 

That means that everything -- absolutely everything -- that the commercial banks in this country have promoted for 110 years is trading in the equivalent of casino chips having no value or validity outside the casino. 

And if you use fantasy money you also create fantasy debt. 

As a result, the banks have no position on anything.  

They never owned the assets that they borrowed against.  They never owned the credit generated from the assets, either.  

They never paid anyone anything at all, and as their own paperwork fully establishes, they were lienholders pretending to work for the victims of this outrageous scam.  

So enough of the bunko and BS.  Nobody is falling for it anymore. 

We have a General Jurisdiction concurrent decision issued in Minnesota in 1968 and equality under the law guarantees our right to enforce it in every corner of America. It's on our Public Record and it concludes that the First National Bank of Montgomery didn't loan Jerome Daley anything of value so as to obtain any valid interest in his property.  

We also have proof of the unlawful conversion of millions upon millions of Americans' political status using undisclosed and unconscionable registration processes aimed at secretly subjecting them as babies for purposes of abuse under foreign law, which is a capital crime. 

We have proof that this impersonation was used to evade the constitutional obligations of the courts and the banks owed to these same Americans. 

We are the Protected Ones, not the members of the British Territorial U.S. Congress.  

So, if the banks want to be shut down and bankrupted and disgraced, we are prepared and willing to do it to them. They deserve it. 

If not, they need to drop all pretenses, beg clemency, and accept lawful conversion, which is the only way they can overcome their insurmountable debt. 

Issued by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
                  The United States of America
                   In care of: Box 520994
                   Big Lake, Alaska 99652

December 19th 2023


See this article and over 4500 others on Anna's website here:

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The Banks Were Never the Owners

 By Anna Von Reitz

The banks were nothing but lienholders on "house loans" and "car loans" and have no basis for any valid claims whatsoever. 


Because they didn't loan us anything but our own credit, and they took undisclosed and inequitable amounts of credit based on our assets. 

The banks are going down for it and they will not survive this without agreeing to lawful conversion. 


No worries. 

That may be what they plan, but it is not what they've sown --- and they will reap what they have sown. 

Anna Maria


See this article and over 4500 others on Anna's website here:

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For the Assemblies - About Commercial Liens - UCC

 By Anna Von Reitz

Stop wasting time and energy posting all these "Notices" and writing up all these UCC liens.  There's no point in doing it.

All the American property has been extracted. The liens on behalf of the States and people have been cured for several years, and rolled over into public and private trusts for each one of you. 

There is a reason I never taught anyone to do any of the commercial stuff and it's because it's already done. 

All you have to do is come forward, make your declarations, establish your Bilateral Bank accounts, publish your land patents and away you go. 

If you have damage claims resulting from court actions, you will be able to make them against the court case number -- which is a bond, and against the already cured and monetized ABA Lien. 

So you are all just wasting your time on learning all this commercial bunko and not getting the actual urgent job done --- which is setting up your own courts of General Jurisdiction and putting these shyster courts out of business. 

I am sick of hearing the sob stories from coast to coast, from parking tickets to evictions and foreclosures and child theft to divorce and false arrests --- I have heard it all.  And more.  

The fact remains that you have a clear pathway to put an end to the Carpetbagger Courts once and for all, but you aren't doing jack-diddly toward solving the actual problem while you are chasing your tails around filing commercial liens that don't need to be filed.

Also, this idiot film, "The Great Taking" has everyone stirred up because the banks are claiming to be the owners of property that has already paid off and no longer has a mortgage on it.  

What you aren't understanding about this is that the banks were never the owners of any of this.  They were nothing but lienholders and the liens were satisfied. If they come snooping around trying to pull anything like this on you, remind them of their true status and the fact that you never had a contract with them and they never paid you anything. 

Not even the credit they owed you. 

Anna Maria


See this article and over 4500 others on Anna's website here:

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